Tax Returns A Rat Fantasy


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Does anybody not huffing glue believe Nadler and his band of hyenas will find something in Trump tax returns that the IRS hasn't found? Maybe that's the reason he's in a state of constant audit....they too want to nail him but like Mueller, all they get is a handful of air. :lol:

They don't really care what is in the returns. The point is to continue the process of harassing and undermining Trump. Electoral College, Article 22, Emoluments, Collusion, Obstruction...and now Financial Dealings & Taxes.

I'm waiting for them to subpoena his diet records to determine how many times Trump had Two Scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream.
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They don't really care what is in the returns. The point is to continue the process of harassing and undermining Trump. Electoral College, Article 22, Emoluments, Collusion, Obstruction...and now Financial Dealings & Taxes.

I'm waiting for them to subpoena his diet records to determine how many times Tump had Two Scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream.

I figure they're trying to prove he gave different value estimates on his assets to secure loans like Cohen says he did. But the IRS looks at things like that and if Trump broke the law, they'd have sent referrals to the DOJ. He's probably too clean and they wonder how he could be.
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Does anybody not huffing glue believe Nadler and his band of hyenas will find something in Trump tax returns that the IRS hasn't found? Maybe that's the reason he's in a state of constant audit....they too want to nail him but like Mueller, all they get is a handful of air. :lol:

Of course they will find stuff, why do you think Trump is guarding them so closely? They only need stuff they can use for political purposes. The IRS don’t look at them that way.
Of course they will find stuff, why do you think Trump is guarding them so closely? They only need stuff they can use for political purposes. The IRS don’t look at them that way.

So you admit they have only political purposes....there goes the legislative need for that information...the courts will say no.
They don't really care what is in the returns. The point is to continue the process of harassing and undermining Trump. Electoral College, Article 22, Emoluments, Collusion, Obstruction...and now Financial Dealings & Taxes.

I'm waiting for them to subpoena his diet records to determine how many times Tump had Two Scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream.

I figure they're trying to prove he gave different value estimates on his assets to secure loans like Cohen says he did. But the IRS looks at things like that and if Trump broke the law, they'd have sent referrals to the DOJ. He's probably too clean and they wonder how he could be.

Assets aren't taxed by the IRS. And it is quite common for appraisals to differ from balance sheet valuations (if you have insurance appraisals for art or jewelry you'll realize that those are much higher than the FMV if you tried to sell them.)
Does anybody not huffing glue believe Nadler and his band of hyenas will find something in Trump tax returns that the IRS hasn't found?
Mnuchin is claiming the Democrats in Congress will publish Trump's tax returns, and that is why he is refusing to give them Trump's tax returns.

He actually stated that as his reason for not turning them over.

Did you ever stop and ask yourself why Trump doesn't want his tax returns made public, rube?

Did you?

Donations to the Clinton Foundation are in there. That's a fact.

And who knows how many other left wing causes. Planned Parenthood? The ACLU, for sure. Pro-abortion Democrats. God knows what else.

Whatever it is, Trump is terrified of you seeing it.

Definitely donations to baby killer Chuck Schumer are in there. The entire Trump family funded Schumer's first three Senate campaigns.
Assets aren't taxed by the IRS. And it is quite common for appraisals to differ from balance sheet valuations (if you have insurance appraisals for art or jewelry you'll realize that those are much higher than the FMV if you tried to sell them.)

What I meant was asset appraisals that vary according to the lender you talk to. It was a common practice before the S&L scandal broke when they were valuing loans on what an appraiser told them. The problem was somebody could make a crazy offer on a property they had no intention of following through on, and the appraiser would use that number as the new appraised value. The IRS can see a trail of transactions like this and if they smell a rat, it goes up the chain to Treasury and over to the FBI.
Assets aren't taxed by the IRS. And it is quite common for appraisals to differ from balance sheet valuations (if you have insurance appraisals for art or jewelry you'll realize that those are much higher than the FMV if you tried to sell them.)

What I meant was asset appraisals that vary according to the lender you talk to. It was a common practice before the S&L scandal broke when they were valuing loans on what an appraiser told them. The problem was somebody could make a crazy offer on a property they had no intention of following through on, and the appraiser would use that number as the new appraised value. The IRS can see a trail of transactions like this and if they smell a rat, it goes up the chain to Treasury and over to the FBI.

Any evidence that Trump defaulted on loans with inflated appraisals?
Any evidence that Trump defaulted on loans with inflated appraisals?

None other than Cohen's claims that I know of.

This is not a Congressional oversight matter. If there is evidence Trump broke the law, then proper law enforcement authorities should investigate. As there isn't, this is just another witch hunt coup attempt.
Does anybody not huffing glue believe Nadler and his band of hyenas will find something in Trump tax returns that the IRS hasn't found? Maybe that's the reason he's in a state of constant audit....they too want to nail him but like Mueller, all they get is a handful of air. :lol:

If there was anything in there that was illegal it would have been leaked to the press by now.

Democrats just want information they can twist all to the Mueller Report.
Keep him distracted and off balance in the hopes of winning in 2020 so they aren't prosecuted for their crimes.
Of course they will find stuff, why do you think Trump is guarding them so closely? They only need stuff they can use for political purposes. The IRS don’t look at them that way.

So you admit they have only political purposes....there goes the legislative need for that information...the courts will say no.
Of course politics are at play, but congress also has a responsibility for executive oversight so why shouldn’t they be able to review the financial engagements of POTUS?
Of course politics are at play, but congress also has a responsibility for executive oversight so why shouldn’t they be able to review the financial engagements of POTUS?

A better question is why should they? The Constitution gives us the right to privacy and the IRS charter says the information we give them in exclusive to them. Trump doesn't take a salary ($400,000 a year) giving it instead to charity...none of you leftists ever mention that...why not?
It's becoming more and more clear to the American people that the only thing Democrats are interested in is investigating the POTUS. Anything and everything. As one fails, they bring out the next one. The tax returns are the flavor of the day. When that fails, they'll have something else lined up, ready to investigate. It's all they have. No ideas, nothing to make people's lives better, just investigating the POTUS.
Of course politics are at play, but congress also has a responsibility for executive oversight so why shouldn’t they be able to review the financial engagements of POTUS?

A better question is why should they? The Constitution gives us the right to privacy and the IRS charter says the information we give them in exclusive to them. Trump doesn't take a salary ($400,000 a year) giving it instead to charity...none of you leftists ever mention that...why not?
Gee, Trump doesn't take the $400,000.

But he spends a record $4,700,000,000,000 which is $1,200,000,000,000 more than he takes in. None of you tards ever mention that...why not?
It's becoming more and more clear to the American people that the only thing Democrats are interested in is investigating the POTUS. Anything and everything. As one fails, they bring out the next one. The tax returns are the flavor of the day. When that fails, they'll have something else lined up, ready to investigate. It's all they have. No ideas, nothing to make people's lives better, just investigating the POTUS.
Speaking of witch hunts:

The Republicans investigated Bill Clinton for five years, starting with an investigation into some real estate investments by the Clintons in the first half of his first term.

When that didn't pan out, the investigation moved on to looking into the firing of White House Travel Office personnel.

When that didn't pan out, the investigation moved on to looking into the suicide of Vince Foster. That didn't pan out, either.

But the Republicans kept going and going. They refused to quit.

And then, finally, they nailed Bill Clinton for lying about a blowjob, well into his second term!

The Republicans never gave up. FIVE YEARS. They kept going until they finally nailed their man.

It's hilarious to hear them whining now.

Let's put Trump under oath and ask him about his sex life. That's what a Republican would do.
Of course politics are at play, but congress also has a responsibility for executive oversight so why shouldn’t they be able to review the financial engagements of POTUS?

A better question is why should they? The Constitution gives us the right to privacy and the IRS charter says the information we give them in exclusive to them. Trump doesn't take a salary ($400,000 a year) giving it instead to charity...none of you leftists ever mention that...why not?
I think it’s great that he donates his salary. Good for him. What else is there to say?

Regarding your question, why should oversight look at Trumps tax returns... because oversight is their job and if they have suspicion of shady deals going on then following the money is the best way to root that stuff out. So I’ve answered your questions how about you answer mine...

Congress has a responsibility for executive oversight so why shouldn’t they be able to review the financial engagements of POTUS?
And then, finally, they nailed Bill Clinton for lying about a blowjob, well into his second term!
I agree. They should have nailed him for giving missile guidance system technology to the Chinese in exchange for funding his reelection campaign instead.

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