Teach The Children Well...

Now into union's.....following the same old stuff perfectly. Just like the dems follow their garbage. Nice work.
I can like the curriculum but exclude my kids from certain classes and they have to accept my terms.
Private religious schools have no right to fill my kids head full of their heathenous vile over my views at home even if my kids are enrolled in them.
Are you confused by the word private? It means you have to actually sign up for it. Your kids will probably have issues as basic as what gender they are at the rate you're going.
I can like the curriculum but exclude my kids from certain classes and they have to accept my terms.
Then you should home school. Otherwise you're kinda screwed into what the school decided your kid needs to know.
Nope you are wrong. I know of several parents in larger communities (big cities) and their kids attend private religious schools but are excluded from religious classes. Instead they attend an additional put ex class or other class. The schools have no problem with it and they shouldn't have an issue either. They will always accept the $$$$ in a heartbeat.
Nope you are wrong. I know of several parents in larger communities (big cities) and their kids attend private religious schools but are excluded from religious classes. Instead they attend an additional put ex class or other class. The schools have no problem with it and they shouldn't have an issue either. They will always accept the $$$$ in a heartbeat.

Can't say I would want to send my kid to a religious school that was more interested in the money than religious education.
Can you show where "the left" opposes homeschooling?
push back against vouchers.. (though not necessarily used in home schools often) bears the same underlying strains of resisting parental control over their own children's education ('indoctrination')

Vouchers are not the same as homeschooling. Try again (with links would be good). Every homeschooled child I know has liberal parents.
What would give you the idea that I am saying one is tantamount to the other... The general point of vouchers is for parents to have the discretion to educate their child where and how they see fit & to have their appropriated tax dollars go toward that end. Home schoolers, like I said fall into a small niche of this general category, while most go to some private school.

Vouchers have nothing to do with homeschooling. Try again.
Why not? If you home school you get to pay the taxes but don't get the money provided for a child's education? That doesn't seem right. If you take the job on yourself you should get the money. Isn't the money "for the children"?

Taxes fund public education. Vouchers fund private school education. Homeschooling is a choice that should get no taxpayer funding. Vouchers and homeschooling have nothing to do with each other. "Liberals" aren't opposed to homeschooling as was originally claimed.
push back against vouchers.. (though not necessarily used in home schools often) bears the same underlying strains of resisting parental control over their own children's education ('indoctrination')

Vouchers are not the same as homeschooling. Try again (with links would be good). Every homeschooled child I know has liberal parents.
What would give you the idea that I am saying one is tantamount to the other... The general point of vouchers is for parents to have the discretion to educate their child where and how they see fit & to have their appropriated tax dollars go toward that end. Home schoolers, like I said fall into a small niche of this general category, while most go to some private school.

Vouchers have nothing to do with homeschooling. Try again.
Why not? If you home school you get to pay the taxes but don't get the money provided for a child's education? That doesn't seem right. If you take the job on yourself you should get the money. Isn't the money "for the children"?

Taxes fund public education. Vouchers fund private school education. Homeschooling is a choice that should get no taxpayer funding. Vouchers and homeschooling have nothing to do with each other. "Liberals" aren't opposed to homeschooling as was originally claimed.

This is getting real old... use the 'Google-box'

Parents can use the money toward the cost of private school tuition. But they can also spend it on homeschooling costs (such as online courses or tutoring) and even on some types of therapy. The main difference between an ESA and a traditional voucher is that school vouchers can only be used at participating schools.

School Vouchers: What You Need to Know - Understood.org

Private religious schools have no right to fill my kids head full of their heathenous vile over my views at home even if my kids are enrolled in them.
Parents should dictate 100% what is taught to their kids, the Federal government, other parents and the collective should have zero influence on such things. A family shouldn’t have to worry about overreacting... unfortunately they have to protect their kids from federal government/deep state atrocities...
Wanna keep your children safe, and free of Communist/Democrat indoctrination? Keep them far away from Government Schools. Seriously consider all education alternatives.

Great article by Dr. Ron Paul

Homeschooling Protects Children from Violence and Marxism

The February mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida prompted many parents to consider homeschooling. This is hardly surprising, as the misnamed federal “Gun-Free Schools” law leaves schoolchildren defenseless against mass shooters. Removing one’s children from government schools seems a rational response to school shootings.

School shootings are not the only form of violence causing more parents to consider homeschooling. Many potential homeschooling parents are concerned about the failure of school administrators to effectively protect children from bullying by other students.

Of course many parents choose homeschooling as a means of protecting their children from federal education “reforms” such as Common Core. Other parents are motivated by a desire to protect their children from the cultural Marxism that has infiltrated many schools.

The spread of cultural Marxism has contributed to the dumbing down of public education. Too many government schools are more concerned with promoting political agendas than ensuring that students receive a good education...

Read More:
Homeschooling Protects Children from Violence and Marxism

Millennials and teenagers are already showing the desocialization effects and break down of human interaction from Facebook/Twitter/Reddit. Now you want them to be even more removed from ordinary social skills that one needs to have in order to say....sit down for a job interview, interact and function within the workplace and even their own families? I don't think so.

The world is not comprised of a kid's parents and their opinions. Learning how to cope with a diversity of people and cultures is tantamount to being successful in life.

Ron Paul's expiration date was a few years ago. He's off his rocker.

Obviously i disagree with your premise 100%. Children can engage in social interaction while being Home-schooled. It's an outdated old wives tale to claim they can't experience social interaction if they're Home-schooled. The Communists have pushed that lie for years. They push it to dissuade parents from seeking education alternatives.

Communists/Democrats got a great scam going. They've created 'Indoctrination Centers' in Government-schooling. It isn't in their best interest to see anything change. So they're gonna continue to vigorously oppose all education alternatives. But hopefully parents will seek alternatives, despite that opposition.

I have no idea where leftists get the idea that homeschooling families never leave their houses or engage in any social activities. I can only assume it's because none of them would ever deign to associate with a known conservative.

Yeah, they continue to regurgitate their old wives tale claiming Home-schoolers don't engage in social interaction. It's such an outdated meme. Most who push that tale, do it as a way to discourage parents from seeking education alternatives. They don't want anything disrupting their 'Indoctrination Center' scam they got goin.
Sadly, kids are sitting ducks in Government Schools at this point. And not just sitting ducks for deranged killers. They're also sitting duck victims of Left/Democrat indoctrination. They're stuck there for 8hrs being browbeaten with Communist/Democrat propaganda.

The kids have no choice but to sit there and take it. All American parents need to seriously consider all education alternatives. Kids shouldn't be forced to endure Communist/Democrat abuse. Parents can take control of their kids' education. I strongly urge them to do so.

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