Tea Party Officials Sneak Into Courthouse After Polls Close And Gets Locked In

A few tweets from poltical cartoonist marshall ramsey

2 a.m. Is really the best time of day to hang out at the Hinds Co. Courthouse.

I wish the Hinds County Courthouse was like the Hinds County Jail and had easy-open doors.

Looking for some change for the Hinds County Courthouse vending machine. I get hungry at 2 am.

G. Gordon Liddy: The Watergate's door was just wide open.

Me being locked in here is just an honest mistake. I'm sure someone will make hay of it

Called Pete Perry to let me out. He laughed.

I called Sheriff Lewis. But he was busy designing his Fourth of July Billboard.

I'm locked in the Hinds County Courthouse. Curses Thad Cochran. Curses.

It's the Liberal Media's fault. I mean the @clarionledger is across the stinking street and no one will let me out.

Found a vending machine. Ho Ho's are the perfect 2 am snack.

I just chewed my arm off to set myself free from this hellish trap known as the Honds County Courthouse. But not my drawing arm.

Jackson is quite lovely at 2 am. I just might take a stroll to the Courthouse.

If this had been in Hattiesburg, no one would have gotten in the courthouse. What? Nevermind.

Don't ask why I'm stuck in the courthouse. Ask why the debt is so high.

Madison/Rankin Michael Guest must've locked me in the courthouse.

Hinds County Courthouse = Bermuda Triangle.

I just found a volleyball. I've named him [MENTION=29434]wilson[/MENTION]Stribling

I hope Sarah Palin flies to my rescue.

Thought I was being rescued by the guy just filmed me and ran off. #trappedintheHindsCountyCourthouse

John Grisham would write a story like this campaign and then say, "Nah, no one would believe it."

A photo of the dreaded Hinds County Courthouse ---> (Note the Hellish sky)

There is a statue of Moses on the top of the Hinds County Courthouse. Wish he'd guide my personal Exodus out of this place.

Sorry for the flood of tweets. There's just not much to do in the Hinds County Courthouse at 2 a.m.

I found some boxes labeled "Ballots." Think I'll lie down on them and take a snooze.

Tried to get Thad Cochran to come let me out. But you know he goes to bed at 8 p.m.
you already badmouthed Mississippi and the citizens therein.

I have an aunty and a whole lot of relatives in Mississippi. I haven't been there, but have been to Georgia, which I loved.

Anyway, back to your bigoted claptrap now...

"Mississippi’s Black population was 1,111,856 in 2011 according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The actual percentage of African Americans in Mississippi was 37% which makes it the largest percent of African Americans of any state in the country."

"Mississippi has the highest percentage of Black homeowners than any other state at 55.6% compared to the lowest which is Minnesota at 24.3 percent. "

BlackDemographics.com | Mississippi

Don't dis the state with the highest percentage of blacks, dude.

(Lloyd Bentsen voice):
KG, I know Mississippi. My mother grew up there. I've been going there since before I was 1 year old. All my relatives outside my siblings are from there.
KG you're no Mississippian. (/Bentsen burner off)

And nothing I've posted has been about race so I'm not sure where you're going here...

Well I can see why you would conflate your presence there with your assertion that it's the stupidest state in the country...

But just thought I'd point out, if this is so, one must wonder if it has anything to do with the disproportionate black population.

Uh --- where did I say "stupidest state in the country"?? :confused:

I don't think I've even said that about South Carolina. :eusa_shifty:
When you go on..and on...about the collective stupidity of the elected officials of a state, you are making the point that the voters are retards.

Just sayin.
When you go on..and on...about the collective stupidity of the elected officials of a state, you are making the point that the voters are retards.

Just sayin.

I did dis the competence of a sheriff who can somehow do an entire "investigation" and then still doesn't know whether the door works. Absolutely. That doesn't somehow make the entire state "the stupidest" but it does make it pretty transparent what went on here.
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When you go on..and on...about the collective stupidity of the elected officials of a state, you are making the point that the voters are retards.

Just sayin.

I did dis the competence of a sheriff who can somehow do an entire "investigation" and then still doesn't know whether the door works. Absolutely. That doesn't somehow make the entire state "the stupidest" but it does make it pretty transparent what went on here.

I agree the Sheriff decided to just end it, but I don't see how it's transparent. The Sheriff's office is responsible for security in the building. The current African American sheriff defeated the longtime white sheriff in the most recent election. My guess is the guy in charge of the courthouse is one of the new guy's supporters inside the department, and he gets a pass.
When you go on..and on...about the collective stupidity of the elected officials of a state, you are making the point that the voters are retards.

Just sayin.

I did dis the competence of a sheriff who can somehow do an entire "investigation" and then still doesn't know whether the door works. Absolutely. That doesn't somehow make the entire state "the stupidest" but it does make it pretty transparent what went on here.

No, you implied that all Mississippi sheriffs were low life scum.

You obviously have no respect for Mississippi constitutents.That makes you a racist.
When you go on..and on...about the collective stupidity of the elected officials of a state, you are making the point that the voters are retards.

Just sayin.

I did dis the competence of a sheriff who can somehow do an entire "investigation" and then still doesn't know whether the door works. Absolutely. That doesn't somehow make the entire state "the stupidest" but it does make it pretty transparent what went on here.

I agree the Sheriff decided to just end it, but I don't see how it's transparent. The Sheriff's office is responsible for security in the building. The current African American sheriff defeated the longtime white sheriff in the most recent election. My guess is the guy in charge of the courthouse is one of the new guy's supporters inside the department, and he gets a pass.

Pogo thinks this black Sheriff is cahooting with the Tea Party.
When you go on..and on...about the collective stupidity of the elected officials of a state, you are making the point that the voters are retards.

Just sayin.

I did dis the competence of a sheriff who can somehow do an entire "investigation" and then still doesn't know whether the door works. Absolutely. That doesn't somehow make the entire state "the stupidest" but it does make it pretty transparent what went on here.

I agree the Sheriff decided to just end it, but I don't see how it's transparent. The Sheriff's office is responsible for security in the building. The current African American sheriff defeated the longtime white sheriff in the most recent election. My guess is the guy in charge of the courthouse is one of the new guy's supporters inside the department, and he gets a pass.

Glad somebody understands Mississippi politics. :thup:

I had no idea what anybody's race was here. I leave that to others to make an issue out of, and sure enough she did. Had no idea why she was going that way.
I guess it's something she sniffed out just today in desperation of looking for another angle to excuse rank incompetence. :dunno:
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I did dis the competence of a sheriff who can somehow do an entire "investigation" and then still doesn't know whether the door works. Absolutely. That doesn't somehow make the entire state "the stupidest" but it does make it pretty transparent what went on here.

I agree the Sheriff decided to just end it, but I don't see how it's transparent. The Sheriff's office is responsible for security in the building. The current African American sheriff defeated the longtime white sheriff in the most recent election. My guess is the guy in charge of the courthouse is one of the new guy's supporters inside the department, and he gets a pass.

Pogo thinks this black Sheriff is cahooting with the Tea Party.

You're saying a black person couldn't possibly be aligned with the Tea Party?

OK then...


Now what?
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I did dis the competence of a sheriff who can somehow do an entire "investigation" and then still doesn't know whether the door works. Absolutely. That doesn't somehow make the entire state "the stupidest" but it does make it pretty transparent what went on here.

I agree the Sheriff decided to just end it, but I don't see how it's transparent. The Sheriff's office is responsible for security in the building. The current African American sheriff defeated the longtime white sheriff in the most recent election. My guess is the guy in charge of the courthouse is one of the new guy's supporters inside the department, and he gets a pass.

Pogo thinks this black Sheriff is cahooting with the Tea Party.

Well, it's certainly possible that McDaniel's campaign paid someone to wedge open a door. But, most of the courthouse workers are African American. Moreover, it'd certainly be a no win for the African American sheriff to publically point this out, if it were the case.

At any rate, whatever happened, it's not in the Sheriff's interest to let people know what happened. It was either another instance of incompetence at the local level, which plays into the narrative of Jackson City / Hinds Co African American pols being haplessly incompetent, or bribery at the local level, and that fits a narrative here as well.

I'm not saying that in my opinion either narrative is a universal truth, or the idiots are less dumb corrupt than some of their white counterparts.
Or nothing at all noteworthy happened, and it was just another stupid non-incident blown all out of proportion by progressive vultures who are paid to blow stupid non-incidents out of proportion.
It's not a "non incident" in that it points to McDaniel being a loony fringe candidate. But, it's hardly the first, and it will have no impact on the run off.

Unfortunately. But, I'm guardedly optimistic that McDaniel brought his A game on June 3, and Cochran is actually going to campaign this time, and he can find another 25-50K votes.
Or nothing at all noteworthy happened, and it was just another stupid non-incident blown all out of proportion by progressive vultures who are paid to blow stupid non-incidents out of proportion.

You mean like scraping around to find out what race people are?
Hey you're saying that Mississippi folks are rubes and in particular slammed this particular sheriff as a rube/good ol boy/tea party bigot.

It certainly adds to that narrative that Mississippi is disproportionately black, as is this particular sheriff.

Particularly given the fact that someone...was it you? Pointed out that blacks weren't friends of the Tea Party in Mississippi.

Maybe that was some other bigoted, semi-literate idiot. Statist is a likely candidate...but we have a few of you.
Do you guys still maintain that the black sheriff took a bribe? Do you base that fact on his skin color, religion, or geographical region?
Hey you're saying that Mississippi folks are rubes and in particular slammed this particular sheriff as a rube/good ol boy/tea party bigot.

It certainly adds to that narrative that Mississippi is disproportionately black, as is this particular sheriff.

Particularly given the fact that someone...was it you? Pointed out that blacks weren't friends of the Tea Party in Mississippi.

Maybe that was some other bigoted, semi-literate idiot. Statist is a likely candidate...but we have a few of you.

what does his skin color have to do with anything?
You tell me. The claims are that black people don't care for the Tea Party...but this sheriff is accepting bribes from the Tea Party.

So how does that jibe with the fact that the sheriff is black?

Either he's not black...or he's not accepting bribes....which would mean that there's no reason for the sheriff to cover up anything, as the idiots on this thread maintain he is.
Hey you're saying that Mississippi folks are rubes and in particular slammed this particular sheriff as a rube/good ol boy/tea party bigot.

:rofl: Feel free to go look for where I said any such thing, and we'll see you in a week.

It certainly adds to that narrative that Mississippi is disproportionately black, as is this particular sheriff.

Mississippi is in fact the blackest state out of all 57 but that's not "disproportionate" -- it's because that's where the cotton crop was and where the slaves were imported to. Had there not been an exodus up the river in the early industrial 20th century the proportion might be even higher.

Particularly given the fact that someone...was it you? Pointed out that blacks weren't friends of the Tea Party in Mississippi.

Nope - that was you, to wit:
Pogo thinks this black Sheriff is cahooting with the Tea Party.

Matter o' fact I never brought up race; I wasn't even aware of anyone's race. You did that all by yourself. You can read back and check-- it's all you.

Why is that? :eusa_think:
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