Tea party wins even if it loses

NC-Sen: The Tea Party Wins Even If Their Candidates Lose Their Primaries

So what has happened to the Koch Brother's creation? Have the Brothers thrown their money to the wind? Did Rove strong arm the TP extremes to stay silent?

Establishment Republicans totally bitch-slapped the TEA Party yesterday. This is good news for all who love America.

Yup, the insanity could only go on for so long. But has the TP dragged the Establishment so far to the right that they cannot win national elections now? I think it should be a real concern for the GOP.
NC-Sen: The Tea Party Wins Even If Their Candidates Lose Their Primaries

So what has happened to the Koch Brother's creation? Have the Brothers thrown their money to the wind? Did Rove strong arm the TP extremes to stay silent?

Establishment Republicans totally bitch-slapped the TEA Party yesterday. This is good news for all who love America.

Yup, the insanity could only go on for so long. But has the TP dragged the Establishment so far to the right that they cannot win national elections now? I think it should be a real concern for the GOP.
They certainly made things a lot better, for the Dems. That's what happens when you are a house divided.
omg, what sheep some of you are

Koch brothers CREATION

The Tea Party was around before your MASTER Dirty Harry started his insane spew on them

you've become parrots and useful tools just like all the sheep at the Dailykos zoo

Do you have any pride left?
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Yeah, Tea Partiers were prematurely ejaculating just a few days ago. Today, not so much. The Tea Party got spanked in yesterday's primaries around the country.

The Democratic Party can now continue to tax and spend, the Republican Party can now continue to borrow and spend, and both Establishments can continue to fellate special interests unimpeded.

The Tea Party won a few battles, but lost the war. That is because they buried their fiscal conservatism under a mountain of rabid foam. Hatred, bigotry, and mental retardation.

It's a crying shame.

America loses. Again.
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Yeah, Tea Partiers were prematurely ejaculating just a few days ago. Today, not so much. The Tea Party got spanked in yesterday's primaries around the country.

The Democratic Party can now continue to tax and spend, the Republican Party can now continue to borrow and spend, and both Establishments can continue to fellate special interests unimpeded.

The Tea Party won a few battles, but lost the war. That is because they buried their fiscal conservatism under a mountain of rabid foam. Hatred, bigotry, and mental retardation.

It's a crying shame.

America loses. Again.

I went along with everything you said until you spewed rabid foam and bigotry about the Tea party...you speak with forked tongue
Yeah, Tea Partiers were prematurely ejaculating just a few days ago. Today, not so much. The Tea Party got spanked in yesterday's primaries around the country.

The Democratic Party can now continue to tax and spend, the Republican Party can now continue to borrow and spend, and both Establishments can continue to fellate special interests unimpeded.

The Tea Party won a few battles, but lost the war. That is because they buried their fiscal conservatism under a mountain of rabid foam. Hatred, bigotry, and mental retardation.

It's a crying shame.

America loses. Again.

I went along with everything you said until you spewed rabid foam and bigotry about the Tea party...you speak with forked tongue

Actually, he is spot on. The TP ulterior motives began to reveal themselves. That and the fact that the Establishment became tired of losing the Senate, due to some loons with the Tea Party label. They poured money into Rove's battle chest to keep the loons quiet. So far it has worked.
Damn right. You know establishment republicans will be conscious of conservative values if they have to face primary fights and the left still hates and fears the Tea Party. It's a win-win no matter what. How is OWS doing on the democrat side?
The Tea Party won a few battles, but lost the war. That is because they buried their fiscal conservatism under a mountain of rabid foam. Hatred, bigotry, and mental retardation.

It's a crying shame.

Lol the establishment needs to pay attention. Mitch only won his nomination by 60% of REPUBLICAN vote. Looks like he didn't crush shit did he? Now he is open to lose his seat to a dumb ass who only git nominated because her daddy had money. .... again democrats nominate the 1%.

tapatalk post
Damn right. You know establishment republicans will be conscious of conservative values if they have to face primary fights and the left still hates and fears the Tea Party. It's a win-win no matter what. How is OWS doing on the democrat side?



For the viewing pleasure of anyone sitting on the fence and isn't sure if they want to be a decent American conservative, or a filthy libtard parasite.

Lol the establishment needs to pay attention. Mitch only won his nomination by 60% of REPUBLICAN vote. Looks like he didn't crush shit did he? Now he is open to lose his seat to a dumb ass who only git nominated because her daddy had money. .... again democrats nominate the 1%.

tapatalk post

Irony at is best!
Tea party wins even if it loses

Nope, it loses, as the GOP slowly moves to accept demographic change.
Lol the establishment needs to pay attention. Mitch only won his nomination by 60% of REPUBLICAN vote. Looks like he didn't crush shit did he? Now he is open to lose his seat to a dumb ass who only git nominated because her daddy had money. .... again democrats nominate the 1%.

tapatalk post

Irony at is best!

Learn to read idiot

tapatalk post
Damn right. You know establishment republicans will be conscious of conservative values if they have to face primary fights and the left still hates and fears the Tea Party. It's a win-win no matter what. How is OWS doing on the democrat side?



For the viewing pleasure of anyone sitting on the fence and isn't sure if they want to be a decent American conservative, or a filthy libtard parasite.

You forgot this guy:

Whether the bed wetters like it or not, the TEA Party influence has forced the establishment to stop giving the fascist democrooks ground in these "compromises".

Bed wetters whine about "gridlock", but as far as I'm concerned "gridlock" is the best thing we can hope for until the moonbat messiah is snorting coke off some douchbag's cock in Hawaii. We need to maintain pressure on the republicrats, that's how we will win.

In 2000-2006 we got complacent. Hopefully we won't do so when we get the government back and allow the republicrats to "compromise" our country into the shitter.

Damn right. You know establishment republicans will be conscious of conservative values if they have to face primary fights and the left still hates and fears the Tea Party. It's a win-win no matter what. How is OWS doing on the democrat side?



For the viewing pleasure of anyone sitting on the fence and isn't sure if they want to be a decent American conservative, or a filthy libtard parasite.

You forgot this guy:


Still using Photoshoped pics you dummy?

tapatalk post
[MENTION=34052]g5000[/MENTION] still shows she is no more then a democrat trying to lie about being republican

tapatalk post
The Tea Party accomplished what they wanted to accomplish. They won some major victories (Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Ron Johnson in the Senate) and lost some seats for us at the same time..... Christine I'm Not A Witch O'Donnell, Mourdock and Akin with their Medieval attitudes on rape, Ken Buck, Sharon Angle.

Overall, the Tea Party got what they wanted across -- Be Republicans, not dimocrap scum-lite.

Which what they were for a long time. It was as if Republicans wanted Big Government, too. Just that their mantra was, "We can run Big Government better than democrats can."

That has changed. Permanently I hope.

You kiddies keep on thinking the Tea Party lost. It might help you when you're crying yourselves to sleep at night for the next twenty years.

10 to 15 Senate Seats we pick up. Count on it.

IF, and that is BIG IF, Republicans don't get cocky and expect someone else to do tehir jobs (voting) for them.

Guys, we don't have a massive Voter Fraud mechanism in place like dimocrap scum do. If you want our people to win, you need to go to vote yourselves. Nobody else is going to do it for you.

And keep something else in mind..... If it's close, dimocrap scum WILL cheat to win. If it ain't close, they can't cheat enough to win.

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