Tawana Brawley the 1987 Rape LIAR finally starts paying what she owes.


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
Years after she was order to pay, and thanks to The Post who found her working under a false name, her pay checks are finally being garnished.

It's about time.

?87 rape hoaxer Tawana Brawley begins paying defamation damages 25 years later - NYPOST.com

Twenty-five years after accusing an innocent man of rape, Tawana Brawley is finally paying for her lies.

Last week, 10 checks totaling $3,764.61 were delivered to ex-prosecutor Steven Pagones — the first payments Brawley has made since a court determined in 1998 that she defamed him with her vicious hoax.

A Virginia court this year ordered the money garnisheed from six months of Brawley’s wages as a nurse there.

She still owes Pagones $431,000 in damages. And she remains defiantly unapologetic.

“It’s a long time coming,” said Pagones, 52, who to this day is more interested in extracting a confession from Brawley than cash.

“Every week, she’ll think of me,” he told The Post. “And every week, she can think about how she has a way out — she can simply tell the truth.”

Brawley’s advisers in the infamous race-baiting case — the Rev. Al Sharpton, and attorneys C. Vernon Mason and Alton Maddox — have already paid, or are paying, their defamation debt. But Brawley, 41, had eluded punishment.

She’s now forced to pay Pagones $627 each month, possibly for the rest of her life. Under Virginia law, she can appeal the wage garnishment every six months.

“Finally, she’s paying something,” said Pagones’ attorney, Gary Bolnick. “Symbolically, I think it’s very important — you can’t just do this stuff without consequences.”

Pagones filed for the garnishment with the circuit court in Surry County, Va., in January, a few weeks after The Post tracked down Brawley to tiny Hopewell, Va.

Before The Post came knocking, not even her own co-workers knew she was the teen behind the spectacular 1987 case.

“I don’t want to talk to anyone about that,” Brawley growled after a Post reporter confronted her about her sordid past in December.

Employing aliases including Tawana Thompson and Tawana Gutierrez, she leads a relatively normal life by all appearances, residing in a neat brick apartment complex and working as a licensed practical nurse at The Laurels of Bon Air in Richmond.

She should be sentenced to serve a jail sentence equal to the maximum time Pagones could have been sentenced to if he had been convicted.

"Reverand" Al Sharpton should have also been sentenced that way. He should be forced to voice an admittance to the lies he told every time he opens his mouth in public
Excellent. She should pay something each check for the rest of her lift. Al Sharpton should have had to pay something for wrongly and willfully playing a race card he knew was not true.
Excellent. She should pay something each check for the rest of her lift. Al Sharpton should have had to pay something for wrongly and willfully playing a race card he knew was not true.

I believe Johnny Cochran paid a portion for Sharpton, Maddox, and Mason...
If she lied and it destroyed peoples lives, then she should pay. She hurt women who are/were actually raped.

Fuck her.
My wife has said several times that justice would be her actually BEING raped.
Tawana Brawley starts paying man she falsely accused of rape in 1987 - CNN.com

After 26 years, Tawana Brawley has finally begun paying damages to Steven Pagones, a man she falsely accused of being among a group of men who raped her in 1987.

Brawley's payment comes in the form of nearly $3,800 in wage garnishments, Pagones told CNN Sunday. Brawley still owes Pagones more than $400,000 in defamation damages.

In fall 1987, Brawley, who is African-American, was found disheveled inside a trash bag with racial slurs written across her body in Wappingers Falls, New York. Brawley, then 15, claimed she was kidnapped and repeatedly raped by a group of white men.

In one of his first mainstream cases, activist Al Sharpton became Brawley's spokesman, staging rallies and calling for justice on her behalf.

When the case was brought before a grand jury, it concluded that Brawley had falsified the entire account.

Pagones, who was an assistant district attorney, filed a civil suit that named Brawley, Sharpton and Brawley's lawyers as defendants.

Sharpton has since paid his debt to Pagones. But Brawley, now 41 and a nurse living in Virginia, still owes Pagones more than $431,000.
It seems a bit much to go after her for something she did as a child. I would blame the adults around her more than her.

Yes, she instigated the whole thing by lying to start with, but frankly, I blame Sharpton and his bunch.
It seems a bit much to go after her for something she did as a child. I would blame the adults around her more than her.

Yes, she instigated the whole thing by lying to start with, but frankly, I blame Sharpton and his bunch.

They got sued as well, and lost.

Pagones has stated he would waive the remaining $$ if she admitted that she lied.

The others paid it off via donations.
It seems a bit much to go after her for something she did as a child. I would blame the adults around her more than her.

Yes, she instigated the whole thing by lying to start with, but frankly, I blame Sharpton and his bunch.

typical liarberal reply, "a child"..? a little lying bitch she did NOT have to go along with the made up lie, Sharpkoon knew it was a lie, but wanted to stir up more racial hate :up: blame begins at the source Tawana Bitch !
It seems a bit much to go after her for something she did as a child. I would blame the adults around her more than her.

Yes, she instigated the whole thing by lying to start with, but frankly, I blame Sharpton and his bunch.

typical liarberal reply, "a child"..? a little lying bitch she did NOT have to go along with the made up lie, Sharpkoon knew it was a lie, but wanted to stir up more racial hate :up: blame begins at the source Tawana Bitch !

Oh clever..

Racial epithet.

And no, Sharpton had no idea she was lying. He jumped the gun on this event. And he was dead wrong about it.
It seems a bit much to go after her for something she did as a child. I would blame the adults around her more than her.

Yes, she instigated the whole thing by lying to start with, but frankly, I blame Sharpton and his bunch.

typical liarberal reply, "a child"..? a little lying bitch she did NOT have to go along with the made up lie, Sharpkoon knew it was a lie, but wanted to stir up more racial hate :up: blame begins at the source Tawana Bitch !

Oh clever..

Racial epithet.

And no, Sharpton had no idea she was lying. He jumped the gun on this event. And he was dead wrong about it.

Sharpton learned early on that her story was bogus. He had total access to the girl and only needed to ask a few questions to figure out what was going on

Instead, Sharpton manipulated the situation for political gain and accused a man he knew was innocent of a horrid crime
typical liarberal reply, "a child"..? a little lying bitch she did NOT have to go along with the made up lie, Sharpkoon knew it was a lie, but wanted to stir up more racial hate :up: blame begins at the source Tawana Bitch !

Oh clever..

Racial epithet.

And no, Sharpton had no idea she was lying. He jumped the gun on this event. And he was dead wrong about it.

Sharpton learned early on that her story was bogus. He had total access to the girl and only needed to ask a few questions to figure out what was going on

Instead, Sharpton manipulated the situation for political gain and accused a man he knew was innocent of a horrid crime

What exactly do you mean by early on?

It took a grand jury to suss out exactly what happened.

I would agree that at the time Sharpton was a zealot trying to make a name for himself. He was also a bomb thrower. But I don't think it got as far as it did because he "knew" Brawley was lying. Quite the opposite. Sharpton, Maddox and Mason were duped. And they paid for it. But the story got pretty far..and wouldn't have, had racism not existed.
Tawana was race pimp Al's first strike out. And he's been waaay south of the Mendoze line ever since.

Got to love his conk though. Makes him look even more spooky.
Oh clever..

Racial epithet.

And no, Sharpton had no idea she was lying. He jumped the gun on this event. And he was dead wrong about it.

Sharpton learned early on that her story was bogus. He had total access to the girl and only needed to ask a few questions to figure out what was going on

Instead, Sharpton manipulated the situation for political gain and accused a man he knew was innocent of a horrid crime

What exactly do you mean by early on?

It took a grand jury to suss out exactly what happened.

I would agree that at the time Sharpton was a zealot trying to make a name for himself. He was also a bomb thrower. But I don't think it got as far as it did because he "knew" Brawley was lying. Quite the opposite. Sharpton, Maddox and Mason were duped. And they paid for it. But the story got pretty far..and wouldn't have, had racism not existed.

Bull Shit

Sharpton, Maddox and Mason restricted access to Brawley and wouldn't let them investigate further. Within two weeks of the initial claim, Brawleys account was already falling apart.

The cruel attack on Stephen Pagones was a shameless attempt to ruin a mans life in order to keep the Brawley lie going
Oh clever..

Racial epithet.

And no, Sharpton had no idea she was lying. He jumped the gun on this event. And he was dead wrong about it.

Sharpton learned early on that her story was bogus. He had total access to the girl and only needed to ask a few questions to figure out what was going on

Instead, Sharpton manipulated the situation for political gain and accused a man he knew was innocent of a horrid crime

What exactly do you mean by early on?

It took a grand jury to suss out exactly what happened.

I would agree that at the time Sharpton was a zealot trying to make a name for himself. He was also a bomb thrower. But I don't think it got as far as it did because he "knew" Brawley was lying. Quite the opposite. Sharpton, Maddox and Mason were duped. And they paid for it. But the story got pretty far..and wouldn't have, had racism not existed.

tawana didn't 'pay up', they had to take it......

and some has already said, shes stuck on stupid, defending something everyone knows is a lie.....

I guess in her feeble mind $600 and change a month is worth it.... but the question is, what is "it".....

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