Tea Partiers Wary About Trump

You know, the fracturing of the GOP started with everyone jumping on the Tea Party wagon, because the southern tea party groups had different ideas than what midwestern tea party groups had, and they started fighting with each other all the way back in 2010.

Once they divided themselves into various tribes, that is when the politicians started to use even more extreme rhetoric, trying to get at the base so they could unify them, but unfortunately, it just contributed to more fracturing.

Yes, there are some tea party groups that will support Trump, but there are also many who won't, because they will talk about his views on abortion, how to get jobs back here, as well as how he's a liberal and not a true conservative because he never talks about the Constitution.

It's just like all the other Republicans, some say they will support them, some say they will hold their noses and vote for him, and still others that say no Trump, no way.

Unfortunately these type of groups attract a lot of angry people, that frankly don't know much about civics, & how Government works. I am fiscal conservative, not a social conservative. Abortion, gay rights, are U.S. Supreme court issues and don't belong anywhere on a political platform. This was the reason for the loss in 2012. These same people are still there and they're basically the tail wagging the dog in the Republican party, and they are responsible for the loss in 2012 and now 2016.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

In fact they need to be crushed. Frankly, the majority of the Tea Party are very ignorant people. They know what they want, but they never consider what it's going to take to get it. They never pay any attention to the make up of the electorate, and who's electable and who's not. They continually support candidates like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump whom in no way could ever get close to the White House.

They are attached to the hip with right wing talk show hosts, either radio or on FOX News, so they only get one side of the equation, and believe that to be 100% truth. If they read anything it will be on a right wing site--and anything else that is written from another source is not to be believed.

The Tea Party are basically the blind sheep of the Republican party.


lol, omg. have you read your 1000 word postings? you want to talk someone who is angry, and a high and mighty snob to boot
Trump doesn't know the rest of the government exists. He thinks he's trying to be elected King.
Sadly....just like that idiot Barack Obama. Both of these men are egomaniacs who believe the presidency is a dictatorship and that there powers are not restrained by any laws. It's disturbing to say the least.
Who isn't wary about Trump?

On ABC news tonight, they just spent at least 10 minutes talking about Donald Trump. Mainly his taxes--and how he has screwed municipalities out of millions in taxes by devaluing his property. One of his golf courses he claims was only worth 1.3 million dollars--LOL He's done it with casino's and everything else he's owned, including his yacht. Then they started on the women who have had associations with Trump, all of it negative.

This is non stop news that millions of people are listening to. The Tea Party was warned time and time again about Donald Trump. They ignored it all, and they are going to down with the ship on this one.

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A true Tea Partier hates Hillary Clinton like a vampire hates sunlight.

They'll come around.


They will come around to Trump, as the least odious choice.

Obviously, because the alternative is the lying, coat-tail-riding, crooked old crone who WOULD NEVER have accomplished anything on her own...except crimes...without her husband....a pussy-lovin Scots-Irish Southern Boy...who happened to be a political genius....and who got her every job she's ever had...all of which she fucked up.

Are you a Dumb-Ass?
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