Tea Party Plummeting

The Tea Party doesn't seem to have a problem with women candidates. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.
I think I have to offer a SLIGHT correction. Extremism IS becoming mainstream in the GOP.


Your Messiah® is openly fascist, literally merging corporations and the federal government, and you call the GOP "extremist?"


How appropriate that you used the cukoo smily.

Obama has been "labelled" everything from a socialist to a communist to a fascist to a foreign born person who's not really American. It reminds me of the story about the boy who cried wolf or a Kurt Vonnegut novel where satire and common sense are fused (or intentionally confused) with one another.

Do conservative ever stop to listen to what they say? I ask for this reason. If you guys ever listened to the content of what you say, you would realize that it doesn't sound rational, and that's even more true when the myriad claims of conservatives are reviewed collectively.
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I think I have to offer a SLIGHT correction. Extremism IS becoming mainstream in the GOP.
LOL Your Messiah® is openly fascist, literally merging corporations and the federal government, and you call the GOP "extremist?"

Obama is the president of the U.S., an American born citizen, not a fascist though he does support some bad neo-con positions. You are a far right extremist fascist, UncensoredFascist, who wishes to make mainstream your unAmerican lamestream ideas. Not going to happen.
I think I have to offer a SLIGHT correction. Extremism IS becoming mainstream in the GOP.
LOL Your Messiah® is openly fascist, literally merging corporations and the federal government, and you call the GOP "extremist?"

Obama is the president of the U.S., an American born citizen, not a fascist though he does support some bad neo-con positions. You are a far right extremist fascist, UncensoredFascist, who wishes to make mainstream your unAmerican lamestream ideas. Not going to happen.

Whatcha going to do? Repeal free speech?
Of course not, and neither are you. littledebfascist would do that in a heartbeat if she could get away with it. Remember, you are a patriot, she is not.
Not 100% sure why, but Obama does seem to have prompted more extreme views by both sides. He does show signs of a compromise mentality at times, but then his Chicago style politics streak pops out and we get what we have. A fiscally conservative, but generally moderate person would most likely serve us best.
Michelle, Sarah, and Rick are not moderate in any sense of the word, though Rick, since he is not a true believer but instead a user, is more to their left on political issues. He is hard core on economics and social values but can compromise when he has to do so. I think Romney would be even better, but I am beginning to wonder just how viable he is going to be in this campaign season. New Hampshire and South Caroline will be the defining moments just how far right the GOP as a group will go. What is interesting is that the GOP is becoming what the Dems are: a coalition of competing interests and no longer a party.
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Not 100% sure why, but Obama does seem to have prompted more extreme views by both sides. He does show signs of a compromise mentality at times, but then his Chicago style politics streak pops out and we get what we have. A fiscally conservative, but generally moderate person would most likely serve us best.


Clinton spent 432 million a day.
G.W. Bush spent 1.6 BILLION dollars a day.
Obama is spending 4.3 BILLION dollars a day.

Right now Barack Obama in his almost 3 years has borrowed and spent more than G.W. Bush did in 8 years.--and Bush spent too much!/SIZE]

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Not 100% sure why, but Obama does seem to have prompted more extreme views by both sides. He does show signs of a compromise mentality at times, but then his Chicago style politics streak pops out and we get what we have. A fiscally conservative, but generally moderate person would most likely serve us best.

Clinton spent 432 million a day.
G.W. Bush spent 1.6 BILLION dollars a day.
Obama is spending 4.3 BILLION dollars a day.

Right now Barack Obama in his almost 3 years has borrowed and spent more than G.W. Bush did in 8 years & Bush spent too much.

View attachment 14721
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Michelle, Sarah, and Rick are not moderate in any sense of the word, though Rick, since he is not a true believer but instead a user, is more to their left on political issues. He is hard core on economics and social values but can compromise when he has to do so. I think Romney would be even better, but I am beginning to wonder just how viable he is going to be in this campaign season. New Hampshire and South Caroline will be the defining moments just how far right the GOP as a group will go. What is interesting is that the GOP is becoming what the Dems are: a coalition of competing interests and no longer a party.

Rick Santorum is a total nightmare on social issues. And he is much worse than Palin or Michelle Bachmann ever thought of being. Ever seen that MEAN--UGLY look he gets on his face when he is talking about gays or abortion?

As far as his knowledge--he was only in the senate for 1 term before he got booted. There is no way I would vote for this guy--he still believes as President--he could walk all over states rights--and I am not going to vote for that.

BTW--I am a fiscal conservative--not necessarily a social conservative--even though I am pro-life I understand why a woman would want to get an abortion if she was raped---incest -as does Sarah Palin and Michell Bachmann--Rick Santorum still hasn't figured that one out yet.
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How appropriate that you used the cukoo smily.

Yes, because you're fucking nuts. You follow a fascist yet call others "extreme."

Just amazing.

Obama has been "labelled" everything from a socialist to a communist to a facsist to a foreign born person who's not really American.

Who cares?

The fact is, as I have shown YOU dozens of times, Obama is a fascist. Beyond the merger of General Motors and General Electric, there is Obama Care, where corporation and federal government become one entity. We have General Electric's Immelt as "Job Czar." Is it his function as part of the federal government that he moves 50,000 jobs to China? Or is it his position as corporate fat cat?

Well, you can't tell - the line between corporate and federal hasn't been blurred, it's been erased.

And that, whether you have the brains to grasp it, is fascism. That you are a partisan hack will not alter it, it's fascism.
Obama is the president of the U.S., an American born citizen, not a fascist though he does support some bad neo-con positions. You are a far right extremist fascist, UncensoredFascist, who wishes to make mainstream your unAmerican lamestream ideas. Not going to happen.

Obama is a fascist - that is a matter of fact.

You are a partisan hack, which is also irrefutable fact.
Whoever is coming up with the liberals talking points is batting Zero imho.

Got a great idea on how Obama can save some dosh in the budget

Fire every liberal hack he hired, because they SUCK.
Obama is the president of the U.S., an American born citizen, not a fascist though he does support some bad neo-con positions. You are a far right extremist fascist, UncensoredFascist, who wishes to make mainstream your unAmerican lamestream ideas. Not going to happen.

Obama is a fascist - that is a matter of fact.

You are a partisan hack, which is also irrefutable fact.

You are so neener neener, UncensoredFascist. :lol:
How appropriate that you used the cukoo smily.

Yes, because you're fucking nuts. You follow a fascist yet call others "extreme."

Just amazing.

Obama has been "labelled" everything from a socialist to a communist to a facsist to a foreign born person who's not really American.

Who cares?

The fact is, as I have shown YOU dozens of times, Obama is a fascist. Beyond the merger of General Motors and General Electric, there is Obama Care, where corporation and federal government become one entity. We have General Electric's Immelt as "Job Czar." Is it his function as part of the federal government that he moves 50,000 jobs to China? Or is it his position as corporate fat cat?

Well, you can't tell - the line between corporate and federal hasn't been blurred, it's been erased.

And that, whether you have the brains to grasp it, is fascism. That you are a partisan hack will not alter it, it's fascism.

Negative. My feet are on the ground, and my head is not in the clouds.
But I think you're on your knees with your head in the sand.

General Motors was not taken over by gov't. If that ever happens in some future time, that's what's known as nationalization. That's where the gov't essentially owns and runs a business. No, GM got a gov't loan to get them over the hump of their financial collapse in 2008. That loan came with some caveats. I consider that to be pretty darn smart since it was taxpayers' money and giving that money to GM without strings attached would have been just plain stupid.

As far as moving jobs overseas (China, Mexico, India, Guatemala, Bangladesh, etc), THAT has been going on since the 1990s.

What is it with conservatives these days? I ask in regards to lots of things, but let's talk about Obamacare. I keep hearing conservatives say that it's a gov't takeover of healthcare or socialized medicine. Really?

Is there a public option? No.

Are there gov't hospitals? No.
Are there gov't doctors? No.

However, the last two questions could be answered YES if you're talking about the VA, which I understand Republicans support, right?

THAT is socialized medicine!

Gov't and the private sector have always worked closely together. Now, if you are REALLY upset at corporate influence on gov't, then perhaps what you and other conservatives should be worried about is corporate campaign contributions to BOTH political parties and candidates of both parties. Although that's been going on for a LONG time, the SC has made the problem worse in their 5-4 ruling in Jan of last year on Citizens United v. Federal Election Commision.
Negative. My feet are on the ground, and my head is not in the clouds.

You are a hyperpartisan who will say anything to promote your shameful party.

General Motors was not taken over by gov't.

Are you on drugs?

If you don't deal with facts, communication is impossible.

{President Obama defended his decision to take a majority stake in GM, saying it was unavoidable and temporary. "We are acting as reluctant shareholders," he said in a televised address.}

GM Collapses Into Government's Arms - WSJ.com

Regardless of your drug induced delusions, the government did in fact take over GM. Obama personally fired the head of GM - as Fuhrer, he could do so.

{The Obama administration asked Rick Wagoner, the chairman and CEO of General Motors, to step down and he agreed, a White House official said.}

GM CEO resigns at Obama's behest - Mike Allen and Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

As far as moving jobs overseas (China, Mexico, India, Guatemala, Bangladesh, etc), THAT has been going on since the 1990s.

Irrelevant. The point is that Immel, the job Czar AND CEO of General Electric, recipient of billions of tax dollars, moved the jobs.

Is Immelt part of a corporation or part of the federal government?

Well, he's both - because they are one and the same.
How appropriate that you used the cukoo smily.

Yes, because you're fucking nuts. You follow a fascist yet call others "extreme."

Just amazing.

Obama has been "labelled" everything from a socialist to a communist to a facsist to a foreign born person who's not really American.

Who cares?

The fact is, as I have shown YOU dozens of times, Obama is a fascist. Beyond the merger of General Motors and General Electric, there is Obama Care, where corporation and federal government become one entity. We have General Electric's Immelt as "Job Czar." Is it his function as part of the federal government that he moves 50,000 jobs to China? Or is it his position as corporate fat cat?

Well, you can't tell - the line between corporate and federal hasn't been blurred, it's been erased.

And that, whether you have the brains to grasp it, is fascism. That you are a partisan hack will not alter it, it's fascism.

Negative. My feet are on the ground, and my head is not in the clouds.
But I think you're on your knees with your head in the sand.

General Motors was not taken over by gov't. If that ever happens in some future time, that's what's known as nationalization. That's where the gov't essentially owns and runs a business. No, GM got a gov't loan to get them over the hump of their financial collapse in 2008. That loan came with some caveats. I consider that to be pretty darn smart since it was taxpayers' money and giving that money to GM without strings attached would have been just plain stupid.

As far as moving jobs overseas (China, Mexico, India, Guatemala, Bangladesh, etc), THAT has been going on since the 1990s.

What is it with conservatives these days? I ask in regards to lots of things, but let's talk about Obamacare. I keep hearing conservatives say that it's a gov't takeover of healthcare or socialized medicine. Really?

Is there a public option? No.

Are there gov't hospitals? No.
Are there gov't doctors? No.

However, the last two questions could be answered YES if you're talking about the VA, which I understand Republicans support, right?

THAT is socialized medicine!

Gov't and the private sector have always worked closely together. Now, if you are REALLY upset at corporate influence on gov't, then perhaps what you and other conservatives should be worried about is corporate campaign contributions to BOTH political parties and candidates of both parties. Although that's been going on for a LONG time, the SC has made the problem worse in their 5-4 ruling in Jan of last year on Citizens United v. Federal Election Commision.
There is a difference between government running something entirely and corporatism/fascism. Current government policies are not socialist, they are corporatist. There is subsidization of corporations, regulation of them, and government heavily influences them. You know you have a corporatist system when big businesses spend so much money on lobbyists. Obama, however, is not unique in his corporatist policies. Bush was hardly better. Obama pretty much has continued for the most part the failed policies of Bush and then put some of them on steroids.

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