Tea Party Officials Sneak Into Courthouse After Polls Close And Gets Locked In

Hey you're saying that Mississippi folks are rubes and in particular slammed this particular sheriff as a rube/good ol boy/tea party bigot.

It certainly adds to that narrative that Mississippi is disproportionately black, as is this particular sheriff.

Particularly given the fact that someone...was it you? Pointed out that blacks weren't friends of the Tea Party in Mississippi.

Maybe that was some other bigoted, semi-literate idiot. Statist is a likely candidate...but we have a few of you.

what does his skin color have to do with anything?

She's trying to spin her way out of the corner she painted herself into.

Sorry but that IS funny. Almost as funny as a sheriff who does an "investimigation" and still doesn't know if the door works.
Hey you're saying that Mississippi folks are rubes and in particular slammed this particular sheriff as a rube/good ol boy/tea party bigot.

It certainly adds to that narrative that Mississippi is disproportionately black, as is this particular sheriff.

Particularly given the fact that someone...was it you? Pointed out that blacks weren't friends of the Tea Party in Mississippi.

Maybe that was some other bigoted, semi-literate idiot. Statist is a likely candidate...but we have a few of you.

what does his skin color have to do with anything?

She's trying to spin her way out of the corner she painted herself into.

Sorry but that IS funny. Almost as funny as a sheriff who does an "investimigation" and still doesn't know if the door works.

That's sort of an ongoing bad joke down here. The taxpayers built a new Sheriff's jail .... 20 years ago. One of the county supervisors relatives got the concrete bid (they were African americans) They used non-jail cement, that inmates can dig out. The result is there's no way to make the jail secure. Even when they put new locks on the doors, it's only a matter of time. The result of that is several really horrific prisoner on prisoner attacks, resulting in very large tax payer payouts to injured prisoners.
What on earth corner did I paint myself into?

The corner painting was by the retards who claim the black sheriff is a bigoted good ol' boy who is working for the Tea Party.

Morons. You should at least do a LITTLE research before you go off on a bigoted joyride.
What on earth corner did I paint myself into?

The corner painting was by the retards who claim the black sheriff is a bigoted good ol' boy who is working for the Tea Party.

Morons. You should at least do a LITTLE research before you go off on a bigoted joyride.

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Are you pretending you didn't talk smack about the sheriff, and all mississippi sheriffs?

Are you going to force me to quote you?
Are you pretending you didn't talk smack about the sheriff, and all mississippi sheriffs?

Are you going to force me to quote you?

I ridicule any sheriff anywhere who does hisself a whole investimigation and when it's done he still don't know if the fuggin' door works. Damn straight.

What would you call that kind of investigatin'?

So you can provide a quote from the sheriff saying he doesn't know if the door works, right?
apparently the doors worked well enough to keep a couple of teabaggers and a bible thumper inside

pesky locks

wonder who worked the vending machine for them ?

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So you can provide a quote from the sheriff saying he doesn't know if the door works, right?

Thread search sez it's only been posted here 32 times but what the hey, it's been a while, let's go for 33:

Straight from your own article junior (perhaps you should actually read before posting liberal propaganda?):

“Based on our findings and subsequent conclusion, there is no reason to believe that the three individuals engaged in any criminal activity nor do we believe any laws were broken. Our investigation revealed that the three individuals were able to enter the courthouse through a side-door marked for employees only. This door was either propped-open or was malfunctioning at the time of entry.”

Mississippi Tea Party Goes Watergate

"Either propped open or was malfunctioning". They don't know which.
And this is after an "investigation". The quote comes from a press release from the sheriff's office published in the Jackson paper the Clarion Ledger.

Now tell me if your house was broken into, you'd be satisfied with a sheriff telling you your door was either open or malfunctioning, but he didn't bother to find out which was the case.

Which leads us to the next obvious question...

Was the door ever fixed? Oh wait, we don't even know if it was broken... so that would be a no :disbelief:

This is where the word "Mississippi" becomes an adjective.
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I think the point is..IT DOESN'T MATTER.

Whether it was propped open, or left unlocked..they were expected and they weren't doing anything illegal.
They were expected by whomever left the door open.

Per the sheriff. No wrongdoing, no criminal activity. The door was either unlocked or otherwise left open for them.

Not a crime.
Oh, and they didn't have access to any areas where confidential voting apparatus/material was at.

I guess you missed that part.
I think the point is..IT DOESN'T MATTER.

Whether it was propped open, or left unlocked..they were expected and they weren't doing anything illegal.

So lemme get this straight... :rofl:

A post ago I was "making things up" and now that it's documented for the 33rd time, it "doesn't matter". :lmao:

It's like deep discussion with a five-year-old...

Btw "left unlocked" isn't "malfunctioning" dear. But yes it does matter. Let's go to the newspaper article to essplain why:

  • "There is not a circumstance where any individual that doesn't work for the county should be in a county building not accompanied by a county employee after hours," said District 1 Supervisor Robert Graham. "Specifically, not accompanied by an election commissioner on election night. If you're in the building and you have to do with elections, you should be with a commissioner."


  • "Without the benefits of all the facts, we consider the events that have reportedly transpired in this past election process to be a potential breech in protocol," [County Board of Supervisors President] McQuirter said. "This is a great concern for the board. Incidents such as these could compromise the integrity and validity of the Hinds County election process tremendously."


  • In the courthouse incident, Cain had said inconsistencies in statements given by Lane, Chambers and Brewster led to the opening of the investigation late Wednesday.

What or who exactly was "expected"? How could people who had already left hours earlier be "expecting" anyone? Non-present persons have expectations?

Are you suggesting the state of Mississippi has Doppelgängers? :eek:
Oh, and they didn't have access to any areas where confidential voting apparatus/material was at.

I guess you missed that part.

Nobody's accusing them of extra smarts -- this is the same band of errorists that locked themselves into a building. We would hardly expect them to have, you know, a plan... :lmao:
no, you were making things up when you said the lock was *jimmied* and when you said they'd broken in.

And also when you put forth the theory that the sheriff was taking bribes from the tea party.

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