Tea Party Governor Calls For GOP To Compromise On Taxes To Avert Sequester Cuts

It's already established, via WH memos, that he's making the cutbacks in the most high profile areas possible, to be as painful as possible...He could've accepted the power to decide where the cutbacks would be, but turned it down so he could make a big political show of all of this.

Obama Official's Email: Push Idea of Sequestration Cuts as Painful

That you are, once again, in utter denial of reality is your problem.

In any case, the cutting back on some truly unneeded CT operations just shows to go ya how truly bloated the federal leviathan has become.

Your link doesn't say what you claim. Your link contains a quote from a wingnut from Arkansas who spins the WH email.

And if they were targeting areas for pain, why close all these towers in remote and small airports?

Please point to some cutbacks that are causing pain where they needn't be.

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