Tax Cut Tuesday

The House passed it. the Senate votes on it tonight.

Gee, 100% Committed Obstructionists 100% did NOT vote for it.
You need to worry about yourself more and others not so much.

Now unless you are a complete hypocrite I suppose you will leave absolutely nothing to anyone in your family when you die, correct?
I think the world would be a better place if we all started the race from the same place but it is not that way. If I didn't leave what I can to my kids they'd be at a disadvantage compared to other kids.

And yet you don't want others to leave anything to their kids.
You need to worry about yourself more and others not so much.

Now unless you are a complete hypocrite I suppose you will leave absolutely nothing to anyone in your family when you die, correct?
I think the world would be a better place if we all started the race from the same place but it is not that way. If I didn't leave what I can to my kids they'd be at a disadvantage compared to other kids.
And yet you don't want others to leave anything to their kids.
I'd prefer to live in a country where it wasn't necessary. I think of it as a free market of people. Everyone gets to compete on an equal footing. Would Trump be president if his father was a construction worker? Is there a son of a construction worker that would be a better president but he couldn't afford to attend college?
For you confused Moon Bats that believe the lies of the Democrats here is a tax calculator to determine how much money you will save in taxes.

Tax Bill Calculator: Will Your Taxes Go Up or Down?
I'll save $1,500. Not bad but it won't change my life. I don't believe in a free lunch so I wonder where that money is coming from?

It came from you. It is your money. Thanks to Trump you don't have to send that money to some stupid bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician, elected by special interest groups. You get to keep it. Good deal, huh?
It came from you. It is your money. Thanks to Trump you don't have to send that money to some stupid bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician, elected by special interest groups. You get to keep it. Good deal, huh?
We'll see.
You need to worry about yourself more and others not so much.

Now unless you are a complete hypocrite I suppose you will leave absolutely nothing to anyone in your family when you die, correct?
I think the world would be a better place if we all started the race from the same place but it is not that way. If I didn't leave what I can to my kids they'd be at a disadvantage compared to other kids.
And yet you don't want others to leave anything to their kids.
I'd prefer to live in a country where it wasn't necessary. I think of it as a free market of people. Everyone gets to compete on an equal footing. Would Trump be president if his father was a construction worker? Is there a son of a construction worker that would be a better president but he couldn't afford to attend college?

It matters not what you prefer. It matters what is and people have the right to leave their estates however grand or humble to their heirs.

And anyone can get a college degree. It can be done part time while working full time. Where is it written that one must go to college full time for 4 years?

I was 26 when I got my first Bachelor's degree because I was working full time, I got my second a few years later and my MBA a couple years after that.

There is no reason a construction worker can't do the same thing.
You need to worry about yourself more and others not so much.

Now unless you are a complete hypocrite I suppose you will leave absolutely nothing to anyone in your family when you die, correct?
I think the world would be a better place if we all started the race from the same place but it is not that way. If I didn't leave what I can to my kids they'd be at a disadvantage compared to other kids.
And yet you don't want others to leave anything to their kids.
I'd prefer to live in a country where it wasn't necessary. I think of it as a free market of people. Everyone gets to compete on an equal footing. Would Trump be president if his father was a construction worker? Is there a son of a construction worker that would be a better president but he couldn't afford to attend college?

It matters not what you prefer. It matters what is and people have the right to leave their estates however grand or humble to their heirs.

And anyone can get a college degree. It can be done part time while working full time. Where is it written that one must go to college full time for 4 years?

I was 26 when I got my first Bachelor's degree because I was working full time, I got my second a few years later and my MBA a couple years after that.

There is no reason a construction worker can't do the same thing.
Do you really believe that the opportunities for the son of a construction worker are the same as the opportunities for the son of a real estate mogul? Would all the Kennedys and all the Bushes have been as politically successful if their father was a construction worker? I admire your idealism but it isn't supported by the facts.
For you confused Moon Bats that believe the lies of the Democrats here is a tax calculator to determine how much money you will save in taxes.

Tax Bill Calculator: Will Your Taxes Go Up or Down?
I'll save $1,500. Not bad but it won't change my life. I don't believe in a free lunch so I wonder where that money is coming from?
It's YOUR money and you're whining about being able to keep it?
I got a call recently that said I'd won a free trip to Florida. Looking at the fine print I found it wasn't really 'free' after all the fees. You'll forgive me if I don't blindly accept 'free' money from such a reputable body like our Congress.
You need to worry about yourself more and others not so much.

Now unless you are a complete hypocrite I suppose you will leave absolutely nothing to anyone in your family when you die, correct?
I think the world would be a better place if we all started the race from the same place but it is not that way. If I didn't leave what I can to my kids they'd be at a disadvantage compared to other kids.
And yet you don't want others to leave anything to their kids.
I'd prefer to live in a country where it wasn't necessary. I think of it as a free market of people. Everyone gets to compete on an equal footing. Would Trump be president if his father was a construction worker? Is there a son of a construction worker that would be a better president but he couldn't afford to attend college?

It matters not what you prefer. It matters what is and people have the right to leave their estates however grand or humble to their heirs.

And anyone can get a college degree. It can be done part time while working full time. Where is it written that one must go to college full time for 4 years?

I was 26 when I got my first Bachelor's degree because I was working full time, I got my second a few years later and my MBA a couple years after that.

There is no reason a construction worker can't do the same thing.
Do you really believe that the opportunities for the son of a construction worker are the same as the opportunities for the son of a real estate mogul? Would all the Kennedys and all the Bushes have been as politically successful if their father was a construction worker? I admire your idealism but it isn't supported by the facts.

I never said they were. They never were they never will be. But plenty of people from modest beginning have become wealthy.

And there is no reason a construction worker cannot get a college degree and better his employment and financial position.

And I could tell you how some forward thinking people could amass enough wealth in just a couple generations to give their progeny a real leg up but you probably would think that's "unfair" too.
For you confused Moon Bats that believe the lies of the Democrats here is a tax calculator to determine how much money you will save in taxes.

Tax Bill Calculator: Will Your Taxes Go Up or Down?
I'll save $1,500. Not bad but it won't change my life. I don't believe in a free lunch so I wonder where that money is coming from?
It's YOUR money and you're whining about being able to keep it?
I got a call recently that said I'd won a free trip to Florida. Looking at the fine print I found it wasn't really 'free' after all the fees. You'll forgive me if I don't blindly accept 'free' money from such a reputable body like our Congress.

What you don't understand is that no one is giving you money. You are merely keeping more of your own money. But hey if you don't want it feel free to cut a check to the US treasury.
And I could tell you how some forward thinking people could amass enough wealth in just a couple generations to give their progeny a real leg up but you probably would think that's "unfair" too.
So you want to create an American nobility?

Being financially independent has nothing to do with nobility.

It has everything to do with being free to determine your own path.
What you don't understand is that no one is giving you money. You are merely keeping more of your own money. But hey if you don't want it feel free to cut a check to the US treasury.
I understand that it is not as simple as you say. They are letting me keep more of my 'own money' at the same time they are borrowing money in my name to cover what the gov't has not received. What I've done is taken out a loan that I'll have to repay or, more likely, pass on to my kids.
What you don't understand is that no one is giving you money. You are merely keeping more of your own money. But hey if you don't want it feel free to cut a check to the US treasury.
I understand that it is not as simple as you say. They are letting me keep more of my 'own money' at the same time they are borrowing money in my name to cover what the gov't has not received. What I've done is taken out a loan that I'll have to repay or, more likely, pass on to my kids.

We've had debt for decades and we will never pay it off so you are better off keeping your own money and using it to your advantage.
Being financially independent has nothing to do with nobility.

It has everything to do with being free to determine your own path.
A nice ideal but not one supported by fact. Studies of social mobility in developed countries in recent years have found the US among the lowest in mobility. As you said, "It matters not what you prefer".

That is because we are no longer a forward thinking country. We spend everything we make and then some. And we spend it on all the wrong things.

As I said any family can, if they are forward thinking and will work together, amass enough wealth in a couple generations so as to greatly benefit their progeny.
We've had debt for decades and we will never pay it off so you are better off keeping your own money and using it to your advantage.
We'll never pay it off if we continue to borrow. Debt can be a good thing but using it to give money to people who won't spend it is not good. If we gave it all to the poor it would all get spent immediately and supercharge the economy.

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