Tax Returns A Rat Fantasy

They don't really care what is in the returns. The point is to continue the process of harassing and undermining Trump. Electoral College, Article 22, Emoluments, Collusion, Obstruction...and now Financial Dealings & Taxes.

I'm waiting for them to subpoena his diet records to determine how many times Trump had Two Scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream.
B,b,b,bb,b,,but he ate pizza with a fork!
They don't really care what is in the returns. The point is to continue the process of harassing and undermining Trump. Electoral College, Article 22, Emoluments, Collusion, Obstruction...and now Financial Dealings & Taxes.

I'm waiting for them to subpoena his diet records to determine how many times Trump had Two Scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream.
B,b,b,bb,b,,but he ate pizza with a fork!

And don't forget the fast food banquet for the Clemson team!
Financial oversight by the very ones that come into Congress broke or middle class, then amass a fortune a short time later? The ones that use insider trading to profit, yet the rest of the citizens don’t have that right? The ones that allow themselves to serve on Boards of companies while in Congress. Those critters for fair oversight? Lol
I think it’s great that he donates his salary. Good for him. What else is there to say?

Regarding your question, why should oversight look at Trumps tax returns... because oversight is their job and if they have suspicion of shady deals going on then following the money is the best way to root that stuff out. So I’ve answered your questions how about you answer mine...

Congress has a responsibility for executive oversight so why shouldn’t they be able to review the financial engagements of POTUS?

How many more ways are there to say it's none of Nadler and the rest of the rodents business what his tax returns say. Where are Nadler, and Waters, and Pelousy's returns? They're all real crooks, not the imaginary crook Trump they're trying to sell the public. His tax returns mean nothing to them other than to cherry pick them for more lies to tell. Get ready for what's coming....the tables are turned and the light is on your side now....and believe me, by this time next year, even you wouldn't vote for these creatures.
If they run for POTUS then you’d see their returns if they don’t disclose them then they would be shamed and oversight would review them just like what’s happening to Trump.

Btw, I wouldn’t vote for any of those partisan hacks

I don’t think Trumps returns should be made public, I’ll agree with you on that point. He has a business to run and it isn’t fair to his business to release that info to the public. However, oversight has the right to do a review of our presidents financial activities. Saying it’s none of their business is not a strong argument on your part. You can do better.

Also, Trump said many times that he would release his returns to the public if it wasn’t for the audit. At this point can you admit that was a load of crap?
In vain have I searched this thread for a single post with an attached .pdf file of the poster's own IRS return. Confirming my belief that you're all so full of shit that your eyes are brown.
Only a trumpkin idiot would think the orange sociopath didn’t break the law

Why do you think his sister resigned her judgeship, ijit?

Maybe because she's 82 years old and retired, ya sniveling witch?
Does anybody not huffing glue believe Nadler and his band of hyenas will find something in Trump tax returns that the IRS hasn't found?
Mnuchin is claiming the Democrats in Congress will publish Trump's tax returns, and that is why he is refusing to give them Trump's tax returns.

He actually stated that as his reason for not turning them over.

Did you ever stop and ask yourself why Trump doesn't want his tax returns made public, rube?

Did you?

Donations to the Clinton Foundation are in there. That's a fact.

And who knows how many other left wing causes. Planned Parenthood? The ACLU, for sure. Pro-abortion Democrats. God knows what else.

Whatever it is, Trump is terrified of you seeing it.

Definitely donations to baby killer Chuck Schumer are in there. The entire Trump family funded Schumer's first three Senate campaigns.
Maybe for the same damned reason I don't want mine published. Because it's none of your damn business, asshole.
Financial oversight by the very ones that come into Congress broke or middle class, then amass a fortune a short time later? The ones that use insider trading to profit, yet the rest of the citizens don’t have that right? The ones that allow themselves to serve on Boards of companies while in Congress. Those critters for fair oversight? Lol
I think it’s great that he donates his salary. Good for him. What else is there to say?

Regarding your question, why should oversight look at Trumps tax returns... because oversight is their job and if they have suspicion of shady deals going on then following the money is the best way to root that stuff out. So I’ve answered your questions how about you answer mine...

Congress has a responsibility for executive oversight so why shouldn’t they be able to review the financial engagements of POTUS?

How many more ways are there to say it's none of Nadler and the rest of the rodents business what his tax returns say. Where are Nadler, and Waters, and Pelousy's returns? They're all real crooks, not the imaginary crook Trump they're trying to sell the public. His tax returns mean nothing to them other than to cherry pick them for more lies to tell. Get ready for what's coming....the tables are turned and the light is on your side now....and believe me, by this time next year, even you wouldn't vote for these creatures.
If they run for POTUS then you’d see their returns if they don’t disclose them then they would be shamed and oversight would review them just like what’s happening to Trump.

Btw, I wouldn’t vote for any of those partisan hacks

I don’t think Trumps returns should be made public, I’ll agree with you on that point. He has a business to run and it isn’t fair to his business to release that info to the public. However, oversight has the right to do a review of our presidents financial activities. Saying it’s none of their business is not a strong argument on your part. You can do better.

Also, Trump said many times that he would release his returns to the public if it wasn’t for the audit. At this point can you admit that was a load of crap?
Yeah that’s how the system is set up. Ripe for some changes but we need to elect the right people to make them
Does anybody not huffing glue believe Nadler and his band of hyenas will find something in Trump tax returns that the IRS hasn't found? Maybe that's the reason he's in a state of constant audit....they too want to nail him but like Mueller, all they get is a handful of air. :lol:

He promised to release his tax many times...why is he fighting it?
We follow the system that is in place.
Who is "we"? Not the left, that's for damn sure. You people don't follow the law, you never have. You exploit it. Time to fight back and you can't handle it. Too fucking bad.
Does anybody not huffing glue believe Nadler and his band of hyenas will find something in Trump tax returns that the IRS hasn't found? Maybe that's the reason he's in a state of constant audit....they too want to nail him but like Mueller, all they get is a handful of air. :lol:

He promised to release his tax many times...why is he fighting it?
Translation: NO FAIR!!!!! :itsok:
Does anybody not huffing glue believe Nadler and his band of hyenas will find something in Trump tax returns that the IRS hasn't found?
Mnuchin is claiming the Democrats in Congress will publish Trump's tax returns, and that is why he is refusing to give them Trump's tax returns.

He actually stated that as his reason for not turning them over.

Did you ever stop and ask yourself why Trump doesn't want his tax returns made public, rube?

Did you?

Donations to the Clinton Foundation are in there. That's a fact.

And who knows how many other left wing causes. Planned Parenthood? The ACLU, for sure. Pro-abortion Democrats. God knows what else.

Whatever it is, Trump is terrified of you seeing it.

Definitely donations to baby killer Chuck Schumer are in there. The entire Trump family funded Schumer's first three Senate campaigns.
I give the likelihood donations to democratic causes are the reason that Trump is hiding his returns around 0.0001%.

Trump would put a spin on that in a hot second without even thinking. No, there is more there than that. The most likely scenario IMHO is that he has been using some pretty shady shit to pay very little and it would portray him as not being as big of a success as he claims.

For Trump, image is everything.
Of course they will find stuff, why do you think Trump is guarding them so closely? They only need stuff they can use for political purposes. The IRS don’t look at them that way.

So you admit they have only political purposes....there goes the legislative need for that information...the courts will say no.
Of course politics are at play, but congress also has a responsibility for executive oversight so why shouldn’t they be able to review the financial engagements of POTUS?
Why should they? IRS filings are for previous years. 2018 - there might be a case for that but before then - none at all. Further, the idea that congress is demanding his returns is not an issue - the fact that they are doing so as part of a fishing exercise bothers me a lot. Considering the controversy around Trump and Russia I am torn on this specific instance.

There is massive problem here though - before the election I heard democrats stating over and over again how disgusting and totalitarian it was for Trump to proclaim he was going to use the government against his political rivals. Remember the somber head shaking at the chants of 'lock her up' and how that was said to be so terrible?

Well, here is the democrats once again actually doing what they said the republicans were going to do. Same shit they claimed when they were gutting the filibuster and patting themselves on the back for it. This one will bite them in the ass MUCH worse.

There seems to be a cycle here. The republicans threaten some random and insane shit but don't do anything. The democrats point to them and then actually do said insane shit. Republicans come back and then 1 up them by doing it better. I don't like where this tends to end.
Of course politics are at play, but congress also has a responsibility for executive oversight so why shouldn’t they be able to review the financial engagements of POTUS?

A better question is why should they? The Constitution gives us the right to privacy and the IRS charter says the information we give them in exclusive to them. Trump doesn't take a salary ($400,000 a year) giving it instead to charity...none of you leftists ever mention that...why not?
I think it’s great that he donates his salary. Good for him. What else is there to say?

Regarding your question, why should oversight look at Trumps tax returns... because oversight is their job and if they have suspicion of shady deals going on then following the money is the best way to root that stuff out. So I’ve answered your questions how about you answer mine...

Congress has a responsibility for executive oversight so why shouldn’t they be able to review the financial engagements of POTUS?

Only the years he is President I would think? He quit his business(s), takes no salary, income is now actors pension, SS, IRA? He may be on 1040EZ. Go ahead. Maybe he filed married seperate? Lol! That would frost some leftist rear end. No digging in Melanie info.

But you don't get to dig thru 2008-2018 business records when private USA Citizen Trump.
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Does anybody not huffing glue believe Nadler and his band of hyenas will find something in Trump tax returns that the IRS hasn't found? Maybe that's the reason he's in a state of constant audit....they too want to nail him but like Mueller, all they get is a handful of air. :lol:

He promised to release his tax many times...why is he fighting it?
Translation: NO FAIR!!!!! :itsok:
Mean pants on fire.
I think it’s great that he donates his salary. Good for him. What else is there to say?

Regarding your question, why should oversight look at Trumps tax returns... because oversight is their job and if they have suspicion of shady deals going on then following the money is the best way to root that stuff out. So I’ve answered your questions how about you answer mine...

Congress has a responsibility for executive oversight so why shouldn’t they be able to review the financial engagements of POTUS?

How many more ways are there to say it's none of Nadler and the rest of the rodents business what his tax returns say. Where are Nadler, and Waters, and Pelousy's returns? They're all real crooks, not the imaginary crook Trump they're trying to sell the public. His tax returns mean nothing to them other than to cherry pick them for more lies to tell. Get ready for what's coming....the tables are turned and the light is on your side now....and believe me, by this time next year, even you wouldn't vote for these creatures.
If they run for POTUS then you’d see their returns if they don’t disclose them then they would be shamed and oversight would review them just like what’s happening to Trump.

Btw, I wouldn’t vote for any of those partisan hacks

I don’t think Trumps returns should be made public, I’ll agree with you on that point. He has a business to run and it isn’t fair to his business to release that info to the public. However, oversight has the right to do a review of our presidents financial activities. Saying it’s none of their business is not a strong argument on your part. You can do better.

Also, Trump said many times that he would release his returns to the public if it wasn’t for the audit. At this point can you admit that was a load of crap?
/——/ more President’s have not released their returns than have, making Trump in the majority. Now enjoy the rest of your day.
I think it’s great that he donates his salary. Good for him. What else is there to say?

Regarding your question, why should oversight look at Trumps tax returns... because oversight is their job and if they have suspicion of shady deals going on then following the money is the best way to root that stuff out. So I’ve answered your questions how about you answer mine...

Congress has a responsibility for executive oversight so why shouldn’t they be able to review the financial engagements of POTUS?

How many more ways are there to say it's none of Nadler and the rest of the rodents business what his tax returns say. Where are Nadler, and Waters, and Pelousy's returns? They're all real crooks, not the imaginary crook Trump they're trying to sell the public. His tax returns mean nothing to them other than to cherry pick them for more lies to tell. Get ready for what's coming....the tables are turned and the light is on your side now....and believe me, by this time next year, even you wouldn't vote for these creatures.
If they run for POTUS then you’d see their returns if they don’t disclose them then they would be shamed and oversight would review them just like what’s happening to Trump.

Btw, I wouldn’t vote for any of those partisan hacks

I don’t think Trumps returns should be made public, I’ll agree with you on that point. He has a business to run and it isn’t fair to his business to release that info to the public. However, oversight has the right to do a review of our presidents financial activities. Saying it’s none of their business is not a strong argument on your part. You can do better.

Also, Trump said many times that he would release his returns to the public if it wasn’t for the audit. At this point can you admit that was a load of crap?
/——/ more President’s have not released their returns than have, making Trump in the majority. Now enjoy the rest of your day.
Thank you I will... don’t even think that point warrants a response, what a silly argument
I think it’s great that he donates his salary. Good for him. What else is there to say?

Regarding your question, why should oversight look at Trumps tax returns... because oversight is their job and if they have suspicion of shady deals going on then following the money is the best way to root that stuff out. So I’ve answered your questions how about you answer mine...

Congress has a responsibility for executive oversight so why shouldn’t they be able to review the financial engagements of POTUS?

How many more ways are there to say it's none of Nadler and the rest of the rodents business what his tax returns say. Where are Nadler, and Waters, and Pelousy's returns? They're all real crooks, not the imaginary crook Trump they're trying to sell the public. His tax returns mean nothing to them other than to cherry pick them for more lies to tell. Get ready for what's coming....the tables are turned and the light is on your side now....and believe me, by this time next year, even you wouldn't vote for these creatures.
If they run for POTUS then you’d see their returns if they don’t disclose them then they would be shamed and oversight would review them just like what’s happening to Trump.

Btw, I wouldn’t vote for any of those partisan hacks

I don’t think Trumps returns should be made public, I’ll agree with you on that point. He has a business to run and it isn’t fair to his business to release that info to the public. However, oversight has the right to do a review of our presidents financial activities. Saying it’s none of their business is not a strong argument on your part. You can do better.

Also, Trump said many times that he would release his returns to the public if it wasn’t for the audit. At this point can you admit that was a load of crap?
/——/ more President’s have not released their returns than have, making Trump in the majority. Now enjoy the rest of your day.
Thank you I will... don’t even think that point warrants a response, what a silly argument
/----/ "what a silly argument"
So silly you ran and hid. Prior to Nixon, no president has released his tax returns. 38 presidents including Trump did not release their returns. Why is it sooooooooooooo important now?
I think it’s great that he donates his salary. Good for him. What else is there to say?

Regarding your question, why should oversight look at Trumps tax returns... because oversight is their job and if they have suspicion of shady deals going on then following the money is the best way to root that stuff out. So I’ve answered your questions how about you answer mine...

Congress has a responsibility for executive oversight so why shouldn’t they be able to review the financial engagements of POTUS?

How many more ways are there to say it's none of Nadler and the rest of the rodents business what his tax returns say. Where are Nadler, and Waters, and Pelousy's returns? They're all real crooks, not the imaginary crook Trump they're trying to sell the public. His tax returns mean nothing to them other than to cherry pick them for more lies to tell. Get ready for what's coming....the tables are turned and the light is on your side now....and believe me, by this time next year, even you wouldn't vote for these creatures.
If they run for POTUS then you’d see their returns if they don’t disclose them then they would be shamed and oversight would review them just like what’s happening to Trump.

Btw, I wouldn’t vote for any of those partisan hacks

I don’t think Trumps returns should be made public, I’ll agree with you on that point. He has a business to run and it isn’t fair to his business to release that info to the public. However, oversight has the right to do a review of our presidents financial activities. Saying it’s none of their business is not a strong argument on your part. You can do better.

Also, Trump said many times that he would release his returns to the public if it wasn’t for the audit. At this point can you admit that was a load of crap?
/——/ more President’s have not released their returns than have, making Trump in the majority. Now enjoy the rest of your day.
Thank you I will... don’t even think that point warrants a response, what a silly argument
/----/ "what a silly argument"
So silly you ran and hid. Prior to Nixon, no president has released his tax returns. 38 presidents including Trump did not release their returns. Why is it sooooooooooooo important now?
The majority of presidents also didn’t travel in Air Force 1. So why should Trump be able to now? Do you see how silly this argument is?

There was nothing to run from... the argument was absurd from the start
How many more ways are there to say it's none of Nadler and the rest of the rodents business what his tax returns say. Where are Nadler, and Waters, and Pelousy's returns? They're all real crooks, not the imaginary crook Trump they're trying to sell the public. His tax returns mean nothing to them other than to cherry pick them for more lies to tell. Get ready for what's coming....the tables are turned and the light is on your side now....and believe me, by this time next year, even you wouldn't vote for these creatures.
If they run for POTUS then you’d see their returns if they don’t disclose them then they would be shamed and oversight would review them just like what’s happening to Trump.

Btw, I wouldn’t vote for any of those partisan hacks

I don’t think Trumps returns should be made public, I’ll agree with you on that point. He has a business to run and it isn’t fair to his business to release that info to the public. However, oversight has the right to do a review of our presidents financial activities. Saying it’s none of their business is not a strong argument on your part. You can do better.

Also, Trump said many times that he would release his returns to the public if it wasn’t for the audit. At this point can you admit that was a load of crap?
/——/ more President’s have not released their returns than have, making Trump in the majority. Now enjoy the rest of your day.
Thank you I will... don’t even think that point warrants a response, what a silly argument
/----/ "what a silly argument"
So silly you ran and hid. Prior to Nixon, no president has released his tax returns. 38 presidents including Trump did not release their returns. Why is it sooooooooooooo important now?
The majority of presidents also didn’t travel in Air Force 1. So why should Trump be able to now? Do you see how silly this argument is?

There was nothing to run from... the argument was absurd from the start
/—-/ No one is compelling him to fly on AF-1. You’re grasping at straws.

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