TDS Intolerance

May be despicable, but you can't blame ALL Democrats or else you and I get lumped in with neo nazis. If going to a rally:pepper spray-don't leave home without it!

Sorry, I blame ALL Democrats for their demonstrable hate for a U.S. President. I blame Democrats for the tragedy at our Southern Border, I blame the do-nothing Democrat-led congress for not providing protection from an illegal invasion as well as providing a lure for illegal border hoppers. I blame Democrats for exacerbating and supporting the Russia/collusion lie. They are ALL to blame.
It can be done, you just have to replace the audio and video.

You do that a lot do you? :ahole-1:


Prove that was done in this case 'Mr. video expert.'

Oh, now I see. You didn't understand my post. My bad.

Nah, pass.

No, you said you could 'replace the audio and video'...So prove it. Prove that it was done in the case of the video I linked to in the OP. Put up or shut up.

Yep, you didn't understand my post, it was a joke, here it is again:

Daryl Hunt said:
You want me to show a clip that makes Trump look smart? Can't be done. I am a pretty fair hand in the Audio/Visual Lab but I don't even thing the people behind Star Wars could pull that off.

HappyJoy said:
It can be done, you just have to replace the audio and video.

Basically in order for Trump to look smart you have to replace the audio and video of him because he doesn't look or sound very intelligent. Thanks for letting me reenact my bad joke.
Leo is not the sharpest tool in the drawer. Then again, most Deplorables aren't. That is why they voted for the Orange Buffoon in the first place. Dumb as a sack of rocks.
That's why TDS liberals need to be shot on sight, because they're no more curable than a rabid dog. Nor are TDS liberals human; they gave up their humanity when they chose to behave like a rabid dog. And what is the solution to a rabid dog? Putting it down as quickly as possible.
With this attitude, do you wonder why people look upon Teump and his acolytes with disdain?

You liberal fucks BROUGHT THIS SOCIETAL HATRED ON YOURSELVES! With your mindless-animal baby tantrum nation violence epidemic CONSTANTLY FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS since the 2016 campaign began/. Always assaulting innocent people, spewing murderous death on everyone, destroying property, behaving in such a subhuman manner. You liberal subhumans EARNED this contempt and the reason why the majority of America wishes you dead. Your ilk are NOT capable of behaving like civilized human beings in this society.

And who the fuck is "Teump" you semi-literate leftist animal? Is that one of your sputtering, paranoid bogeyman related to President Trump?
Helpful safety tip: split the pills in two.
The state of politics these days...It becomes more industrialized, more cold, and more unfeeling. That’s the thing: For all the noise, there is actually less passion, less energy. We default to lazy litmus tests and shopworn denunciations. It is just emotional pabulum fed from a trough of outrage. It is exhausting. It saps meaning from our politics. And it discourages good people from pursuing public service. The symptoms of it are in our face all the time. And we have to recognize that its roots run deep, into our society and our culture today. All of this pulls on the threads of our common humanity, in what could be our unraveling
May be despicable, but you can't blame ALL Democrats or else you and I get lumped in with neo nazis. If going to a rally:pepper spray-don't leave home without it!

Sorry, I blame ALL Democrats for their demonstrable hate for a U.S. President. I blame Democrats for the tragedy at our Southern Border, I blame the do-nothing Democrat-led congress for not providing protection from an illegal invasion as well as providing a lure for illegal border hoppers. I blame Democrats for exacerbating and supporting the Russia/collusion lie. They are ALL to blame.
OK. My post had the letter P covered with an emoji. Do you know why? You can't say pepper spray?
Leo is not the sharpest tool in the drawer. Then again, most Deplorables aren't. That is why they voted for the Orange Buffoon in the first place. Dumb as a sack of rocks.

Useless content...repetition of Democrat talking points. :blahblah:^^^^^
You do that a lot do you? :ahole-1:


Prove that was done in this case 'Mr. video expert.'

Oh, now I see. You didn't understand my post. My bad.

Nah, pass.

No, you said you could 'replace the audio and video'...So prove it. Prove that it was done in the case of the video I linked to in the OP. Put up or shut up.

Yep, you didn't understand my post, it was a joke, here it is again:

Daryl Hunt said:
You want me to show a clip that makes Trump look smart? Can't be done. I am a pretty fair hand in the Audio/Visual Lab but I don't even thing the people behind Star Wars could pull that off.

HappyJoy said:
It can be done, you just have to replace the audio and video.

Basically in order for Trump to look smart you have to replace the audio and video of him because he doesn't look or sound very intelligent. Thanks for letting me reenact my bad joke.

Oh look it's 'Mr. audio/visual 'expert' again blathering on and on and on and on............BTW don't quit your day job......You ain't funny.

Prove that was done in this case 'Mr. video expert.'

Oh, now I see. You didn't understand my post. My bad.

Nah, pass.

No, you said you could 'replace the audio and video'...So prove it. Prove that it was done in the case of the video I linked to in the OP. Put up or shut up.

Yep, you didn't understand my post, it was a joke, here it is again:

Daryl Hunt said:
You want me to show a clip that makes Trump look smart? Can't be done. I am a pretty fair hand in the Audio/Visual Lab but I don't even thing the people behind Star Wars could pull that off.

HappyJoy said:
It can be done, you just have to replace the audio and video.

Basically in order for Trump to look smart you have to replace the audio and video of him because he doesn't look or sound very intelligent. Thanks for letting me reenact my bad joke.

Oh look it's 'Mr. audio/visual 'expert' again blathering on and on and on and on............BTW don't quit your day job......You ain't funny.

I can't give you the ability to understand words as they are strung together in sentences.
I can't give you the ability to understand words as they are strung together in sentences.

Said the inept comedian who is dying on stage. TDS is such a debilitating condition.:itsok:
I can't give you the ability to understand words as they are strung together in sentences.

Said the inept comedian who is dying on stage. TDS is such a debilitating condition.:itsok:

You gone and done it again.

May be despicable, but you can't blame ALL Democrats or else you and I get lumped in with neo nazis. If going to a rally:pepper spray-don't leave home without it!

Sorry, I blame ALL Democrats for their demonstrable hate for a U.S. President. I blame Democrats for the tragedy at our Southern Border, I blame the do-nothing Democrat-led congress for not providing protection from an illegal invasion as well as providing a lure for illegal border hoppers. I blame Democrats for exacerbating and supporting the Russia/collusion lie. They are ALL to blame.

Your opinion means precisely nothing, because you are just another dime-a-dozen hateful Cult45 pussy boy whining again because your ilk is being disrespected across the country. You sensitive fucks won't do anything about it, so blame away. Cry some more. It's hilarious.

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