Tapping Into Untapped Constituencies


Sep 23, 2010
Remember when George Stephanopoulos said Hillary running for the US Senate was a joke? He was right. She was a joke in the Senate. She was downright hilarious as secretary of state. She’ll be a tragedy as president.

Sensible Democrats are getting nervous about Hillary Clinton’s chance of winning the general election, but they are stuck with her unless a white knight gallops to the rescue pretty soon. The best part for the country is that she is getting wackier. Even better, wacko-bird never stops giving. Now she is reaching for a constituency on the bottom of the barrel:


Clinton — Scully — Mulder​

No, we’re not talking about families wandering in from Tijuana, we’re talking about little green men who come to Earth to slaughter our cattle and probe us in our sleep.

Don’t worry, though. Hillary Clinton is aware of your concerns and - if elected president - she’s going to “get to the bottom” of the government’s UFO cover-up.


Phew. I feel safer already. Here I was, thinking that the next President should spend their time killing ISIS goons and fixing the VA, or devising a better set of mental health policies. I was totally overlooking the space-alien dilemma. ...And yes, I get that she’s half-joking. But remember, longtime UFO enthusiast John Podesta is the chairman of Hillary’s 2016 campaign. On his last day at the White House, Podesta famously tweeted: “Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files.”

Now it looks like he’s made it clear that, politically speaking, “aliens” are where it’s at. He seems pretty excited that Hillary will be getting to the truth about Area 51.

Hillary promises to investigate aliens if elected - the ones from space, not Mexico
By Robert Laurie
January 4, 2016

Hillary promises to investigate aliens if elected - the ones from space, not Mexico

If Hillary is not going after the little-green-men constituency, she is surely going to tie space aliens to the United Nation in order to reel in Trekkies.


Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock were plugging the UN? Many of the old Star Trek episodes dealt with omnipotent entities, or were just plain silly. However, those storylines involving the Klingons, or the Romulans, always ended with Captain Jerk and Mr. Crock bringing off Peace Without Victory. There was never an all-out war with a winner and a loser that I'm aware of. Sometimes it became necessary to blast an enemy vessel or two; so long as Mr. Crock's infallible logic was never impugned.

Star Trek was loaded with numerous subliminal propaganda references to the United Nations. None more obvious than the flag of the all-supreme United Federation of Planets. Clearly, a visual way of planting the United Nations in impressionable young minds.

It was no secret that the Star Trek flag was based on the UN flag.



I wonder how many then-young Trekkies —— now, well into their middle-age —— realize how shamelessly they were brainwashed?

Finally, dingbats should not to be confused with space nerds:



Trekkies rejoice: New ‘Star Trek’ stamps are coming in 2016
By Andrea Peterson December 31, 2015

Trekkies rejoice: New ‘Star Trek’ stamps are coming in 2016
Kasich is a better choice than Hillary and far preferable to the Donald, but even the Donald is far superior to Cruz.
Kasich is a better choice than Hillary and far preferable to the Donald,
To JakeStarkey: Kasich should be trying for the Democrat party nomination. He would do better there than he is doing as an establishment Republican.
but even the Donald is far superior to Cruz.
To JakeStarkey: Nobody is better for true conservatives and the country than Ted Cruz. He is the one wannabe that makes the establishment tremble more than anyone else. See this thread:

Karl Rove’s Republicans and Democrats can live with Trump, but they will not live with Ted Cruz.

U.S. Prime Grade Horse Manure | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Kasich is a true Republican and authentic conservative with a proven track record.

Trump and Cruz are lovers of cultural mccarthyism.
Kasich is a true Republican and authentic conservative with a proven track record.
To JakeStarkey: Indeed, he is a true Republican with the media’s definition of a conservative record.
Trump and Cruz are lovers of cultural mccarthyism.
To JakeStarkey: Not a bad place to be since Senator McCarthy was proved right.

You are either lying, or you do not know the truth. No matter. These videos are for younger Americans so they can learn the truth about the McCarthyism boogeyman:

McCarthy was an alcoholic demagogue who tried to tear down civil liberties and failed. His own party pulled him down.

I know Glenn personally, and he is a neat guy.

However, his political mishmash of Mormon constitutionalism (check out Cleon Skousen), the Freemen Institute, and the John Birch Society is gibberish.
Who can beat Hillary Clinton in the general election is no longer fodder for pollsters and media mouths:

“I believe that the evidence that the FBI is compiling will be so compelling that, unless [Lynch] agrees to the charges, there will be a massive revolt inside the FBI, which she will not be able to survive as an attorney general. It will be like Watergate. It will be unbelievable.”

Hillary Will Be Indicted, Says Former US Attorney
Mark Tapscott
11:41 AM 01/07/2016

Hillary Will Be Indicted, Says Former US Attorney
Tapscott is wrong.

But if she were, for whatever reason, to leave the race, Biden would step in and clobber any Pub other a Kasich Rubio ticket.
jwoodie is chasing his tail again.


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I love how RWNJ's just pull stuff out of their ass and convince themselves it's true, like the OP's bullshit claim that "sensible Democrats are worried about Hillary's chances of winning."

There isn't a Democrat in sight who doesn't think she can't kick Donald Trump's ignorant ass.
Kasich is a better choice than Hillary and far preferable to the Donald,
To JakeStarkey: Kasich should be trying for the Democrat party nomination. He would do better there than he is doing as an establishment Republican.
but even the Donald is far superior to Cruz.
To JakeStarkey: Nobody is better for true conservatives and the country than Ted Cruz. He is the one wannabe that makes the establishment tremble more than anyone else. See this thread:

Karl Rove’s Republicans and Democrats can live with Trump, but they will not live with Ted Cruz.

U.S. Prime Grade Horse Manure | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The entire Cruz family are mentally ill kooks

Ted Cruz's Father Suggested His Son Is 'Anointed' to Bring About 'End Time Transfer of Wealth'

Ted Cruz's Father Suggested His Son Is 'Anointed' to Bring About 'End Time Transfer of Wealth'

Creepy Business - Ted Cruz Father: My Son "Annointed" To "Take Control of Society"..
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"sensible Democrats are worried about Hillary's chances of winning."

There isn't a Democrat in sight who doesn't think she can't kick Donald Trump's ignorant ass.
To Interpol: Do some research. She might not even get the nomination. She is so bad that two losers, a guy who was never right about anything in his entire life, and a counterfeit Indian are looking good to establishment Democrats:


Big-Name Plan B’s for Democrats Concerned About Hillary Clinton


Gore has to run on environmental horseshit. Kerry has to run on his record as secretary of state. Biden has nothing to run on so he has to run on the lying sack of shit’s record. Elizabeth “Cherokee” Warren will run on thin air.

Incidentally, aside from the far-left wing, how many Democrats consider Bernie Sanders worthy? Answer: None. (It’s gotta be a bitch when you are deemed less worthy than Hillary Clinton.)
Flanders is chasing his tail. No Dem thinks Trump has a snowball's chance in hell in beating HRC.

We in the GOP need to reject DT as soon as possible, and work on nominating a Kasich Rubio ticket.
No Dem thinks Trump has a snowball's chance in hell in beating HRC.
To JakeStarkey: Most Democrats know that Hillary cannot win. Indeed, they already know that 2016 ain’t their year. So they are quietly praying that she goes away —— and soon. They can then vote for any Republican except Ted Cruz.

By the way, Trump’s national numbers are so high because Democrats are tipping the polls in his favor. Reason: Democrats expect to nail President Trump with the same old bipartisan garbage that got the country in so much trouble. That is not going to work with Cruz and a Republican Congress.

We in the GOP need to reject DT as soon as possible, and work on nominating a Kasich Rubio ticket.
To JakeStarkey: Are you pushing Rubio because you know that conservatives will not vote for any ticket with Rubio on it?

Your boy Kasich is so far gone he thinks making a move on Jeb Bush will save him.

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Flanders, Dems know that HRC can beat Trump like drum.

I am listening to Trump being interviewed by Chuck Todd, and my very right-wing brother in law is saying that Trump can't get 40% of the total vote.

My bil is right, you are wrong.

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