Tax Cut Tuesday

For all the butt-hurt liberal douche bags who whine constantly about how the tax cuts favor the 'rich'...
The rich have been doing very well for years at the expense of the rest of us, I see no reason to give them a reward for their success.

Stop being a greedy Moon Bat. Go be poor some place else.

It is obvious that you are confused about the tax cuts. Must come from getting you information from fake news.

49% of the people in this country (mostly Moon Bats) don't pay income taxes. In fact with this tax package will increase that number because of the higher threshold of having to pay taxes. "The rich" that you are so envious of and hate so much are paying the lion's share of that $1 trillion collected each year in income taxes. I suspect you pay none or a very small amount.

Lower tax rates for everybody. That is a good thing. 70% of Americans, mostly lower and middle class that do pay income taxes don't itemize so the few reductions in authorized deduction don't effect them. The get the benefit of the higher deductions and lower tax rates.

For the 30% that do itemize most of them will not be affected by the reduced authorized deductions, only the more rich.

If you don't have more spendable income because of what Trump and the Republicans are doing for you then either you aren't doing it right or else you are very rich paying tons of money in state and local taxes.
We pay many different taxes and most of them are not progressive so they fall most heavily on the poor (as a percentage of their income). Lowering the income tax will almost certainly raise the deficit and cause other taxes (local and state) and fees to rise to compensate. These increases will make the middle class and poor pay a higher percentage of their income and make them worse off than they are now. Changing estate taxes will make the the wealth gap even greater.
If we really cared about the middle class and poor we could cut payroll taxes.

As for numbers: Estimates by the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center project that for tax year 2011, 46.4 percent of households won’t have any income tax liability. However, of this number, 28.3 percent will pay payroll taxes, the center projects. Of the remaining 18.1 percent with neither income nor payroll tax liability, 10.3 percent are elderly and 6.9 percent are not elderly but have incomes lower than $20,000. In other words, all but a tiny sliver of Americans without either income tax or payroll tax liability are either elderly or poor.

I think you are confused about this.

I am against spending $4 trillion a year for the cost of the filthy ass Federal government so if your point is that we all pay too much taxes then I agree with you.

About a trillion of the revenue for this bloated welfare state government comes from the shithass income tax that only about half of Americans pay into.

Another trillion comes from the filthy ass corporate tax that we all pay indirectly when we buy goods and services provided by the corporations.

This tax bill does nothing to change the payroll tax, which is Social Security. If it was up to me we would have no Social Security and nobody would have to worry about paying the Payroll tax.

What the bill does is reduce the number of people that have to pay income tax by increasing the standard deduction. That helps lower income families and individuals. Instead of giving the money to a filthy ass government bureaucrat to give to welfare queens or illegals that money will go into the more productive private economy. That is a good thing.

It also decreases the income tax rates for all incomes brackets that puts more money into the pockets of American families, which is a good thing seeing that Obama decreased family income.

The tax bill keeps in place most of the deductions that most average families that itemize take like the home mortgage. It has a $10K allowable state and income tax deductions. Unless they are rich and living in a high tax state most American families won't exceed that amount. In any event it will be offset by lower tax brackets.

As far as the deficit I didn't see you Moon Bats bitching about deficits when that shithead Obama was running up $10 trillion in debt.

However, not to worry. This tax bill only runs up the debt if there is not economic growth produced by tax reduction. The economy only has to grow .4% to offset the lack of revenue coming in. Most non Libtard economists like Art Laffer thinks the tax cut will produce ten times that amount of growth.

Don't worry your little greedy Moon Bat mind. We will still have a bloated out of control welfare state Federal government..

I am just glad that I will have more spendable income. You should be too.
I want to see what people will say and think a couple years from now when we see how this bill is working. I also hope that we will continue to try to improve the tax laws when we see things that still need to be fixed.
When Democrats had a near Super Majority control of Congress they could have passed their own. They were, instead, too busy F*ing over Americans, helping terrorists, and pushing Obama's Socialist ideology / agenda.

Obama is gone now, and they could have offered up an alternative...but they were too busy being 100% committed to obstructing everything the GOP and Trump are trying to do....

If you sit on your ass and do nothing but whine and obstruct you have no right to complain. Get in the game or stfu.....
For all the butt-hurt liberal douche bags who whine constantly about how the tax cuts favor the 'rich'...
The rich have been doing very well for years at the expense of the rest of us, I see no reason to give them a reward for their success.
What a freakin' idiotic view of life. You would reward people for their failure? Really? When you get moved from fry cooking to using the grill don't you get a raise for your success?
The top 1% have been getting rewards for at least the last 40 years. Where are those rewards coming from?

Measured for all households, U.S. income inequality is comparable to other developed countries before taxes and transfers, but is among the highest after taxes and transfers, meaning the U.S. shifts relatively less income from higher income households to lower income households.
It is simple, as the economy grows the gap is going to grow. No one's money is being stolen, it is very simple math. Example. You have 1000, I have 10000. We both invest in a 10 percent bond. In one year you will have 1100 I will have 11,000 dollars, the gap has increased but we both made money.

So when I show data showing how the entire middle class is being fucked over and the rich are getting richer you're response will be....

"No, I said YOUR wealth. Where is that data?"


How can having more spendable money in their pockets screw the middle class? I am a middle class retiree and this tax bill puts more money in my pocket. My children are all middle class and they will also be paying lower taxes under this bill. That is a good thing, right?

The middle class got screwed under Obama when poverty increased, family income decreased, income disparity increased, tax went up and we had dismal economic growth, didn't they? Our children and grandchildren really got fucked when that asshole Obama ran up the debt $10 trillion a year because they are the ones that have to pay it back, aren't they?
It is simple, as the economy grows the gap is going to grow. No one's money is being stolen, it is very simple math. Example. You have 1000, I have 10000. We both invest in a 10 percent bond. In one year you will have 1100 I will have 11,000 dollars, the gap has increased but we both made money.

I MAKE $50,000 PER YEAR, AND YOU MAKE $1,000,000 A YEAR AND GET TAXED AT 10%. YOU pay more taxes. YOU get more money back in refunds than me. 'I' scream how you should be taxed higher ... because you can afford it. 'I' scream how you are getting a bigger tax break than me...because you crate jobs, dozens of people depend on you, you have to pay for their insurance, etc....

'I' am obviously a snowflake :p in this story....
The top 1% pay 65% of the total taxes out of THEIR MONEY. Why shouldn't they be allowed to keep more, and get the worthless poor off of subsidies which hold them back from achieving the American Dream of self sufficiency?
I couldn't confirm the 65% number but it's probably in the ball park. How much should the rich pay? I'd ask why change the current rate, either up or down? What are the pros and cons to each? The 'worthless poor' is another matter altogether.
The top 1% pay 65% of the total taxes out of THEIR MONEY. Why shouldn't they be allowed to keep more, and get the worthless poor off of subsidies which hold them back from achieving the American Dream of self sufficiency?
I couldn't confirm the 65% number but it's probably in the ball park. How much should the rich pay? I'd ask why change the current rate, either up or down? What are the pros and cons to each? The 'worthless poor' is another matter altogether.
Back 40 years ago, I was a worthless poor, barely graduating high school, flunked out of college and went to be a PROUD burger flipper at McD's. Instead of taking welfare and marrying a floozy, I got skilled to fix jets and the rest is history..
Stupid Moon Bats are told to hate this tax bill by the Democrats and like the dumbshits they are they believe the fake news.

This is a good bill for Americans because almost everybody will have more spendable income. If you don't think you will be paying lower taxes under the bill then it is probably because you have been lied to by the Democrats.

There are only two things wrong with the bill. First of all it is not enough. It should have been much more. Neither corporations or individual should have their income taxed.

Second is that it will be paid for out of potential economic growth. That will happen but the much better way of paying for it would have been to reduce spending.

The filthy ass Democrats hate the tax bill and is spreading lies and misinformation about it to the Moon Bats because they don't want to give a Trump a win. they hate Trump making this country great again. They want it to be a socialist shithole like Obama worked to create. Also they are scared shitless that the bill will stimulate the economy making Obama's dismal economic growth look really really bad.

It is really despicable that the Democrats will try to fuck the American people out of more spendable income and more prosperity because of greedy partisan politics. Of course that is just the kind of assholes they are. They are the scum of this country.
Back 40 years ago, I was a worthless poor, barely graduating high school, flunked out of college and went to be a PROUD burger flipper at McD's. Instead of taking welfare and marrying a floozy, I got skilled to fix jets and the rest is history..


:clap: :salute:

How much of your money has a rich guy ever taken from you?

I can show you the data. But will you cry fake news or just ignore it? It's one of the two.
No I want you to show how much of your personal net worth a rich guy has taken from you.

I can show you the data. But will you cry fake news or just ignore it? It's one of the two.
Go ahead show me how much of your net worth was taken from you by a rich guy. To the penny please.

So when I show data showing how the entire middle class is being fucked over and the rich are getting richer you're response will be....

"No, I said YOUR wealth. Where is that data?"

So you can't tell me how much of your money some rich guy stole from you?

Imagine that.
For all the butt-hurt liberal douche bags who whine constantly about how the tax cuts favor the 'rich'...
The rich have been doing very well for years at the expense of the rest of us, I see no reason to give them a reward for their success.
What a freakin' idiotic view of life. You would reward people for their failure? Really? When you get moved from fry cooking to using the grill don't you get a raise for your success?
The top 1% have been getting rewards for at least the last 40 years. Where are those rewards coming from?

Measured for all households, U.S. income inequality is comparable to other developed countries before taxes and transfers, but is among the highest after taxes and transfers, meaning the U.S. shifts relatively less income from higher income households to lower income households.
You mean you define keeping your own money as a reward?
I am against spending $4 trillion a year for the cost of the filthy ass Federal government so if your point is that we all pay too much taxes then I agree with you.
I think we have a fundamental difference of opinion as to the role of gov't.

This tax bill does nothing to change the payroll tax, which is Social Security. If it was up to me we would have no Social Security and nobody would have to worry about paying the Payroll tax.
We tried that and it led to disaster. In fact, the growth in gov't is not due to someone saying the gov't is too small, it is a reaction to a problem. The Great Depression caused widespread poverty among seniors and SS was the answer.

As far as the deficit I didn't see you Moon Bats bitching about deficits when that shithead Obama was running up $10 trillion in debt.
Obama ran up the deficit at a time the economy was in the tank. That is not the case now.

However, not to worry. This tax bill only runs up the debt if there is not economic growth produced by tax reduction. The economy only has to grow .4% to offset the lack of revenue coming in. Most non Libtard economists like Art Laffer thinks the tax cut will produce ten times that amount of growth.
When and how will we know if it works or doesn't work?
So you can't tell me how much of your money some rich guy stole from you?

Sure I can:

$1 Million of 'my' money was spent on ROAD SIGNS stating:
'Brought to you by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act'

$152,000 on a study by Clark University, in Worcester, Mass., designed to stimulate adoption by lesbians. Trustees at the university interviewed 50 lesbian couples to "investigate the unique strengths and potential challenges of lesbian couples" as parents

$384,949 Study of Duck Penises
A $384,949 grant was given to Yale University for a study entitled, "Sexual Conflict, Social Behavior, and the Evolution of Waterfowl Genitalia."

$535 Million on Solyndra
Just two years after receiving $535 million from the stimulus, Solyndra filed for bankruptcy.

...all brought to you by Obama's Stimulus Bill

The 10 Most Outrageous Stimulus Projects

It is simple, as the economy grows the gap is going to grow. No one's money is being stolen, it is very simple math. Example. You have 1000, I have 10000. We both invest in a 10 percent bond. In one year you will have 1100 I will have 11,000 dollars, the gap has increased but we both made money.
By your logic the graph above would be flat since the percent of wealth held by the top 1% would not change. It is not since the wealth of the top 1% is growing faster than other percentiles. In your example, if I invested 1000 I'd earn 10 but if I invested 10000 I'd earn 15%
You mean you define keeping your own money as a reward?
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once said: 'Taxes are the price we pay for civilized society.' Why give a discount to those who don't need it if we end up with a less civilized society?
So what do you tell the people who pay ZERO federal income tax?
I tell them they have my sympathy since they probably pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than I do.
It is simple, as the economy grows the gap is going to grow. No one's money is being stolen, it is very simple math. Example. You have 1000, I have 10000. We both invest in a 10 percent bond. In one year you will have 1100 I will have 11,000 dollars, the gap has increased but we both made money.
By your logic the graph above would be flat since the percent of wealth held by the top 1% would not change. It is not since the wealth of the top 1% is growing faster than other percentiles. In your example, if I invested 1000 I'd earn 10 but if I invested 10000 I'd earn 15%
The point is that the same percentage of differing amounts can result in a greater disparity between the top and bottom.

Just like a lower tax rate on a very large amount of income can generate more revenue than a higher rate on a low income.

When and how will we know if it works or doesn't work?

When we see the GDP reports every quarter.

Obama couldn't get 3% growth in even one year of his administration. The projections are for more than 4% growth for this tax cut.

The stock market skyrocketing is a great indication that American investors agreeing with the projections.

Tax cuts are a great thing. Big bloated highly taxed government is a bad thing. Do you even know that amount of money that this filthy ass Federal government spends each year is more than the GDP of all but three other countries on earth? How bloated is that? I don't know about you but it makes me sick for me to have the filthy ass government take my money and then give it to the welfare queens and illegals and all these greedy special interest groups that live off the teat of the government.

Are you going to get any money back on taxes? If not you may be in that 49% that don't have to pay income taxes so you have nothing to bitch about. You are getting government services for free.

If you do pay taxes and are upset by the tax reduction will you pledge to send the amount that you saved back to the treasury? That way you can put your money where your mouth is.

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