Tax Cuts For The Poor And Middle Class -- Not The Rich -- Create Jobs, Research Shows

it's rampant exploitation in china for the working class over there,.

yes dear of course and slowly starving to death in China under liberal Marxism was a wonderful thing!!
Really now? Are you the famine to "liberal marxism" when china has had a massive history of famines, in a completely un-industrialized country that went through a revolution, with Mao failing at his policy regarding collectivism, although a main problem was that the farmers weren't reporting the amount of grain, and the weather conditions/Mao's failure. If you think it's intentional, why the hell would Mao make himself look bad?
. Why the hell would I support charlie manson?

Well if you like Marx Hitler Stalin, Charles Mason might be a favorite too?
Why would I like hitler or charlie manson.. :anj_stfu:

Well, our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin so I figure you'd like both as our liberals did. Charles Manson, Hitler, and Stalin had great new liberal ideas about how to run the world and that seems right up your alley- right??.
If you think it's intentional, why the hell would Mao make himself look bad?

I didn't say it was intentional rather it was merely the unintended consequence of another great new liberal idea that perfectly contradicted our Founders idea about the value of freedom fromo govt.

Do you understand?
Really now? Are you the famine to "liberal marxism" when china has had a massive history of famines, in a completely un-industrialized country that went through a revolution, with Mao failing at his policy regarding collectivism, although a main problem was that the farmers weren't reporting the amount of grain, and the weather conditions/Mao's failure. If you think it's intentional, why the hell would Mao make himself look bad?

I do understand dear, in reality it was merely an unfortunate bit of bad luck that Hitler, Stalin, and Mao each slowly killed about 100 million under liberal Marxism.
Everything targeted at the bottom works its way to the top. It's time for wage increases targeted at the very bottom. That is the one thing that will jump start this economy the fastest.

Tax Cuts For The Poor And Middle Class -- Not The Rich -- Create Jobs Research Shows

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 400 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

i.e. bankrupt the country so your glorious comrades can usher in the New Soviet Person in America.

Great idea.....
I.E Fail to rebut anything he posts and ignore our history.
It's completely valid.

It might be valid but if you think anyone is even going to consider raising the mw from $8 to $23 in one leap. You're going to be disappointed
But that's what we need in this country, why should teachers make more than any teenager just in off the street bagging at the local grocer?

Do you always have to create a character profile of imaginary people to be against something?

"teenager"..."just off the street"...."bagging groceries"

When in fact the MAJORITY of MW workers are on average 30 years old.

If you are over 30 and all you are qualified for is a MW job (and you aren't special needs, and most of those can also make over MW) then you more than likely have made some very poor life decisions. So obviously you should be rewarded with pay worth more than the added value you create due to your labor...
So, essentially, fuck them, despite the cost of living, the hard life of growing up in poverty for many people, the cost of college, children to raise, medical conditions, etc..
Thats right. Fuck them.

I cannot even begin to care for someone who has spent a decade working for minimum wage. I even begin to hold contempt for them if they start a family while working for minimum wage.

When the 'DEMAND' a better life from the rest of society, then they can go fuck themselves.

When the 'DEMAND' a better life from the rest of society, then they can go fuck themselves.


dear, you don't violently demand or steal a better life from society, you peacefully offer or contribute to society something they want to buy and then you get a better life from the proceeds of your Republican capitalist gifting.

Now do you understand your ABC's?

See why we say liberalism is baased in pure ignorance?
When the 'DEMAND' a better life from the rest of society, then they can go fuck themselves.


dear, you don't demand or steal a better life from society you offer or contribute to society something they want to buy and then you get a better life from the proceeds.

Now do you understand your ABC's?

See why we say liberalism is baased in pure ignorance?
What are you talking about? If this is sarcasm, please indicate.

A person who won't do for themselves have no right to demand more of society in the form of larger wages.

Understand, dear?
A person who won't do for themselves have no right to demand more of society in the form of larger wages.

Understand, dear?

no I don't understand, by "do" do you mean peacefully sell something that others want to buy to get the income you desire?
-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

Non starter
It's completely valid.

It might be valid but if you think anyone is even going to consider raising the mw from $8 to $23 in one leap. You're going to be disappointed
But that's what we need in this country, why should teachers make more than any teenager just in off the street bagging at the local grocer?

Do you always have to create a character profile of imaginary people to be against something?

"teenager"..."just off the street"...."bagging groceries"

When in fact the MAJORITY of MW workers are on average 30 years old.
Good point my "children" all made double MW while they were in high school. Matter of fact for that matter I don't know of a single minimum wage job within 100 miles of here.
A person who won't do for themselves have no right to demand more of society in the form of larger wages.

Understand, dear?

no I don't understand, by "do" do you mean peacefully sell something that others want to buy to get the income you desire?
Demanding 15 per hour for a 6 per hour job is demanding from society a better standard of living for which they are unwilling to provide for themselves.

So, enjoy the rest of your evening.
Demanding 15 per hour for a 6 per hour job is demanding from society a better standard of living for which they are unwilling to provide for themselves.
So, enjoy the rest of your evening.

dear, your english is very bad. Is "they" workers or society. Please think before you write. And, remember, if you don't try how will you learn?
The rest of the would has figured out that lowering the Corporate Tax brings in more businesses. Corporations Collect taxes from their customers.

Oh good, please provide examples - similar (probably mostly EU) countries who have currently higher growth rates and lower corporate taxes than US.
They haven't figured out that lowering corporate taxes ends up in CEO pay and dividends for a very few. It does not create jobs. Only customers create jobs. Not understanding this very basic fact is a major reason Republicans fail again and again at economics.
Everything targeted at the bottom works its way to the top. It's time for wage increases targeted at the very bottom. That is the one thing that will jump start this economy the fastest.

Tax Cuts For The Poor And Middle Class -- Not The Rich -- Create Jobs Research Shows

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 400 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

i.e. bankrupt the country so your glorious comrades can usher in the New Soviet Person in America.

Great idea.....
I.E Fail to rebut anything he posts and ignore our history.
It might be valid but if you think anyone is even going to consider raising the mw from $8 to $23 in one leap. You're going to be disappointed
But that's what we need in this country, why should teachers make more than any teenager just in off the street bagging at the local grocer?

Do you always have to create a character profile of imaginary people to be against something?

"teenager"..."just off the street"...."bagging groceries"

When in fact the MAJORITY of MW workers are on average 30 years old.

If you are over 30 and all you are qualified for is a MW job (and you aren't special needs, and most of those can also make over MW) then you more than likely have made some very poor life decisions. So obviously you should be rewarded with pay worth more than the added value you create due to your labor...
So, essentially, fuck them, despite the cost of living, the hard life of growing up in poverty for many people, the cost of college, children to raise, medical conditions, etc..
Thats right. Fuck them.

I cannot even begin to care for someone who has spent a decade working for minimum wage. I even begin to hold contempt for them if they start a family while working for minimum wage.

When the 'DEMAND' a better life from the rest of society, then they can go fuck themselves.

The disregard for others is clear, thanks for letting me know that.

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