Tax Cut Tuesday

In comparison which equates Trump's Tax Cut Plan almost to John F. Kennedy's, it is notably pointed out that for all of the Democrats' bitching, whining, lying, and complaining, they have offered up no alternative....almost:

"Democrats say they wish that Trump had put forward a bipartisan tax plan, but where is the Democratic alternative? The only alternative I've seen is Bernie Sanders' proposal to raise tax rates to 50, 60 or even 70 percent. Can anyone with a straight face argue that this would help the economy?"


"Sadly, the modern Democratic Party today has repudiated JFK economics. Now they are infuriated that Donald Trump has picked up that mantle. Readers can go to the Committee to Unleash Prosperity website and see and hear recordings of JFK dispensing wisdom on taxes. Here's one more excerpt from a radio address by Kennedy: "Every dollar released from taxation that is spent or invested will help create a new job and a new salary. And these new jobs and new salaries can create other jobs and other salaries."

There is one last similarity between JFK, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump: economic optimism. President Trump shares their belief in American potential -- that there are no limits to our economy or our greatness.

Trump says we can grow at 3 or 4 percent. Liberal pessimists dismiss this as wild-eyed happy talk. They are selling America short. The good news is that most Americans are with Trump, Reagan and JFK on the country's untapped potential."

What John F. Kennedy and Donald Trump Have in Common

Tax cuts today!

God bless Trump.

MAGA Baby!

Just think. If the stupid Moon Bats would have their way that dipshit Crooked Hillary would have been elected and taxes would be going up. How disastrous that would be. Thank god she wasn't elected.
Well, the gop insures you remain a broke loser, and don't act like nobody told you Trump would back off his promise to help workers earn more and not give the 1% a taxcut.

Are there more or less people having to use safety net programs now, or during Obama's last 4 years?
Are you attempting to say a potus who passed a tax cut that is not in effect is causing economic change? If so, there are low cost intro to econ classes at a community college near you ... assuming the gop hasn't cut aid to them already.
For all the butt-hurt liberal douche bags who whine constantly about how the tax cuts favor the 'rich'...
The rich have been doing very well for years at the expense of the rest of us, I see no reason to give them a reward for their success.

How much of your money has a rich guy ever taken from you?

I can show you the data. But will you cry fake news or just ignore it? It's one of the two.
No I want you to show how much of your personal net worth a rich guy has taken from you.

I can show you the data. But will you cry fake news or just ignore it? It's one of the two.
Tax cuts today!

God bless Trump.

MAGA Baby!

Just think. If the stupid Moon Bats would have their way that dipshit Crooked Hillary would have been elected and taxes would be going up. How disastrous that would be. Thank god she wasn't elected.
Well, the gop insures you remain a broke loser, and don't act like nobody told you Trump would back off his promise to help workers earn more and not give the 1% a taxcut.

Are there more or less people having to use safety net programs now, or during Obama's last 4 years?
Are you attempting to say a potus who passed a tax cut that is not in effect is causing economic change? If so, there are low cost intro to econ classes at a community college near you ... assuming the gop hasn't cut aid to them already.
assuming the gop hasn't cut aid to them already
Back in my day, lots of things didn't have to have aid. Why do things liberal use, always end up having to be assisted with aid? Cant those entities survive on their own?
For all the butt-hurt liberal douche bags who whine constantly about how the tax cuts favor the 'rich'...
The rich have been doing very well for years at the expense of the rest of us, I see no reason to give them a reward for their success.

How much of your money has a rich guy ever taken from you?

I can show you the data. But will you cry fake news or just ignore it? It's one of the two.
No I want you to show how much of your personal net worth a rich guy has taken from you.

I can show you the data. But will you cry fake news or just ignore it? It's one of the two.
Go ahead show me how much of your net worth was taken from you by a rich guy. To the penny please.
Tax cuts today!

God bless Trump.

MAGA Baby!

Just think. If the stupid Moon Bats would have their way that dipshit Crooked Hillary would have been elected and taxes would be going up. How disastrous that would be. Thank god she wasn't elected.
Well, the gop insures you remain a broke loser, and don't act like nobody told you Trump would back off his promise to help workers earn more and not give the 1% a taxcut.

You are confused Moon Bat

Under that idiot Democrat President Obama poverty increased. So did family income. So did income disparity. Economic growth was dismal. The sonofabitch fucked everybody rich and poor.

The only thing that idiot accomplished was to run up the debt $10 trillion.

This tax cut is good for most Americans. Unless you are very rich with tens or hundreds of thousands in state and local tax deductions or in that Moon Bat 49% that doesn't pay any income taxes then you will have more spendable income.

Fuck the welfare queens. Piss on them.

The next thing Trump has promised to do is to start cutting back on the welfare rolls and that is a good thing.
In comparison which equates Trump's Tax Cut Plan almost to John F. Kennedy's, it is notably pointed out that for all of the Democrats' bitching, whining, lying, and complaining, they have offered up no alternative....almost:

As far as I know the only "alternative" the filthy ass Democrat have offered up was the tax increase that Crooked Hillary had in her campaign platform. No wonder the stupid bitch lost. Only an idiot would want a tax increase.

The Democrats are partisan assholes. They could have joined the Republicans and help negotiate the details but they didn't want to give Trump a win. Besides, they know a tax cut will stimulate the economy and that will make Obama's dismal economy look terrible.
For all the butt-hurt liberal douche bags who whine constantly about how the tax cuts favor the 'rich'...
The rich have been doing very well for years at the expense of the rest of us, I see no reason to give them a reward for their success.

Stop being a greedy Moon Bat. Go be poor some place else.

It is obvious that you are confused about the tax cuts. Must come from getting you information from fake news.

49% of the people in this country (mostly Moon Bats) don't pay income taxes. In fact with this tax package will increase that number because of the higher threshold of having to pay taxes. "The rich" that you are so envious of and hate so much are paying the lion's share of that $1 trillion collected each year in income taxes. I suspect you pay none or a very small amount.

Lower tax rates for everybody. That is a good thing. 70% of Americans, mostly lower and middle class that do pay income taxes don't itemize so the few reductions in authorized deduction don't effect them. The get the benefit of the higher deductions and lower tax rates.

For the 30% that do itemize most of them will not be affected by the reduced authorized deductions, only the more rich.

If you don't have more spendable income because of what Trump and the Republicans are doing for you then either you aren't doing it right or else you are very rich paying tons of money in state and local taxes.
We pay many different taxes and most of them are not progressive so they fall most heavily on the poor (as a percentage of their income). Lowering the income tax will almost certainly raise the deficit and cause other taxes (local and state) and fees to rise to compensate. These increases will make the middle class and poor pay a higher percentage of their income and make them worse off than they are now. Changing estate taxes will make the the wealth gap even greater.
If we really cared about the middle class and poor we could cut payroll taxes.

As for numbers: Estimates by the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center project that for tax year 2011, 46.4 percent of households won’t have any income tax liability. However, of this number, 28.3 percent will pay payroll taxes, the center projects. Of the remaining 18.1 percent with neither income nor payroll tax liability, 10.3 percent are elderly and 6.9 percent are not elderly but have incomes lower than $20,000. In other words, all but a tiny sliver of Americans without either income tax or payroll tax liability are either elderly or poor.
For all the butt-hurt liberal douche bags who whine constantly about how the tax cuts favor the 'rich'...
The rich have been doing very well for years at the expense of the rest of us, I see no reason to give them a reward for their success.

Stop being a greedy Moon Bat. Go be poor some place else.

It is obvious that you are confused about the tax cuts. Must come from getting you information from fake news.

49% of the people in this country (mostly Moon Bats) don't pay income taxes. In fact with this tax package will increase that number because of the higher threshold of having to pay taxes. "The rich" that you are so envious of and hate so much are paying the lion's share of that $1 trillion collected each year in income taxes. I suspect you pay none or a very small amount.

Lower tax rates for everybody. That is a good thing. 70% of Americans, mostly lower and middle class that do pay income taxes don't itemize so the few reductions in authorized deduction don't effect them. The get the benefit of the higher deductions and lower tax rates.

For the 30% that do itemize most of them will not be affected by the reduced authorized deductions, only the more rich.

If you don't have more spendable income because of what Trump and the Republicans are doing for you then either you aren't doing it right or else you are very rich paying tons of money in state and local taxes.
We pay many different taxes and most of them are not progressive so they fall most heavily on the poor (as a percentage of their income). Lowering the income tax will almost certainly raise the deficit and cause other taxes (local and state) and fees to rise to compensate. These increases will make the middle class and poor pay a higher percentage of their income and make them worse off than they are now. Changing estate taxes will make the the wealth gap even greater.
If we really cared about the middle class and poor we could cut payroll taxes.

As for numbers: Estimates by the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center project that for tax year 2011, 46.4 percent of households won’t have any income tax liability. However, of this number, 28.3 percent will pay payroll taxes, the center projects. Of the remaining 18.1 percent with neither income nor payroll tax liability, 10.3 percent are elderly and 6.9 percent are not elderly but have incomes lower than $20,000. In other words, all but a tiny sliver of Americans without either income tax or payroll tax liability are either elderly or poor.
them are not progressive so they fall most heavily on the poor
Sounds like you are an example of the victim of liberalism, and dirt poor. Why the fuck don't you go out and get some skills so you too can get a damn good wage, then invest in the stock market to make oodles of money? Oh yeah, that requires intelligence which is NOT a prime attribute of the Democrap Party, see typical liberal voter below..

The rich have been doing very well for years at the expense of the rest of us, I see no reason to give them a reward for their success.

How much of your money has a rich guy ever taken from you?

I can show you the data. But will you cry fake news or just ignore it? It's one of the two.
No I want you to show how much of your personal net worth a rich guy has taken from you.

I can show you the data. But will you cry fake news or just ignore it? It's one of the two.
Go ahead show me how much of your net worth was taken from you by a rich guy. To the penny please.

So when I show data showing how the entire middle class is being fucked over and the rich are getting richer you're response will be....

"No, I said YOUR wealth. Where is that data?"


How much of your money has a rich guy ever taken from you?

I can show you the data. But will you cry fake news or just ignore it? It's one of the two.
No I want you to show how much of your personal net worth a rich guy has taken from you.

I can show you the data. But will you cry fake news or just ignore it? It's one of the two.
Go ahead show me how much of your net worth was taken from you by a rich guy. To the penny please.

So when I show data showing how the entire middle class is being fucked over and the rich are getting richer you're response will be....

"No, I said YOUR wealth. Where is that data?"

Damn, you cant get more of a Commie than the liberals on this board. Middleclass is going to get a break deserving their income. The poor wont get a tax break because 47% of voting people don't pay taxes. The rich who pay the most in to taxes, get the most back of THEIR OWN MONEY...
For all the butt-hurt liberal douche bags who whine constantly about how the tax cuts favor the 'rich'...
The rich have been doing very well for years at the expense of the rest of us, I see no reason to give them a reward for their success.
I have been investing since 1987 with Home Depot. While the shares started off at only 16 cents a share for the year, the dividends of late have been well over $3.00. Today I am making over 6 figures and only have to pay a 5% tax on that income. Everyone who owns stocks that pay dividends also pay that same amount, with Warren Buffet(who pays a lower tax rate than his secretary) makes in the hundreds of millions at 5%. Shame more people aren't smart enough to invest, but then if they did, they wouldn't be a liberal(unless a cronie capitalist, like Warrant) anymore.
I'm happy that you had the money to invest and took smart risks that have paid off. Good thing for you it wasn't in Enron. Ive been in the market for just as long but my values are still the same.
For all the butt-hurt liberal douche bags who whine constantly about how the tax cuts favor the 'rich'...
The rich have been doing very well for years at the expense of the rest of us, I see no reason to give them a reward for their success.
What a freakin' idiotic view of life. You would reward people for their failure? Really? When you get moved from fry cooking to using the grill don't you get a raise for your success?
The top 1% have been getting rewards for at least the last 40 years. Where are those rewards coming from?

Measured for all households, U.S. income inequality is comparable to other developed countries before taxes and transfers, but is among the highest after taxes and transfers, meaning the U.S. shifts relatively less income from higher income households to lower income households.
For all the butt-hurt liberal douche bags who whine constantly about how the tax cuts favor the 'rich'...
The rich have been doing very well for years at the expense of the rest of us, I see no reason to give them a reward for their success.
I have been investing since 1987 with Home Depot. While the shares started off at only 16 cents a share for the year, the dividends of late have been well over $3.00. Today I am making over 6 figures and only have to pay a 5% tax on that income. Everyone who owns stocks that pay dividends also pay that same amount, with Warren Buffet(who pays a lower tax rate than his secretary) makes in the hundreds of millions at 5%. Shame more people aren't smart enough to invest, but then if they did, they wouldn't be a liberal(unless a cronie capitalist, like Warrant) anymore.
I'm happy that you had the money to invest and took smart risks that have paid off. Good thing for you it wasn't in Enron. Ive been in the market for just as long but my values are still the same.
Do you know that the Eron debacle was during Bill Clinton's term in office? That he caused the dot com bubble to burst and during that time my portfolio lost 300,000 dollars? Instead of selling out, I rode the gravy train to where I am today, as I have learned to watch for warning signs and also of signs of future prosperity...
them are not progressive so they fall most heavily on the poor
Sounds like you are an example of the victim of liberalism, and dirt poor. Why the fuck don't you go out and get some skills so you too can get a damn good wage, then invest in the stock market to make oodles of money? Oh yeah, that requires intelligence which is NOT a prime attribute of the Democrap Party, see typical liberal voter below..
I am neither a victim nor poor. I also don't envy or idolize the rich. I fear that the growing income disparity in this country will lead to a two class society, a few rich and the rest poor. Not unlike France in 1789.
For all the butt-hurt liberal douche bags who whine constantly about how the tax cuts favor the 'rich'...
The rich have been doing very well for years at the expense of the rest of us, I see no reason to give them a reward for their success.
What a freakin' idiotic view of life. You would reward people for their failure? Really? When you get moved from fry cooking to using the grill don't you get a raise for your success?
The top 1% have been getting rewards for at least the last 40 years. Where are those rewards coming from?

Measured for all households, U.S. income inequality is comparable to other developed countries before taxes and transfers, but is among the highest after taxes and transfers, meaning the U.S. shifts relatively less income from higher income households to lower income households.
The top 1% pay 65% of the total taxes out of THEIR MONEY. Why shouldn't they be allowed to keep more, and get the worthless poor off of subsidies which hold them back from achieving the American Dream of self sufficiency?
I want to see what people will say and think a couple years from now when we see how this bill is working. I also hope that we will continue to try to improve the tax laws when we see things that still need to be fixed.
them are not progressive so they fall most heavily on the poor
Sounds like you are an example of the victim of liberalism, and dirt poor. Why the fuck don't you go out and get some skills so you too can get a damn good wage, then invest in the stock market to make oodles of money? Oh yeah, that requires intelligence which is NOT a prime attribute of the Democrap Party, see typical liberal voter below..
I am neither a victim nor poor. I also don't envy or idolize the rich. I fear that the growing income disparity in this country will lead to a two class society, a few rich and the rest poor. Not unlike France in 1789.
I also don't envy or idolize the rich
You sure seem to be green with envy on the rich who in your own terms "Don't pay enough or get back too much", of taxes, that the bloated government greedily takes in, and then spends the money on worthless stuff like IRS "STAR TREK" Parody, or GSA taking 500,000 business trip to Las Vegas, at a pricy hotel eating caviar and steak and drinking champagne. At what point do you tell the rotten government that enough is enough, that too many taxes are being taken in 3.5 trillion dollars, yet they spend over 4 trillion dollars which 1/4 of that goes to protect US, the rest to bull crap programs...

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