Target is banning books. Time for the Bud Light treatment.

Book banning is done by governments, schools, libraries.

Target simply not to stock a particular book.

There’s literally millions of books that target does not sell. Are they all “banned” as well?

And those books aren't sold because they are old, not much public interest, not things an average target shopper would buy, not mainstream enough, etc.

But, target also sells a whole lot of stuff online that they don't have room for in stores. According their website 400,000 books can be bought online. So there is no reason it can't be sold online.

But target said they won't sell it because it might offend some people with the title. So that effectively means they banned the book.

You seem to be doing mental gymnastics to make it sound like only the government can ban something, or a school or a library.

I mean they sell a lot of offensive books.

This one literally tells you in the title it's offensive

This one is offensive to a lot of people but they don't care about those people.

Hey goose-stepping bimbo ...
... not everyone wants a "twatter account". Or a Facebook one for that matter.
FWIW, many of us avoid Left-wing leaning MSM sources as well.

Are you really trying to disagree with me by agreeing with me? That's a....novel strategy.
Well, what is the offense name he's and his publishers are calling this so called book he penned?

He should be happy, this way more of the Neo-Numbnut-GOP will buy it because you know, Target.....
Are you really trying to disagree with me by agreeing with me? That's a....novel strategy.
Your statement/post rather than you personally.
Frankly, I've not followed your posting history here, it/you not being a hot-button interest of mine.
FWIW, if I clicked on the link in the OP, it took me to the Twitter URL for that copy-paste insert, so the source material of the OP was validated as far as I can see.
Did you try clicking on it?
Don't shop at book-banning Target, and tell your friends to do the same.


The Democrat Party Hates America by Mark R. Levin​

Why waste shelf space for a book that's not going to sell?

Not everyone knows who that asshole is.
Levin's a fraud and his opinion is worth less than nothing. But the Trump faithful have more money than sense.

"Mark Levin argues that the FBI should be “held accountable” for “grossly negligent” use of classified material because it took evidentiary photos of classified documents …. but nothing should happen to Trump."

“It’s not that they were stolen so Mango Mussolini could show his guests secrets. No the real crime is the picture of them for evidence. I don’t for one second think these frauds believe their own bullshit but they gotta keep the grift going,”
You keep coming back to this hypothetical question.

I get the impression that you’re trying to twist it into some sort of equivalency with denying service to certain groups of people. Its not the same thing.

Not stocking a product isn't denying service to anyone. People who would be the sort of people to buy this book are still 100% free to shop at Target to their heart’s content. They just won’t find this book because Target doesn’t carry it. That’s all there is to it. You’re blowing it out of proportion.

The fact that you won't answer my question tells me I'm directly over the target. Thanks.
Just to make sure I understand. The RW demands a boycott of Target because they had Gay and Trans Pride products available. To my knowledge a Boycott means that the group doesn’t shop at a location or buy a product.

The Same RW is outraged that Target won’t carry a product specifically for the same group that is boycotting them.

How would the RW know if Target carried the product unless they are not participating in the Boycott?
Just to make sure I understand. The RW demands a boycott of Target because they had Gay and Trans Pride products available. To my knowledge a Boycott means that the group doesn’t shop at a location or buy a product.

The Same RW is outraged that Target won’t carry a product specifically for the same group that is boycotting them.

How would the RW know if Target carried the product unless they are not participating in the Boycott?

Because it was reported in the media, dipshit.

You people are SO fucking dumb.

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