Target Stock 19% - CEO Parachute > $55 Million

If my arithmetic is correct, ousted Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel's total compensation for blowing a hole in Target's stock will be $67.6 million.

Ousted Target CEO could collect $55M-plus

Gary Strauss, USA TODAY
May 6, 2014

Gregg Steinhafel may no longer be Target's CEO, but he isn't checking out from the discount retailer without a potentially big bag of cash, stock, pension benefits and deferred pay.


According to Target's 2013 proxy, Steinhafel could receive at least $11.7 million salary and incentive pay, pension benefits worth over $1.2 million and over $42 million in deferred compensation. Steinhafel also had $12.7 million in restricted shares that would vest.

Steinhafel, who will remain as an adviser while Target transitions to a new CEO, is a 35-year company veteran who was named CEO in 2008. Predecessor Robert Ulrich left the company in 2007 with a far bigger golden parachute, including nearly $141 million in deferred pay.


So what?

If you don't own stock in target it didn't cost you a dime.

Every time someone on welfare is shown to have defrauded the government of a few thousand dollars, the 'Conservatives' howl bloody murder. Here is a person that has defrauded the company he worked for of tens of millions of dollars, cost employees and shareholders many millions more than that in lost wages and lost share value, and they defend the asshole. Nobody should get a 'golden parachute' period. And profit share should be paid to an outgoing CEO only on the basis of the company not only gaining value during his tenure, but continuing to gain value after he leaves.

Tax payer money vs private money. Can you recognize the difference?
Is there any proof that he colluded with others, conspired with others or committed any acts with deliberation and design with the intent to harm Target's computer software?

One year out of how many?

Granted the man makes damn good money, but most if not all CEO's do.

You idiots are just jealous that you are not successful enough to earn that kind of money. You are haters and hater will hate.
So failure is worth millions now?

A guy who has a batting average of .300 fails to get a hit 70% of the time yet gets paid millions.

Where's the outrage????

He doesn't have employees. CEOs say they can't afford decent wages and benefits for their employees while filling their own pockets.

The baseball team owner that pays him has employees.

What about all those poor slobs who don't get paid more because some slob who fails 70% of the time at the plate gets paid millions?

If my arithmetic is correct, ousted Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel's total compensation for blowing a hole in Target's stock will be $67.6 million.

Ousted Target CEO could collect $55M-plus

Gary Strauss, USA TODAY
May 6, 2014

Gregg Steinhafel may no longer be Target's CEO, but he isn't checking out from the discount retailer without a potentially big bag of cash, stock, pension benefits and deferred pay.


According to Target's 2013 proxy, Steinhafel could receive at least $11.7 million salary and incentive pay, pension benefits worth over $1.2 million and over $42 million in deferred compensation. Steinhafel also had $12.7 million in restricted shares that would vest.

Steinhafel, who will remain as an adviser while Target transitions to a new CEO, is a 35-year company veteran who was named CEO in 2008. Predecessor Robert Ulrich left the company in 2007 with a far bigger golden parachute, including nearly $141 million in deferred pay.


So what?

If you don't own stock in target it didn't cost you a dime.

Every time someone on welfare is shown to have defrauded the government of a few thousand dollars, the 'Conservatives' howl bloody murder. Here is a person that has defrauded the company he worked for of tens of millions of dollars, cost employees and shareholders many millions more than that in lost wages and lost share value, and they defend the asshole. Nobody should get a 'golden parachute' period. And profit share should be paid to an outgoing CEO only on the basis of the company not only gaining value during his tenure, but continuing to gain value after he leaves.

Who did this CEO defraud?

He had a contract with specific agreed upon terms did he not?

It didn't cost the tax payers anything.
So don't buy anything? All companies are playing this rigged game.

Surely you can find someone to hand make your clothes and shoes. Or better yet make your own

Then you could sleep well knowing you didn't feed the corporate greed machine.

How does the right fight min wage increases which
benefit many, but support huge wages for CEOs that fail and benefit so few?

Only 3% of the work force makes the federal minimum wage.

It's no big deal.
Surely you can find someone to hand make your clothes and shoes. Or better yet make your own

Then you could sleep well knowing you didn't feed the corporate greed machine.

How does the right fight min wage increases which
benefit many, but support huge wages for CEOs that fail and benefit so few?

Only 3% of the work force makes the federal minimum wage.

It's no big deal.

No big deal if it is raised then

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