Tax Returns A Rat Fantasy

I think it’s great that he donates his salary. Good for him. What else is there to say?

Regarding your question, why should oversight look at Trumps tax returns... because oversight is their job and if they have suspicion of shady deals going on then following the money is the best way to root that stuff out. So I’ve answered your questions how about you answer mine...

Congress has a responsibility for executive oversight so why shouldn’t they be able to review the financial engagements of POTUS?

How many more ways are there to say it's none of Nadler and the rest of the rodents business what his tax returns say. Where are Nadler, and Waters, and Pelousy's returns? They're all real crooks, not the imaginary crook Trump they're trying to sell the public. His tax returns mean nothing to them other than to cherry pick them for more lies to tell. Get ready for what's coming....the tables are turned and the light is on your side now....and believe me, by this time next year, even you wouldn't vote for these creatures.
the tables are turned and the light is on your side now....and believe me, by this time next year, even you wouldn't vote for these creatures.
I wouldn't bet on that. Lefties are not exactly known for their integrity or principles.
And then, finally, they nailed Bill Clinton for lying about a blowjob, well into his second term!
I agree. They should have nailed him for giving missile guidance system technology to the Chinese in exchange for funding his reelection campaign instead.

Yep, he had Loral give them our telemetry secrets for satellite launches, which went straight to the ChiCom military and into their ICBMs. Every chinese missile aimed at an American city is on Willy's plate...and for what....campaign money. He should be dragged out of his penthouse and hanged for that.
And then, finally, they nailed Bill Clinton for lying about a blowjob, well into his second term!
I agree. They should have nailed him for giving missile guidance system technology to the Chinese in exchange for funding his reelection campaign instead.

Yep, he had Loral give them our telemetry secrets for satellite launches, which went straight to the ChiCom military and into their ICBMs. Every chinese missile aimed at an American city is on Willy's plate...and for what....campaign money. He should be dragged out of his penthouse and hanged for that.
Exactly! The Chinese were not a serious military threat until Mr. Blowjob helped them out. All they had were medium range missiles. No threat to us. But now?
I think it’s great that he donates his salary. Good for him. What else is there to say?

Regarding your question, why should oversight look at Trumps tax returns... because oversight is their job and if they have suspicion of shady deals going on then following the money is the best way to root that stuff out. So I’ve answered your questions how about you answer mine...

Congress has a responsibility for executive oversight so why shouldn’t they be able to review the financial engagements of POTUS?

How many more ways are there to say it's none of Nadler and the rest of the rodents business what his tax returns say. Where are Nadler, and Waters, and Pelousy's returns? They're all real crooks, not the imaginary crook Trump they're trying to sell the public. His tax returns mean nothing to them other than to cherry pick them for more lies to tell. Get ready for what's coming....the tables are turned and the light is on your side now....and believe me, by this time next year, even you wouldn't vote for these creatures.
If they run for POTUS then you’d see their returns if they don’t disclose them then they would be shamed and oversight would review them just like what’s happening to Trump.

Btw, I wouldn’t vote for any of those partisan hacks

I don’t think Trumps returns should be made public, I’ll agree with you on that point. He has a business to run and it isn’t fair to his business to release that info to the public. However, oversight has the right to do a review of our presidents financial activities. Saying it’s none of their business is not a strong argument on your part. You can do better.

Also, Trump said many times that he would release his returns to the public if it wasn’t for the audit. At this point can you admit that was a load of crap?
If they run for POTUS then you’d see their returns if they don’t disclose them then they would be shamed and oversight would review them just like what’s happening to Trump.

Btw, I wouldn’t vote for any of those partisan hacks

I don’t think Trumps returns should be made public, I’ll agree with you on that point. He has a business to run and it isn’t fair to his business to release that info to the public. However, oversight has the right to do a review of our presidents financial activities. Saying it’s none of their business is not a strong argument on your part. You can do better.

Also, Trump said many times that he would release his returns to the public if it wasn’t for the audit. At this point can you admit that was a load of crap?

The minute Schitt sees them, they're in the NYTimes.....everybody knows it. How many more FBI checks must Trump endure? You think Mueller hasn't seen his returns or Comey or Brennan? Those agencies were weaponized including the IRS....Lois Lerner pleading the 5th ring a bell? They all know there's nothing there....they're only about hassling him to interrupt his agenda of making America great again...which he is doing without any cooperation and the pack of jackals sniping at him 24/7,
I don’t think Trumps returns should be made public, I’ll agree with you on that point. He has a business to run and it isn’t fair to his business to release that info to the public. However, oversight has the right to do a review of our presidents financial activities.
Do you really think they would not be leaked to the public if they got their hands on them?
If they run for POTUS then you’d see their returns if they don’t disclose them then they would be shamed and oversight would review them just like what’s happening to Trump.

Btw, I wouldn’t vote for any of those partisan hacks

I don’t think Trumps returns should be made public, I’ll agree with you on that point. He has a business to run and it isn’t fair to his business to release that info to the public. However, oversight has the right to do a review of our presidents financial activities. Saying it’s none of their business is not a strong argument on your part. You can do better.

Also, Trump said many times that he would release his returns to the public if it wasn’t for the audit. At this point can you admit that was a load of crap?

The minute Schitt sees them, they're in the NYTimes.....everybody knows it. How many more FBI checks must Trump endure? You think Mueller hasn't seen his returns or Comey or Brennan? Those agencies were weaponized including the IRS....Lois Lerner pleading the 5th ring a bell? They all know there's nothing there....they're only about hassling him to interrupt his agenda of making America great again...which he is doing without any cooperation and the pack of jackals sniping at him 24/7,
Mueller is DOJ which is executive branch. Congress is the legislative branch which is completely different. They have their own responsibility for oversight. This isn’t very complicated.
I don’t think Trumps returns should be made public, I’ll agree with you on that point. He has a business to run and it isn’t fair to his business to release that info to the public. However, oversight has the right to do a review of our presidents financial activities.
Do you really think they would not be leaked to the public if they got their hands on them?
If they were then whoever leaked them should be arrested
I don’t think Trumps returns should be made public, I’ll agree with you on that point. He has a business to run and it isn’t fair to his business to release that info to the public. However, oversight has the right to do a review of our presidents financial activities.
Do you really think they would not be leaked to the public if they got their hands on them?
If they were then whoever leaked them should be arrested
You and I both know that'll never happen.
I don’t think Trumps returns should be made public, I’ll agree with you on that point. He has a business to run and it isn’t fair to his business to release that info to the public. However, oversight has the right to do a review of our presidents financial activities.
Do you really think they would not be leaked to the public if they got their hands on them?
If they were then whoever leaked them should be arrested
You and I both know that'll never happen.
Your argument seems like it is solely based on partisan assumptions. You assume Dems will leak the tax returns and you assume nobody will be held accountable. That’s just not a valid argument for not allowing constitutional oversight.
I don’t think Trumps returns should be made public, I’ll agree with you on that point. He has a business to run and it isn’t fair to his business to release that info to the public. However, oversight has the right to do a review of our presidents financial activities.
Do you really think they would not be leaked to the public if they got their hands on them?
If they were then whoever leaked them should be arrested
You and I both know that'll never happen.
Your argument seems like it is solely based on partisan assumptions. You assume Dems will leak the tax returns and you assume nobody will be held accountable. That’s just not a valid argument for not allowing constitutional oversight.
You can stick your head in the sand if you want but Dems have proven they will do ANYTHING to destroy this President. If you can't see that, you have to be blind.
Does anybody not huffing glue believe Nadler and his band of hyenas will find something in Trump tax returns that the IRS hasn't found? Maybe that's the reason he's in a state of constant audit....they too want to nail him but like Mueller, all they get is a handful of air. :lol:

/----/ "band of hyenas will find something in Trump tax returns that the IRS hasn't found?"
The band of hyenas got two years worth of headlines off of the fake Steele Dossier. They managed to ruin the lives of decent people with process crimes that never would have happened if the Mueller investigation hadn't trapped them in their testimony. The band of hyenas threw doubt in Mitt Romney's campaign by the mere suggestion he may not have paid income taxes, so what do you think the band of hyenas will do with 10 years of returns each of which is 800 pages long?
They could throw out charges of illegal deductions without offering any evidence the deduction was actually made. We'd just have to take their word for it and the Lame Stream Media would run with it.
I don’t think Trumps returns should be made public, I’ll agree with you on that point. He has a business to run and it isn’t fair to his business to release that info to the public. However, oversight has the right to do a review of our presidents financial activities.
Do you really think they would not be leaked to the public if they got their hands on them?
If they were then whoever leaked them should be arrested
You and I both know that'll never happen.
Your argument seems like it is solely based on partisan assumptions. You assume Dems will leak the tax returns and you assume nobody will be held accountable. That’s just not a valid argument for not allowing constitutional oversight.
You can stick your head in the sand if you want but Dems have proven they will do ANYTHING to destroy this President. If you can't see that, you have to be blind.
I don’t care what you think they will do. We have process, rules and regulations. We follow the system that is in place. If you don’t like it then legislate changes. I thought you were a “conservative” isnt that the law and order ideology? You don’t sound like it.
Do you really think they would not be leaked to the public if they got their hands on them?
If they were then whoever leaked them should be arrested
You and I both know that'll never happen.
Your argument seems like it is solely based on partisan assumptions. You assume Dems will leak the tax returns and you assume nobody will be held accountable. That’s just not a valid argument for not allowing constitutional oversight.
You can stick your head in the sand if you want but Dems have proven they will do ANYTHING to destroy this President. If you can't see that, you have to be blind.
I don’t care what you think they will do. We have process, rules and regulations. We follow the system that is in place. If you don’t like it then legislate changes. I thought you were a “conservative” isnt that the law and order ideology? You don’t sound like it.
/——/ If you don’t care what we think then why do you libtards keep asking “what’s he hiding?”
I don’t care what you think they will do. We have process, rules and regulations. We follow the system that is in place. If you don’t like it then legislate changes. I thought you were a “conservative” isnt that the law and order ideology? You don’t sound like it.

How many times has Congress been able to hold Obama people in contempt for ignoring subpoenas, perjury, taking the 5th? Please....Holder was found in contempt but Lynch's DOJ wouldn't issue an arrest warrant. Don't expect us to play by the same rules your side ignored and abused. These are Stalinists...rules only apply to the other side. We conservatives know the deal and we're not suckers....this is a quiet coup attempt on a sitting President but they missed and now it's payback time....and if it's wide-reaching enough, and harsh enough, it won't be tried again until the public has forgotten....that gives our Republic maybe ten years to operate in the manner it was intended by the Founders.
Does anybody not huffing glue believe Nadler and his band of hyenas will find something in Trump tax returns that the IRS hasn't found? Maybe that's the reason he's in a state of constant audit....they too want to nail him but like Mueller, all they get is a handful of air. :lol:

Only a trumpkin idiot would think the orange sociopath didn’t break the law

Why do you think his sister resigned her judgeship, ijit?
If they were then whoever leaked them should be arrested
You and I both know that'll never happen.
Your argument seems like it is solely based on partisan assumptions. You assume Dems will leak the tax returns and you assume nobody will be held accountable. That’s just not a valid argument for not allowing constitutional oversight.
You can stick your head in the sand if you want but Dems have proven they will do ANYTHING to destroy this President. If you can't see that, you have to be blind.
I don’t care what you think they will do. We have process, rules and regulations. We follow the system that is in place. If you don’t like it then legislate changes. I thought you were a “conservative” isnt that the law and order ideology? You don’t sound like it.
/——/ If you don’t care what we think then why do you libtards keep asking “what’s he hiding?”
I don’t think I’ve been asking that. I hear him lying all the time but I understand why. He is playing politics and trying to make his positions as strong as possible while trying to make his opponents as weak as possible. Is not an attribute I respect at all
I don’t care what you think they will do. We have process, rules and regulations. We follow the system that is in place. If you don’t like it then legislate changes. I thought you were a “conservative” isnt that the law and order ideology? You don’t sound like it.

How many times has Congress been able to hold Obama people in contempt for ignoring subpoenas, perjury, taking the 5th? Please....Holder was found in contempt but Lynch's DOJ wouldn't issue an arrest warrant. Don't expect us to play by the same rules your side ignored and abused. These are Stalinists...rules only apply to the other side. We conservatives know the deal and we're not suckers....this is a quiet coup attempt on a sitting President but they missed and now it's payback time....and if it's wide-reaching enough, and harsh enough, it won't be tried again until the public has forgotten....that gives our Republic maybe ten years to operate in the manner it was intended by the Founders.
I’m not playing the comparison games. If somebody in the Obama admin should have been arrested then do better in the future, don’t use it as an excuse to perpetuate bad behavior. It’s called principles.
Of course politics are at play, but congress also has a responsibility for executive oversight so why shouldn’t they be able to review the financial engagements of POTUS?

A better question is why should they? The Constitution gives us the right to privacy and the IRS charter says the information we give them in exclusive to them. Trump doesn't take a salary ($400,000 a year) giving it instead to charity...none of you leftists ever mention that...why not?
Gee, Trump doesn't take the $400,000.

But he spends a record $4,700,000,000,000 which is $1,200,000,000,000 more than he takes in. None of you tards ever mention that...why not?

Because he's spending it on the American people and not on himself? Sounds like you begrudge the spending. It's that true?

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