Tarantino’s new film, "Django", uses the word “******” 108 times

So, walk up to a group of young, black gentlemen and call each and every one of them that....since you are saying it doesnt mean anything to them. Let us know how that turned out.

Never a problem for me. And I am very very very white. And I have crossed most of North America. I'm a pale face.

In the south and I do love this phrase when you figure out a real problem in your house hold, you say you ****** rigged it.

It's the best compliment you can give.

American blacks who have risen in D ranks are the most racist people on the planet.I've never met the like. Racist to the core.

Hell's bells American blacks wont even recognize that the first slaves in America were Irish children that Cromwell shipped over.


Again since the Irish slaves went to the West Indies, apparently TD used the phrase "in America" in the greater continental sense of "the Americas". Which would make TD's chronology, as well as the idea of the "Dutch Jews", doubly wrong since the slave trade in Brazil (1550s) preceded both the West Indies (1650s) and what is now the US (1619). That's where slave traffic to the Americas begins: Portugal, shipping them to Brazil.

Everyone I know told me how great a movie it was, so I saw it, and was very unimpressed. QT sucks.
Everyone I know told me how great a movie it was, so I saw it, and was very unimpressed. QT sucks.

Since it's not about the real Django, I'm not even interested. Cheap title trick.
You see, it is perfectly alright for Spike Lee to use ****** in any context he wishes and it's not racist. Does equality say it's okay for a black person to say ****** but it is absolutely wrong for any one else to say it. That is equality in America.
I have got some news, to say someone can do something because of their race and someone of any other race can't do it. To say that one race can say or do something that other races are not allowed to do is the definition of racisism. Eat on that Spike Malcom Lee X. Now for someone else to say the word ******, well that's racist
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I will not stop saying ****** until I don't hear the words honky or cracker any more. Tit for tat.
I just saw Django. What a badass movie. I'm sure usage of the world ****** makes quite a few white people real uncomfortable. They might even call the movie "un-American" because of how uncomfortable it makes them feel. But that's just remarkably telling.

We have an awful history in this country, and while Django was certainly fictional, real awful shit went down and a whole hell of a lot of real awful white people existed.

They were sorry excuses for Americans. Django gives you a little bit of satisfaction in seeing fictional versions of those types of characters blown to shit.
I just saw Django. What a badass movie. ..... Django gives you a little bit of satisfaction in seeing fictional versions of those types of characters blown to shit.


You do realize that the movie was about fictional characters, right?

I like Tarantino, but Django was no more historically accurate than "Kill Bill."

If you think this is the only portrayal of cruel whites, then I guess you've been under a rock most of your life: Rent "Roots," or see any movie made in the past 50 years about blacks in the USA.
The movie is about a slave owner in the south before the Civil War. So to maintain correct era dialouge in the movie; the word ****** is liberally used. The use of the word ****** is historically accurate and apropo for the time period.

But another film maker Spike Lee says that it's just blatant racism and has no place in the movie.

Agree or disagree? :cool:

Mark Twain would disagree, I think, with Lee.
Republicans use the word millions of times every day I'm sure. To sit there and gleefully count the number of times it's said pretty much proves it.
The movie is about a slave owner in the south before the Civil War.

So to maintain correct era dialouge in the movie; the word ****** is liberally used.

The use of the word ****** is historically accurate and apropo for the time period.

But another film maker Spike Lee says that it's just blatant racism and has no place in the movie.

Agree or disagree? :cool:

How many times is the N word used in the Whiite House every day by the Secret Service and the military charged to watch over this first family of fools?

about the same amount of times you hear ignorant asshole in your life....

"N word"? lol does your wife make you sit down and pee?
I just saw Django. What a badass movie. ..... Django gives you a little bit of satisfaction in seeing fictional versions of those types of characters blown to shit.


You do realize that the movie was about fictional characters, right?

I like Tarantino, but Django was no more historically accurate than "Kill Bill."

If you think this is the only portrayal of cruel whites, then I guess you've been under a rock most of your life: Rent "Roots," or see any movie made in the past 50 years about blacks in the USA.

Yanno................I wonder how many times the word "******" was used in the Roots miniseries?
How many times did Spike Lee use the word ******? I read Samuel Clemens AKA Mark Twain use the same word a zillion amount of times, I also hear blacks using the same word so? It doesn’t mean ANYYHING anymore except pretend to shock liberal white people. Get over it.

So, walk up to a group of young, black gentlemen and call each and every one of them that....since you are saying it doesnt mean anything to them. Let us know how that turned out.
Borrowing on your scenario, just walking up to a group of Black men and calling them ******* is asking for an ass-kicking -- which would be well-deserved.

But I have a problem with the idea that it's okay for Blacks to presumptuously forbid Whites to use that word academically or in any way other than a direct personal insult. Because no one has the right to make authoritative demands on the vocabulary of others
The movie is about a slave owner in the south before the Civil War.

So to maintain correct era dialouge in the movie; the word ****** is liberally used.

The use of the word ****** is historically accurate and apropo for the time period.

But another film maker Spike Lee says that it's just blatant racism and has no place in the movie.

Agree or disagree? :cool:

Haven't seen the film, but from what I've heard....whites are justifiably painted "negatively" in the film. For that, I excuse the overuse of the word, in lieu of whites being depicted accurately as "vile", in context.

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