Tatooine is Now Occupied by ISIS


Shame. Is it going to be left up to the United States to stop them? I'm waiting for someone else to step in and do something so it's not left up to the US, like usual. :rolleyes-41: Are they going to be allowed to take over the entire region or what?

whom are you asking? I will answer---ISIS will not be ABLE to take over the
"entire region"-----of course, depending on what you are calling the "entire" region. Isis has lots of enemies, including lots of muslim enemies.
In order to control a large area ---the would need lots and lots of support from
muslim nations. Turkey opposes Isis---Turkey is a sunni nation but has its own
caliphate ambition Iran---Shiite with a kind of Caliphate ambition -----Saudi Arabia wants to keep control of Saudi Arabia. There many SIDES in this fight---not just two. Logically some will
create alliances-----I doubt that there will
ever come a time when the situation comes down to only TWO opposing sides----ie---ALLIANCE (a) VS

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