Tea Party activist confronts Obama on Biden calling them terrorists.

Once again, here's the right's proof. The article in its entirety. Could somebody please point out to me a quote from Biden? How about a quote from somebody else paraphrasing Biden? I do wear glasses, but I have no problem reading. As far as I can tell, the only person attributing the terrorist remark to Biden is, the author of the article.

The first line states he accused them of acting like terrorists.

Later he denied it to assure that the White House didn't catch the blame for it, but......

I think the terrorist label was floated by the White House.

When everyone else it acting like idiots Obama looks reasonable in comparison. That is the reason everyone on TV from the left started talking "terrorists".

The VP thought his comments weren't on the record so he said what was on his mind and later denied it. The only reason we can't prove it is because nobody recorded him saying it.

Sorry, pal, that doesn't fly. The first lines says...so what? Is there a confirmed quote from Biden? No, there isn't. Thanks for playing. You can go back to sleep now.

You're acting like a terrorist.
The first line states he accused them of acting like terrorists.

Later he denied it to assure that the White House didn't catch the blame for it, but......

I think the terrorist label was floated by the White House.

When everyone else it acting like idiots Obama looks reasonable in comparison. That is the reason everyone on TV from the left started talking "terrorists".

The VP thought his comments weren't on the record so he said what was on his mind and later denied it. The only reason we can't prove it is because nobody recorded him saying it.

Sorry, pal, that doesn't fly. The first lines says...so what? Is there a confirmed quote from Biden? No, there isn't. Thanks for playing. You can go back to sleep now.

You're acting like a terrorist.

Good one. When you're proven wrong, without a doubt; when you have absolutely nothing left in your bag of lies; the only thing you can do is laugh it off. You may not be winning the argument, but at least you have a sense of humor.
It's what the VP and others like him feel and you leftoids have already embraced it, so why not run with it?

Get the banners made, print up the posters, get 0bama and Plugs to sign a few for campaign fundraisers...

It'll be a hoot... Can't wait to see the political ads....

:lol::lol::lol: Oh, so now it's, "Well, that's what Dems "feel", so...". I'll take that as an admission of defeat. Thanks for playing.
Sorry, pal, that doesn't fly. The first lines says...so what? Is there a confirmed quote from Biden? No, there isn't. Thanks for playing. You can go back to sleep now.

You're acting like a terrorist.

Good one. When you're proven wrong, without a doubt; when you have absolutely nothing left in your bag of lies; the only thing you can do is laugh it off. You may not be winning the argument, but at least you have a sense of humor.

You claim we're lying yet you want to believe a man who has done nothing but lie from day one. Interesting. it's makes for a weak deflection.
You're acting like a terrorist.

Good one. When you're proven wrong, without a doubt; when you have absolutely nothing left in your bag of lies; the only thing you can do is laugh it off. You may not be winning the argument, but at least you have a sense of humor.

You claim we're lying yet you want to believe a man who has done nothing but lie from day one. Interesting. it's makes for a weak deflection.

I'll make you a deal. I'll stop calling you a liar when you stop lying. And who is this "he" that you speak of? Do you have proof that "he" (whoever that is) has lied from day one? How about we stick with the argument at hand. You know, the one that you lost long ago. And you want to talk about deflection? :lol::lol::lol: Go ahead, change the subject. I realize that's all you have left.
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Good one. When you're proven wrong, without a doubt; when you have absolutely nothing left in your bag of lies; the only thing you can do is laugh it off. You may not be winning the argument, but at least you have a sense of humor.

You claim we're lying yet you want to believe a man who has done nothing but lie from day one. Interesting. it's makes for a weak deflection.

I'll make you a deal. I'll stop calling you a liar when you stop lying. And who is this "he" that you speak of? Do you have proof that "he" (whoever that is) has lied from day one? How about we stick with the argument at hand. You know, the one that you lost long ago. And you want to talk about deflection? :lol::lol::lol: Go ahead, change the subject. I realize that's all you have left.

I haven't lied but yet you want to call me a liar.
You claim we're lying yet you want to believe a man who has done nothing but lie from day one. Interesting. it's makes for a weak deflection.

I'll make you a deal. I'll stop calling you a liar when you stop lying. And who is this "he" that you speak of? Do you have proof that "he" (whoever that is) has lied from day one? How about we stick with the argument at hand. You know, the one that you lost long ago. And you want to talk about deflection? :lol::lol::lol: Go ahead, change the subject. I realize that's all you have left.

I haven't lied but yet you want to call me a liar.

You're claiming - no, insisting - that Biden called Tea Party congressmen terrorists, despite having no proof that he said what you claim. It's been pointed out to you over and over and over that there is not an actual quote of Biden saying that; yet, you continue to insist that it's true. In my book, that makes you a liar.

Some Democrats familiar with the meeting said at the time that Biden had appeared to agree with the sentiment expressed by Doyle and others as a way of moving the conversation along and convincing Democrats to support the final compromise. But Biden himself denied to CBS News that he had uttered the word “terrorist” in the meeting in the context of the Tea Party.

Bottom line: Politico originally cited "unnamed sources" who said they heard Biden "echo" (or agreed with the sentiment) the statements of OTHER Dem politicians who said the Tea Party are acting like terrorist. NO ONE CAN GIVE AN AUDIO OR VIDEO OR A DIRECT QUOTE by Biden or by someone in conversation with him where Biden used that word to describe the Tea Party or Tea Party elected congressmen...at most

So now we have some Teabagger who confronts the President, then is given a short audience, then tells Fox News HIS VERSION of the conversation....the crux of which he's pissed because Obama won't admit to something that CANNOT BE PROVEN BEYOND HEARSAY. Mind you, the Tea Party has a history of insisting their opinions, suppositions and conjectures supercede documented facts....and their neocon, right wingnut and occasional libertarian compadres run the bullhorn with them.

But as always, a little honest analysis of ALL the facts cuts through the Fox fog.
I'll make you a deal. I'll stop calling you a liar when you stop lying. And who is this "he" that you speak of? Do you have proof that "he" (whoever that is) has lied from day one? How about we stick with the argument at hand. You know, the one that you lost long ago. And you want to talk about deflection? :lol::lol::lol: Go ahead, change the subject. I realize that's all you have left.

I haven't lied but yet you want to call me a liar.

You're claiming - no, insisting - that Biden called Tea Party congressmen terrorists, despite having no proof that he said what you claim. It's been pointed out to you over and over and over that there is not an actual quote of Biden saying that; yet, you continue to insist that it's true. In my book, that makes you a liar.

I don't recall making such a claim. I know the tea party has been accused by the media as to being terrorist like, but I don't think I havemade a claim that biden said it.

Some Democrats familiar with the meeting said at the time that Biden had appeared to agree with the sentiment expressed by Doyle and others as a way of moving the conversation along and convincing Democrats to support the final compromise. But Biden himself denied to CBS News that he had uttered the word “terrorist” in the meeting in the context of the Tea Party.

Bottom line: Politico originally cited "unnamed sources" who said they heard Biden "echo" (or agreed with the sentiment) the statements of OTHER Dem politicians who said the Tea Party are acting like terrorist. NO ONE CAN GIVE AN AUDIO OR VIDEO OR A DIRECT QUOTE by Biden or by someone in conversation with him where Biden used that word to describe the Tea Party or Tea Party elected congressmen...at most

So now we have some Teabagger who confronts the President, then is given a short audience, then tells Fox News HIS VERSION of the conversation....the crux of which he's pissed because Obama won't admit to something that CANNOT BE PROVEN BEYOND HEARSAY. Mind you, the Tea Party has a history of insisting their opinions, suppositions and conjectures supercede documented facts....and their neocon, right wingnut and occasional libertarian compadres run the bullhorn with them.

But as always, a little honest analysis of ALL the facts cuts through the Fox fog.

Well, this is funny.

The left thinks they're talking from a moral high ground on honesty.

One only has to listen to any Obama speech and realize that honesty isn't exactly his forte.

Now if the White House wants to claim they have nothing to do with all of this Tea Party terrorism talk I say let them at their own peril. Everyone knows why all of the sudden everyone in Washington starts spouting catch-phrases and words. It's because the White House put the word out. The White House is in full campaign mode. This is all just part of their game plan. The White House has put out the word that is to be used to the media and to other Democrats in the past and this is no exception.

Other key words and phrases used in the past:

Terrorism is now Man-made disaster
The War on Terror is now Overseas Contingency Operation
Spending is now called Investing
Raising taxes is replaced with Generating Revenue
Spreading the wealth is now called Fairness and Social Justice
Giving in to Democrats is now called A Balanced Approach
Calling for Spending Cuts is now called Terrorism

It's not much of a leap to assume that the White House is the source of all of this terrorism talk.

They can't call actual terrorists what they are but they have no qualms in calling average Americans in the Tea Party terrorists.

It's utterly despicable in my opinion.
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Oh, btw.

The Tea Party member that questioned Obama is basically unemployed.

When Obama took over most of the auto industry he put Ryan Rhodes, who was a car-salesman, out of business. The car dealership he worked at was closed thanks to Obama's policies.
so let me see if I got this;

People call big 0 a kenyan and a socialist.

so that makes it OK for Biden to call Americans that disagree with him, terrorist.

This must be more of that "Fairness doctrine" non-sense.

and now they are saying the Biden seemed to have disagreed with someone else calling us terrorist.

If this wasn't such a pathetic pile of shit, it would be funny.

He did that publicly where..exactly?

I'm sure "Unnamed Source" is always a reliable source of information.

Which is why you will see me linking stuff Republicans say from now on..that's attributed to "Unnamed Source" and I will have you unquestioningly believe it without challenge.

Right? :lol:

It came from his own people.

Why would his own people make shit up?

I'd be willing to bet someone came up with the idea b/c they thought it was a great idea that would rally support from the left.
El surprise. The stories of the security detail don't jibe with the people arrested. Considering that there was obviously a pattern of summarily removing perceived dissenters from events where Bush was going to speak, I think it's probably safe to assume that security details all across the country were instructed to remove anyone, regardless of how well-behaved they were, if they had signs or t-shirts critical of Bush and/or his policies.

Additionally, considering the fact that the people arrested were not prosecuted (probably due to a complete lack of evidence), it's not a stretch to believe THEIR stories in the least.

so now your fact is nothing more than paranoid assumption on your part.

Got it.

No, paranoid assumption is the perview of the RW. What >I< see is a complete lack of evidence that these people actually broke any laws or behaved in a way that warranted arrest. That's why they were not prosecuted. One of the women, Christine Nelson, who by the way wasn't just arrested, she was strip searched too. And what does she do for a living? She teaches history and gov't at a middle school in Cedar Rapids. Last time I checked, Cedar Rapids was not a hotbed of radical groups, and female middle school teachers are not threats to national security.

But you defend their arrest, do you? How about if conservative women who worked as middle school teachers were arrested under the same circumstance? Would you be fine with that?

Say yes, and at least you'll appear intellectually consistent even though you'll still look like a fool.

We do not know the facts that prompted the arrest....but many times unruly protesters who refuse to listen to the authorities are arrested simply to get them away from the scene and preventing things from getting more heated up...and then no charges are pressed as it is determined that although the law was broken, (maybe as simple as crossing the police line), it was a victimless crime and nothing more dangerous resulted from the activity....and it is not necessary to "teach a lesson" by pressing charges as the arrest itself was a lesson in itself.

I do not defend nor do I condemn the arrest. But I have faith that our police officers did what they deemed best at the time.

The professor in Boston no doubtedly broke the law and warranted an arrest. However, once the dust settled, it was determined that although he broke the law by refusing to show ID to the officer, it was a victimless crime that was prompted by emotions....so pressing charges was not necessary.

My son was caught drinking beer in a parking lot at the age of 18. He was deemed an adult and arrested for open alcohol in a public place. He no doubtedly broke the law.....but they called me, I picked him up and they did not press charges as the lesson was learned by the arrest itself.

You see....you are acting paranoid with your assumptions. You assume becuase of "A" then it MUST BE "B"....but there are so many examples where if it is "A" it does not have to be "B"....but your paranoia forces you to assume it MUST BE "B".

It must be tough being you.

Some Democrats familiar with the meeting said at the time that Biden had appeared to agree with the sentiment expressed by Doyle and others as a way of moving the conversation along and convincing Democrats to support the final compromise. But Biden himself denied to CBS News that he had uttered the word “terrorist” in the meeting in the context of the Tea Party.

Bottom line: Politico originally cited "unnamed sources" who said they heard Biden "echo" (or agreed with the sentiment) the statements of OTHER Dem politicians who said the Tea Party are acting like terrorist. NO ONE CAN GIVE AN AUDIO OR VIDEO OR A DIRECT QUOTE by Biden or by someone in conversation with him where Biden used that word to describe the Tea Party or Tea Party elected congressmen...at most

So now we have some Teabagger who confronts the President, then is given a short audience, then tells Fox News HIS VERSION of the conversation....the crux of which he's pissed because Obama won't admit to something that CANNOT BE PROVEN BEYOND HEARSAY. Mind you, the Tea Party has a history of insisting their opinions, suppositions and conjectures supercede documented facts....and their neocon, right wingnut and occasional libertarian compadres run the bullhorn with them.

But as always, a little honest analysis of ALL the facts cuts through the Fox fog.

Add in this was behind closed doors not meant for public consumption.

You know..like when Dick Cheney had meeting with the heads of oil companies to determine public policy for energy. :lol:

Some Democrats familiar with the meeting said at the time that Biden had appeared to agree with the sentiment expressed by Doyle and others as a way of moving the conversation along and convincing Democrats to support the final compromise. But Biden himself denied to CBS News that he had uttered the word “terrorist” in the meeting in the context of the Tea Party.

Bottom line: Politico originally cited "unnamed sources" who said they heard Biden "echo" (or agreed with the sentiment) the statements of OTHER Dem politicians who said the Tea Party are acting like terrorist. NO ONE CAN GIVE AN AUDIO OR VIDEO OR A DIRECT QUOTE by Biden or by someone in conversation with him where Biden used that word to describe the Tea Party or Tea Party elected congressmen...at most

So now we have some Teabagger who confronts the President, then is given a short audience, then tells Fox News HIS VERSION of the conversation....the crux of which he's pissed because Obama won't admit to something that CANNOT BE PROVEN BEYOND HEARSAY. Mind you, the Tea Party has a history of insisting their opinions, suppositions and conjectures supercede documented facts....and their neocon, right wingnut and occasional libertarian compadres run the bullhorn with them.

But as always, a little honest analysis of ALL the facts cuts through the Fox fog.

Add in this was behind closed doors not meant for public consumption.

You know..like when Dick Cheney had meeting with the heads of oil companies to determine public policy for energy. :lol:

Yeah. Don't talk to energy producers about energy.

Btw, what do you think was discussed in this meeting?

Could it have been how to get away with calling several million Americans terrorists?
What would be the reaction?
How would it effect the President?
How could Obama take advantage of the hyperbole it represents?
Would it make him appear rational?
Would the stain of the accusations inflame the public against the Tea Party?

I would like to be a fly on the wall at one of these brainstorming sessions.

Course all knowledge of the meeting must be ether denied or crafted to give the President and the VP plausible deniability in case what was discussed becomes public.

Is that what you mean?
I'm not sure what the big deal is??? Why is Dick Cheney having a meeting with oil company executives to determine energy policy any worse than the Obama whitehouse having a meeting with union executives to determine labor policy?? If you are going to seek answers about energy, then who do you go to?? Cornell West?? Krugman?? The only thing that those two people know about energy is that the gas nozzle goes into your gas tank. Perhaps it would have fit your sensabilities if Dick Cheney would have had a meeting with the EPA to determine energy policies? Or perhaps if we are determining policies for Native Americans, we have meetings with La Raza?

This Tea Party member doesn't really care if Joe Biden called us a terrorist or not. We definately got his attention, didn't we? Next time we just may have the votes to really stall any debt ceiling raise until Congress decides that they just may have to live within our means. OR, this is just going to make all you lefties just shiver, perhaps we'll have the votes to pass a constitutional amendment REQUIRING that the federal government only spend what it brings in unless Congress actually DECLARES a state of war. Wow, I can hear the shreiking all the way to Oklahoma on that one!
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During the Bush years folks like Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, (the list goes on an on) have said worse.

I've got an idea. I wear a size 12E boot. Why don't you sit on it and I'll go look for your links.

No thanks. I don't sit on boots.

Do me a favor though.

Stop being stupid.


Oh gosh..I just realized that is impossible for you. Because you lack higher functions.

Like cognition.

Like being able to back any of the vomit you put up here up.

You're an idiot.

Look in the mirror fuckwad.

Wow, and he actually felt that had to be broken into seven distinct paragraphs?

My God.

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Did Vice President Biden liken Tea Party Republicans to terrorists in a meeting with House Democrats? Eyewitnesses say yes, but he denies it, Politico reports:

Biden was agreeing with a line of argument made by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) at a two-hour, closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting.

"We have negotiated with terrorists," an angry Doyle said, according to sources in the room. "This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money."

Biden, driven by his Democratic allies' misgivings about the debt-limit deal, responded: "They have acted like terrorists."

Biden's office initially declined to comment about what the vice president said inside the closed-door session, but after Politico published the remarks, spokeswoman Kendra Barkoff said: "The word was used by several members of Congress. The vice president does not believe it's an appropriate term in political discourse."

Whether Biden said it or not, all parties seem to agree that Doyle and perhaps other House Democrats did. And plenty of prominent elite liberals have sounded the theme. It's become commonplace on the opinion pages of the New York Times, where Joe Nocera rants:

You know what they say: Never negotiate with terrorists. It only encourages them. These last few months, much of the country has watched in horror as the Tea Party Republicans have waged jihad on the American people. . . . Their goal, they believed, was worth blowing up the country for, if that's what it took. . . . For now, the Tea Party Republicans can put aside their suicide vests. But rest assured: They'll have them on again soon enough.

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