Tax Cuts For The Poor And Middle Class -- Not The Rich -- Create Jobs, Research Shows

The rest of the would has figured out that lowering the Corporate Tax brings in more businesses. Corporations Collect taxes from their customers.

Oh good, please provide examples - similar (probably mostly EU) countries who have currently higher growth rates and lower corporate taxes than US.
They haven't figured out that lowering corporate taxes ends up in CEO pay and dividends for a very few. It does not create jobs. Only customers create jobs. Not understanding this very basic fact is a major reason Republicans fail again and again at economics.
And the actual employees.
A person who won't do for themselves have no right to demand more of society in the form of larger wages.

Understand, dear?

no I don't understand, by "do" do you mean peacefully sell something that others want to buy to get the income you desire?
Demanding 15 per hour for a 6 per hour job is demanding from society a better standard of living for which they are unwilling to provide for themselves.

So, enjoy the rest of your evening.
yeah, keep stereotyping and acting like an idiot.
Non starter
It's completely valid.

It might be valid but if you think anyone is even going to consider raising the mw from $8 to $23 in one leap. You're going to be disappointed
But that's what we need in this country, why should teachers make more than any teenager just in off the street bagging at the local grocer?

Do you always have to create a character profile of imaginary people to be against something?

"teenager"..."just off the street"...."bagging groceries"

When in fact the MAJORITY of MW workers are on average 30 years old.
Good point my "children" all made double MW while they were in high school. Matter of fact for that matter I don't know of a single minimum wage job within 100 miles of here.

So the left has been doing those same things over and over for years and it still has never worked.

How about giving us our freedom back and get the Feds out of social managing everybody.

The rest of the would has figured out that lowering the Corporate Tax brings in more businesses.
Corporations Collect taxes from their customers.

So the left has been doing those same things over and over for years and it still has never worked.

Care to explain that?

How about giving us our freedom back and get the Feds out of social managing everybody.

What freedoms have we lost. Be specific. I'll make it easy, name two.

The rest of the would has figured out that lowering the Corporate Tax brings in more businesses.
Corporations Collect taxes from their customers.

All taxes are based on what the payer receives. The US effective corporate tax rate is the 16th lowest of the top twenty industrialized nations.
i.e. bankrupt the country so your glorious comrades can usher in the New Soviet Person in America.

Great idea.....

How would lowering employee costs and taxes for the majority of businesses to 30% of gross 'bankrupt the country?'
The US effective corporate tax rate is the 16th lowest of the top twenty industrialized nations.

100% stupid as always. To get the low effective rate they move out of the country taking capital, jobs, and patents with them! The tax should be abolished since corporations just pass it on to customers like any cost. We have the tax only to pander to the pure ignorance of liberals.
Anyone that would advocate a minimum wage of 23/hr has no clue about how narrow profit margins are for businesses that employ minimum wage workers. That would force enormous layoffs and/or force the closure of thousands of businesses.

Who has narrow profit margins? Walmart?
Anyone that would advocate a minimum wage of 23/hr has no clue about how narrow profit margins are for businesses that employ minimum wage workers. That would force enormous layoffs and/or force the closure of thousands of businesses.

Who has narrow profit margins? Walmart?

yes very very narrow. if they had to pay $13.00/hour there would be no profit left and no reason to stay in business. Millions would be out of work and paying much higher prices at other stores. Depression!!
Think of all the job growth that would happen if we went back to slavery.

Here is the problem with basing job growth on persistently diminished wages and persistently diminished benefits. Eventually you run out of consumers. And yes, you can try to save poor consumers with credit cards, as we did starting in 1980. But there is a huge downside to replacing wages with debt. Eventually, you hollow out your middle class, and too many families go under. This is why capitalism had to become globalized, so capital isn't tied to the local labor markets it bankrupts through low wages or the environments it destroys through pollution and over-use.
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100% stupid as always. To get the low effective rate they move out of the country taking capital, jobs, and patents with them! The tax should be abolished since corporations just pass it on to customers like any cost. We have the tax only to pander to the pure ignorance of liberals.

If the company moves, they don't pay US taxes. So how would that effect the average effective rate?

Companies move to walk on taxes of previously deferred income. Burger King's $100M is a great example leaving you and yours to pay the bill.
Nonsense, on steroids.

The purpose of the tax code is to generate sufficient revenue for the government to provide the services and functions that the Constitution demands. It has no legitimate role in distributing wealth one way or another.

"Tax cuts for the poor and middle class" is a nonsense concept, as almost half of the U.S. adult population pays NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX. Net of EITC, it's probably 55% of the adult population.

The corporate income tax itself is a bizarre and indefensible initiative that should be completely eliminated. Indeed, MOST U.S. CORPORATIONS pay no "income tax" at all, because they file under SubChapter S (which funnels the income to the tax returns of the owners).

A "corporation" is a fictitious legal "person," created for the protection of its owners. If there were no corporate income tax, the money now spent in taxes would be either (a) distributed to the owners as taxable dividends, (b) paid to the employees as taxable income, or (c) plowed back into the company. The only rational limitation would limit how much cash the corporation can hoard.

The appropriate minimum wage is ZERO, as any serious economist will confirm. The higher the minimum wage, the bigger the problem for those at the bottom. If the MW were $15 or more, no high school dropout in the country would be employed, and only the elite of HS grads (those having valuable trades or skills or an outstanding work ethic) would have jobs. Everyone else would be unemployed.

Trade and investment restrictions always backfire because they are STUPID. During the past 20 years I have worked for employers which were: German, English, Luxembourgian, Italian, and Japanese. Do you think the citizens of those countries were angry that their job was outsourced to me? Were they bothered by the investment in the U.S.? It's all ignorance and bliss.

But go ahead, remove the FICA limit. It might help.

"Tax cuts for the poor and middle class" is a nonsense concept, as almost half of the U.S. adult population pays NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX. Net of EITC, it's probably 55% of the adult population.

Why the Poor Pay No Federal Income Tax A Wee Tutorial Mother Jones

The corporate income tax itself is a bizarre and indefensible initiative that should be completely eliminated. Indeed, MOST U.S. CORPORATIONS pay no "income tax" at all, because they file under SubChapter S (which funnels the income to the tax returns of the owners).

My plan takes deductions 1 to 1 on federal taxes based on employee costs and State and local taxes and fees. That's it.

A "corporation" is a fictitious legal "person," created for the protection of its owners. If there were no corporate income tax, the money now spent in taxes would be either (a) distributed to the owners as taxable dividends, (b) paid to the employees as taxable income, or (c) plowed back into the company. The only rational limitation would limit how much cash the corporation can hoard.

How are you going to limit cash holdings?

The appropriate minimum wage is ZERO, as any serious economist will confirm. The higher the minimum wage, the bigger the problem for those at the bottom. If the MW were $15 or more, no high school dropout in the country would be employed, and only the elite of HS grads (those having valuable trades or skills or an outstanding work ethic) would have jobs. Everyone else would be unemployed.

The minimum wage is the base for all salaries.

Trade and investment restrictions always backfire because they are STUPID. During the past 20 years I have worked for employers which were: German, English, Luxembourgian, Italian, and Japanese. Do you think the citizens of those countries were angry that their job was outsourced to me? Were they bothered by the investment in the U.S.? It's all ignorance and bliss.

Inversion is walking away from taxes owned.

Foreign investment is laundering monies to buy deductible supplies.
If the company moves, they don't pay US taxes. So how would that effect the average effective rate?

OMG!! Too stupid and liberal. Many American companies like GE and Apple move in whole or in part offshore because of lower tax rates offshore thus lowering their effective tax rate in the USA.
. Burger King's $100M is a great example leaving you and yours to pay the bill.

1) 100% stupid and liberal. Tax costs like any cost are passed on to consumers so you and yours always pay the bill. You have learned that 123 times now but your Marxist hate prevents you from absorbing it. You have no shame about your near perfect ignorance. Why not see a shrink and tell him how you behave?

2) The great irony is that as a foreign corporation Burger King could bring investment capital into the USA for expansion here cheaper than if it stayed in the USA under the idiotic libMarxist tax laws.
OMG!! Too stupid and liberal. Many American companies like GE and Apple move in whole or in part offshore because of lower tax rates offshore thus lowering their effective tax rate in the USA.

Monies made by overseas divisions are taxable in the US?
. Burger King's $100M is a great example leaving you and yours to pay the bill.

1) 100% stupid and liberal. Tax costs like any cost are passed on to consumers so you and yours always pay the bill. You have learned that 123 times now but your Marxist hate prevents you from absorbing it. You have no shame about your near perfect ignorance. Why not see a shrink and tell him how you behave?

2) The great irony is that as a foreign corporation Burger King could bring investment capital into the USA for expansion here cheaper than if it stayed in the USA under the idiotic libMarxist tax laws.

1) All taxable income has been previously taxed.

2) Since effective corporate tax is higher in Canada than the US how is that possible? Besides, Burger King corporate makes income by selling franchises and company store sales.

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