Tea Party movement has no racial boundaries--African Americans as guest speakers.

I read your response......twice.....it makes no sense.

I said there are no blacks in the audience. That is a strong thing to say, so maybe there are one or two. The speaker was asked to speak because the tea baggers want to be seen as diverse. The way to measure diversity is to look into the audience.....its a sea of white. That speaker was not indicative of the audience. Its a front.

How the hell is that racist? Oh and yes, I love Mexican food. I just ate a carne asade quesadilla from Filberto's. Thanks for asking.

well, since you ARE a racist, it follows that when you make questionable comments, they are probably, indeed, racist.

I CHALLENGE YOU TO LINK ME TO ANYTHING I HAVE EVER POSTED THAT IS RACIST! This is a personal challenge to you Elvis. Seriously. If you cant find one, show a trend that hinted at racist statements.


If not, shut the fuck up and get back to neg repping me. Fetch, fetch you little dog and bring me my paper. No slobbering this time, you little bitch.

you know what you said, you little fuckstain. and no I will not shut the fuck up......

well, since you ARE a racist, it follows that when you make questionable comments, they are probably, indeed, racist.

I CHALLENGE YOU TO LINK ME TO ANYTHING I HAVE EVER POSTED THAT IS RACIST! This is a personal challenge to you Elvis. Seriously. If you cant find one, show a trend that hinted at racist statements.


If not, shut the fuck up and get back to neg repping me. Fetch, fetch you little dog and bring me my paper. No slobbering this time, you little bitch.

you know what you said, you little fuckstain. and no I will not shut the fuck up......


So thats a no to you manning up and proving your point.

Hello everyone..

Elvis is a pussy and a liar.
No, they just called him stupid, ignorant , and compared him to a Chimpanzee. Don't lie BOY!

Even many Republicans did that. Bush had the highest approval rating for any American President in history. He had the entire world behind him. Then, through incompetence and Iraq, he tossed it all away. That's just recent history buddy. Go look it up.


In a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday, 28% of Americans approve of the job Bush is doing; 69% disapprove. The approval rating matches the low point of his presidency, and the disapproval sets a new high for any president since Franklin Roosevelt.

Bush also holds the record for the other extreme: the highest approval rating of any president in Gallup's history. In September 2001, in the days after the 9/11 attacks, Bush's approval spiked to 90%

You are right for a change. Bush wasn't well liked. Many of those who voted for him even disapproved of some of his policies. But Bush isn't the president any more. Mr Obama is. And we are seeing his numbers too. And he could make the choice to end the questions about his birth and college years and everything else but he chooses not to. And you never wonder why so much of his past is hidden? He is the most secretive president I can remember. Oh and he's also a one termer.

I'm not sure you could call him "secretive". It's not like he's planning to start a new "secret war" somewhere. But I guess it could be described that way.

In my eyes, Obama has a real problem selling the "good" things. I outlined them in this thread:


Even "Conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI) admits Stimulus worked, but still with some reservations."

ABC, CBS and NBC Verdict: Obama's 'Stimulus' a Success, CBS Frets Public Refuses to See It | NewsBusters.org

And yet, only 6% say it wasn't a failure.

Plus all he's done in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Bill Mayor said it perfectly. He said "Bush had balls. If Bush got the enemies top military leader and saved the economy, he would be standing on top of another Aircraft carrier. Why does the white president go "gangsta" and the black president keep a stiff upper lip"? Obama makes the mistake of thinking the so called "liberal" media is going to report the "good" stuff. Well, they aren't. "President fails" sells a lot more papers than "depression averted".
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I CHALLENGE YOU TO LINK ME TO ANYTHING I HAVE EVER POSTED THAT IS RACIST! This is a personal challenge to you Elvis. Seriously. If you cant find one, show a trend that hinted at racist statements.


If not, shut the fuck up and get back to neg repping me. Fetch, fetch you little dog and bring me my paper. No slobbering this time, you little bitch.

you know what you said, you little fuckstain. and no I will not shut the fuck up......


So thats a no to you manning up and proving your point.

Hello everyone..

Elvis is a pussy and a liar.

we have been over this before, racist. It was so bad that the mods deleted what you said. care to address THAT?
you know what you said, you little fuckstain. and no I will not shut the fuck up......


So thats a no to you manning up and proving your point.

Hello everyone..

Elvis is a pussy and a liar.

we have been over this before, racist. It was so bad that the mods deleted what you said. care to address THAT?

Time for another comment from Elvis.

So thats a no to you manning up and proving your point.

Hello everyone..

Elvis is a pussy and a liar.

we have been over this before, racist. It was so bad that the mods deleted what you said. care to address THAT?

Time for another comment from Elvis.


so you support racists, as long as they are on your side of the political spectrum. thanks for clarifying, you stupid fuck.
we have been over this before, racist. It was so bad that the mods deleted what you said. care to address THAT?

Time for another comment from Elvis.


so you support racists, as long as they are on your side of the political spectrum. thanks for clarifying, you stupid fuck.

You know I don't support racists or stupid fucks. Otherwise, I would be supporting you.


Elvis giving me the finger:

Like I said........I went to the Tea Party Express when it blew through Amarillo on its way to wherever else it was going. There was a black dude and a brown chick who were speaking. The chick was extolling the virtues of Palin, and her Uncle Tom hubby was telling how not racist the tea baggers were.

Unfortunately, out of a crowd of around 250-350, there was only 4 or 5 people of color there. The rest were white.

Yes......from what I've seen, the tea party is racist.

And, by the way Army Bag Lady Ollie, ever look at a sunrise or a sunset? Most times, the sky is pink, orange and other colors.........not blue. From space, the atmosphere looks kinda greyish white, and from earth (during the day, not at night or twilight), it looks blue.

Depends on your perspective, don't it you racist prick? Just because you say that you're not racist, don't make it so. And..........you belong to one of the more racist groups in America today.

Another thing.........Glen Beck is a tea bagger. He's stated REPEATEDLY that Obama hates white people. Are you stating that Blech isn't a racist? You do realize he comes from a very whites only part of the country, right?
The tea party movement across this country is gaining support from African Americans as we see in the video below. So for all you liberals on this aboard that accuse the tea party as being only right wing--radical astro-turf--along with Rachel Maddow--Keith Olbermann & Criss Mathews---here is the proof that this movement includes everyone.

YouTube - Response to Olbermann: 'People of color' at Tea Parties

Thank you, at my first tea party last Feb 2009, we had a black speaker, in fact, he was much blacker than Obama because he is not 1/2 white. Good speaker too. He did not need a teleprompter.:lol::lol:
Like I said........I went to the Tea Party Express when it blew through Amarillo on its way to wherever else it was going. There was a black dude and a brown chick who were speaking. The chick was extolling the virtues of Palin, and her Uncle Tom hubby was telling how not racist the tea baggers were.

Unfortunately, out of a crowd of around 250-350, there was only 4 or 5 people of color there. The rest were white.

Yes......from what I've seen, the tea party is racist.

And, by the way Army Bag Lady Ollie, ever look at a sunrise or a sunset? Most times, the sky is pink, orange and other colors.........not blue. From space, the atmosphere looks kinda greyish white, and from earth (during the day, not at night or twilight), it looks blue.

Depends on your perspective, don't it you racist prick? Just because you say that you're not racist, don't make it so. And..........you belong to one of the more racist groups in America today.

Another thing.........Glen Beck is a tea bagger. He's stated REPEATEDLY that Obama hates white people. Are you stating that Blech isn't a racist? You do realize he comes from a very whites only part of the country, right?

"Uncle Tom Hubby", do you think that your statement is not racist???? Because it most certainly is. You are a racist liberal.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
The tea party movement across this country is gaining support from African Americans as we see in the video below. So for all you liberals on this aboard that accuse the tea party as being only right wing--radical astro-turf--along with Rachel Maddow--Keith Olbermann & Criss Mathews---here is the proof that this movement includes everyone.

YouTube - Response to Olbermann: 'People of color' at Tea Parties

Thank you, at my first tea party last Feb 2009, we had a black speaker, in fact, he was much blacker than Obama because he is not 1/2 white. Good speaker too. He did not need a teleprompter.:lol::lol:

Obama didn't use a teleprompter when he kicked Republican butt at their "retreat". And believe me, "Retreat" is exactly what they did.
The tea party movement across this country is gaining support from African Americans as we see in the video below. So for all you liberals on this aboard that accuse the tea party as being only right wing--radical astro-turf--along with Rachel Maddow--Keith Olbermann & Criss Mathews---here is the proof that this movement includes everyone.

YouTube - Response to Olbermann: 'People of color' at Tea Parties

Thank you, at my first tea party last Feb 2009, we had a black speaker, in fact, he was much blacker than Obama because he is not 1/2 white. Good speaker too. He did not need a teleprompter.:lol::lol:

Obama didn't use a teleprompter when he kicked Republican butt at their "retreat". And believe me, "Retreat" is exactly what they did.

Yeah suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure he did, he needs a teleprompter to speak to a group of 6th graders. :lol::lol::lol:
Roll the tapes again you stupid bitch Maple. Obama didn't have a teleprompter, and, he kicked the shit outta all the GOP douche bags.

And no........calling that idiot black man Uncle Tom hubby isn't racist. It's a statement of fact, because he was being paraded (as well as parading himself) as being part of a multi cultural rally, when in fact, 1.5 percent of the people in attendance were WHITE!
Even many Republicans did that. Bush had the highest approval rating for any American President in history. He had the entire world behind him. Then, through incompetence and Iraq, he tossed it all away. That's just recent history buddy. Go look it up.


In a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday, 28% of Americans approve of the job Bush is doing; 69% disapprove. The approval rating matches the low point of his presidency, and the disapproval sets a new high for any president since Franklin Roosevelt.

Bush also holds the record for the other extreme: the highest approval rating of any president in Gallup's history. In September 2001, in the days after the 9/11 attacks, Bush's approval spiked to 90%

You are right for a change. Bush wasn't well liked. Many of those who voted for him even disapproved of some of his policies. But Bush isn't the president any more. Mr Obama is. And we are seeing his numbers too. And he could make the choice to end the questions about his birth and college years and everything else but he chooses not to. And you never wonder why so much of his past is hidden? He is the most secretive president I can remember. Oh and he's also a one termer.

I'm not sure you could call him "secretive". It's not like he's planning to start a new "secret war" somewhere. But I guess it could be described that way.

In my eyes, Obama has a real problem selling the "good" things. I outlined them in this thread:


Even "Conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI) admits Stimulus worked, but still with some reservations."

ABC, CBS and NBC Verdict: Obama's 'Stimulus' a Success, CBS Frets Public Refuses to See It | NewsBusters.org

And yet, only 6% say it wasn't a failure.

Plus all he's done in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Bill Mayor said it perfectly. He said "Bush had balls. If Bush got the enemies top military leader and saved the economy, he would be standing on top of another Aircraft carrier. Why does the white president go "gangsta" and the black president keep a stiff upper lip"? Obama makes the mistake of thinking the so called "liberal" media is going to report the "good" stuff. Well, they aren't. "President fails" sells a lot more papers than "depression averted".

Why is everything Black and White? Why is unemployment growing if the spendulus was such a success? How can it be such a sucess when no one can even decide which numbers they want to lie about?

From your link:

ABC: “800,000 to 2.4 million new jobs,” CBS: “about 1.8 million” jobs “saved or created” and NBC: “1.6 to 1.8 million jobs have been created so far.”)

Read more: ABC, CBS and NBC Verdict: Obama's 'Stimulus' a Success, CBS Frets Public Refuses to See It | NewsBusters.org

Like I said........I went to the Tea Party Express when it blew through Amarillo on its way to wherever else it was going. There was a black dude and a brown chick who were speaking. The chick was extolling the virtues of Palin, and her Uncle Tom hubby was telling how not racist the tea baggers were.

Unfortunately, out of a crowd of around 250-350, there was only 4 or 5 people of color there. The rest were white.

Yes......from what I've seen, the tea party is racist.

And, by the way Army Bag Lady Ollie, ever look at a sunrise or a sunset? Most times, the sky is pink, orange and other colors.........not blue. From space, the atmosphere looks kinda greyish white, and from earth (during the day, not at night or twilight), it looks blue.

Depends on your perspective, don't it you racist prick? Just because you say that you're not racist, don't make it so. And..........you belong to one of the more racist groups in America today.

Another thing.........Glen Beck is a tea bagger. He's stated REPEATEDLY that Obama hates white people. Are you stating that Blech isn't a racist? You do realize he comes from a very whites only part of the country, right?

Do you know desk jockey that I have never claimed to be a member of the TEA party? But I have stated that I did attend one of the parties.

And the sky has nothing to do with it it was one analogy. But you go on dreaming about your sunsets with your boy friends.

And I don't have a racist bone in my body. I have many times noted my own mixed race family ties... Go ahead and call me a liar. It's the one thing I would love to ignore your foolish ass for.

Oh yes, Mr Glen Beck. I have never seen his show. I do not watch or listen to talking heads. But i sure do hear all about them in these boards. I wonder why?
you know what you said, you little fuckstain. and no I will not shut the fuck up......


So thats a no to you manning up and proving your point.

Hello everyone..

Elvis is a pussy and a liar.

we have been over this before, racist. It was so bad that the mods deleted what you said. care to address THAT?

Sure...If there was a POST that I made racist comments in, enough so that it meant that I was racist, it would make sense you would have seen other posts that hints I am one as well.

I challenge you liar, I challenge you to show a trend or even a hint of me saying anything racist.

Go ahead, fetch me a trend, post and after you cant, send me more neg reps. You little lap dog bitch.

Freaking liar. You look like a lying ass.
So thats a no to you manning up and proving your point.

Hello everyone..

Elvis is a pussy and a liar.

we have been over this before, racist. It was so bad that the mods deleted what you said. care to address THAT?

Sure...If there was a POST that I made racist comments in, enough so that it meant that I was racist, it would make sense you would have seen other posts that hints I am one as well.

I challenge you liar, I challenge you to show a trend or even a hint of me saying anything racist.

Go ahead, fetch me a trend, post and more neg reps. You little lap dog bitch.

Freaking liar. You look like a lying ass.

other people on here know about it. it was deleted by the mods because it violated the "no family" rule. It was the most vile thing I have ever heard in my life.
and I'm nobody's bitch, you racist little ****.
Thank you, at my first tea party last Feb 2009, we had a black speaker, in fact, he was much blacker than Obama because he is not 1/2 white. Good speaker too. He did not need a teleprompter.:lol::lol:

Obama didn't use a teleprompter when he kicked Republican butt at their "retreat". And believe me, "Retreat" is exactly what they did.

Yeah suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure he did, he needs a teleprompter to speak to a group of 6th graders. :lol::lol::lol:

That is a right wing lie. If you can prove me wrong with a pic of him speaking to 6th graders with that teleprompter, I will eat my words. If not, come in here and apologize for being wrong.

Seriously, stop being a fox fan and do some damn research.

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