Tea Party Plummeting

What link to Rasmussen? I started this thread with a link to a CNN poll.

Point out this link.

Rasmussen confirms most do not see Tea Party as terrorists despite propaganda - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

Would you also like the disapproval numbers of the president? Or the wrong track numbers?

Nowhere in that article does any poll put teabagger approval ratings above President Obama (salaam alaikum!)

Negged for being a liar!

That would have required thinking and comparisons. I understand why you dont get it.
And, as the Tea Party approval among informed and well read Americans, drops:

Obama is less than a point behind a generic GOP candidate.

He is more than 50 points better in the spread on job approval than Congress, which is absolutely abysmal.

Obama is 3.2 points ahead of Romney.

Obama is more than 10 points ahead of Perry.

Obama is almost 11 points ahead of Pawlenty.

Obama is more than 11 points ahead of Bachmann.

Obama is 14 points ahead of Huntsman.

Obama is more than 17 points ahead of Palin.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - President Obama vs. Republican Candidate

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates
The most interesting detail you left out Jake is Obama has over a year to screw up even more.
An interesting detail, saveliberty, is that the Tea Party, the Dems, the Pubs, and the American people have more than a year to screw up with Obama. The most interesting thing is that We the People don't think any outstanding alternative to the President exists right now.

We need to get our house in order.
Obama, unfortunately for far right wacks, is still better off than the Tea Party, the GOP, Boehner, and Mitchell.

Only Giuliani, who is not running right now, a good solid liberal Republican, beats Obama head to head in polling. Every other possible GOP candidate for the office is at least 5% points behind.

Any chance whatsoever that Giuliani might run?

I don't think so. It's kind of late to jump in here at this time. In fact Perry is supposed to announce--but I really don't think he has a shot--he has 3 strikes against him--just coming out of Texas--plus he is way to far right on social issues--which would scare independents away.
An interesting detail, saveliberty, is that the Tea Party, the Dems, the Pubs, and the American people have more than a year to screw up with Obama. The most interesting thing is that We the People don't think any outstanding alternative to the President exists right now.

We need to get our house in order.

There are plenty of alternatives to Obama--right he is his own worst enemy--and at this time is being compared to Jimmy Carter by democrats. A President that leads from the REAR. Carter did the same thing. Both with very high I.Q's--but incapable of being a leader.
Obama is 3.2 points ahead of Romney.

Then you have nothing to worry about, Jake. Your Messiah® will win. No need for you to fill your trunk with ballots. Hand out crack to indigents to vote for him, get illegals voting. You can just sit back and relax. For the first time in the last century, a democrat will win without the use of fraud.
Guys, show me who is leading Obama among the GOP, other than Rudy, who is not running. I wonder if he would take a Veep slot with Romney or Perry. That would strengthen the ticket in reaching out to independents, centrists, and conservative Dems.
RINO UPDATE I: Romney Signs Pro-Straight Marriage Pledge with Tea Party Supporter Bachmann
Romney looks to Tea Party for leadership on some issues

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Rep. Michele Bachmann
(R., Minn.) and former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum have signed a pledge from the National Organization for Marriage to oppose gay marriage at several levels of the federal government. But former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who has sought to burnish his credentials as an evangelical Christian, declined to sign it, possibly putting him at odds with the social conservatives he is trying to court in Iowa. The National Organization for Marriage is running a four-day Iowa bus tour leading up to the Aug. 13 straw poll in Ames.

Are RINOs too extreme for either side?

VIDEO: More fake companies give millions to Mitt Romney | The Political Carnival
PROVO, Utah— A political committee tied to Mitt Romney received two separate $1 million donations from companies located in Provo, but the companies don’t appear to do any substantial business.


Mitt Romney Supports on Cut, Cap and Balance in Debate follows Tea Party ideas

Guys, show me who is leading Obama among the GOP, other than Rudy, who is not running.

{The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 20% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -22 (see trends). }

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

You know who can beat Obama in 2012?

Yeah, TEA PARTY politicians. And the kook, Michele Bachmann, who's actually running for president voted against the compromise deal. Does that mean she would have vetoed it if she were sitting in the Oval Office? If she had, where do you think the DOW would be right now? Maybe around 7,000 (which is about where it was when Obama took office)? How about America's credit rating? In the cellar, probably.

Drink some more Kool-Aid, sonny. Our deficit and our spending got us where we are today. Not the few that really tried to address the problem and not just put a bandaid on the wound.
If not for the fact that we keep having to raise the debt ceiling and out of control spending we still would have had the AAA rating.
If not for the fact that we didn't address the spending in a serious way and not with the smoke and mirrors from the politicians we would still have our AAA rating.
Now just go spin and blame like you have been doing since teflon obama has been in office. I get it....but it's not fooling anyone.

Spending has been going up year after year and will continue going up as long as the population grows and baby boomers keep retiring, to cut spending on those people would be to go back on a promise to them, they paid into it all their lives so what cut them? Where is proof of all this out of control spending?

to cut spending on those people would be to go back on a promise to them, they paid into it all their lives so what cut them?

Yes, we're going to have to cut back on those promises.

Where is proof of all this out of control spending?

You're joking, right?
It's amazing. Every once in a while, if I listen to conservative talk radio, I hear some host making a mountain out of something that's not even high enough to be considered a mole hill. I could hear it at least twenty times a day if I chose to listen long enough.

Now, when the S&P report is delivered, and it's abundantly clear what S&P is saying (even though they do not mention any particular person or group by name), you're going to claim that not mentioning a particular group by name means that the report couldn't possibly be pointing to the how that one group was willing to take America right to the edge of default, regardless of the consequences? I ask that question especially since the report mentions the brinksmanship that was going on, and everyone knows from which side of the political spectrum that brinksmanship was originating.

IF THE REPUBS HAD NOT TAKEN THE HOUSE THE DOWNGRADE WOULD HAVE HAPPENED MONTHS AGO. Part of the concern was not being able to address the issues we face, If not for the house the issues would not have been faced at all.

That's merely conjecture. In FACT, if the Republicans hadn't taken controll, it's quite likely that the Bush tax cuts (responsible for something like 60% of the debt) for the wealthiest Americans would have been gradually phased out, thereby lowering America's debt to GDP ratio and preventing the S&P downgrade.

it's quite likely that the Bush tax cuts (responsible for something like 60% of the debt)
$8.4 trillion? Please show all your work.
That's merely conjecture. In FACT, if the Republicans hadn't taken controll, it's quite likely that the Bush tax cuts (responsible for something like 60% of the debt) for the wealthiest Americans would have been gradually phased out, thereby lowering America's debt to GDP ratio and preventing the S&P downgrade.

Got a link for that, sparky?

I meant to say 60% of the deficit.

But I can provide a link to a chart that shows how the Bush tax cuts have impacted our debt to GDP ratio. While the link takes you to the progressive site, The Center for American Progress, the chart itself is from information provided by the CBO and the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy, both of which are nonpartisan sources of information.

The Bush Tax Cuts Are the Disaster that Keeps on Giving

I meant to say 60% of the deficit
$840 billion? Please show your work.
I have not yet heard anyone with an answer to the key question, how do you provide economic stimulus to the economy while reducing the deficit? The two most power tools we have for stimulating the economy are tax cuts and increased government spending. Both would increase the deficit insuring another downgrade and still may not provide sufficient stimulus to fuel an economic expansion. The person that can answer that question satisfactory should be the next president.

how do you provide economic stimulus to the economy while reducing the deficit?

Reduce the regulation that is strangling our economy.
Start by repealing Obamacare.
Our economy is the least regulated in the world, todd. You are going to have to come up with a far better answer than that throwaway remark.
Mitt Romney is playing the far right wacks for the fools they truly seem to be. Good for him.

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