Tea Party activist confronts Obama on Biden calling them terrorists.


Did Vice President Biden liken Tea Party Republicans to terrorists in a meeting with House Democrats? Eyewitnesses say yes, but he denies it, Politico reports:

Biden was agreeing with a line of argument made by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) at a two-hour, closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting.

"We have negotiated with terrorists," an angry Doyle said, according to sources in the room. "This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money."

Biden, driven by his Democratic allies' misgivings about the debt-limit deal, responded: "They have acted like terrorists."

Biden's office initially declined to comment about what the vice president said inside the closed-door session, but after Politico published the remarks, spokeswoman Kendra Barkoff said: "The word was used by several members of Congress. The vice president does not believe it's an appropriate term in political discourse."

Whether Biden said it or not, all parties seem to agree that Doyle and perhaps other House Democrats did. And plenty of prominent elite liberals have sounded the theme. It's become commonplace on the opinion pages of the New York Times, where Joe Nocera rants:

You know what they say: Never negotiate with terrorists. It only encourages them. These last few months, much of the country has watched in horror as the Tea Party Republicans have waged jihad on the American people. . . . Their goal, they believed, was worth blowing up the country for, if that's what it took. . . . For now, the Tea Party Republicans can put aside their suicide vests. But rest assured: They'll have them on again soon enough.

'Civility': The Denouement - WSJ.com

Damn! "Suicide vests"??

And to think these same libs were crying and whining about targets and crosshairs not long ago...

I guess they told Barry to shove his "tone down the rhetoric" advice up his ass...lol
so let me see if I got this;

People call big 0 a kenyan and a socialist.

so that makes it OK for Biden to call Americans that disagree with him, terrorist.

This must be more of that "Fairness doctrine" non-sense.

and now they are saying the Biden seemed to have disagreed with someone else calling us terrorist.

If this wasn't such a pathetic pile of shit, it would be funny.

He did that publicly where..exactly?

I'm sure "Unnamed Source" is always a reliable source of information.

Which is why you will see me linking stuff Republicans say from now on..that's attributed to "Unnamed Source" and I will have you unquestioningly believe it without challenge.

Right? :lol:

It came from his own people.

Why would his own people make shit up?

I'd be willing to bet someone came up with the idea b/c they thought it was a great idea that would rally support from the left.

Do you have a confirmed quote from one of his "people" that specifically names Biden as the person who said htis? No? That's what I thought.
Vice President Joe Biden’s comparison of tea party negotiators to terrorists during the debt-limit crisis is still causing headaches for the White House — and on the campaign trail — more than two weeks after POLITICO reported Biden’s comments from a closed-door Democratic meeting in the Capitol.

President Barack Obama on Monday stood by the vice president’s denial, and then on Wednesday morning The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler in his Fact Checker column took a shot at POLITICO’s reporting, saying he was “dubious” that Biden actually made such remarks.

For the record, POLITICO stands by the story and has done so since the moment it was posted on our website. Furthermore, the vice president’s office has never asked for a correction or retraction despite follow-up denials by Biden himself.

Setting aside the idea that it’s virtually impossible for one media organization to fact-check another media outlet’s reporting on what a public official said behind closed doors when there’s no known recording or transcript, we thought it would be fair to pull back the curtain on our reporting process and explain how the story came together.

Like many stories, it started with a tip from a source who was inside the tense Aug. 1 Democratic meeting with Biden as the debt negotiations reached a critical point. This is how much of the reporting works on Capitol Hill — reporters stand outside closed conference rooms, emailing people inside those meetings while waiting to buttonhole lawmakers as they leave. The best reporters have sources who reveal what goes on in these meetings, and we protect these sources.

After hearing from the first source, the two POLITICO reporters on the story, Jonathan Allen and John Bresnahan, quickly confirmed Biden’s words with three other sources who were in the same room. They also contacted a fifth source, who confirmed the basic reporting. The original tip came in at about 1 p.m. Aug. 1, and POLITICO spent the next few hours in contact with the vice president’s office, which was aware of what the story was going to say and had been given several hours to respond by the time the story posted at 4 p.m.

Read more: The Biden 'terrorist' story: How it came together - Martin Kady II - POLITICO.com
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Some Democrats familiar with the meeting said at the time that Biden had appeared to agree with the sentiment expressed by Doyle and others as a way of moving the conversation along and convincing Democrats to support the final compromise. But Biden himself denied to CBS News that he had uttered the word “terrorist” in the meeting in the context of the Tea Party.

Bottom line: Politico originally cited "unnamed sources" who said they heard Biden "echo" (or agreed with the sentiment) the statements of OTHER Dem politicians who said the Tea Party are acting like terrorist. NO ONE CAN GIVE AN AUDIO OR VIDEO OR A DIRECT QUOTE by Biden or by someone in conversation with him where Biden used that word to describe the Tea Party or Tea Party elected congressmen...at most

So now we have some Teabagger who confronts the President, then is given a short audience, then tells Fox News HIS VERSION of the conversation....the crux of which he's pissed because Obama won't admit to something that CANNOT BE PROVEN BEYOND HEARSAY. Mind you, the Tea Party has a history of insisting their opinions, suppositions and conjectures supercede documented facts....and their neocon, right wingnut and occasional libertarian compadres run the bullhorn with them.

But as always, a little honest analysis of ALL the facts cuts through the Fox fog.

Add in this was behind closed doors not meant for public consumption.

You know..like when Dick Cheney had meeting with the heads of oil companies to determine public policy for energy. :lol:

Yeah. Don't talk to energy producers about energy.

Btw, what do you think was discussed in this meeting?

Could it have been how to get away with calling several million Americans terrorists?
What would be the reaction?
How would it effect the President?
How could Obama take advantage of the hyperbole it represents?
Would it make him appear rational?
Would the stain of the accusations inflame the public against the Tea Party?

I would like to be a fly on the wall at one of these brainstorming sessions.

Course all knowledge of the meeting must be ether denied or crafted to give the President and the VP plausible deniability in case what was discussed becomes public.

Is that what you mean?

Several million? :lol: I doubt it even constitutes a million. And I am being generous.

Ah so..you want meetings on public policy secret and on private political policy public.

Careful what you wish for..cause that would mean Republican meetings would be subject to the same scrunity.

I hear they are a pretty randy bunch. :lol:
Vice President Joe Biden’s comparison of tea party negotiators to terrorists during the debt-limit crisis is still causing headaches for the White House — and on the campaign trail — more than two weeks after POLITICO reported Biden’s comments from a closed-door Democratic meeting in the Capitol.

President Barack Obama on Monday stood by the vice president’s denial, and then on Wednesday morning The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler in his Fact Checker column took a shot at POLITICO’s reporting, saying he was “dubious” that Biden actually made such remarks.

For the record, POLITICO stands by the story and has done so since the moment it was posted on our website. Furthermore, the vice president’s office has never asked for a correction or retraction despite follow-up denials by Biden himself.

Setting aside the idea that it’s virtually impossible for one media organization to fact-check another media outlet’s reporting on what a public official said behind closed doors when there’s no known recording or transcript, we thought it would be fair to pull back the curtain on our reporting process and explain how the story came together.

Like many stories, it started with a tip from a source who was inside the tense Aug. 1 Democratic meeting with Biden as the debt negotiations reached a critical point. This is how much of the reporting works on Capitol Hill — reporters stand outside closed conference rooms, emailing people inside those meetings while waiting to buttonhole lawmakers as they leave. The best reporters have sources who reveal what goes on in these meetings, and we protect these sources.

After hearing from the first source, the two POLITICO reporters on the story, Jonathan Allen and John Bresnahan, quickly confirmed Biden’s words with three other sources who were in the same room. They also contacted a fifth source, who confirmed the basic reporting. The original tip came in at about 1 p.m. Aug. 1, and POLITICO spent the next few hours in contact with the vice president’s office, which was aware of what the story was going to say and had been given several hours to respond by the time the story posted at 4 p.m.

Read more: The Biden 'terrorist' story: How it came together - Martin Kady II - POLITICO.com

Still with this guy "unnamed source"?

Okay..I am going with "an aide".

Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'

GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.

“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”

“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”

Since all unknown people are generally reliable. :lol:
No thanks. I don't sit on boots.

Do me a favor though.

Stop being stupid.


Oh gosh..I just realized that is impossible for you. Because you lack higher functions.

Like cognition.

Like being able to back any of the vomit you put up here up.

You're an idiot.

Look in the mirror fuckwad.

Wow, and he actually felt that had to be broken into seven distinct paragraphs?

My God.


Do me a favor..and leave me on ignore?

Vice President Joe Biden’s comparison of tea party negotiators to terrorists during the debt-limit crisis is still causing headaches for the White House — and on the campaign trail — more than two weeks after POLITICO reported Biden’s comments from a closed-door Democratic meeting in the Capitol.

President Barack Obama on Monday stood by the vice president’s denial, and then on Wednesday morning The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler in his Fact Checker column took a shot at POLITICO’s reporting, saying he was “dubious” that Biden actually made such remarks.

For the record, POLITICO stands by the story and has done so since the moment it was posted on our website. Furthermore, the vice president’s office has never asked for a correction or retraction despite follow-up denials by Biden himself.

Setting aside the idea that it’s virtually impossible for one media organization to fact-check another media outlet’s reporting on what a public official said behind closed doors when there’s no known recording or transcript, we thought it would be fair to pull back the curtain on our reporting process and explain how the story came together.

Like many stories, it started with a tip from a source who was inside the tense Aug. 1 Democratic meeting with Biden as the debt negotiations reached a critical point. This is how much of the reporting works on Capitol Hill — reporters stand outside closed conference rooms, emailing people inside those meetings while waiting to buttonhole lawmakers as they leave. The best reporters have sources who reveal what goes on in these meetings, and we protect these sources.

After hearing from the first source, the two POLITICO reporters on the story, Jonathan Allen and John Bresnahan, quickly confirmed Biden’s words with three other sources who were in the same room. They also contacted a fifth source, who confirmed the basic reporting. The original tip came in at about 1 p.m. Aug. 1, and POLITICO spent the next few hours in contact with the vice president’s office, which was aware of what the story was going to say and had been given several hours to respond by the time the story posted at 4 p.m.

Read more: The Biden 'terrorist' story: How it came together - Martin Kady II - POLITICO.com

Still with this guy "unnamed source"?

Okay..I am going with "an aide".

Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'

GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.

“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”

“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”

Since all unknown people are generally reliable. :lol:

5 unnamed sources in a closed meeting.
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Add in this was behind closed doors not meant for public consumption.

You know..like when Dick Cheney had meeting with the heads of oil companies to determine public policy for energy. :lol:

Yeah. Don't talk to energy producers about energy.

Btw, what do you think was discussed in this meeting?

Could it have been how to get away with calling several million Americans terrorists?
What would be the reaction?
How would it effect the President?
How could Obama take advantage of the hyperbole it represents?
Would it make him appear rational?
Would the stain of the accusations inflame the public against the Tea Party?

I would like to be a fly on the wall at one of these brainstorming sessions.

Course all knowledge of the meeting must be ether denied or crafted to give the President and the VP plausible deniability in case what was discussed becomes public.

Is that what you mean?

Several million? :lol: I doubt it even constitutes a million. And I am being generous.

Ah so..you want meetings on public policy secret and on private political policy public.

Careful what you wish for..cause that would mean Republican meetings would be subject to the same scrunity.

I hear they are a pretty randy bunch. :lol:

I hate to tell you this numbnuts...but several million Americans feel exactly the way the Tea Party does. Very few of them are actual members because there is no official way to join. You put a Tea Party sticker on your car...you're a member.
Yeah. Don't talk to energy producers about energy.

Btw, what do you think was discussed in this meeting?

Could it have been how to get away with calling several million Americans terrorists?
What would be the reaction?
How would it effect the President?
How could Obama take advantage of the hyperbole it represents?
Would it make him appear rational?
Would the stain of the accusations inflame the public against the Tea Party?

I would like to be a fly on the wall at one of these brainstorming sessions.

Course all knowledge of the meeting must be ether denied or crafted to give the President and the VP plausible deniability in case what was discussed becomes public.

Is that what you mean?

Several million? :lol: I doubt it even constitutes a million. And I am being generous.

Ah so..you want meetings on public policy secret and on private political policy public.

Careful what you wish for..cause that would mean Republican meetings would be subject to the same scrunity.

I hear they are a pretty randy bunch. :lol:

I hate to tell you this numbnuts...but several million Americans feel exactly the way the Tea Party does. Very few of them are actual members because there is no official way to join. You put a Tea Party sticker on your car...you're a member.

You can sign up here.

Tea Party - Tea Party Command Center
Idiots on the left now hear this. If the tea party was full of terrorist they would have taken obama out right there on the spot, because terrorist don't care they do what is set on their mind. And if the secret service thought the TEA PARTY WERE TERRORIST they never would have allowed obama to get that close to the crowd. You idiots have been played by you’re media gods.

Here's the video look how close he is to the alledged terrorist group.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCeZiMfLXPQ]Obama confronted by Tea Party activists in Iowa - YouTube[/ame]
Idiots on the left now hear this. If the tea party was full of terrorist they would have taken obama out right there on the spot, because terrorist don't care they do what is set on their mind. And if the secret service thought the TEA PARTY WERE TERRORIST they never would have allowed obama to get that close to the crowd. You idiots have been played by you’re media gods.

Here's the video look how close he is to the alledged terrorist group.
Obama confronted by Tea Party activists in Iowa - YouTube

I don't know who's ass is being kissed in that last sentence, but the truth of that statement is being disputed, so he is misreporting. FOX does that too often.
Idiots on the left now hear this. If the tea party was full of terrorist they would have taken obama out right there on the spot, because terrorist don't care they do what is set on their mind. And if the secret service thought the TEA PARTY WERE TERRORIST they never would have allowed obama to get that close to the crowd. You idiots have been played by you’re media gods.

Here's the video look how close he is to the alledged terrorist group.
Obama confronted by Tea Party activists in Iowa - YouTube

I don't know who's ass is being kissed in that last sentence, but the truth of that statement is being disputed, so he is misreporting. FOX does that too often.

I'm not talking about if biden made the statement or not. But the name as been thrown at the tea party membes by the media and the left has jumped on it. Now if the TEA party was full of terrorist do you think the secert service would have allowed obama to get that clos? And also if the TEA party was full of terrorist they would have killed him right there on the spot, because terrorist do not care about anything but what they are doing right then.

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Idiots on the left now hear this. If the tea party was full of terrorist they would have taken obama out right there on the spot, because terrorist don't care they do what is set on their mind. And if the secret service thought the TEA PARTY WERE TERRORIST they never would have allowed obama to get that close to the crowd. You idiots have been played by you’re media gods.

Here's the video look how close he is to the alledged terrorist group.
Obama confronted by Tea Party activists in Iowa - YouTube

I don't know who's ass is being kissed in that last sentence, but the truth of that statement is being disputed, so he is misreporting. FOX does that too often.

I'm not talking about if biden made the statement or not. But the name as been thrown at the tea party membes by the media and the left has jumped on it. Now if the TEA party was full of terrorist do you think the secert service would have allowed obama to get that clos? And also if the TEA party was full of terrorist they would have killed him right there on the spot, because terrorist do not care about anything but what they are doing right then.


My criticism is not of you, it is of the last sentence from the FOX reporter, which is under dispute by Politico. FOX is misreporting that.
Yes it is both absurd and inflammatory to call the Tea Party Terrorist.

Some Democrats familiar with the meeting said at the time that Biden had appeared to agree with the sentiment expressed by Doyle and others as a way of moving the conversation along and convincing Democrats to support the final compromise. But Biden himself denied to CBS News that he had uttered the word “terrorist” in the meeting in the context of the Tea Party.

Bottom line: Politico originally cited "unnamed sources" who said they heard Biden "echo" (or agreed with the sentiment) the statements of OTHER Dem politicians who said the Tea Party are acting like terrorist. NO ONE CAN GIVE AN AUDIO OR VIDEO OR A DIRECT QUOTE by Biden or by someone in conversation with him where Biden used that word to describe the Tea Party or Tea Party elected congressmen...at most

So now we have some Teabagger who confronts the President, then is given a short audience, then tells Fox News HIS VERSION of the conversation....the crux of which he's pissed because Obama won't admit to something that CANNOT BE PROVEN BEYOND HEARSAY. Mind you, the Tea Party has a history of insisting their opinions, suppositions and conjectures supercede documented facts....and their neocon, right wingnut and occasional libertarian compadres run the bullhorn with them.

But as always, a little honest analysis of ALL the facts cuts through the Fox fog.

Well, this is funny.

The left thinks they're talking from a moral high ground on honesty.

One only has to listen to any Obama speech and realize that honesty isn't exactly his forte.

Now if the White House wants to claim they have nothing to do with all of this Tea Party terrorism talk I say let them at their own peril. Everyone knows why all of the sudden everyone in Washington starts spouting catch-phrases and words. It's because the White House put the word out. The White House is in full campaign mode. This is all just part of their game plan. The White House has put out the word that is to be used to the media and to other Democrats in the past and this is no exception.

Other key words and phrases used in the past:

Terrorism is now Man-made disaster
The War on Terror is now Overseas Contingency Operation
Spending is now called Investing
Raising taxes is replaced with Generating Revenue
Spreading the wealth is now called Fairness and Social Justice
Giving in to Democrats is now called A Balanced Approach
Calling for Spending Cuts is now called Terrorism

It's not much of a leap to assume that the White House is the source of all of this terrorism talk.

They can't call actual terrorists what they are but they have no qualms in calling average Americans in the Tea Party terrorists.

It's utterly despicable in my opinion.


Now Mud, you can continue to blow smoke.
Oh, btw.

The Tea Party member that questioned Obama is basically unemployed.

When Obama took over most of the auto industry he put Ryan Rhodes, who was a car-salesman, out of business. The car dealership he worked at was closed thanks to Obama's policies.

Let the Teabagger blame the Shrub for his unemployment, because the fiscal conclusion of the Shrub's budget policy action came in 2009....in other words, in 2009 Obama inherited the shit pile the Shrub left.

As for "Ryan Rhodes" more unsubstantiated supposition and conjecture from our neocon parrot Mud.

Some Democrats familiar with the meeting said at the time that Biden had appeared to agree with the sentiment expressed by Doyle and others as a way of moving the conversation along and convincing Democrats to support the final compromise. But Biden himself denied to CBS News that he had uttered the word “terrorist” in the meeting in the context of the Tea Party.

Bottom line: Politico originally cited "unnamed sources" who said they heard Biden "echo" (or agreed with the sentiment) the statements of OTHER Dem politicians who said the Tea Party are acting like terrorist. NO ONE CAN GIVE AN AUDIO OR VIDEO OR A DIRECT QUOTE by Biden or by someone in conversation with him where Biden used that word to describe the Tea Party or Tea Party elected congressmen...at most

So now we have some Teabagger who confronts the President, then is given a short audience, then tells Fox News HIS VERSION of the conversation....the crux of which he's pissed because Obama won't admit to something that CANNOT BE PROVEN BEYOND HEARSAY. Mind you, the Tea Party has a history of insisting their opinions, suppositions and conjectures supercede documented facts....and their neocon, right wingnut and occasional libertarian compadres run the bullhorn with them.

But as always, a little honest analysis of ALL the facts cuts through the Fox fog.

Add in this was behind closed doors not meant for public consumption.

You know..like when Dick Cheney had meeting with the heads of oil companies to determine public policy for energy. :lol:

Yeah...because Cheney's chicanery so aptly compares to Biden and company just shooting off their mouths in general (he said with tongue planted firmly in cheek).
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Oh, btw.

The Tea Party member that questioned Obama is basically unemployed.

When Obama took over most of the auto industry he put Ryan Rhodes, who was a car-salesman, out of business. The car dealership he worked at was closed thanks to Obama's policies.

Let the Teabagger blame the Shrub for his unemployment, because the fiscal conclusion of the Shrub's budget policy action came in 2009....in other words, in 2009 Obama inherited the shit pile the Shrub left.

As for "Ryan Rhodes" more unsubstantiated supposition and conjecture from our neocon parrot Mud.

So 0bama did nothing since coming into office 1/20/2009?

Ahh yes... The 0bama motto: The Buck Stops Elsewhere

Jeezus, some of you flaming liberals are fucking stupid...
Oh, btw.

The Tea Party member that questioned Obama is basically unemployed.

When Obama took over most of the auto industry he put Ryan Rhodes, who was a car-salesman, out of business. The car dealership he worked at was closed thanks to Obama's policies.

Let the Teabagger blame the Shrub for his unemployment, because the fiscal conclusion of the Shrub's budget policy action came in 2009....in other words, in 2009 Obama inherited the shit pile the Shrub left.

As for "Ryan Rhodes" more unsubstantiated supposition and conjecture from our neocon parrot Mud.
But, but, but, but, Obama has been claiming it's the ATM'S, internet, Earthquakes, Tsunami's, Tea Partiers, Republicans, Arab Springs, BAD LUCK, and of course Bush.

So tell us, lib, what's your excuse for Obama's abject failure?

This ought to be entertaining.:eusa_whistle:
Oh, btw.

The Tea Party member that questioned Obama is basically unemployed.

When Obama took over most of the auto industry he put Ryan Rhodes, who was a car-salesman, out of business. The car dealership he worked at was closed thanks to Obama's policies.

Let the Teabagger blame the Shrub for his unemployment, because the fiscal conclusion of the Shrub's budget policy action came in 2009....in other words, in 2009 Obama inherited the shit pile the Shrub left.

As for "Ryan Rhodes" more unsubstantiated supposition and conjecture from our neocon parrot Mud.

obama was a senator anything bush did for the economy obama approved of it. obama is just as guilty as any other member of congress that supported Bushes fail economical policey.
Oh, btw.

The Tea Party member that questioned Obama is basically unemployed.

When Obama took over most of the auto industry he put Ryan Rhodes, who was a car-salesman, out of business. The car dealership he worked at was closed thanks to Obama's policies.

Let the Teabagger blame the Shrub for his unemployment, because the fiscal conclusion of the Shrub's budget policy action came in 2009....in other words, in 2009 Obama inherited the shit pile the Shrub left.

As for "Ryan Rhodes" more unsubstantiated supposition and conjecture from our neocon parrot Mud.

So 0bama did nothing since coming into office 1/20/2009?

Ahh yes... The 0bama motto: The Buck Stops Elsewhere

Jeezus, some of you flaming liberals are fucking stupid...
The buck stop with obama unless it's the economy and helping our enemies in Libya.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIviu4T0pD4]Obama: 'The buck stops here' - YouTube[/ame]
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