Tea Party movement has no racial boundaries--African Americans as guest speakers.

Dogbert you cannot defend this one. You claim that the Tea Party cannot defend itself after being called Racist. And you say there are better ways to do it other than presenting the truth?

How do you defend yourself if you do not present that truth? If I say the sky is blue and point up, i think I'm making a rather good point of the truth.

What truth? Saying "oh, we have a few black members, so we're not racist" is as retarded as white people who claim they can't be racist because they have some black friends.

Does that mean that because 2 of my 4 half black nephews call me their favorite uncle, or my Mexican wife, or my half puerto rican Nieces, I can't point at my multi-racial family and proclaim that I am not Racist? Those kinds of truth.....
Charles Barkley said that Race is a taboo subject in this couuntry and that it shouldn't be.

If a guy is a cowboy, can we think of any Texans recently in the White House?, he is often charchterized as such. If a guy is white and trying to dance, it is always comical and is a source of humor. Every big time comic cites this from Billy Crystal talking about the lower lip bite to Sienfeld or Leno. Are these people racists?

Oriental students are always thought to be smarter. Like it or not, the cover of the book is used as an indicator by everyone in making a snap judgement.

Many Blacks raised in the USA do not strive to assimilate to the local cultures in which they are raised choosing instead to create a sub culture.

Compare that culture with the culture of the Cowboy. It is as much a lifestyle choice as is being a cowboy. Unique clothes, accent, vehicles, music, dance... The need for those unique clothes, vehicles, music, dance and accent is as essential to survive in this primary culture as is affiliation with a sports team or a social club.

This is to say, not very.

These identifiers are gateway qualifiers to a social group and provide divisions from other social groups. Trace Adkins and Bill Gates and Flava Flav sitting down to a quiet cup of tea makes a situation filled with awkward moments of silence. Scratch that. Flav is never quiet.

It might be interesting to time the transition in the actions of the three from their comfort zone to a different one.

All of that said, why is it racist to cite the traits of Blacks and not racist to cite the traits of whites? Why is Jeanine Garrafalo idolized to point out the race specific comments of Whites referring to Blacks and the Big 0 is given a pass when referancing the race specific traits of Whites?

To me, this pass is more racist then the comments condemned by Garrafalo.

What a load of crap. They create a sub culture simply because they are not welcome. Duh! Look how Republcians treat the first black president. And remember, when Bush was in office, he received the highest approval ratings of any president in history for those who say Democrats wanted to bring him down.

I think your generalizations about blacks are a great way for you and your supporters to prove just what a superior intellect that you have. I encourage you to continue this very effective and politically intelligent tactic. I suggest that you extend these generlizations to other ethnic groups as well. Please play the race card whenever possible. It is an extremely effective tactic to inform and convince the electorate. Continue as planned, don't change a thing.

His generalizations about blacks? He wasn't the one claiming that "Many Blacks raised in the USA do not strive to assimilate to the local cultures in which they are raised choosing instead to create a sub culture" aka, claiming that blacks choose to be discriminated against.
What a load of crap. They create a sub culture simply because they are not welcome. Duh! Look how Republcians treat the first black president. And remember, when Bush was in office, he received the highest approval ratings of any president in history for those who say Democrats wanted to bring him down.

I think your generalizations about blacks are a great way for you and your supporters to prove just what a superior intellect that you have. I encourage you to continue this very effective and politically intelligent tactic. I suggest that you extend these generlizations to other ethnic groups as well. Please play the race card whenever possible. It is an extremely effective tactic to inform and convince the electorate. Continue as planned, don't change a thing.

His generalizations about blacks? He wasn't the one claiming that "Many Blacks raised in the USA do not strive to assimilate to the local cultures in which they are raised choosing instead to create a sub culture" aka, claiming that blacks choose to be discriminated against.

Please continue this line of reasoning about not generalizing blacks, while at the same time making generalizations about.....blacks.
Too funny, watching the liberals try to spin racism in their favor when historical facts, especially recent historical facts, simply do not support their claims.

Good job guys, keep it up, don't change a damn thing. Please continue as you are.....
I think your generalizations about blacks are a great way for you and your supporters to prove just what a superior intellect that you have. I encourage you to continue this very effective and politically intelligent tactic. I suggest that you extend these generlizations to other ethnic groups as well. Please play the race card whenever possible. It is an extremely effective tactic to inform and convince the electorate. Continue as planned, don't change a thing.

His generalizations about blacks? He wasn't the one claiming that "Many Blacks raised in the USA do not strive to assimilate to the local cultures in which they are raised choosing instead to create a sub culture" aka, claiming that blacks choose to be discriminated against.

Please continue this line of reasoning about not generalizing blacks, while at the same time making generalizations about.....blacks.

What generalization did I make? O wait, I didn't make one. Come on, you're better than this.
I commend the Tea Baggers for actually allowing a Black Person to speak

Too bad they shout down everyone else who tries to speak in public
Too funny, watching the liberals try to spin racism in their favor when historical facts, especially recent historical facts, simply do not support their claims.

Good job guys, keep it up, don't change a damn thing. Please continue as you are.....

What recent historic facts? You've found one guy who was involved in the Klan decades ago and feel that makes your point that clearly Democrats are the racists. And yet, you excuse the Republicans even though they had someone just bad as Byrd in the same position within the past decade, and when they also had a man still active in white supremacist organizations are majority leader. You're also had a white supremacist as your party chair in recent history (and had another one who mounted a serious challenge to Steele for chair just last year).
Now sit back and wait for the rabid left to call them 'token blacks'.

They aren't tokens, they are tools. Political tools to make them not look like racists. If you don't believe me, look into the audience to figure out who that part represents.

Its simple really. LOOK INTO THE AUDIANCE!

Dispute this.
Too funny, watching the liberals try to spin racism in their favor when historical facts, especially recent historical facts, simply do not support their claims.

Good job guys, keep it up, don't change a damn thing. Please continue as you are.....

What recent historic facts? You've found one guy who was involved in the Klan decades ago and feel that makes your point that clearly Democrats are the racists. And yet, you excuse the Republicans even though they had someone just bad as Byrd in the same position within the past decade, and when they also had a man still active in white supremacist organizations are majority leader. You're also had a white supremacist as your party chair in recent history (and had another one who mounted a serious challenge to Steele for chair just last year).

let's see, one party memeber who "forgot obama was black", one who called the tea party "a bunch of tea banging rednecks", yet another who was chastized by a black member of congress for generalizations about blacks. Then there is the continued attitude by the democratic so-called leaders that opposing any of the president's policies is racist, and not opposition to actual policies. We have a black caucus in the senate that warns the president that he is "not doing enough for blacks".
I can go on.
The fact is, that as someone who lives in a part of the country where people do not seperate themselves by ethnic group, I just find it silly to do so.
I find it more than silly, I will go further and say it is unamerican.
I honestly thought these attitudes were a thing of the past, until I lived in Charlotte, NC for 6 months.
The thing is, those that claim to defend the rights of minorities, seem to be the ones that are doing the greatest disservice to the minorities. They also seem to be the ones that do not realize thatthe opinions they express are not only silly and unamerican, but actually racist.
Dogbert you cannot defend this one. You claim that the Tea Party cannot defend itself after being called Racist. And you say there are better ways to do it other than presenting the truth?

How do you defend yourself if you do not present that truth? If I say the sky is blue and point up, i think I'm making a rather good point of the truth.

What truth? Saying "oh, we have a few black members, so we're not racist" is as retarded as white people who claim they can't be racist because they have some black friends.

Does that mean that because 2 of my 4 half black nephews call me their favorite uncle, or my Mexican wife, or my half puerto rican Nieces, I can't point at my multi-racial family and proclaim that I am not Racist? Those kinds of truth.....

I have seen people saying horribly racist jokes in front of the same minorities they were joking about....but they say, Hey, I dont mean you of course. You are cool, its the other ONES I am talking about.

That kind of truth.
Too funny, watching the liberals try to spin racism in their favor when historical facts, especially recent historical facts, simply do not support their claims.

Good job guys, keep it up, don't change a damn thing. Please continue as you are.....

What recent historic facts? You've found one guy who was involved in the Klan decades ago and feel that makes your point that clearly Democrats are the racists. And yet, you excuse the Republicans even though they had someone just bad as Byrd in the same position within the past decade, and when they also had a man still active in white supremacist organizations are majority leader. You're also had a white supremacist as your party chair in recent history (and had another one who mounted a serious challenge to Steele for chair just last year).

let's see, one party memeber who "forgot obama was black", one who called the tea party "a bunch of tea banging rednecks", yet another who was chastized by a black member of congress for generalizations about blacks. Then there is the continued attitude by the democratic so-called leaders that opposing any of the president's policies is racist, and not opposition to actual policies. We have a black caucus in the senate that warns the president that he is "not doing enough for blacks".
I can go on.
The fact is, that as someone who lives in a part of the country where people do not seperate themselves by ethnic group, I just find it silly to do so.
I find it more than silly, I will go further and say it is unamerican.
I honestly thought these attitudes were a thing of the past, until I lived in Charlotte, NC for 6 months.
The thing is, those that claim to defend the rights of minorities, seem to be the ones that are doing the greatest disservice to the minorities. They also seem to be the ones that do not realize thatthe opinions they express are not only silly and unamerican, but actually racist.

What attitude that opposition to the President's policies is racist? No one has claimed that. What has been said is that some of the opposition is based on the fact that the President is black, and that's undoubtedly true. If someone opposes a proposal because they think it's too expensive, won't work well, etc. that's perfectly legitimate. When they get the point of saying that they oppose a proposal because the President is trying to steal their money and give it away to minorities? Yeah, that's racist.
Now sit back and wait for the rabid left to call them 'token blacks'.

They aren't tokens, they are tools. Political tools to make them not look like racists. If you don't believe me, look into the audience to figure out who that part represents.

Its simple really. LOOK INTO THE AUDIANCE!

Dispute this.

Insignificant and your racist statement is recognized for what it is. Further, not worthy of debate as the statement debunks itself.
Most racists do not realize that what they are saying is racists.
I bet 'some of your best friends are black', right zona?

Tell me, since you live in a predominately hispanic part of the country, do you feel the same about the hispanics?
i bet you 'love mexican food', right?

The liberals are the best "tools" the Tea Party has for gaining public support for their organization. Thank you very much and please continue your unyielding support.
What recent historic facts? You've found one guy who was involved in the Klan decades ago and feel that makes your point that clearly Democrats are the racists. And yet, you excuse the Republicans even though they had someone just bad as Byrd in the same position within the past decade, and when they also had a man still active in white supremacist organizations are majority leader. You're also had a white supremacist as your party chair in recent history (and had another one who mounted a serious challenge to Steele for chair just last year).

let's see, one party memeber who "forgot obama was black", one who called the tea party "a bunch of tea banging rednecks", yet another who was chastized by a black member of congress for generalizations about blacks. Then there is the continued attitude by the democratic so-called leaders that opposing any of the president's policies is racist, and not opposition to actual policies. We have a black caucus in the senate that warns the president that he is "not doing enough for blacks".
I can go on.
The fact is, that as someone who lives in a part of the country where people do not seperate themselves by ethnic group, I just find it silly to do so.
I find it more than silly, I will go further and say it is unamerican.
I honestly thought these attitudes were a thing of the past, until I lived in Charlotte, NC for 6 months.
The thing is, those that claim to defend the rights of minorities, seem to be the ones that are doing the greatest disservice to the minorities. They also seem to be the ones that do not realize thatthe opinions they express are not only silly and unamerican, but actually racist.

What attitude that opposition to the President's policies is racist? No one has claimed that. What has been said is that some of the opposition is based on the fact that the President is black, and that's undoubtedly true. If someone opposes a proposal because they think it's too expensive, won't work well, etc. that's perfectly legitimate. When they get the point of saying that they oppose a proposal because the President is trying to steal their money and give it away to minorities? Yeah, that's racist.

Ex president Carter for one;

Carter again cites racism as factor in Obama's treatment - CNN.com

from the article;
""I think people who are guilty of that kind of personal attack against Obama have been influenced to a major degree by a belief that he should not be president because he happens to be African American."

The opinions of those that oppose the presidents policies have been deemed racists simply because the president is black, without regard to the actual reason they are opposed. That has not been done by all, but by the most vocal among the liberals.

I understand and respect different points of view. I believe that makes our country stronger. To simply decry opposing opinions by labeling the opinions as racists, or the people that hold them as racists, does nothing to advance one side or the other. It only serves to further divide our country.

I would offer the opinion that "the President is trying to steal their money and give it away to minorities" is racist in itself, if indeed that is what he is trying to do. I personally doubt that is the case though.
There has long been a debate about welfare, and how it keeps people poor, the very people it is supposed to 'help'. I hold the opinion that denying people the right to fail is not helping them. That's what welfare does, it denies people the right to fail. When welfare is discussed by our so-called leaders, it is always pointed out that it helps minorities.
By denying minorities the right to fail, and pull themselves up on their own-thereby becoming self-sustaining, I would say that the welfare program does more harm than good. i would go further and say that, if indeed the minorities are "helped" the most, it is racist as well.

Oh, make no mistake Polk, I enjoy our conversation, and even though we might disagree, I applaud your opinion and your ability to express it. Thank you!
Carter's not saying all opposition is racist. He's saying that a significant amount of the opposition is driven by racism.

And I think you for your kind words. While we often disagree, I similarly respect your take on things. You're always able to put forward a well-reasoned argument.
Carter's not saying all opposition is racist. He's saying that a significant amount of the opposition is driven by racism.

And I think you for your kind words. While we often disagree, I similarly respect your take on things. You're always able to put forward a well-reasoned argument.

You are right, president Carter wasn't saying that all opposition was racist, but his statement was picked up and used by other party members, and they did use his statements as such.

I think through the years President Carter has proven he is not a racist. I do not in any way say that he is. I believe he is a very sincere and compassionate man.

I honestly don't know how much oppostition to president Obama's policies is due to racist attitudes. I do know that in my redneck little white bread mountain town (from southpark), even those that did not vote for Obama, (most of the people here lets face it) continue to take pride in the fact that a black man was elected. Now that conjures up other arguments about that itself being a racist attitude. But, I do think it was a very important milestone in our nation's history.
Personally I see it as one more step towards the day when the race or religion of a person is given no more importance than the color of their hair.
I would welcome that day, and hope I live to see it.
What a load of crap. They create a sub culture simply because they are not welcome. Duh! Look how Republcians treat the first black president. And remember, when Bush was in office, he received the highest approval ratings of any president in history for those who say Democrats wanted to bring him down.

I think your generalizations about blacks are a great way for you and your supporters to prove just what a superior intellect that you have. I encourage you to continue this very effective and politically intelligent tactic. I suggest that you extend these generlizations to other ethnic groups as well. Please play the race card whenever possible. It is an extremely effective tactic to inform and convince the electorate. Continue as planned, don't change a thing.

His generalizations about blacks? He wasn't the one claiming that "Many Blacks raised in the USA do not strive to assimilate to the local cultures in which they are raised choosing instead to create a sub culture" aka, claiming that blacks choose to be discriminated against.

Creating a sub culture or choosing to become a part of that sub culture does not indicate that at all.

It does indicate that those who choose to become a part of a sub culture and who willfully abandon the Prime culture have chosen to not be discriminated against and are simply leaving the playing field.

If they leave the field, they no longer have the right to complain that they are not a part of the game. Discrimination at that point point is no longer a possibility. It is a give up position, though. Blacks of my generation had to be twice as good to get half as far and becoming disheartened was almost inevitable.

It is gratifying to see that today's young Blacks are as likely to be successful as Whites. The "Browning of America" is happening and will continue. That is simply the way it is. Racism is a bygone vestige of a bygone era. Those who cling to it will be discarded onto the trash heap of history.

That trash heap will be an equal opportunity dumping ground.
Now sit back and wait for the rabid left to call them 'token blacks'.

They aren't tokens, they are tools. Political tools to make them not look like racists. If you don't believe me, look into the audience to figure out who that part represents.

Its simple really. LOOK INTO THE AUDIANCE!

Dispute this.

Insignificant and your racist statement is recognized for what it is. Further, not worthy of debate as the statement debunks itself.
Most racists do not realize that what they are saying is racists.
I bet 'some of your best friends are black', right zona?

Tell me, since you live in a predominately hispanic part of the country, do you feel the same about the hispanics?
i bet you 'love mexican food', right?

The liberals are the best "tools" the Tea Party has for gaining public support for their organization. Thank you very much and please continue your unyielding support.

I read your response......twice.....it makes no sense.

I said there are no blacks in the audience. That is a strong thing to say, so maybe there are one or two. The speaker was asked to speak because the tea baggers want to be seen as diverse. The way to measure diversity is to look into the audience.....its a sea of white. That speaker was not indicative of the audience. Its a front.

How the hell is that racist? Oh and yes, I love Mexican food. I just ate a carne asade quesadilla from Filberto's. Thanks for asking.
They aren't tokens, they are tools. Political tools to make them not look like racists. If you don't believe me, look into the audience to figure out who that part represents.

Its simple really. LOOK INTO THE AUDIANCE!

Dispute this.

Insignificant and your racist statement is recognized for what it is. Further, not worthy of debate as the statement debunks itself.
Most racists do not realize that what they are saying is racists.
I bet 'some of your best friends are black', right zona?

Tell me, since you live in a predominately hispanic part of the country, do you feel the same about the hispanics?
i bet you 'love mexican food', right?

The liberals are the best "tools" the Tea Party has for gaining public support for their organization. Thank you very much and please continue your unyielding support.

I read your response......twice.....it makes no sense.

I said there are no blacks in the audience. That is a strong thing to say, so maybe there are one or two. The speaker was asked to speak because the tea baggers want to be seen as diverse. The way to measure diversity is to look into the audience.....its a sea of white. That speaker was not indicative of the audience. Its a front.

How the hell is that racist? Oh and yes, I love Mexican food. I just ate a carne asade quesadilla from Filberto's. Thanks for asking.

well, since you ARE a racist, it follows that when you make questionable comments, they are probably, indeed, racist.
Insignificant and your racist statement is recognized for what it is. Further, not worthy of debate as the statement debunks itself.
Most racists do not realize that what they are saying is racists.
I bet 'some of your best friends are black', right zona?

Tell me, since you live in a predominately hispanic part of the country, do you feel the same about the hispanics?
i bet you 'love mexican food', right?

The liberals are the best "tools" the Tea Party has for gaining public support for their organization. Thank you very much and please continue your unyielding support.

I read your response......twice.....it makes no sense.

I said there are no blacks in the audience. That is a strong thing to say, so maybe there are one or two. The speaker was asked to speak because the tea baggers want to be seen as diverse. The way to measure diversity is to look into the audience.....its a sea of white. That speaker was not indicative of the audience. Its a front.

How the hell is that racist? Oh and yes, I love Mexican food. I just ate a carne asade quesadilla from Filberto's. Thanks for asking.

well, since you ARE a racist, it follows that when you make questionable comments, they are probably, indeed, racist.

I CHALLENGE YOU TO LINK ME TO ANYTHING I HAVE EVER POSTED THAT IS RACIST! This is a personal challenge to you Elvis. Seriously. If you cant find one, show a trend that hinted at racist statements.

I CHALLENGE YOU ELVIS. ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH TO TAKE THE CHALLENGE? You im'd me and said eight others said I am racist as well. Then you have a lot of suport so all of those other 7, bring it.

If not, shut the fuck up and get back to neg repping me. Fetch, fetch you little dog and bring me my paper. No slobbering this time, you little bitch.
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