Tea Party Plummeting

NeoFascist believes in Ayn Rand, nuff said.

You are surely not suggesting that your weird beliefs are mainstream? That is the best laugh of the day.
Maybe you should have read the actual poll.

The TP is losing steam. They are losing their "outsider" brand.

It was destined to happen and the goofy cries of "Washington was more fundamentally broken then I could have ever imagined!" just sound idiotic.

The liberal MSM has a role in what is happening....I mean they talk about all those violent terrorist racists and all. There are enough dumb people who actually believe that, G.

Frankly, I think that's a cop out.

The TP came to town as the outsiders. That gig is only going to last so long. Eventually you are seen as the establishment. It's just the nature of the best. I think this completely unnecessary debt ceiling crisis has hastened that. I don't think the TP came out looking good in the whole deal. In fact, I think they looked reckless and irresponsible. S&P indicated that failing to raise the debt ceiling would have been a disaster and caused us to be downgraded even more so then we were.

Blaming the MSM is an old dog that cons use. I think it causes you to miss the big picture. The American people are smart enough to realize that being obstinate at this point in time isn't the answer. The TP comes across as obstinate.

Furthermore, in fairness, you have Boehner (not the TP admittedly) gloating about getting 98% of what he wanted in this compromise and the DEMS got shafted and folded up like a cheap tent from Sears. Then the damn thing exploded anyways.

Kind of hard for Boehner to pass the buck on the matter after that.

I don't think it's the MSM. I think the American people just saw through the whole ordeal, to include the smoke and mirrors.

The TP comes across as obstinate
They are obstinate against more spending and more taxes.
And, as the Tea Party approval among informed and well read Americans, drops:

Obama is less than a point behind a generic GOP candidate.

He is more than 50 points better in the spread on job approval than Congress, which is absolutely abysmal.

Obama is 3.2 points ahead of Romney.

Obama is more than 10 points ahead of Perry.

Obama is almost 11 points ahead of Pawlenty.

Obama is more than 11 points ahead of Bachmann.

Obama is 14 points ahead of Huntsman.

Obama is more than 17 points ahead of Palin.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - President Obama vs. Republican Candidate

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates

You do know that until the primaries are done the conservative vote is split, don't you?

I think if you were to ask Deomocrat voters who they favor, Hillary or Obama the results would be devastating for the man-child.
Of course, the cons are split. We all know that. I suspect that if Bachmann finishes in the top three or four she will fight Perry for a long time, which allows Romney to skate along just every so little to their left. When Perry finally puts Bachmann away for good, what the TeaPots do at that point will determine whether the GOP can field a reasonable opponent to Obama. If the TeaPots bolt the GOP and try a third-party effort, we get your hero for another four years.
Our economy is the least regulated in the world, todd. You are going to have to come up with a far better answer than that throwaway remark.

Least regulated?
That's funny.
How many pages is our tax code?
How about the Federal Register?

Todd, none of that matters when compared to the rest of the industrialized world, particularly European and modern Taiwan and Japan.

You really need to study.
Our economy is the least regulated in the world, todd. You are going to have to come up with a far better answer than that throwaway remark.

Least regulated?
That's funny.
How many pages is our tax code?
How about the Federal Register?

Todd, none of that matters when compared to the rest of the industrialized world, particularly European and modern Taiwan and Japan.

You really need to study.

Country rankings for trade, business, fiscal, monetary, financial, labor and investment freedoms

Our rank is slipping.
I want to act like the rest of this board and act like the politicians in Washington. I would post a picture of my junk but it's piled too high in my living room. :)
I want to act like the rest of this board and act like the politicians in Washington. I would post a picture of my junk but it's piled too high in my living room. :)

You show us a picture of "your junk", and your banned for good. No porn on this site. :lol:
New CNN poll, just out:



The American people understand who the traitors are.
RINO UPDATE I: Romney Signs Pro-Straight Marriage Pledge with Tea Party Supporter Bachmann
Romney looks to Tea Party for leadership on some issues

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Rep. Michele Bachmann
(R., Minn.) and former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum have signed a pledge from the National Organization for Marriage to oppose gay marriage at several levels of the federal government. But former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who has sought to burnish his credentials as an evangelical Christian, declined to sign it, possibly putting him at odds with the social conservatives he is trying to court in Iowa. The National Organization for Marriage is running a four-day Iowa bus tour leading up to the Aug. 13 straw poll in Ames.

Are RINOs too extreme for either side?

VIDEO: More fake companies give millions to Mitt Romney | The Political Carnival
PROVO, Utah— A political committee tied to Mitt Romney received two separate $1 million donations from companies located in Provo, but the companies don’t appear to do any substantial business.


Mitt Romney Supports on Cut, Cap and Balance in Debate follows Tea Party ideas

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These moves are brillant by Romney, co-opting the TeaPots to his mainstream Republicanism. He will survive in Iowa, capture New Hampshire, then watch Perry and Bachmann bloody each other in South Carolina as he emerges as the clear front runner.

Good posts, NeoFascist.

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