Tax The Rich = Communism

Sure, because the wealthy get taxed and the wealthy have many, many tax breaks and give away's by the IRS...
No one likes being taxed for the shit government we have.
Only assholes champion taxing others at a higher rate while they try to avoid paying themselves.
Don't be one of those assholes.
How many times have duped conservatives said the ultra rich paying little to no income is good for the economy?
You have to take the entire tax code into account rather than focus on one single tax.
Biden wants to reduce our deductions.
At the same time he's creating a new tax that effects all of us who own property or have savings...a wealth tax.
He also wants to do some kind of retroactive Capital Gains tax which is unconstitutional.
He wants to be able to charge Capital Gains on past tax years. Never mind the fact that we've already paid Capital Gains on our profits....he want's to charge us again at a new rate.

Totally opposite of the truth. Voluntary wealth redistribution is called 'Charity'.
I bet you think a Democratic/Socialist isn't a Communist either.
I reality it is a Communist with a less scary label.
It's like a Friendly/Rapist.....a Compassionate/Murderer...a Intelligent/Retard
Voluntary wealth redistribution is also me buying a product or service in the free market.
Not sure why you're attacking me. We agree.
You cannot equate Capitalism with wealth redistribution.
Of course not it is a natural state of existence to have a company that is too large to fail concept in social and politics....So the tax payers help the company survive.. Not all companies mind you just the too big to fail ones, right, that's true capitalism with free market ideas floating around.
Believe me you will never be subject to the federal estate tax under current law.
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I didn't create the OP but thanks for projecting nothing.
Are you retarded or something? We're talking about the word "scary", which you brought into the conversation in post #53. F'n dingbat.
It can be avoided also.
These Trumpers have no idea that under current law your estate has to have a value over 11 million dollars before the estate tax kicks in and a married couple can pass up to 22 million tax free to their heirs. That there is no estate tax between spouses. That there are many deductions that apply to the estate tax.

Very few people pay the estate tax today.
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Are you retarded or something? We're talking about the word "scary", which you brought into the conversation in post #53. F'n dingbat.
The OP is the premise of this thread which is based on scary thoughts of those poh rich people getting taxed by communist.. Which is a lie. The communist and non communist tax the rich...
How the fuck do you know?
Because I seriously doubt your net estate is over 11 million dollars. That’s how. 99% are not.

I suppose if your parents are worth over 22 million dollars, their estates may be subject to an estate tax. Are your parents worth over 22 million dollars?
These Trumpers have no idea that your estate has to have a value over 11 million dollars before the estate tax kicks in and a married couple can pass up to 22 million tax free to their heirs. That there is no tax between spouses. Taht there are many deductions that apply to the estate tax.

Very few people pay the estate tax today.
The whole tax code is a systematic enhancement of tax law that is meant to confuse those that have not been initiated
The OP is the premise of this thread which is based on scary thoughts of those poh rich people getting taxed by communist.. Which is a lie. The communist and non communist tax the rich...
Sorry, fool, your time has expired.
Because I seriously doubt your net estate is over 11 million dollars. That’s how. 99% are not.

I suppose if your parents are worth over 22 million dollars, their estates may be subject to an estate tax. Are your parents worth over 22 million dollars?
How the fuck do you know what I'm worth, cocksucker???
Every time these folks create a new eventually see it on your return.
We were told that Obamacare wouldn't raise our taxes....and yet I got hit with the Golden Parachute tax the last couple of years.
How the fuck do you know what I'm worth, cocksucker???
Every time these folks create a new eventually see it on your return.
We were told that Obamacare wouldn't raise our taxes....and yet I got hit with the Golden Parachute tax the last couple of years.
You forget, I have read your posts.
You have to take the entire tax code into account rather than focus on one single tax.
Biden wants to reduce our deductions.
At the same time he's creating a new tax that effects all of us who own property or have savings...a wealth tax.
He also wants to do some kind of retroactive Capital Gains tax which is unconstitutional.
He wants to be able to charge Capital Gains on past tax years. Never mind the fact that we've already paid Capital Gains on our profits....he want's to charge us again at a new rate.

Which deductions are being looked at for deleting?

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