Tea party Congressman arrested for drug possession


Nov 20, 2013
Tray Radel (R,FL) was arrested by DEA agents for drug possession.

Radel was arraigned today in Federal Court.

A deal is expected so that Radel would not spend time in jail.
Radel recently sponsored a bill that requires an individual applying for food stamps be drug tested.

The bill did not include Congressmen earning $174,000 in Government salaries

Good. I hope its the wake up call he needed to get his life in order.

I wouldn't be surprised if he got a probation offer. It's quite typical for possession.
but, but, he's a Repub!!!

I think you are confusing us for you. We have no problem holding our representatives who misbehave accountable for their actions. It's the Democrats that want to give them promotions to higher positions.

I have no doubt you will want to hang this man because he is a Republican. Just remember that our President had a similiar problem.
if the conservatives practiced what they preached, they'd tar & feather him & run him out of town on a rail but..... their standards only apply to non-Teapublican voters
if the conservatives practiced what they preached, they'd tar & feather him & run him out of town on a rail but..... their standards only apply to non-Teapublican voters

Really? Can you point to any conservative preaching tar & feathering?

Considering the only person who is even sympathetic to the tea party to have posted is me and I've fully endorsed him being held accountable for his actions, exactly how is my standard different?

If anything it's your standard that's different. We should ignore the President's drug use, but a Tea Party using drugs, we should ride him out of town.
Typical Libtard response. He's automatically a Tea Party hack because he's a Repub.

A******s like Rangel can rant and rave their racist trash and nobody cares.

If he hangs in there and ignores the leftist attacks, it wouldn't surprise me to see him re-elected.
But wait, he was caught in Dupont Circle! Where the favorite flavor of ice cream is penis

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