Target Stock 19% - CEO Parachute > $55 Million

So what?

If you don't own stock in target it didn't cost you a dime.

Bullshit! - Target employees are on the government dole because theyare paid below the poverty level. This cost me tax money & value of my savings dollars because of the debt it creates. Not to mention shorting tax payer backed pention funds & share holders.

Any time a republican polatiction says the want to grow the economy, that always means grow the debt & destroy the dollar. They have been indoctrinated in econ class with Philips curves & wage price spiral. Both are fiction created by their rich masters.

People are on the dole because your politicians have made it easier and easier to get on the dole.

It's the culture of learned helplessness that you all have embraced

First of all retard "my politicians" never made it easier on the poor. Idiots like you vote for inflation, outsourcing, wage cuts & subsidies causing the exploding government dole & unemployment. Reduction in living standards lowering domestic business earnings potential. This is why Libertarian/Republican treasury secretary Hank Paulson said Barack Obama had a far better grasp of the economic situation than your boy John McCain.
if you have to be poor to collect food stamps then 16 million NEW men, women and children have been made poor in the obama years because that is the INCREASE in the number of people collecting food stamps under obama

And CEOs keep making gross amounts of money.

because the two are mutually inclusive right?

wow what a dullard!!

If a company is making the executives and shareholders filthy rich they don't need the government taking care of their workers. They can afford to pay enough to keep them off of welfare.
If you're single and that's all you make then you deserve to go hungry.

Get another job.

So you agree you have to be poor to collect food stamps.

In a time of low unemployment I would agree with you. Right now I think corporations have shipped too many jobs overseas.

I don't call a single guy making 1200 a month "very poor"

Not sure where your living but that wouldn't get you much around here.
I would like somebody to explain to me why an increase in the minimum wage will just destroy businesses, but paying execs grossly high wages is ok. Both increase payroll.
I would like somebody to explain to me why an increase in the minimum wage will just destroy businesses, but paying execs grossly high wages is ok. Both increase payroll.
Say a large retailer's average 30 hours per week (guessing, I have no idea) which is about 1,560 hours per year. So a raise of $2/hour = $3,120 per employee.

Target has 365,000 employees, so that would come at an annual cost of $1,138,800,000.

If the CEO of Target makes 20 million per year, it is a hell of a lot less than over one billion in additional payroll. Not saying it swallowing that additional salary to their workers would destroy them I have no idea.

(excuse any math errors, some quickie calculations)
I would like somebody to explain to me why an increase in the minimum wage will just destroy businesses, but paying execs grossly high wages is ok. Both increase payroll.
Say a large retailer's average 30 hours per week (guessing, I have no idea) which is about 1,560 hours per year. So a raise of $2/hour = $3,120 per employee.

Target has 365,000 employees, so that would come at an annual cost of $1,138,800,000.

If the CEO of Target makes 20 million per year, it is a hell of a lot less than over one billion in additional payroll. Not saying it swallowing that additional salary to their workers would destroy them I have no idea.

(excuse any math errors, some quickie calculations)

You think all 365,000 employees are making so little that they would all get an increase if min wage was increased? Wow they pay much worse than even I thought.

But don't all the reasons for why a company can't afford to pay workers more count for why they shouldn't be paying executives ridiculous salaries? Certainly it is increasing the cost of the product to the customers.

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