Tea Party Plummeting

Modern fascism is of the right. NeoTeaFascist has trouble understanding that, although he supports the principles.

Romney or Perry has a chance against Obama. No one further to their right has any chance.

Tis what tis.

Fascism means more government control, not less.
The American right wants to reduce government control, the American left wants to increase government control.
It's clear that Communism, Fascism and Socialism are all left wing philosophies.

He still thinks PapaObama Care was a good thing
He so outside the mainstream of the American voter

Now of course, he will have to cover for himself and call you a fascist
He is simply just a troll, a bad one, but a troll nonetheless
what do you expect

over 20,000 posts and never started a thread
no real substance there, pure troll behavior, straight up
Only trolls do that kind of thing

The girl/guy really pushes some radical thinking -
-believing that statism does not exist anywhere in the world
-believing that Rousseau, the father of fascism, had a greater influence on the founding of this nation than Locke

Which is why he can't defend his radical beliefs and has to call other names
so sad, he is ....
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I find it hard to see how the Tea Party is falling when Bachman has such a good showing in Iowa. Is plummeting the new winning? These liberal labels get so confusing.
Just to set the record straight:

The Dems have won 3 of 7 recall elections in Wisconson, not 2 of 6.

There was one recall election several weeks ago.
Nobody cares anymore. The desperate attempt by those supporting public worker unions failed.
The outsiders who spent 10's of millions to support the pro union candidates LOST.
NeoTeaFascist wants more government control so that his out of the mainstream can be forced down our throats. He pretends to be libertarian but is nothing of the sort.
Report – CNN, CBS and NY Times polls show CNN, CBS and NY Times anti-Tea Party strategy working

Posted by William A. Jacobson Sunday, August 14, 2011 at 7:08pm

There does seem something very circular about CNN, CBS and NY Times polling showing an increase in negative views of the Tea Party, considering that such negative views are driven by biased CNN, CBS and NY Times reporting blaming the Tea Party movement for the S&P downgrade of the U.S. credit rating and a host of other things for which the Tea Party movement was not responsible.

Nonetheless, this self-fulfilling prophecy is news, as reported by The Hill:

The reign of the Tea Party may be coming to an end in Washington, according to academic political experts who say polls show a backlash against the conservative movement.

Two national polls released this month by CNN and The New York Times in conjunction with CBS News showed the Tea Party’s unfavorable rating at an all-time high.

Political scientists say the data shows a backlash of independent voters against conservative lawmakers who have taken a hard line against bipartisan compromise in Washington.

See, that’s how it works.........

» Report – CNN, CBS and NY Times polls show CNN, CBS and NY Times anti-Tea Party strategy working - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
The NYT has a long history of "push polling", in order to slant the news in a Times desired way, commissioning a public opinion poll with the sample adjusted to produce a desired result, then reporting on that 'result' as news.
The sample in one political opinion poll commissioned by the Times roughly consisted of 48% Democrat, 24 % Republican, and 28% Independents who had voted for Barack Hussein Obama.
89 % per cent favorability rating for the new president. Gee! What a surprise.
I find it hard to see how the Tea Party is falling when Bachman has such a good showing in Iowa. Is plummeting the new winning? These liberal labels get so confusing.

She bused in more supporters than the other guy. If the Tea party is seizing control of the GOP, you know Boehner is sweating bullets.

I don't think that's going to happen.

Perry is going to jump in to save the GOP establishment.
Report – CNN, CBS and NY Times polls show CNN, CBS and NY Times anti-Tea Party strategy working

Posted by William A. Jacobson Sunday, August 14, 2011 at 7:08pm

There does seem something very circular about CNN, CBS and NY Times polling showing an increase in negative views of the Tea Party, considering that such negative views are driven by biased CNN, CBS and NY Times reporting blaming the Tea Party movement for the S&P downgrade of the U.S. credit rating and a host of other things for which the Tea Party movement was not responsible.

Nonetheless, this self-fulfilling prophecy is news, as reported by The Hill:

The reign of the Tea Party may be coming to an end in Washington, according to academic political experts who say polls show a backlash against the conservative movement.

Two national polls released this month by CNN and The New York Times in conjunction with CBS News showed the Tea Party’s unfavorable rating at an all-time high.

Political scientists say the data shows a backlash of independent voters against conservative lawmakers who have taken a hard line against bipartisan compromise in Washington.

See, that’s how it works.........

» Report – CNN, CBS and NY Times polls show CNN, CBS and NY Times anti-Tea Party strategy working - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

Yes. Blame the media. That's it. Rest your pretty head........
I find it hard to see how the Tea Party is falling when Bachman has such a good showing in Iowa. Is plummeting the new winning? These liberal labels get so confusing.

She bused in more supporters than the other guy. If the Tea party is seizing control of the GOP, you know Boehner is sweating bullets.

I don't think that's going to happen.

Perry is going to jump in to save the GOP establishment.

Got proof she bused in supporters? Regardless, her organizers were more effective. If memory serves, that is how we got Obama. Oh, the GOP establishment is part of the problem. Good riddence.
I find it hard to see how the Tea Party is falling when Bachman has such a good showing in Iowa. Is plummeting the new winning? These liberal labels get so confusing.

She bused in more supporters than the other guy. If the Tea party is seizing control of the GOP, you know Boehner is sweating bullets.

I don't think that's going to happen.

Perry is going to jump in to save the GOP establishment.

Got proof she bused in supporters? Regardless, her organizers were more effective. If memory serves, that is how we got Obama. Oh, the GOP establishment is part of the problem. Good riddence.

You know how Ames works, right? You have to pay $30 a head to vote, and most candidates pay that fee. As has been noted:

And let's face it -- the Iowa caucus isn't very important either. In the whole history of the Iowa caucuses, both Republican and Democratic -- often mistakenly referred to as the Iowa primary - since 1972 they've only produced 2 winners, excepting presidents running unopposed for reelection, who went on to become the new president. That's both parties! They were, of course, George W. Bush in 2000 and Barack Obama in 2008. All other winners, Republicans as well as Democrats, either failed to get their party's nomination or lost in the general election.

Historically, Iowa means practically nothing in presidential politics. Who wins -- who cares? Iowans cast 1,537,123 votes in the 2008 election. This year the Ames Straw Poll had a total of 16,836 voters -- only 4,823 of whom bothered to check off Michelle Bachmann's name. Big win, right? Huge! Remember past would-be Republicans Bob Barr and Wayne Root? Never heard of them? They got twice as many votes in that 2008 general election as Ms. Bachmann rolled up in her "smashing victory" in Ames. Really now, ask yourself -- why is Iowa supposedly vital to the choice of the next President of the United States? Says who?

Richard Greener: Michelle Bachmann or the Media: Who Is Crazier?

It was money well spent by Bachman, she'll get it back in donations. However, a large part of "winning" Ames is spending your own money in it.
So by your view, winning is meaningless and predicts failure.

No. It just doesn't predict success. It's good for scuttling candidates but less useful in propelling them. High sensitivity and low specificity.

Don't forget Pat Robertson won Ames, but so did W. Hell, Romney won the last one. He didn't even participate in this one. Obviously, he knows the deal.

Not so ironically, I think Bachmann will fade like Romney did. I think Perry will end up winning the shooting match.
Bachmann winning in Iowa does not mean anything more than the far righties had a good time there.

Those polls that the TeaPots don't like are fairly accurate, as the Tea Party drops as most of America realizes just how far out of the mainstream are the TeaPots.
As you can see, the more that people become familiar with the teabaggers, the more they don't like them.


So then you're stating that the majority of Americans are against curbing Federal Government spending--and cutting the deficit?

Blaming the Tea Party for the S & P downgrade is like blaming the Betty Ford Foundation for alcoholism--LOL

For 2-1/2 years the tea party movement has been out there warning of Federal Government spending and deficits.

Obama ignored his own congressional budget office warning over a year ago--that his spending was unsustainable--and Moody's has been threatening a down grade for the last 11 months--and long before this congress was elected. Furthermore--if this POLL was actually correct--why did Barack Obama's Gallop approval rating CRASH below 40 and has now hit a new LOW of 39%?

If Americans actually believed that the S & P Downgrade was the fault of the Tea Party movement in this country--Obama's approval rating would be UP not DOWN--LOL

There are only 3 people to blame for this downgrade--and it's Obama--Reid and Pelosi--whom have ignored all prior warnings.

$train wreck on spending.jpg
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Bachmann winning in Iowa does not mean anything more than the far righties had a good time there.

Those polls that the TeaPots don't like are fairly accurate, as the Tea Party drops as most of America realizes just how far out of the mainstream are the TeaPots.

I disagree. I think Iowa shows the Tea Party is alive and well. It also shows the polls were vastly skewed by the media which courted and promoted the opinion you hold.
Bachmann winning in Iowa does not mean anything more than the far righties had a good time there.

Those polls that the TeaPots don't like are fairly accurate, as the Tea Party drops as most of America realizes just how far out of the mainstream are the TeaPots.

I think I have to offer a SLIGHT correction. Extremism IS becoming mainstream in the GOP. Some people might call it by another name. Whatever word one chooses to use as a discriptive name regarding the GOP these days, it certainly does not appear to be reality-based in nature.
The GOP mainstream leadership is doing its darndest to (1) take good Tea Party ideas where they have them, and (2) discourage extremism wherever. Doing (2) is not easy, because the Tea Folks generate enough votes in some marginal districts to swing the election.

To those who are suggesting the Tea Party is mainstream, you are flatly out of touch with reality.
And the wins were huge. The pasty face Gov must be getting nervous at this point..

Shillings (D) 55% is considered huge, King's 51%,(D) not so huge. Every Republican got a higher percentage of the vote than King did, and Cowles' (R) 60% is definitely huge.

According to the Associated Press:

Cowles (R) 60% Nussbaum (D) 40%

Darling (R) 54% Pasch 46%

Harsdorf (R) 58% Moore (D) 42%

Olsen (R) 52% Clark (D) 48%

King (D) 51% Hopper (R) 49%

Shilling (D) 55% Kapanke (R) 45%

What used to be 19-14 GOP is now 17-16. It was a big deal, they're not done yet.

This law was a repub railroading, everyone who lives there knows this. All the Democrats need to do now is get out the vote.
Also, one of those remaining Republicans frequently votes with the Democrats.

I guess he/she is a RINO. Or just has at least half a brain. :lol:
I love how liberals set and blame everyone else for their own stupidity. Didn't Obama have a Democratic House, and Senate for two years? the Republicans have had the house a few months and you all set and blame them. News flash why did OBama and a democrat held house and senate not do anything for 2 years??because they did they grew the government so big and got it so broke we the people stepped u and voted tea party in and they alone with the exception of a few GOP rep the tea party held their ground and did what we wanted and I email everyone of them every day along with about 150 of my friends and we are face to face talkin g to people everyday and having more write the tea party and gop making it clear what we want and how great the tea party is doing. Good bye obama 2012 hello anybody but. oh yea your BS chart any leftest asshole could have drawn up those numbers. They mean shit.

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