Tea party wins even if it loses

Still pissed that you lost that "War of Northern Aggression" huh?

Need a new confederate flag to hang in the window of your trailer - that one you got is looking pretty ratty.

I'm upset that it ever needed to come to that in the first place, dog. It should never have gotten that far to begin with.

Sorry, but the condo association doesn't like people hanging anything in the windows. Then again my preferred flag in neither the Stars & Stripes nor the Stars & Bars. I'm more of a "Don't Tread on Me" type.

you don't like the way things are going - get your votes together and change it.
You don't care for a majority rules system, then you won't like it here. Just move out, we're not going to change it for you.

Pull a gun - we'll gun you down just like we did Osama Bin Laden.
left-wing losers ranting bout the Tea Party

have you ever seen a bigger bunch of morons than the idiots ranting bout the Tea Party; trying to dismiss them in one sentence; and in the next crying about how "dangerous" they are?

Bush crashed the economy, and know the recession was minor when he came to office.

Bush acted admirably after 9-11 then threw that political capital away in imperialistic wars.

The recession was 'minor'?

What kind of stupid are you? Do you have to wear headphones that repeat, "Inhale, Exhale, Inhale, Exhale"?

The biggest Companyy on Earth is Apple (AAPL)

Number three on Earth is Google (GOOG)

Number five ON THE FACE OF THE FUCKING EARTH is Microsoft (MSFT)

Know what you can tell just looking at their sticker symbols?

I can. I can tell that they're ALL ON NASDAQ EXCHANGE. Three of the five biggest Companies on Earth. And the Exchange COLLAPSED.

As to the Great Recession? You're too stupid to spend the time explaining it to, but it actually started in Europe.

The CDF's and other poison devices were invented in Europe. London to be precise.

If you look at the Recession and its progress (you won't, you're too stupid) you will see that it infected Europe LONG before it infected us. That's because that's where it started.

Could Bush have stopped it? No. No way. NO FUCKING WAY.

The worst Fed Chair in human history, who also happens to married to the worst TV journ-o-list in history (Andrea Bitchell) didn't see it coming, how could Bush?

And Bush didn't have the tools to stop it with. He just simply didn't have the power EVEN IF he had seen it coming

You're just a stupid fuck. It happened on Bush's watch. That's it. That's the only thing he did wrong.

You? You are a perfect example of a low information dimocrap scumbag.

Stupid. All you are capable of doing is repeating dimocrap talking points (aka; lies)
Excellent projection, 007.

I bet you are a birfer also.
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Edgetho is fuliminating again, suffering from NCTS: Neo-Conservative Traumatic Syndrome.
Whether the bed wetters like it or not, the TEA Party influence has forced the establishment to stop giving the fascist democrooks ground in these "compromises".

Bed wetters whine about "gridlock", but as far as I'm concerned "gridlock" is the best thing we can hope for until the moonbat messiah is snorting coke off some douchbag's cock in Hawaii. We need to maintain pressure on the republicrats, that's how we will win.

In 2000-2006 we got complacent. Hopefully we won't do so when we get the government back and allow the republicrats to "compromise" our country into the shitter.

In 2000-2006 you got your brains sucked out and you nodded your stupid fucking heads to Bush raising the national debt by $5 trillion. It was $5.73 trillion when he came into office in 2000. When he left, it was $10.7 trillion. Where was your phony outrage then?

You may not have noticed because you are one of the dumbest fucks I've ever had the pleasure of insulting.....

But Bush brought us out of one the worst.... Not, THE WORST Market Crash in History.

He also brought us out of one of the worst..... No, THE WORST attack on American Soil in our history.

You really are a stupid fuck.

Brought us out? You kidding right? He left the country in a free fall that we have not totally gotten out of. He took a budget surplus and turned it into a deficit. He, with his torture chambers, water boarding, and war mongering left our allies wondering when they would be next.

He ignored intel and allowed 9/11 so now we call him a Hero? He did not kill Bin Laden, as many conservatives claim. He lost him and allowed him to live like a King for years.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo4OnQpwjkc]Bob Marley-Don't worry be happy - YouTube[/ame]
In 2000-2006 you got your brains sucked out and you nodded your stupid fucking heads to Bush raising the national debt by $5 trillion. It was $5.73 trillion when he came into office in 2000. When he left, it was $10.7 trillion. Where was your phony outrage then?

You may not have noticed because you are one of the dumbest fucks I've ever had the pleasure of insulting.....

But Bush brought us out of one the worst.... Not, THE WORST Market Crash in History.

He also brought us out of one of the worst..... No, THE WORST attack on American Soil in our history.

You really are a stupid fuck.

Brought us out? You kidding right? He left the country in a free fall that we have not totally gotten out of. He took a budget surplus and turned it into a deficit. He, with his torture chambers, water boarding, and war mongering left our allies wondering when they would be next.

He ignored intel and allowed 9/11 so now we call him a Hero? He did not kill Bin Laden, as many conservatives claim. He lost him and allowed him to live like a King for years.

Remember that Edge suffers from NCTS with a contributing EconomicDepressionAnxiety.
In 2000-2006 you got your brains sucked out and you nodded your stupid fucking heads to Bush raising the national debt by $5 trillion. It was $5.73 trillion when he came into office in 2000. When he left, it was $10.7 trillion. Where was your phony outrage then?

You may not have noticed because you are one of the dumbest fucks I've ever had the pleasure of insulting.....

But Bush brought us out of one the worst.... Not, THE WORST Market Crash in History.

He also brought us out of one of the worst..... No, THE WORST attack on American Soil in our history.

You really are a stupid fuck.

Brought us out? You kidding right? He left the country in a free fall that we have not totally gotten out of. He took a budget surplus and turned it into a deficit. He, with his torture chambers, water boarding, and war mongering left our allies wondering when they would be next.

He ignored intel and allowed 9/11 so now we call him a Hero? He did not kill Bin Laden, as many conservatives claim. He lost him and allowed him to live like a King for years.

every singe 9-11 hijacker was let in here by Clinton. THAT is what Bush "inherited".
clinton handed the country over to the incoming Bush without having a clue the crew was already here and almost finnished with the plotting and training for the terrorist attacks.
how can you losers claim the country is in such good shape now; then whine we "have not totally gotten out of..." a "free fall"?
there was no budget suprlus; you losers on the left need new lines and not debunked talking points
you don't like the way things are going - get your votes together and change it.

LOL. When have VOTES changed anything meaningful in this country?.... NEVER.

You don't care for a majority rules system, then you won't like it here. Just move out, we're not going to change it for you.

I've been working on it. Unfortunately most of the places I would like to go won't take Americans. Apparently you Liberals have created such a foul stench around that work that unless you're rich or famous most decent nations won't give you the time of day if you're an American.

Pull a gun - we'll gun you down just like we did Osama Bin Laden.

Better DEAD than RED, and those seem to be the only two options at this point.
NC-Sen: The Tea Party Wins Even If Their Candidates Lose Their Primaries

So what has happened to the Koch Brother's creation? Have the Brothers thrown their money to the wind? Did Rove strong arm the TP extremes to stay silent?

Establishment Republicans totally bitch-slapped the TEA Party yesterday. This is good news for all who love America.

Yup, the insanity could only go on for so long. But has the TP dragged the Establishment so far to the right that they cannot win national elections now? I think it should be a real concern for the GOP.

Me too. National moods can change so those who say the GOP cannot possibly win are mistaken. However, if the GOP wins, it will be an establishment republican. Jeb Bush could win the Presidency easily. Keep in mind, a bucket of warm spit with a D or an R next to it gets 40% of the vote. A trip up by the other side and boom...you got the other side winning.
you don't like the way things are going - get your votes together and change it.

LOL. When have VOTES changed anything meaningful in this country?.... NEVER.

You don't care for a majority rules system, then you won't like it here. Just move out, we're not going to change it for you.

I've been working on it. Unfortunately most of the places I would like to go won't take Americans. Apparently you Liberals have created such a foul stench around that work that unless you're rich or famous most decent nations won't give you the time of day if you're an American.

Pull a gun - we'll gun you down just like we did Osama Bin Laden.

Better DEAD than RED, and those seem to be the only two options at this point.


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