Tea Party/GOP have almost destroyed liberal movment; Keep it up Conservatives.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
As we begin flirting with the 2012 election, a message to all fellow conservatives is that we must keep working towards what we've started. The cancer of liberalism is slowly being eradicated from our country. And just like cancer, it's gonna be a long, hard fight. Liberalism, like cancer, can grow back, slowly or quickly, without proper treatment. We can't let our guard down (like we did in the 90's) and we sure can't ignore a hidden form of it, like we had a bit of in "W".

So we are now working to rid ourselves of the leech that is labor unions. Membership over the last 50 years has dwindled to just under 8%, but a large part of that is the government workers. Without competition, the government at all levels is already inefficient. They don't have to draw customers like a private business does, they have permanent customers. Add to that the lack of accountability in that it's hard to fire any gov't employee, well, and we then see why gov't is so inefficient. With the exception of our military, our police and our firemen, does government do ANYTHING well? And even those 3 things, despite the courage and heroics of the men and women serving, is often a cluster when it comes to the admin part of the jobs.

If we take down the labor unions, it also has strong implications for other areas of taking down liberalism. The labor unions are a massive Democratic fundraising machine. Without them, and with the new addition of allowing private companies their 1st amendment right to support candidates, the right wing will absolutely dominate fundraising efforst, setting the state for increased right wing election victories over the next 50+ years. With that, like a steady dose of cancer medication, we can slowly turn back the curse of liberalism this country has encountered. Maybe we can return to the "radical" ideals of America......like putting a Christmas nativity scene in front of a small town fire department.:eek: Crazy, I know.

And if the above goes through, we'll have a very diminished left wing. Why is this good? Aside from obvious reasons, it'll present less competition to the right. Which means right wing politicians will be less afraid to do things that need to be done, but may not be politically correct. Like SEALING THE BORDER. And like PROFILING TERRORISTS. Today, doing so will result in a flood of Dem's preaching on MSNBC about the evils and GOP candidates are simply afraid of that. But with Democrat power crushed by lack of union fundraising, eventually there will be enough security for the GOP candidates to take on these issues without fear. And honestly, I think our population is flat our ready for it. Thats why the right is gaining all the momentum.

As far as jobs are concerned, well, we better start working hard to make ourselves marketable. Union members aren't safe anymore. They'll have to compete as individuals, against everyone, for their jobs. Only merit will get you ahead in the future. The reality is we've imported 20 million low skill workers who work for very little. That makes labor abundant, and jobs scarce. Not a good combination. Its why a state might choose to say no to "Union Labor Road Builders Inc" and yes to "Maybe Our Workers are Illegal But We're Cheap LLC" when they need to build that new highway.

Anyhow, when this inevitable victory over the unions occurs, fellow conservatives must be sure to keep pushing forward on all these issues. The left wing is on the run, they're desperate, intolerant and apparantly becoming violent. It's a dangerous time to be around lefties. We saw Greece, France, Spain, England. When the left know it is defeated, they get violent. Hopefully, lefties here will condemn all violent acts and we can peacefully transition our country from it's left wing tendencies back to reality.
No, they haven't.

And, it would not be a good thing if they did. I'm disinclined to support a one party country.... reminds me of China.
No, they haven't.

And, it would not be a good thing if they did. I'm disinclined to support a one party country.... reminds me of China.

No joke. As much as I disagree with almost all of the Republican positions (except I support the Death Penalty, why rot in prison for 60+ years taking up more money while a needle and some potassium chloride will do the trick), I agree with this post.

Sorry but I am not a totally liberal. I'm 90% liberal.
No, they haven't.

And, it would not be a good thing if they did. I'm disinclined to support a one party country.... reminds me of China.

No joke. As much as I disagree with almost all of the Republican positions (except I support the Death Penalty, why rot in prison for 60+ years taking up more money while a needle and some potassium chloride will do the trick), I agree with this post.

Sorry but I am not a totally liberal. I'm 90% liberal.

No intelligent human being should march 100% along with either party.... or any ideology. That demonstrates an ability to think for yourself. It's why I sometimes find myself disagreeing with the right.
As we begin flirting with the 2012 election, a message to all fellow conservatives is that we must keep working towards what we've started. The cancer of liberalism is slowly being eradicated from our country. And just like cancer, it's gonna be a long, hard fight. Liberalism, like cancer, can grow back, slowly or quickly, without proper treatment. We can't let our guard down (like we did in the 90's) and we sure can't ignore a hidden form of it, like we had a bit of in "W".

So we are now working to rid ourselves of the leech that is labor unions. Membership over the last 50 years has dwindled to just under 8%, but a large part of that is the government workers. Without competition, the government at all levels is already inefficient. They don't have to draw customers like a private business does, they have permanent customers. Add to that the lack of accountability in that it's hard to fire any gov't employee, well, and we then see why gov't is so inefficient. With the exception of our military, our police and our firemen, does government do ANYTHING well? And even those 3 things, despite the courage and heroics of the men and women serving, is often a cluster when it comes to the admin part of the jobs.

If we take down the labor unions, it also has strong implications for other areas of taking down liberalism. The labor unions are a massive Democratic fundraising machine. Without them, and with the new addition of allowing private companies their 1st amendment right to support candidates, the right wing will absolutely dominate fundraising efforst, setting the state for increased right wing election victories over the next 50+ years. With that, like a steady dose of cancer medication, we can slowly turn back the curse of liberalism this country has encountered. Maybe we can return to the "radical" ideals of America......like putting a Christmas nativity scene in front of a small town fire department.:eek: Crazy, I know.

And if the above goes through, we'll have a very diminished left wing. Why is this good? Aside from obvious reasons, it'll present less competition to the right. Which means right wing politicians will be less afraid to do things that need to be done, but may not be politically correct. Like SEALING THE BORDER. And like PROFILING TERRORISTS. Today, doing so will result in a flood of Dem's preaching on MSNBC about the evils and GOP candidates are simply afraid of that. But with Democrat power crushed by lack of union fundraising, eventually there will be enough security for the GOP candidates to take on these issues without fear. And honestly, I think our population is flat our ready for it. Thats why the right is gaining all the momentum.

As far as jobs are concerned, well, we better start working hard to make ourselves marketable. Union members aren't safe anymore. They'll have to compete as individuals, against everyone, for their jobs. Only merit will get you ahead in the future. The reality is we've imported 20 million low skill workers who work for very little. That makes labor abundant, and jobs scarce. Not a good combination. Its why a state might choose to say no to "Union Labor Road Builders Inc" and yes to "Maybe Our Workers are Illegal But We're Cheap LLC" when they need to build that new highway.

Anyhow, when this inevitable victory over the unions occurs, fellow conservatives must be sure to keep pushing forward on all these issues. The left wing is on the run, they're desperate, intolerant and apparantly becoming violent. It's a dangerous time to be around lefties. We saw Greece, France, Spain, England. When the left know it is defeated, they get violent. Hopefully, lefties here will condemn all violent acts and we can peacefully transition our country from it's left wing tendencies back to reality.

Yeah, you're a moron alright ...

Eight years ago: Permanent GOP majority! Yay conservatives!

Four years ago: The GOP is dead! Dems forever! Go libs!

Today: The Dems are dead! Yay conservatives!
Liberalism isn't what we're seeing. This is communism, Marxism, progressivism, you name it.

Now very few here on this board fit this description, so don't take it personal.

The people causing all of this aren't Liberals.

These people give liberals a bad name.

They've taken on the name of liberal when they know damned well they aren't.

Liberals are just what the name says, Liberal in thought. A true liberal believes in ignoring faults and just allowing people to be what they are. Live and let live. Political Correctness. These so-called Liberals have large well organized groups that want to take over energy, health care, banking, and any other essential element of this society by using the courts, the election process, or if all else fails by protest, and they use taxpayer funds to do it.

These people in Washington think they are more intelligent and more informed then the rest of us. That is why they constantly talk about their level of education. We are too stupid to control ourselves, so it's up to them to show us the way.

They tell everyone that the Middle Class is shrinking but it's their actions that are actually causing it. What you eventually get is class warfare because it becomes a battle between the haves and have-nots. They need the poor because when you're dependent on government you're desperate and willing to accept change.

They say they stand up for the little people all the while they are lining their own pockets with our money.

They say they're uniters when all they do is divide us. In government they don't intend on solving problems, but they invent wedge-issues intended to cause problems. Problems that could be solved with a little bit of common-sense are left to fester and grow in size till the problem becomes massive, but they need these problems to rally their support.

Everyone wonders why we're fighting instead of working together. Well, so-called Liberals need us to fight amongst ourselves. They need straw-men to blame their fuckups on. Dictators use the same tactics to keep in power. It's always somebody else that's causing the problem, never them.

Conservatives don't have all of the answers, but then again they aren't intentionally trying to fuck us over like Progressives are. But if you ask anyone on the left those on the right are all white, fat, and rich. These fat-cats are just out to screw us. Well the fact is the left is really just out to screw us.

I just don't think true Liberals exist in great numbers anymore, so yes, they are an endangered species.
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Tea Party/GOP have almost destroyed liberal movment; Keep it up Conservatives.

Liberal thinking is enjoying its best resurgence since America was born. Liberal thinking is the basis for the Tea Party. It's the Social Democrats that are loosing ground.

You guys really need to better understand the labels you so blithely toss around.
Tea Party/GOP have almost destroyed liberal movment; Keep it up Conservatives.

Liberal thinking is enjoying its best resurgence since America was born. Liberal thinking is the basis for the Tea Party. It's the Social Democrats that are loosing ground.

You guys really need to better understand the labels you so blithely toss around.

^^^^^ That's about the smartest post in this thread.... except for mine. :eusa_angel:
Of course, you guys are right, terminology matters. "Liberal" is a term that far left socialists/commies have hijacked. True liberalism is closer to the Tea Party ideals than Obama's, but the far left hijacked the term.

But far left progressive socialism is dying. Thank God.
This is mostly right. Liberals have destroyed the liberal movement for the last 30 years by just losing all semblance of rationality and going to Marxist left objectives. Read the communist manifesto and you'll realize the Democrats down the line support it and for the same reason as Marx. The Communist manifesto is a template how to completely control an economy in every conceivable way. It treats the evil rich and private business like Hitler treated the Jews. Whatever's wrong, blame them and call for their destruction as the solution.

The thing that until the Tea Party saved them was the Republicans kept bowing to the social right to "hold the party together." What they didn't realize was that as Reagan captured moderates, fiscally conservative Democrats and libertarians who were afraid of the social right agenda was they were actually driving out votes they were losing in order to "keep" votes they had anyway. The Tea Party blew that open and brought fiscal conservatism back in a large enough way to keep the loonie social conservatives at bay.

The Tea Party changed the Republican party to stop falling on it's own sword. The Democrats have just continued to go more looney.
Of course, you guys are right, terminology matters. "Liberal" is a term that far left socialists/commies have hijacked. True liberalism is closer to the Tea Party ideals than Obama's, but the far left hijacked the term.

But far left progressive socialism is dying. Thank God.

It's why I try to differentiate between the board's Liberals and the Lefties. You can spot the Liberals - they're coherent, intelligent and, whether I agree or disagree, I can understand the point. The left regurgitate talking points from the HuffPuff and MM like fundamentalist Christians and the Bible.
Of course, you guys are right, terminology matters. "Liberal" is a term that far left socialists/commies have hijacked. True liberalism is closer to the Tea Party ideals than Obama's, but the far left hijacked the term.

But far left progressive socialism is dying. Thank God.
I don't see any reason someone couldn't be a true liberal and a true conservative. Faux liberals advocate the worst solution to helping people, government. Faux conservatives advocate the worst solution to morality, government.

There is no reason you couldn't be a true, fiscal conservative and a true liberal who believes in helping people. The war is not between conservatism and liberalism. The war is between two sides who coped out and advocate government to take their responsibility for them.
It's why I try to differentiate between the board's Liberals and the Lefties. You can spot the Liberals - they're coherent, intelligent and, whether I agree or disagree, I can understand the point. The left regurgitate talking points from the HuffPuff and MM like fundamentalist Christians and the Bible.
I agree, I have friends who are true liberals. But what they, you and all the rest fail on is true liberals won't take the rest to task. Even true liberals are collectivists. It's what just inherently limits intellectual growth in the ideology even though there is intelligence.
Of course, you guys are right, terminology matters. "Liberal" is a term that far left socialists/commies have hijacked. True liberalism is closer to the Tea Party ideals than Obama's, but the far left hijacked the term.

But far left progressive socialism is dying. Thank God.
I don't see any reason someone couldn't be a true liberal and a true conservative. Faux liberals advocate the worst solution to helping people, government. Faux conservatives advocate the worst solution to morality, government.

There is no reason you couldn't be a true, fiscal conservative and a true liberal who believes in helping people. The war is not between conservatism and liberalism. The war is between two sides who coped out and advocate government to take their responsibility for them.

I agree 100%, a true liberal can easily be a true conservative also. Because to be a true liberal (believing in personal freedom) one must be a true conservative, and also value self reliance and repsonsibility. We really only need a government because there are irresponsible people out there. Other than the military and roads, the only thing gov't does is care for or control irresponsible people. Almost everything gov't does can be done by the people, but we simply won't.
Tea Party/GOP have almost destroyed liberal movment; Keep it up Conservatives.

The socialist movement has been no more destroyed than the conservative movement was in 2008 you dumb ass.

"Almost". Key word there.

There is a huge differnence. Progressive left wing ideology requires massive influx of money to governments. Well, guess what? Those days are long gone. We're broke. And with the global economy the way it is, those days are gone forever. A new reality has set in, and government Nanny State ideals are no longer logical. Conservatism is.

In 2008, the Bush movement ended. Not the conservative movement. Bush was a Republican, not a conservative. The conservative movement is just getting started. First priority? Well, we had a few, but getting rid of unions is one. Wisconsin is laying the ground work for that, and other states will follow.

This will bust up a massive fundraising wing of the Democratic Party, as unions will be broke. And with the recent SC ruling that corporations can express their 1st amendment rights, all the money is gonna flow to low tax candidates, aka, conservatives. With that newfound power being won in almost every single election outside of Berkeley, CA, the conservatives will slowly chip away at the cancerous mental tumor that is progressive liberalism.

Madison, WI is nowhere near the end. But it's a helluva start:eusa_angel:
Of course, you guys are right, terminology matters. "Liberal" is a term that far left socialists/commies have hijacked. True liberalism is closer to the Tea Party ideals than Obama's, but the far left hijacked the term.

But far left progressive socialism is dying. Thank God.

It's why I try to differentiate between the board's Liberals and the Lefties. You can spot the Liberals - they're coherent, intelligent and, whether I agree or disagree, I can understand the point. The left regurgitate talking points from the HuffPuff and MM like fundamentalist Christians and the Bible.

The Mean Old USMB Software said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to California Girl again.


Of course, you guys are right, terminology matters. "Liberal" is a term that far left socialists/commies have hijacked. True liberalism is closer to the Tea Party ideals than Obama's, but the far left hijacked the term.

But far left progressive socialism is dying. Thank God.
I don't see any reason someone couldn't be a true liberal and a true conservative. Faux liberals advocate the worst solution to helping people, government. Faux conservatives advocate the worst solution to morality, government.

There is no reason you couldn't be a true, fiscal conservative and a true liberal who believes in helping people. The war is not between conservatism and liberalism. The war is between two sides who coped out and advocate government to take their responsibility for them.

I agree 100%, a true liberal can easily be a true conservative also. Because to be a true liberal (believing in personal freedom) one must be a true conservative, and also value self reliance and repsonsibility. We really only need a government because there are irresponsible people out there. Other than the military and roads, the only thing gov't does is care for or control irresponsible people. Almost everything gov't does can be done by the people, but we simply won't.
If you mean spend (invest) other people's money, people are really good at that.

For a Liberal welfare is a retirement program.

For a Red-neck playing the lottery is.
Bucs.........has it not been a fcukking hoot to blog in here over the past year?? The makey-uppey world of the left is fading..........and fast. Watching the meltdown is better than sex............

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