Tea Party 48% Obama 44%

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Conservative strategists know the current face of the movement being tea baggers, Palin and will be a big problem in 2012.

No doubt the Democrats will lose seats in 2010. That was almost a certainty after the huge gains in 2008 ant the trends of off year elections.

Obama is slowly doing what he said he would do.
Helthcare reform
Pull out of Iraq and put a surge into Afghanistan where we should have been all the time.
Turn the economy around.
The jobs are slowly coming back.
The deficit is a big problem but he will have to show progress on reducing it by 2012.

Tea partyers - simple minded rhetoric of running on lower taxes that everyone wants. It is like a used car salesman promising o down, no interest and a $30,000 car for $10,000. Who would say no. But can he deliver.There is not much behind the simple mionded rhetoric.

Smart conservatives know this.

In addition, it's important to remember that Reagan was at 38% at this point in his presidency.

And he seemed to do just fine on popularity once the economy improved.
The "Tea Party" is an anti-establishment, anarchistic organization, with no real discernible leadership, no long term positive plans, and no candidates.

So being "in favor" of the Tea Party basically breaks down to supporting nothing. Tea party members are just "against" things, not "for" things.
The "Tea Party" is an anti-establishment, anarchistic organization, with no real discernible leadership, no long term positive plans, and no candidates.

So being "in favor" of the Tea Party basically breaks down to supporting nothing. Tea party members are just "against" things, not "for" things.

A Party about Nothing???

Sounds like something Jerry Seinfeld would organize
How's THAT for extreme liberals?

If tea partiers are sooooooo on the fringe, how come they have better poll numbers than your messiah and his Congress? :lol:

Tea Party 48% Obama 44% - Rasmussen Reports

But parse it down and it gets worse:

Eighty-seven percent (87%) of those in the Political Classsay their views are closer to the president. The Obama Administration has created a significantly larger government and political role in the economy.
Sixty-three percent (63%) of Mainstream Americans say their views are closer to the Tea Party.

Last week, Rasmussen Reports released data showing that 47% of voters felt closer to the views of Tea Party members than to Congress. Only 26% felt closer to Congress.

The new polling found that just 33% believe their views are closer to the average member of a Labor Union than to Congress. In fact, a plurality of voters were undecided when asked about that comparison. While 48% of Democrats said their own views were closer to the average union member, most Republicans and unaffiliated voters could not choose between the two.

In a head-to-head comparison, 45% felt closer to the average Tea Party Member while 35% felt closer to the average union member.

Okay these are really bad news for the president and Democrats. There is no way to rationalize this as good news for liberals or Democrats. No matter how you slice it, Obama and the Democrats are losing America and that cannot be good news come election time.



a popularity poll?


gawd, you people are pathetic.

I want to join the tea party, make a contribution and support their candidate. Where are their headquarters, who is the party leader and who is the candidate?

It took quite a bit of research, but I finally found the founder and party leader of the Tea Party.

View attachment 9914

better be careful. Tea Party members are known to say 'this time we came unarmed' whenever they get pissed.:eusa_whistle:
Okay these are really bad news for the president and Democrats. There is no way to rationalize this as good news for liberals or Democrats. No matter how you slice it, Obama and the Democrats are losing America and that cannot be good news come election time.


actually, it's mostly the same dead-enders who thought bush wasn't an abomination.

now they just got a few more sore-losers with them.

i think you should absolutely keep destroying the repub party. :cool:
Okay these are really bad news for the president and Democrats. There is no way to rationalize this as good news for liberals or Democrats. No matter how you slice it, Obama and the Democrats are losing America and that cannot be good news come election time.


actually, it's mostly the same dead-enders who thought bush wasn't an abomination.

now they just got a few more sore-losers with them.

i think you should absolutely keep destroying the repub party. :cool:

I have to say I almost agree with the totality of this. I would add, lots of the misanthropic troglodytes who have been attacking government since their adolescent days, have found their groove.
Okay these are really bad news for the president and Democrats. There is no way to rationalize this as good news for liberals or Democrats. No matter how you slice it, Obama and the Democrats are losing America and that cannot be good news come election time.


actually, it's mostly the same dead-enders who thought bush wasn't an abomination.

now they just got a few more sore-losers with them.

i think you should absolutely keep destroying the repub party. :cool:

I have to say I almost agree with the totality of this. I would add, lots of the misanthropic troglodytes who have been attacking government since their adolescent days, have found their groove.

that... .and it's always easier to rage at the moon than do anything constructive.
these people are all the people who Backed Bush no matter what he did.

Its the same 28%.

The people who I have been talking to on the internets for YEARS who backed anything Bush did are the same people backing the tea party crap.

That is my personal experience and it seems to line up with most the polls I see.
Rassmusen better stop this shitty poll results for poltical reasons or their reputation will be permenantly harmed.

Wrong again, moron.

Over half of Tea Party supporters self-identify as Independents or Democrats.

Tea Partiers Are Fairly Mainstream in Their Demographics

hey fool you do realise that all those indys are people who bailed on the R party right?
these people are all the people who Backed Bush no matter what he did.

Its the same 28%.

The people who I have been talking to on the internets for YEARS who backed anything Bush did are the same people backing the tea party crap.

That is my personal experience and it seems to line up with most the polls I see.
Rassmusen better stop this shitty poll results for poltical reasons or their reputation will be permenantly harmed.

Wrong again, moron.

Over half of Tea Party supporters self-identify as Independents or Democrats.

Tea Partiers Are Fairly Mainstream in Their Demographics

first, i think someone with a double digit IQ should refrain from calling anyone 'moron'. and i don't care what you failed bushbots claim to be now... you were bushbots then, you're tea party loons now.

these people are all the people who Backed Bush no matter what he did.

Its the same 28%.

The people who I have been talking to on the internets for YEARS who backed anything Bush did are the same people backing the tea party crap.

That is my personal experience and it seems to line up with most the polls I see.
Rassmusen better stop this shitty poll results for poltical reasons or their reputation will be permenantly harmed.

Wrong again, moron.

Over half of Tea Party supporters self-identify as Independents or Democrats.

Tea Partiers Are Fairly Mainstream in Their Demographics

first, i think someone with a double digit IQ should refrain from calling anyone 'moron'. and i don't care what you failed bushbots claim to be now... you were bushbots then, you're tea party loons now.


Yes those "fringe" Bush bots failed miserably in MA and VA let me tell you. No wonder why they have every liberal's panties in a bunch.
first, i think someone with a double digit IQ should refrain from calling anyone 'moron'. and i don't care what you failed bushbots claim to be now... you were bushbots then, you're tea party loons now.


^^^ Another Obamunist who can't handle facts.
Let's look at the Tea Party in a practical real-life political context. Let's take the Arizona Senate race for example.

The primary is RINO McCain vs. Rock solid conservative J D Hayworth. From what I've heard, none of the Tea Party organizations have endorsed either one.

Let's say RINO McCain wins. What will the Tea Partiers in AZ do then? What SHOULD they do?

1. Endorse McCain

2. Run their own candidate on a 3rd party ticket

3. Nothing.

...let's hear from the Tea Party fans here.
Let's look at the Tea Party in a practical real-life political context. Let's take the Arizona Senate race for example.

The primary is RINO McCain vs. Rock solid conservative J D Hayworth. From what I've heard, none of the Tea Party organizations have endorsed either one.

Let's say RINO McCain wins. What will the Tea Partiers in AZ do then? What SHOULD they do?

1. Endorse McCain

2. Run their own candidate on a 3rd party ticket

3. Nothing.

...let's hear from the Tea Party fans here.

Hayworth is a self promoting blowhard with the brains of a gnat.
Let's take another scenario, since the response from tea partiers was so overwhelming on the last one,

NY 23 this year. What if the Republicans don't nominate Doug Hoffmann? Should he run as a third party Tea Party candidate? Is that a good scenario for you tea partiers?
these people are all the people who Backed Bush no matter what he did.

Its the same 28%.

The people who I have been talking to on the internets for YEARS who backed anything Bush did are the same people backing the tea party crap.

That is my personal experience and it seems to line up with most the polls I see.
Rassmusen better stop this shitty poll results for poltical reasons or their reputation will be permenantly harmed.

Wrong again, moron.

Over half of Tea Party supporters self-identify as Independents or Democrats.

Tea Partiers Are Fairly Mainstream in Their Demographics

first, i think someone with a double digit IQ should refrain from calling anyone 'moron'. and i don't care what you failed bushbots claim to be now... you were bushbots then, you're tea party loons now.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NZlBFMEbxg]YouTube - Loon Cry[/ame]

it's that little head dunking thang you do at the end tickles the crap outta me.
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