Tea Party activist confronts Obama on Biden calling them terrorists.


Obama does have connections to a self avowed domestic terrorist. Fact. Bill "go home and kill your parents" Ayers. :eusa_angel:

As for the rest of it. Anyone can produce 'evidence' of anything now. Sorry, but that's the world we live in now.

(And, for the record, I have made the same comment when conservatives have produced similar 'evidence'. Apply critical thinking and this 'evidence' no longer has value)

The Bushes have very real connections to the Bin Ladens.

George HW Bush pardoned Orlando Bosch..a very real terrorist that killed over 70 very real people on a very real plane which he planted a very real bomb.

Prescott Bush got busted for doing business with Hitler.

No democratic politicians were calling the Bushes terrorists or Nazis.
He wasn't being nasty at all, and B, he's not Joe Biden, and C, there's no hard evidence Biden said that, that I've found in my three minutes on the uber google.
yeah... we got that steph, you don't like him. Duly noted.

Ok... how about the topic at hand?
Seems to me that being called a 'socialist' is no big deal. So what? Being called a terrorist implies that you will murder your fellow citizen. Big difference. Apparently Obama isn't smart enough to see that. And our politicians really should not be demonizing voters for political point scoring. It disgusts me that someone who called for 'civil discourse' should be so dismissive of the people he is supposed to represent.

So the Tea Party favorite sign" The Tree Of Liberty must be watered with Blood...." is really just an aborist blood drive?

Politics in America is called ouir favorite "blood sport," it's a euphemism.
At one rally a woman, one of his supporters, said that HE said we've got to put an end to the game playing in our politics. He went on to say that these game players are playing their games to keep him from solving the economic problems we have presently; in other words it's all their fault.
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The Target Debate?... Really?...

A DemocRAT in Arizona put a Target on JD Hayworth's FACE in an Ad on TV during that Campaign...

Gonna Link that and Compare it to the Map of Bullseyes of Palins?...

Sallow, you are better than that.



JD get a cap busted into his noggin?



Sarah's US Map with Bullseyes no more got her Shot than did the Target on Hayworth's face did...

Bullseyes on Targeted Districts wasn't something Sarah made up, and it's been used by both sides forever...

But on someone's FACE?...

And you Dismiss it?...



He wants to go out CAMPAGING on our dime, I hope more people get in his face.
There is nothing to indicate anywhere that Biden called anyone a terrorist.

Biden agreed:

Biden, driven by his Democratic allies’ misgivings about the debt-limit deal, responded: “They have acted like terrorists,” according to several sources in the room.

Biden’s office refused to comment to Politico about what was said, citing that the meeting took place in a closed-door session.

Joe Biden Calls Republicans Terrorists in Debt Meeting | TheBlaze.com

And then as his Spokespeople TRY to Deny it, they say that several other Congresspeople WERE calling them Terrorists...

Biden says he didn't call Tea Party terrorists




I'll believe Biden over you and unnamed sources any day of the week.

You'll believe a lying politician?????:clap2::clap2:

Let's face it.....nobody can say that the VP or the White House has tried to tone down all of this Terrorist talk. David Axelrod himself called the Tea Party terrorists. Obama's favorite news channels called them suicide-bombers.

Very little gets reported on MSNBC without the White House giving the go ahead. The White House is quick to correct what they claim are errors reported by the press but they remained silent once this terrorism BS started. I've seen Senators and Representatives calling the Tea Party terrorists. It has to be orchestrated from the White House. All of this terrorist talk is being floated just so the White House can claim that the Tea Party is losing popularity. That is the only reason for it.
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The Target Debate?... Really?...

A DemocRAT in Arizona put a Target on JD Hayworth's FACE in an Ad on TV during that Campaign...

Gonna Link that and Compare it to the Map of Bullseyes of Palins?...

Sallow, you are better than that.



JD get a cap busted into his noggin?



Sarah's US Map with Bullseyes no more got her Shot than did the Target on Hayworth's face did...

Bullseyes on Targeted Districts wasn't something Sarah made up, and it's been used by both sides forever...

But on someone's FACE?...

And you Dismiss it?...




Sorry..I missed the story where JD got a cap busted into his noggin. You know..like Gabby Giffords.

Or like Dr. Tiller.

Bill O'Reilly has Dr. George Tiller's blood on his well-stained hands | Crooks and Liars

(Well Tiller didn't take one to the noggin..but I think the point was made)


Your title should be " Hypocrite Teabager cries about Biden's comment and then calls Obama a Socialist".
he is calling it like it is. Obama is a socialist. He wanted the healthcare law that is being a socialist . He wants to distribute the wealth also being a socialist. So far I have not seen one Tea partier doing anything being a terriost!!

I don't want to aurgue what socialism is or isn't but one could make just as strong an aurgument the tea party members are terrorists.

well "one" could but then one would look like as asshole of a moron.

Yea, see, the left are already outed for this kind of bullshit. Either prove that guy is an actual TEA Partier or you are dismissed as an idiot.

Don't like it? Blame the HuffPuff for recruiting idiots to attend TEA Party rallies with 'provocative signs', photograph themselves and spread them around the net. Dishonesty breeds suspicion.

I don't think i need to prove anything , the words and actions of the tea party LEADERS are well documented.

well them post them and provide a link whydonchya?
“I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting,” he said. “Most of us didn’t think that. What we did learn is this — it’s a hostage that’s worth ransoming. And it focuses the Congress on something that must be done.”
- Mitch "bin Laden" McConnell

ter·ror·ism   /ˈtɛrəˌrɪzəm/ Show Spelled[ter-uh-riz-uhm] Show IPA
1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

Terrorist Hostage Situations: Rescue or Ransom?

The U.S. and the E.U. are spending billions assisting local antiterrorism forces in fighting al-Qaeda. But tempting ransom sums are more than enough to coax members of dirt-poor communities to participate in hostage taking, whether by concealing terrorist groups among them or helping to transport and feed kidnapped foreigners.

Read more: Terrorist Hostage Negotiations: A Ban on Ransom Payments? - TIME

Damn terrorists and their hostage taking as a method of governance. :evil:
Yea, see, the left are already outed for this kind of bullshit. Either prove that guy is an actual TEA Partier or you are dismissed as an idiot.

Don't like it? Blame the HuffPuff for recruiting idiots to attend TEA Party rallies with 'provocative signs', photograph themselves and spread them around the net. Dishonesty breeds suspicion.

I don't think i need to prove anything , the words and actions of the tea party LEADERS are well documented.

well them post them and provide a link whydonchya?

You know what you've done there, donchya? We're gonna get an infestation of bullshit from the HuffPuff and edited you tube clips as 'proof'. :lol::lol:

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