Tax cuts today, but what happens in a few years?

The angry crazy left's argument is becoming so thin that it's almost laughable. What did Barry Hussein have to offer besides support for anarchists that vowed to "occupy Wall Street"? While Hillary was getting about a quarter of a million dollars a pop for a series of mystery speeches to Wall Street bankers and Barry was lavishing taxpayer dollars for golden parachutes to solar energy executives before the companies went under, the crazy democrats were all over the place and even supported a freaking socialist for president Didn't democrats understand that Americans are smarter and better informed than Nancy Pelosi? If it wasn't for the full court press by the liberal media the DNC would cease to exist.
Hey, don't be jealous of President Obama because he knows how to speak in public. So much jealousy turns your skin an awkward shade of green.
President Obama because he knows how to speak in public.
As long as he ping pongs back and forth with the teleprompters, otherwise, he is ...

One thing that astonishes me again and again is USMB Republicans lack of interest in the future.
Every time they think they've "won" they get pumped and excited. That's how they were with the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts. Something they rarely discuss these days. Their incredible thrill with invading Iraq. When was the last time they boasted about that? In fact, how many times have they tried to blame Iraq in Democrats????

Now we have a new round of Tax Cuts. Ordered by GOP donors. No payout, no more money to paid politicians. They are so sure of their base, they weren't even secretive about it.

These charts from the non partisan Tax Policy Center:



CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

Over time, the cost of this massive wealth redistribution will only grow. New estimates are up to two trillion.

Republicans keep insisting jobs will come back and wages will go higher. For those things to happen, they need support.

What do you need for job growth? Simple, you need education. Republicans are cutting education and job training. So who would be qualified for those jobs? Immigrants?

Never a mention that 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated.

So, will wages go up? Someone posted a link that AT&T gave bonuses to it's employees. Only, when we read the link, they were limited to managers.

There was nothing in the bill that ties growth to salaries. In fact, salaries go up when the labor market tightens and there are millions of job openings. Like now:

America has record-high 6.2 million job openings: we've never before had this many job openings

On the downside, employers increasingly say they can't find skilled and available workers to fill their open positions.

A thoughtful tax cut would take all this into consideration. But Republicans did this willy nilly, just throwing money to the wealthy and hoping for the best. Well, we've ridden this horse before. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Republicans remind me of the Grasshopper from the Grasshopper and the Ant. Education and job training is the work they must do. Two things they mock and laugh at. Unfortunately for them, the educated have the last laugh.

What happened last time? The worst recession since WW2, that's what.

What will come of this? A recession much worse? The poor get fucked over, the rich get cheaper labor.... who wins?

You do know we were in a mini recession when bush Jr signed it into law right?

When Obama made it perment in 2013 unemployment went from 8% down to 4.8%

Yeah the U-3 went down but the U-6 went way up.. Funny how liberals want more people in low wage jobs, so then they can become welfare queens.

The True Unemployment Rate: U6 Vs. U3

Is that what you think it is? People just don't want to work? Instead, they want pennies from welfare?

America has record-high 6.2 million job openings

Or is it they just don't know how to do anything worthwhile? You would think Republicans would figure that out since so many have dropped out of school and are never going to college or job training. And they want immigrants to leave so they can get jobs picking fruit and digging ditches?


What do you mean nope? Oh that's right. Republicans won't do those jobs. Too hard.

So you are saying that brown people are only good for picking fruit and digging ditches because those jobs are below US citizens?
The angry crazy left's argument is becoming so thin that it's almost laughable. What did Barry Hussein have to offer besides support for anarchists that vowed to "occupy Wall Street"? While Hillary was getting about a quarter of a million dollars a pop for a series of mystery speeches to Wall Street bankers and Barry was lavishing taxpayer dollars for golden parachutes to solar energy executives before the companies went under, the crazy democrats were all over the place and even supported a freaking socialist for president Didn't democrats understand that Americans are smarter and better informed than Nancy Pelosi? If it wasn't for the full court press by the liberal media the DNC would cease to exist.
Hey, don't be jealous of President Obama because he knows how to speak in public. So much jealousy turns your skin an awkward shade of green.

He reads a good teleprompter.
Without one, he's a stuttering fuck.

Anyone believing that the tax code will not be significantly modified during the NEXT FIVE ELECTION CYCLES, please leave the room. You are a fucking moron.

Anyone believing that the CBO's current revenue projections for this tax bill will have ANY VALIDITY WHATSOEVER one year from now, same thing.

This tax change will have a maximum of two years to bear fruit; otherwise it will be dramatically changed again.
One thing that astonishes me again and again is USMB Republicans lack of interest in the future.
Every time they think they've "won" they get pumped and excited. That's how they were with the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts. Something they rarely discuss these days. Their incredible thrill with invading Iraq. When was the last time they boasted about that? In fact, how many times have they tried to blame Iraq in Democrats????

Now we have a new round of Tax Cuts. Ordered by GOP donors. No payout, no more money to paid politicians. They are so sure of their base, they weren't even secretive about it.

These charts from the non partisan Tax Policy Center:



CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

Over time, the cost of this massive wealth redistribution will only grow. New estimates are up to two trillion.

Republicans keep insisting jobs will come back and wages will go higher. For those things to happen, they need support.

What do you need for job growth? Simple, you need education. Republicans are cutting education and job training. So who would be qualified for those jobs? Immigrants?

Never a mention that 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated.

So, will wages go up? Someone posted a link that AT&T gave bonuses to it's employees. Only, when we read the link, they were limited to managers.

There was nothing in the bill that ties growth to salaries. In fact, salaries go up when the labor market tightens and there are millions of job openings. Like now:

America has record-high 6.2 million job openings: we've never before had this many job openings

On the downside, employers increasingly say they can't find skilled and available workers to fill their open positions.

A thoughtful tax cut would take all this into consideration. But Republicans did this willy nilly, just throwing money to the wealthy and hoping for the best. Well, we've ridden this horse before. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Republicans remind me of the Grasshopper from the Grasshopper and the Ant. Education and job training is the work they must do. Two things they mock and laugh at. Unfortunately for them, the educated have the last laugh.

What happened last time? The worst recession since WW2, that's what.

What will come of this? A recession much worse? The poor get fucked over, the rich get cheaper labor.... who wins?

You do know we were in a mini recession when bush Jr signed it into law right?

When Obama made it perment in 2013 unemployment went from 8% down to 4.8%

Yeah the U-3 went down but the U-6 went way up.. Funny how liberals want more people in low wage jobs, so then they can become welfare queens.

The True Unemployment Rate: U6 Vs. U3

Is that what you think it is? People just don't want to work? Instead, they want pennies from welfare?

America has record-high 6.2 million job openings

Or is it they just don't know how to do anything worthwhile? You would think Republicans would figure that out since so many have dropped out of school and are never going to college or job training. And they want immigrants to leave so they can get jobs picking fruit and digging ditches?


What do you mean nope? Oh that's right. Republicans won't do those jobs. Too hard.

You do know the 6.2 million jobs is not in Illinois why is that?

Democrats love running off jobs and saying we are here to help you by giving you welfare.
Today's great Douche lies.

If you read the new law. Seems small farmers lost many carryover of losses options
Only.02 % of Americans can even use the Estate Tax exemptions repeal.
So farmers with estates under 5M-10M are still screwed YUGE Well, everyone
one else but the 1% get to pay the estate tax. This money we were getting from the dead 1%ers
funds many, many programs in America.

Amendments - H.R.1 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018..
One thing that astonishes me again and again is USMB Republicans lack of interest in the future.
Every time they think they've "won" they get pumped and excited. That's how they were with the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts. Something they rarely discuss these days. Their incredible thrill with invading Iraq. When was the last time they boasted about that? In fact, how many times have they tried to blame Iraq in Democrats????

Now we have a new round of Tax Cuts. Ordered by GOP donors. No payout, no more money to paid politicians. They are so sure of their base, they weren't even secretive about it.

These charts from the non partisan Tax Policy Center:



CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

Over time, the cost of this massive wealth redistribution will only grow. New estimates are up to two trillion.

Republicans keep insisting jobs will come back and wages will go higher. For those things to happen, they need support.

What do you need for job growth? Simple, you need education. Republicans are cutting education and job training. So who would be qualified for those jobs? Immigrants?

Never a mention that 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated.

So, will wages go up? Someone posted a link that AT&T gave bonuses to it's employees. Only, when we read the link, they were limited to managers.

There was nothing in the bill that ties growth to salaries. In fact, salaries go up when the labor market tightens and there are millions of job openings. Like now:

America has record-high 6.2 million job openings: we've never before had this many job openings

On the downside, employers increasingly say they can't find skilled and available workers to fill their open positions.

A thoughtful tax cut would take all this into consideration. But Republicans did this willy nilly, just throwing money to the wealthy and hoping for the best. Well, we've ridden this horse before. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Republicans remind me of the Grasshopper from the Grasshopper and the Ant. Education and job training is the work they must do. Two things they mock and laugh at. Unfortunately for them, the educated have the last laugh.

Trump will only be our president until 2024.
Today's great Douche lies.

If you read the new law. Seems small farmers lost many carryover of losses options
Only.02 % of Americans can even use the Estate Tax exemptions repeal.
So farmers with estates under 5M-10M are still screwed YUGE Well, everyone
one else but the 1% get to pay the estate tax. This money we were getting from the dead 1%ers
funds many, many programs in America.

Amendments - H.R.1 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018..
Ah yes, the guy who works 80 hours a week, making 6 figures of income to provide a nice inheritance is supposed to support shit fucks like you, who didn't think you would last 60 years on this planet then end up on SS and Medicaid for 30 more years, and you want some of that inheritance? real fucking nice of you, you Commie puke..
Today's great Douche lies.

If you read the new law. Seems small farmers lost many carryover of losses options
Only.02 % of Americans can even use the Estate Tax exemptions repeal.
So farmers with estates under 5M-10M are still screwed YUGE Well, everyone
one else but the 1% get to pay the estate tax. This money we were getting from the dead 1%ers
funds many, many programs in America.

Amendments - H.R.1 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018..
Ah yes, the guy who works 80 hours a week, making 6 figures of income to provide a nice inheritance is supposed to support shit fucks like you, who didn't think you would last 60 years on this planet then end up on SS and Medicaid for 30 more years, and you want some of that inheritance? real fucking nice of you, you Commie puke..

99.8% of Americans don't qualify to use the Estate Tax exemptions that are only for that .2% earners to use.
So all the folks with estates under 4.9M or 9.9M PAY somewhere in the 17% to 40%. But we let some (that 1%)earners pay nothang mostly with loopholes?
Why? If we all (99%) pay it, the under 5-10M folks. They must pay as well.
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