Zone1 The needs of the one or the needs of the many

Really.....trannies rape at will in women's prisond
There does seem to be some evidence of that but those who champion the needs of the few over the many do not want to hear about that or think about it or see it or believe it.
Does anybody have a good formula to use to determine that?
There is a great difference between a need and a want or desire. Let's summarily dismiss all wants an individual says the society should provide them. "Needs" should be specifically defined and limited to life and death.
There is a great difference between a need and a want or desire. Let's summarily dismiss all wants an individual says the society should provide them. "Needs" should be specifically defined and limited to life and death.
I think needs include more than just life and death. The need for companionship, love, affection, to have purpose/value, etc. and all that varies from individual to individual.

We learned from COVID lockdowns that isolation from the companionship of their friends creates depression and other mental disturbances in children.

The illustration of the young prisoner with a visible and correctable deformity I mentioned earlier to me falls into the category of need in order to be more socially acceptable. But I have a much harder time seeing a person's choice to transgender as a need that should be the responsibility of society to either make happen or accommodate.

The dichotomy continues.
Depends on who the many, or "one" are...
Which is what this thread is about. I just get a bit frustrated with those who insist on conversing figuratively on in their own special code that others are expected to figure out. That's just me.
Thank you for your input. It's very 'woke' and for the most part offers no rationale but the 'woke' point of view, but it is your input.
I thought I offered a rationale for each. Which are you unclear about?
Which is what this thread is about. I just get a bit frustrated with those who insist on conversing figuratively on in their own special code that others are expected to figure out. That's just me.
There's no code. I couldn't have said it plainer...
I thought I offered a rationale for each. Which are you unclear about?
Nope you just stated a list of opinions. A rationale is an explanation for why you hold an opinion.
I think needs include more than just life and death. The need for companionship, love, affection, to have purpose/value, etc. and all that varies from individual to individual.
Babies/children who are not given companionship, love, and affection fail to thrive. Who interferes with these things not given to the young?

During Covid, it were some governments that interfered with people and their communities. No church, no schools, no office work, etc. Government decided they would protect the "needs" of the few, ignoring the needs of the many.
Babies/children who are not given companionship, love, and affection fail to thrive. Who interferes with these things not given to the young?

During Covid, it were some governments that interfered with people and their communities. No church, no schools, no office work, etc. Government decided they would protect the "needs" of the few, ignoring the needs of the many.
I know that. I would support resources to be sure that babies and children who don't have parents to provide companionship, love, affection are provided that by others. In that case, to me, the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many.

I don't know what rationale was used to justify draconian lockdowns that did nothing whatsoever to slow or minimize the virus but harmed children and families, devastated small businesses, and crashed a booming economy.
I know that. I would support resources to be sure that babies and children who don't have parents to provide companionship, love, affection are provided that by others. In that case, to me, the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many.
I am against supporting "resources". We are the resource, the people closest to the problem or the need.
I am against supporting "resources". We are the resource, the people closest to the problem or the need.
Resources are the naturally occurring elements of the Earth, how those are utilized, what we earn and what we are able to have from what we earn as well as the labor, gifts, aptitude, talents, knowledge, creativity, intellect of the people. But if we do not 'support' the production of/availability of food, shelter, energy, other necessities of life, they won't happen at all. If nobody buys the wheat the farmer grows the farmer will stop growing wheat.

The sticky wicket is how much power is given the government to possess and/or control the production of/availability of resources as well as how much the government is allowed to possess and control the people.

Ultimately we get back to whether the needs of the one or the needs of the many will have those resources and how and by whom that will that be determined.
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You said, 'except for the fact that trannies might be a threat to children I'm for them 100 percent'.
how about you explain why first you changed my words and then left out part of what I said and are now running away from explaining your dishonest actions??

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