Tanks and artillery against a civilian population does not look good to the rest of the world.?

Israel Orders 'Impossible' 24-Hour Gaza Evacuation

Oct 13, 2023 — Israel warns northern Gaza residents to leave, tells U.N. 1.1 million residents should evacuate within 24 hours - CBS News.

The Israeli order gave 24 hours for more than 1 million people, nearly half of Gaza's population, to evacuate.
Did the Palestinians give the Israelis any warning on Oct. 7 when 3000 savages invaded Israel’s borders and barbarically murdered 1400 Israelis other nationalities? Or perhaps they warn Israelis right before the animals lobb their rockets into kindergartens. Can you name one instance where Palestinians acted like human beings when attacking Israelis or at least according to international law?
Which brings up another false narrative being perpetrated by the world media.

Hamas is estimated, minus current losses, to have approximately 30,000 members.

Gaza has 3.5 million people.

Are we to believe that 30k terrorists can hold 3.5 million people at bay?

Why doesn't the world drop leaflets into Gaza and tell the civilians that at an appointed time on any specified day, to leave their homes and rush toward the border of Gaza? If Hamas tries to get in the way, kill them.

That is if these civilians are "innocent".

Far fewer of them will die in a battle with Hamas than being shields for Hamas.
Yes and Israel does drop leaflets warning of an impending Israeli bombing. Even going so far as to drop munitions free 'bombs' on buildings to 'knock' and warn of an eminent attack. Hamas does none of that.
Which brings up another false narrative being perpetrated by the world media.

Hamas is estimated, minus current losses, to have approximately 30,000 members.

Gaza has 3.5 million people.

Are we to believe that 30k terrorists can hold 3.5 million people at bay?

Why doesn't the world drop leaflets into Gaza and tell the civilians that at an appointed time on any specified day, to leave their homes and rush toward the border of Gaza? If Hamas tries to get in the way, kill them.

That is if these civilians are "innocent".

Far fewer of them will die in a battle with Hamas than being shields for Hamas.
Gaza residents need to kill their Hamas and then beg the world for forgiveness.
In fairness Palestinians shouldn’t be whining and asking for ceasefires after what what they did in Oct 7.

The international community is whining and asking for a cease fire so they can get aid in.
There is no Gazan in any of this. it is Hamas.
Who do you reckon fills out the membership of Hamas?
At any point, Hamas can declare Gaza an Open City, and just leave. This isn't the Bataan Peninsula. They can bail to Egypt through all their tunnels. Hell most might have already done that.
There are not Hundreds of Pakis and Somalis and Saudis and Egyptians fighting for Hamas in Gaza
The world sees an Israeli IDF force using Tanks and dropping bombs on a civilian population. This is what I see when I watch the evening news broadcast.!?I see many dead Palestinians men women and children.!!?? I don't see the IDF engaging direct military targets with Tanks and soldiers.?!This has been a global news media catastrophe for the Israeli government?!!?.
You're an idiot.
I have been watching this Israeli Palestinian issue now for many years. The thing that keeps coming up in my mind is, how long will the government of Israel continue to claim self defense, by using Tanks and droping bombs on a civilian population in the Gaza strip and West Bank? This looks like a complete slaughter of innocent civilians on the television news every night?. I know many say that Israel has a right to defend themselves. But I do not see the Palestinians with Tanks, or with any aircraft.? Do the Israelis know how this all looks to the rest of the world.?!
The world has woken up.

The world is watching.
The world has woken up.

The world is watching.

Indeed, the world is watching the war closely, and the Hamas mobs on their streets,
the majority is quietly considering what should be the preferred treatment of the filth.

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Indeed, the world is watching the war closely, and the Hamas mobs on their streets,
the majority is quietly considering what should be the preferred treatment of the filth.

Israel=peace ?


I have been watching this Israeli Palestinian issue now for many years. The thing that keeps coming up in my mind is, how long will the government of Israel continue to claim self defense, by using Tanks and droping bombs on a civilian population in the Gaza strip and West Bank? This looks like a complete slaughter of innocent civilians on the television news every night?. I know many say that Israel has a right to defend themselves. But I do not see the Palestinians with Tanks, or with any aircraft.? Do the Israelis know how this all looks to the rest of the world.?!

Do the Israelis know how this all looks to the rest of the world.?!

Looks like you shouldn't fuck with Israel.

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