Zone1 The needs of the one or the needs of the many

I am discussing the matter to get a lot of input. Because these are not easy questions and they do illustrate how conflicted we can be because none of us see every issue in the same way.
I dont understand the conflict of protecting women and young girls from those that pose a threat,,
I dont understand the conflict of protecting women and young girls from those that pose a threat,,
Those who demand that transgendered women use public restrooms labeled for women don't think there is unreasonable risk. Or that the risk exists anyway so why single out transgendered people for exclusion? The feelings of the women or the fear of the children don't matter. Just that we do what is 'woke' and therefore PC and mandatory.
Those who demand that transgendered women use public restrooms labeled for women don't think there is unreasonable risk. Or that the risk exists anyway so why single out transgendered people for exclusion? The feelings of the women or the fear of the children don't matter. Just that we do what is 'woke' and therefore PC and mandatory.
fuck PC,,

and a trans women is not a women,,

in some cases like blair white thats lives a full on life as a women and you cant even tell is one thing,,

but hairy bob from down the street that just puts on a dress with a full beard should not only be denied but beaten to death of he tries to enter,,
The able bodied guy has 5 minutes to complete a critical transaction and there are no parking places except for five empty handicapped spots.
As the old saying goes, poor planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on my part.

There was once a hard core policy that immigrants would see to it that they learned the language at their own expense or else they didn't come here. What rule of ethics gives that immigrant the right to my money? And how much of my money is he/she entitled?
Would you like to go back before the days of public schools too? Society benefits from an educated citizenry, consider your money as being invested in the future.

When my minor daughter or granddaughter is alone in a public restroom with a transgendered woman who is actually a man, private bathroom stalls don't help a whole lot.
Seems like that transgendered woman making trouble for your granddaughter would be a pretty rare occurrence. If she is just uncomfortable, that is on her since she might be just as uncomfortable if a group of Black woman were there.

Her family has occupied her home for five generations, and the property includes the burial sites of her loved ones. What public need overrides her right to that property?
A school, a hospital, a factory that creates jobs, etc.

Who gets to decide whether that art work pushes religion on another person?
A court I guess, but the onus would be on the complainant to show that some art work pushes religion and somehow harms them and that would be tough. On the other hand, religious art should not be publicly funded.
As the old saying goes, poor planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on my part.

Would you like to go back before the days of public schools too? Society benefits from an educated citizenry, consider your money as being invested in the future.

Seems like that transgendered woman making trouble for your granddaughter would be a pretty rare occurrence. If she is just uncomfortable, that is on her since she might be just as uncomfortable if a group of Black woman were there.

A school, a hospital, a factory that creates jobs, etc.

A court I guess, but the onus would be on the complainant to show that some art work pushes religion and somehow harms them and that would be tough. On the other hand, religious art should not be publicly funded.
Thank you for your input. It's very 'woke' and for the most part offers no rationale but the 'woke' point of view, but it is your input.
Could you please put it in simple English so that this simple soul can understand what you are saying?
I could only say it in a more complex way. But if you insist. As an organism, the primary drive for survival is procreation, and seeing the subsequent gens make it to procreation, so that your genetic component is still in play. When that music stops... The line, from the beginning of life, up till that moment is at an end. All those lives become merely anecdotal, and have no part in the future of life.
In the past year, as a dedicated Trekkie, one gift I much enjoyed was a collection of all the Star Trek movies. The movies, as was the television series, are not just pure entertainment but generally contain thought provoking concepts and issues that make us think. At least some of us.

The character Spock, a Vulcan, dedicated to the concept of Kohlinar which eradicates all emotion and self awareness with pure reason, logic, intellect, held to the concept of 'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one'. In Star Trek II, he sacrifices himself to deadly radiation poisoning to repair the warp drive on the space ship so that Captain Kirk and the rest of the crew could escape an equally deadly situation.

For Spock, the needs of the many outweighed the needs of the one.

Then, with some movie engineering, the writers managed to find a way to revive Spock which became known to the crew. Defying orders from Starfleet Command, Kirk and crew broke more than a dozen rules and regulations sufficient to destroy their respective careers when they set out on a mission to find and rescue Spock. Which they did.

For the crew of the Enterprise, the needs of the one outweighed the needs of the many.

That dichotomy exists throughout the human condition.
I fail to see a dichotomy there.

One could say the needs of the many, were the needs of the Crew to rescue Spock. Needs.

The rest of your OP lives in the duality of the Judeo-Christian world. The tree of good and evil?
I could only say it in a more complex way. But if you insist. As an organism, the primary drive for survival is procreation, and seeing the subsequent gens make it to procreation, so that your genetic component is still in play. When that music stops... The line, from the beginning of life, up till that moment is at an end. All those lives become merely anecdotal, and have no part in the future of life.
Perhaps. So is that another way of saying that neither the needs of the many nor the needs of the one matter in the grand scheme of things?
The USA was not founded on "individual unalienable rights." Myths
Well the Declaration of Independence that formed the foundation for the Constitution and the other founding documents strongly disagree with you. And they should help us come to a conclusion as to when the needs of the many and when the needs of the one become the most important consideration.
That is logical and reasonable. EXCEPT the argument is that most trannys do not put women at any increased risk and women's feelings re privacy are not important enough to consider while the tranny's feelings are paramount. So to accommodate the non dangerous tranny, women will just have to be uncomfortable and at higher risk from those that are not so harmless.

That's the reasoning. But is it logical? Beneficial?
Really.....trannies rape at will in women's prisond

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