Tea Party movement has no racial boundaries--African Americans as guest speakers.

How would you define racist? Because if those signs don't fit your definition, your definition is so narrow as to be meaningless.

Charles Barkley said that Race is a taboo subject in this couuntry and that it shouldn't be.

If a guy is a cowboy, can we think of any Texans recently in the White House?, he is often charchterized as such. If a guy is white and trying to dance, it is always comical and is a source of humor. Every big time comic cites this from Billy Crystal talking about the lower lip bite to Sienfeld or Leno. Are these people racists?

Oriental students are always thought to be smarter. Like it or not, the cover of the book is used as an indicator by everyone in making a snap judgement.

Many Blacks raised in the USA do not strive to assimilate to the local cultures in which they are raised choosing instead to create a sub culture.

Compare that culture with the culture of the Cowboy. It is as much a lifestyle choice as is being a cowboy. Unique clothes, accent, vehicles, music, dance... The need for those unique clothes, vehicles, music, dance and accent is as essential to survive in this primary culture as is affiliation with a sports team or a social club.

This is to say, not very.

These identifiers are gateway qualifiers to a social group and provide divisions from other social groups. Trace Adkins and Bill Gates and Flava Flav sitting down to a quiet cup of tea makes a situation filled with awkward moments of silence. Scratch that. Flav is never quiet.

It might be interesting to time the transition in the actions of the three from their comfort zone to a different one.

All of that said, why is it racist to cite the traits of Blacks and not racist to cite the traits of whites? Why is Jeanine Garrafalo idolized to point out the race specific comments of Whites referring to Blacks and the Big 0 is given a pass when referancing the race specific traits of Whites?

To me, this pass is more racist then the comments condemned by Garrafalo.

What a load of crap. They create a sub culture simply because they are not welcome. Duh! Look how Republcians treat the first black president. And remember, when Bush was in office, he received the highest approval ratings of any president in history for those who say Democrats wanted to bring him down.
Last edited by a moderator:
How would you define racist? Because if those signs don't fit your definition, your definition is so narrow as to be meaningless.

Charles Barkley said that Race is a taboo subject in this couuntry and that it shouldn't be.

If a guy is a cowboy, can we think of any Texans recently in the White House?, he is often charchterized as such. If a guy is white and trying to dance, it is always comical and is a source of humor. Every big time comic cites this from Billy Crystal talking about the lower lip bite to Sienfeld or Leno. Are these people racists?

Oriental students are always thought to be smarter. Like it or not, the cover of the book is used as an indicator by everyone in making a snap judgement.

Many Blacks raised in the USA do not strive to assimilate to the local cultures in which they are raised choosing instead to create a sub culture.

Compare that culture with the culture of the Cowboy. It is as much a lifestyle choice as is being a cowboy. Unique clothes, accent, vehicles, music, dance... The need for those unique clothes, vehicles, music, dance and accent is as essential to survive in this primary culture as is affiliation with a sports team or a social club.

This is to say, not very.

These identifiers are gateway qualifiers to a social group and provide divisions from other social groups. Trace Adkins and Bill Gates and Flava Flav sitting down to a quiet cup of tea makes a situation filled with awkward moments of silence. Scratch that. Flav is never quiet.

It might be interesting to time the transition in the actions of the three from their comfort zone to a different one.

All of that said, why is it racist to cite the traits of Blacks and not racist to cite the traits of whites? Why is Jeanine Garrafalo idolized to point out the race specific comments of Whites referring to Blacks and the Big 0 is given a pass when referancing the race specific traits of Whites?

To me, this pass is more racist then the comments condemned by Garrafalo.

What a load of crap. They create a sub culture simply because they are not welcome. Duh! Look how Republcians treat the first black president. And remember, when Bush was in office, he received the highest approval ratings of any president in history for those who say Democrats wanted to bring him down.

Speaking of a load of crap, the 'first black' president is being treated as the president. Those that agree like him, those that don't, disagree.
Charles Barkley said that Race is a taboo subject in this couuntry and that it shouldn't be.

If a guy is a cowboy, can we think of any Texans recently in the White House?, he is often charchterized as such. If a guy is white and trying to dance, it is always comical and is a source of humor. Every big time comic cites this from Billy Crystal talking about the lower lip bite to Sienfeld or Leno. Are these people racists?

Oriental students are always thought to be smarter. Like it or not, the cover of the book is used as an indicator by everyone in making a snap judgement.

Many Blacks raised in the USA do not strive to assimilate to the local cultures in which they are raised choosing instead to create a sub culture.

Compare that culture with the culture of the Cowboy. It is as much a lifestyle choice as is being a cowboy. Unique clothes, accent, vehicles, music, dance... The need for those unique clothes, vehicles, music, dance and accent is as essential to survive in this primary culture as is affiliation with a sports team or a social club.

This is to say, not very.

These identifiers are gateway qualifiers to a social group and provide divisions from other social groups. Trace Adkins and Bill Gates and Flava Flav sitting down to a quiet cup of tea makes a situation filled with awkward moments of silence. Scratch that. Flav is never quiet.

It might be interesting to time the transition in the actions of the three from their comfort zone to a different one.

All of that said, why is it racist to cite the traits of Blacks and not racist to cite the traits of whites? Why is Jeanine Garrafalo idolized to point out the race specific comments of Whites referring to Blacks and the Big 0 is given a pass when referancing the race specific traits of Whites?

To me, this pass is more racist then the comments condemned by Garrafalo.

What a load of crap. They create a sub culture simply because they are not welcome. Duh! Look how Republcians treat the first black president. And remember, when Bush was in office, he received the highest approval ratings of any president in history for those who say Democrats wanted to bring him down.

Speaking of a load of crap, the 'first black' president is being treated as the president. Those that agree like him, those that don't, disagree.





How would you define racist? Because if those signs don't fit your definition, your definition is so narrow as to be meaningless.

Charles Barkley said that Race is a taboo subject in this couuntry and that it shouldn't be.

If a guy is a cowboy, can we think of any Texans recently in the White House?, he is often charchterized as such. If a guy is white and trying to dance, it is always comical and is a source of humor. Every big time comic cites this from Billy Crystal talking about the lower lip bite to Sienfeld or Leno. Are these people racists?

Oriental students are always thought to be smarter. Like it or not, the cover of the book is used as an indicator by everyone in making a snap judgement.

Many Blacks raised in the USA do not strive to assimilate to the local cultures in which they are raised choosing instead to create a sub culture.

Compare that culture with the culture of the Cowboy. It is as much a lifestyle choice as is being a cowboy. Unique clothes, accent, vehicles, music, dance... The need for those unique clothes, vehicles, music, dance and accent is as essential to survive in this primary culture as is affiliation with a sports team or a social club.

This is to say, not very.

These identifiers are gateway qualifiers to a social group and provide divisions from other social groups. Trace Adkins and Bill Gates and Flava Flav sitting down to a quiet cup of tea makes a situation filled with awkward moments of silence. Scratch that. Flav is never quiet.

It might be interesting to time the transition in the actions of the three from their comfort zone to a different one.

All of that said, why is it racist to cite the traits of Blacks and not racist to cite the traits of whites? Why is Jeanine Garrafalo idolized to point out the race specific comments of Whites referring to Blacks and the Big 0 is given a pass when referancing the race specific traits of Whites?

To me, this pass is more racist then the comments condemned by Garrafalo.

What a load of crap. They create a sub culture simply because they are not welcome. Duh! Look how Republcians treat the first black president. And remember, when Bush was in office, he received the highest approval ratings of any president in history for those who say Democrats wanted to bring him down.

Horse shit ! Pure unadulterated Horse Shit !
How would you define racist? Because if those signs don't fit your definition, your definition is so narrow as to be meaningless.

Charles Barkley said that Race is a taboo subject in this couuntry and that it shouldn't be.

If a guy is a cowboy, can we think of any Texans recently in the White House?, he is often charchterized as such. If a guy is white and trying to dance, it is always comical and is a source of humor. Every big time comic cites this from Billy Crystal talking about the lower lip bite to Sienfeld or Leno. Are these people racists?

Oriental students are always thought to be smarter. Like it or not, the cover of the book is used as an indicator by everyone in making a snap judgement.

Many Blacks raised in the USA do not strive to assimilate to the local cultures in which they are raised choosing instead to create a sub culture.

Compare that culture with the culture of the Cowboy. It is as much a lifestyle choice as is being a cowboy. Unique clothes, accent, vehicles, music, dance... The need for those unique clothes, vehicles, music, dance and accent is as essential to survive in this primary culture as is affiliation with a sports team or a social club.

This is to say, not very.

These identifiers are gateway qualifiers to a social group and provide divisions from other social groups. Trace Adkins and Bill Gates and Flava Flav sitting down to a quiet cup of tea makes a situation filled with awkward moments of silence. Scratch that. Flav is never quiet.

It might be interesting to time the transition in the actions of the three from their comfort zone to a different one.

All of that said, why is it racist to cite the traits of Blacks and not racist to cite the traits of whites? Why is Jeanine Garrafalo idolized to point out the race specific comments of Whites referring to Blacks and the Big 0 is given a pass when referancing the race specific traits of Whites?

To me, this pass is more racist then the comments condemned by Garrafalo.

What a load of crap. They create a sub culture simply because they are not welcome. Duh! Look how Republcians treat the first black president. And remember, when Bush was in office, he received the highest approval ratings of any president in history for those who say Democrats wanted to bring him down.

I think your generalizations about blacks are a great way for you and your supporters to prove just what a superior intellect that you have. I encourage you to continue this very effective and politically intelligent tactic. I suggest that you extend these generlizations to other ethnic groups as well. Please play the race card whenever possible. It is an extremely effective tactic to inform and convince the electorate. Continue as planned, don't change a thing.
And there are thousands of equally insulting signs about Bush. You have no fucking point.

Not like those. No one questioned Bush's birth or his religion.

Don't lie girl.

No, they just called him stupid, ignorant , and compared him to a Chimpanzee. Don't lie BOY!

Even many Republicans did that. Bush had the highest approval rating for any American President in history. He had the entire world behind him. Then, through incompetence and Iraq, he tossed it all away. That's just recent history buddy. Go look it up.


In a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday, 28% of Americans approve of the job Bush is doing; 69% disapprove. The approval rating matches the low point of his presidency, and the disapproval sets a new high for any president since Franklin Roosevelt.

Bush also holds the record for the other extreme: the highest approval rating of any president in Gallup's history. In September 2001, in the days after the 9/11 attacks, Bush's approval spiked to 90%
Charles Barkley said that Race is a taboo subject in this couuntry and that it shouldn't be.

If a guy is a cowboy, can we think of any Texans recently in the White House?, he is often charchterized as such. If a guy is white and trying to dance, it is always comical and is a source of humor. Every big time comic cites this from Billy Crystal talking about the lower lip bite to Sienfeld or Leno. Are these people racists?

Oriental students are always thought to be smarter. Like it or not, the cover of the book is used as an indicator by everyone in making a snap judgement.

Many Blacks raised in the USA do not strive to assimilate to the local cultures in which they are raised choosing instead to create a sub culture.

Compare that culture with the culture of the Cowboy. It is as much a lifestyle choice as is being a cowboy. Unique clothes, accent, vehicles, music, dance... The need for those unique clothes, vehicles, music, dance and accent is as essential to survive in this primary culture as is affiliation with a sports team or a social club.

This is to say, not very.

These identifiers are gateway qualifiers to a social group and provide divisions from other social groups. Trace Adkins and Bill Gates and Flava Flav sitting down to a quiet cup of tea makes a situation filled with awkward moments of silence. Scratch that. Flav is never quiet.

It might be interesting to time the transition in the actions of the three from their comfort zone to a different one.

All of that said, why is it racist to cite the traits of Blacks and not racist to cite the traits of whites? Why is Jeanine Garrafalo idolized to point out the race specific comments of Whites referring to Blacks and the Big 0 is given a pass when referancing the race specific traits of Whites?

To me, this pass is more racist then the comments condemned by Garrafalo.

What a load of crap. They create a sub culture simply because they are not welcome. Duh! Look how Republcians treat the first black president. And remember, when Bush was in office, he received the highest approval ratings of any president in history for those who say Democrats wanted to bring him down.

I think your generalizations about blacks are a great way for you and your supporters to prove just what a superior intellect that you have. I encourage you to continue this very effective and politically intelligent tactic. I suggest that you extend these generlizations to other ethnic groups as well. Please play the race card whenever possible. It is an extremely effective tactic to inform and convince the electorate. Continue as planned, don't change a thing.

OK. I'll keep doing what I'm doing and you keep doing what you're doing. Of course what you're doing is called "denial" and it's NOT a river in Egypt.
The tea party movement across this country is gaining support from African Americans as we see in the video below. So for all you liberals on this aboard that accuse the tea party as being only right wing--radical astro-turf--along with Rachel Maddow--Keith Olbermann & Criss Mathews---here is the proof that this movement includes everyone.

YouTube - Response to Olbermann: 'People of color' at Tea Parties

outstanding !!!! and in Nov we're gonna shove it right up Osama's ass and break it off
What a load of crap. They create a sub culture simply because they are not welcome. Duh! Look how Republcians treat the first black president. And remember, when Bush was in office, he received the highest approval ratings of any president in history for those who say Democrats wanted to bring him down.

I think your generalizations about blacks are a great way for you and your supporters to prove just what a superior intellect that you have. I encourage you to continue this very effective and politically intelligent tactic. I suggest that you extend these generlizations to other ethnic groups as well. Please play the race card whenever possible. It is an extremely effective tactic to inform and convince the electorate. Continue as planned, don't change a thing.

OK. I'll keep doing what I'm doing and you keep doing what you're doing. Of course what you're doing is called "denial" and it's NOT a river in Egypt.

It's a deal then.......
Not like those. No one questioned Bush's birth or his religion.

Don't lie girl.

No, they just called him stupid, ignorant , and compared him to a Chimpanzee. Don't lie BOY!

Even many Republicans did that. Bush had the highest approval rating for any American President in history. He had the entire world behind him. Then, through incompetence and Iraq, he tossed it all away. That's just recent history buddy. Go look it up.


In a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday, 28% of Americans approve of the job Bush is doing; 69% disapprove. The approval rating matches the low point of his presidency, and the disapproval sets a new high for any president since Franklin Roosevelt.

Bush also holds the record for the other extreme: the highest approval rating of any president in Gallup's history. In September 2001, in the days after the 9/11 attacks, Bush's approval spiked to 90%

You are right for a change. Bush wasn't well liked. Many of those who voted for him even disapproved of some of his policies. But Bush isn't the president any more. Mr Obama is. And we are seeing his numbers too. And he could make the choice to end the questions about his birth and college years and everything else but he chooses not to. And you never wonder why so much of his past is hidden? He is the most secretive president I can remember. Oh and he's also a one termer.
polk, that sign said the president was turning citizens into ******* and slaves.

how about this:

The Democrat Party’s Long and Shameful History of Bigotry and Racism
Senator Robert Byrd, D-WV: Byrd is a former member of the Ku Klux Klan and is currently the only national elected official with a history in the Klan, a well known hate group. Byrd was extremely active in the Klan and rose to the rank of “Kleagle,” an official Klan membership recruiter. Byrd once stated that he joined the Klan because it was effective in "promoting traditional American values" (Source). Byrd's choice of words speak volumes about his bigotry considering the fact that the Klan is a notorious hate group, and the racist "values" it promotes are anything but American. One of the earliest criticisms of Byrd's Klan ties came in 1952 when he was running for Congress. Byrd responded by claiming that he had left the Klan in 1943 while noting that "(d)uring the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan." Byrd was lying, however, as he engaged in correspondence with a Klan Imperial Wizard long after he claims to have ended his ties with the hate group.

In a letter to the Klan leadership (Source) dated 3 years after he purported to have ended his ties with them, Byrd wrote "I am a former kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan in Raleigh County and the adjoining counties of the state. The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia." Byrd continued his racist diatribe "It is necessary that the order be promoted immediately and in every state of the Union" and followed with a request for assistance from the hate group's leadership in "rebuilding the Klan in the realm" of West Virginia.

Byrd's racism extends far beyond his Klan membership. In a letter he wrote on the subject of desegregating the armed forces, Byrd escalated his racist rhetoric to an appalling level. In the letter, Byrd vowed that he would never fight in an integrated armed services noting "(r)ather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds" (Source).

Byrd's racist opinions have shown their ugly face in his behavior in the Senate. Byrd led the filibuster of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and, according to the United States Senate's own website, filibustered the legislation to the bitter end appearing as one of the last opponents to the act before a coalition of civil rights proponents led by Republican Minority Leader Everett Dirksen invoked cloture so that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 could pass. At the time, Byrd was in the the midst of a 14 hour and 13 minute filibuster diatribe against the key civil rights measure (Source). Throughout the 1960's, Byrd was was one of the staunchest opponents to civil rights in the U.S. Senate. Byrd’s racist history drew attention recently when he went on national television and repeatedly used the n-word, one of the most vicious racial slurs in existence, in an appearance on national television. Byrd uttered the slur on Fox News Sunday with Tony Snow on March 5, 2001. Despite the appalling nature of the remark, it went largely ignored by the mainstream media and the self appointed "civil rights" leadership. Whereas a similar remark by anyone other than a leading Democrat Senator would assuredly prompt the likes of Jesse Jackson to assemble protest rallies demanding resignations, the Jackson crowd was eerily quiet following Byrd's remarks, issuing only low key suggestions that Byrd should avoid making such bigoted remarks.

In a sickening recognition of Byrd's appalling political career, the national Democrat party has done nothing but embrace the West Virginia senator with leadership roles and practically every honor imaginable. To this very day the Democrats call former Klansman turned U.S. Senator Robert Byrd the "conscience of the Senate." They have embraced him as their party's central pillar in all ways possible. Byrd has been reelected more times than any other Democrat senator, has served as a Democrat in Congress, a Democrat State Senator in West Virginia, and a Democrat State Delegate in West Virginia. Democrats have made repeatedly elected Byrd into their national party leadership and into the U.S. Senate leadership. He became secretary of the Senate Democrat Caucus in 1967, and Senate Democrat Whip in 1971. The Democrats elected former Klansman Byrd as their Senate Majority Leader from 1977-1980 and as their Senate Minority Leader from 1981-1986. Byrd was again elected Democrat Majority Leader from 1987-1988. Democrats made Byrd the chairman of the powerful Appropriations Committee and President Pro Tempore of the Senate from 1989 until the Republicans won control of the Senate in November 1994. Following the defection of Jim Jeffords in June 2001, the Democrats again made Byrd the chairman of the Appropriations Committee and elected him to the highest ranking office in the Senate: the President Pro Tempore, a position which also put this former Klansman 4th in line for the presidency. Byrd lost his position when Republicans retook the Senate in late 2002, but continues to serve as one of the highest ranking members of the Democrat Senate leadership today.

I don't support Byrd, so it's not really a relevant point. What I would point out is that to claim he's a "high-ranking member of the leadership" is dishonest. He is president pro tempore, but that's because the longest serving member of the majority party is always president pro tempore. And if Byrd being in the Klan is a bridge too far for him to hold that position, then surely having ardent segregationist Strom Thurmond was also.
How would you define racist? Because if those signs don't fit your definition, your definition is so narrow as to be meaningless.

Charles Barkley said that Race is a taboo subject in this couuntry and that it shouldn't be.

If a guy is a cowboy, can we think of any Texans recently in the White House?, he is often charchterized as such. If a guy is white and trying to dance, it is always comical and is a source of humor. Every big time comic cites this from Billy Crystal talking about the lower lip bite to Sienfeld or Leno. Are these people racists?

Oriental students are always thought to be smarter. Like it or not, the cover of the book is used as an indicator by everyone in making a snap judgement.

Many Blacks raised in the USA do not strive to assimilate to the local cultures in which they are raised choosing instead to create a sub culture.

Compare that culture with the culture of the Cowboy. It is as much a lifestyle choice as is being a cowboy. Unique clothes, accent, vehicles, music, dance... The need for those unique clothes, vehicles, music, dance and accent is as essential to survive in this primary culture as is affiliation with a sports team or a social club.

This is to say, not very.

These identifiers are gateway qualifiers to a social group and provide divisions from other social groups. Trace Adkins and Bill Gates and Flava Flav sitting down to a quiet cup of tea makes a situation filled with awkward moments of silence. Scratch that. Flav is never quiet.

It might be interesting to time the transition in the actions of the three from their comfort zone to a different one.

All of that said, why is it racist to cite the traits of Blacks and not racist to cite the traits of whites? Why is Jeanine Garrafalo idolized to point out the race specific comments of Whites referring to Blacks and the Big 0 is given a pass when referancing the race specific traits of Whites?

To me, this pass is more racist then the comments condemned by Garrafalo.

What a load of crap. They create a sub culture simply because they are not welcome. Duh! Look how Republcians treat the first black president. And remember, when Bush was in office, he received the highest approval ratings of any president in history for those who say Democrats wanted to bring him down.

Given the option to dress in khakis with button down collars and penny loafers or in a "Pants on the Ground" outfit, would it be more likely to see a white teenager or a black teenager in the "Pants on the Ground" outfit?

How about the choice of language or the attitude or the striving to achieve grades? On Showtime's "Inside the NFL", James Brown was talking about this and noted that speaking correct English or striving to achieve good grades was considered wrong in the Black community of the student body at the time in which he attended High School.

This is not being shut out. This is rejecting what is percieved as "White". Proclaiming an identity that demands restricting your own prospects is less than wise unless your goal is to achieve a lower economic and social position. Hate can cloud perception.

However, with a friend who is Black, on a trip, we walked into a Convenience store to get some coffee early on a weekday morning. The place was full of good ol' boys who looked up when I came in and stopped dead in their conversation when Rob walked in behind me. I laughed out loud than checked myself. There is a racial divide in this country and there is no ignoring it.

Identifying it in a fair and rational way is more productive than just casting blame.

Neither group on the two sides is totally inclusive or exclusive.
Dogbert you cannot defend this one. You claim that the Tea Party cannot defend itself after being called Racist. And you say there are better ways to do it other than presenting the truth?

How do you defend yourself if you do not present that truth? If I say the sky is blue and point up, i think I'm making a rather good point of the truth.

What truth? Saying "oh, we have a few black members, so we're not racist" is as retarded as white people who claim they can't be racist because they have some black friends.
Speaking of a load of crap, the 'first black' president is being treated as the president. Those that agree like him, those that don't, disagree.

He's not being treated the same as other presidents and you damn well know it. There is no other president in the nation's history where you'd have been people running around for years after the fact claim that he's actually a secret illegal alien and other outlandish conspiracy claims and had those claims actually supported and promoted by a major political party.

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