Tea Party activist confronts Obama on Biden calling them terrorists.

“I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting,” he said. “Most of us didn’t think that. What we did learn is this — it’s a hostage that’s worth ransoming. And it focuses the Congress on something that must be done.”
- Mitch "bin Laden" McConnell

ter·ror·ism   /ˈtɛrəˌrɪzəm/ Show Spelled[ter-uh-riz-uhm] Show IPA
1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

Terrorist Hostage Situations: Rescue or Ransom?

The U.S. and the E.U. are spending billions assisting local antiterrorism forces in fighting al-Qaeda. But tempting ransom sums are more than enough to coax members of dirt-poor communities to participate in hostage taking, whether by concealing terrorist groups among them or helping to transport and feed kidnapped foreigners.

Read more: Terrorist Hostage Negotiations: A Ban on Ransom Payments? - TIME

Damn terrorists and their hostage taking as a method of governance. :evil:

It's good to know that you agree with labeling people as 'terrorists' for political point scoring. When we have a Republican President and that President refers to 'left wing terrorism', please don't whine about it. I will - however - complain about it. Because no American - left or right - should be called a terrorist for political point scoring.

Fucking partisan hack.
I don't think i need to prove anything , the words and actions of the tea party LEADERS are well documented.

well them post them and provide a link whydonchya?

You know what you've done there, donchya? We're gonna get an infestation of bullshit from the HuffPuff and edited you tube clips as 'proof'. :lol::lol:

can't wait, meanwhile I can tell ya that obiedoodle knows a real terrorist when he sees one, he likes em, he seeks em out.. Remember Bill Ayers?
“I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting,” he said. “Most of us didn’t think that. What we did learn is this — it’s a hostage that’s worth ransoming. And it focuses the Congress on something that must be done.”
- Mitch "bin Laden" McConnell

Terrorist Hostage Situations: Rescue or Ransom?

The U.S. and the E.U. are spending billions assisting local antiterrorism forces in fighting al-Qaeda. But tempting ransom sums are more than enough to coax members of dirt-poor communities to participate in hostage taking, whether by concealing terrorist groups among them or helping to transport and feed kidnapped foreigners.

Read more: Terrorist Hostage Negotiations: A Ban on Ransom Payments? - TIME

Damn terrorists and their hostage taking as a method of governance. :evil:

It's good to know that you agree with labeling people as 'terrorists' for political point scoring. When we have a Republican President and that President refers to 'left wing terrorism', please don't whine about it. I will - however - complain about it. Because no American - left or right - should be called a terrorist for political point scoring.

Fucking partisan hack.

You see the trouble with Right Wing Terrorism..is that people actually die.
And ther circle jerk goes round

Tea party is all racists
Obamas a racist
Tea party are terrorists
Obama hates America
Tea partiers are nazis
Obamas a secret Muslim who sides with terrorists


well them post them and provide a link whydonchya?

You know what you've done there, donchya? We're gonna get an infestation of bullshit from the HuffPuff and edited you tube clips as 'proof'. :lol::lol:

can't wait, meanwhile I can tell ya that obiedoodle knows a real terrorist when he sees one, he likes em, he seeks em out.. Remember Bill Ayers?

Remember Salim Bin Laden?

Remember Orlando Bosch?
Your title should be " Hypocrite Teabager cries about Biden's comment and then calls Obama a Socialist".

I thought you guys all think socialism is wonderful, so why would calling Obama a socialist be as bad as calling the TEA Party "Terrorists".

I would also expect the Vice President to conduct himself with a little more decorum than a guy on the street.

Yeah right... "Joe - this is a big fuckin' deal - Biden. He's got about as much "decorum" as the drunk passed out face down in his spilt beer at a hole in the wall bar.
Orlando Bosch killed over 70 people and was pardoned by George HW Bush (We all know Bosch is a conservative hero).

Who did Bill Ayers kill and who pardoned him?
Obama's answer..........I've been called names like SOCIALIST...waaa waaa waa

ala every other President

And I am Certain that was NOT your Reaction to it from January 20th 2001 to January 20th 2009... :thup:



I am CERTAIN I didn't even get into politics until 2006ish. But hey, do you s0n!~

Seriously?... Hannity was your first walk in Politics?... :lol: And it was only 2006?... And even then, from 2006 to Obama I am Certain you were quite the Hammerererer of Booooooooooosh!... ;)


Obama's answer..........I've been called names, so it's only fair.


No, his answer was that he was called names, too, so he can empathise with the position to stop the rhetoric. A lie, of course, but his "message" was pretty clear there's no need to be a retard about it.
And I am Certain that was NOT your Reaction to it from January 20th 2001 to January 20th 2009... :thup:



I am CERTAIN I didn't even get into politics until 2006ish. But hey, do you s0n!~

Seriously?... Hannity was your first walk in Politics?... :lol: And it was only 2006?... And even then, from 2006 to Obama I am Certain you were quite the Hammerererer of Booooooooooosh!... ;)



Well, you'd be wrong. I was never a hammerer of Boooosh. So, you can take your certainty, dig up links, shove it in my face, don't dig up links and call me a liar, or simply be on your way.
Obama's answer..........I've been called names like SOCIALIST...waaa waaa waa


Which democratic candidate has:

Questioned where their Republican opponents were born?
Called their Republican opponents adherence to something other then the American Form of government?
Questioned the loyalty of their Republican opponent to America?
Questioned the religion of their Republican opponent?

This is all fair game to you guys.
Obama's answer..........I've been called names like SOCIALIST...waaa waaa waa


Poor baby. He probably needs a tissue and a hot dog


  • $obama-hot-dog-dick-490x289.jpg
    21.6 KB · Views: 53
Why can't the Tea Party Terrorists just be happy?

They succeeded in doing so much damn damage.


They should be proud! :clap2:
Obama's answer..........I've been called names like SOCIALIST...waaa waaa waa


Which democratic candidate has:

Questioned where their Republican opponents were born?
Called their Republican opponents adherence to something other then the American Form of government?
Questioned the loyalty of their Republican opponent to America?
Questioned the religion of their Republican opponent?

This is all fair game to you guys.

I distinctly remember libtards questioning McCain's place of birth and citizenship..and Romney's religion has been questioned and bashed as has Sarah Palin's christianity so cryusafuckingriverwhydonchya asswipe of a hypocrite. now you just sit by and watch you leftwingbastardlunatics bash both Bachman and Perry for their belief in God.

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