Tazer = Deadly Weapon under Georgia Law


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
I believe that the DA filing charges against the officer, has said in the past, that a Taser, was a deadly weapon. Now, that same DA is saying that the Taser wasn't a deadly weapon. He can't have it both ways.
I guess for police a police baton is a deadly weapon is civilian hands or not
but blacks will die, whites, not really at all.
Roh Roh

Now what? This case is going to be interesting.

Not really. Even his partner is breaking bad on him, and people are kind of horrified that he shot a father of three in the back twice over a parking violation.
He is not. Fake News. Let’s see what happens. Your opinion is irrelevant. This is going to a court of law.
Roh Roh

Now what? This case is going to be interesting.

I did not see in the article where it said a tazer was a deadly weapon. It is good the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is investigating. Still the 1994 ruling cited in the article may not carry the day. Part of what people are upset about is the lenient attitude that has been given the police in tolerance of use of force upon the populous beyond what is codified into the law, and whether that lenient understanding viewpoint is still to be upheld. We are seeing the first indication that it may not. The jury (whenever this finally comes to trial) will be the second. If convicted, the appeals court will yield the next. You are correct. It is going to be an interesting case and there are a variety of charges on file that will also be weighed and bear on the overall outcome.
A Taser can be used to disable a police officer long enough to take his GUN. A gun is definitely a deadly weapon.

The Taser will incapacitate a police officer.
Once he is thrashing around on the ground, it is easy for a suspect to stomp his head in.
Roh Roh

Now what? This case is going to be interesting.

I did not see in the article where it said a tazer was a deadly weapon. It is good the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is investigating. Still the 1994 ruling cited in the article may not carry the day. Part of what people are upset about is the lenient attitude that has been given the police in tolerance of use of force upon the populous beyond what is codified into the law, and whether that lenient understanding viewpoint is still to be upheld. We are seeing the first indication that it may not. The jury (whenever this finally comes to trial) will be the second. If convicted, the appeals court will yield the next. You are correct. It is going to be an interesting case and there are a variety of charges on file that will also be weighed and bear on the overall outcome.
Watch the embedded video in the 2nd link.
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For sure there is going to be a mistrial, and Atlanta is going to burn.
But this time, it won't come at the hands of Gen. Sherman.
Roh Roh

Now what? This case is going to be interesting.

I did not see in the article where it said a tazer was a deadly weapon. It is good the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is investigating. Still the 1994 ruling cited in the article may not carry the day. Part of what people are upset about is the lenient attitude that has been given the police in tolerance of use of force upon the populous beyond what is codified into the law, and whether that lenient understanding viewpoint is still to be upheld. We are seeing the first indication that it may not. The jury (whenever this finally comes to trial) will be the second. If convicted, the appeals court will yield the next. You are correct. It is going to be an interesting case and there are a variety of charges on file that will also be weighed and bear on the overall outcome.
Watch the embedded video in the 2nd link.
Try this. You will like it. Georgia 16-3-21 (2019)
Illegal Use of Stun Guns and Tasers
Although you’re allowed to use a stun gun or Taser against someone defensively (if you believe it’s necessary to defend yourself or another person from immediate and unlawful force), it’s a crime to use these weapons offensively (Ga. Code § 16-3-21 (2019)).
Some weapons charges in Georgia specifically apply to stun guns and Tasers. For instance, it’s a felony if you have a stun gun or Taser while you are committing or trying to commit certain crimes that are themselves felonies, including:
  • crimes against another person (like assault and battery or rape)
  • illegal entry into, or theft from, a building or vehicle, or
  • any crime involving illegal drugs.
Also, the penalties are steeper for hijacking a motor vehicle if you used force or intimidation while in possession of a stun gun or Taser. (Ga. Code §§ 16-5-44.1, 6-11-106 (2019).)

Using a stun gun or Taser might also carry felony charges under other statutes that don’t specifically mention these electrical weapons. For instance, it’s considered aggravated assault when the crime is carried out with a deadly weapon or any device that causes or is likely to cause serious bodily injury when used offensively. Also, armed robbery involves using an offensive weapon to forcibly take property away from someone. The Georgia Supreme Court has recognized that stun guns and Tasers may be considered offensive weapons that are likely to result in serious bodily injury, depending on how they’re used (Harwell v. State, 512 S.E.2d 892 (Ga. Sup. Ct. 1999)).

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