Teacher Comes Foward--Shooter Was Covered In Full Body Armor--Student With Cruz When Shots Started

Oh shit, this just flipped the narrative upside down. No kids mentioned anything about mask....or armor....no teachers mentioned anything bout mask of armor, until now. With that said, how were police able to identify Cruz from delayed tapes?

Read: plus long version of video of teacher seeing masked cop in full body armor. Read the informative comments too
Teacher grazed by Parkland shooter's bullet: 'Shooter was in full metal garb, helmet, face mask, bulletproof armor, shooting a rifle I never seen before'

Short version of video

This girl walked down the hall with CRUZ, and didn't say anything about him being dress in FULL TACTICAL GEAR, and she heard shots being fired FROM A DIFFERENT DIRECTION.

Watch. She says it wasn't Cruz
Alexa Miednik Former Student Walked With Shooter

It's not true. This is recently made up bullshit.
Schools generally have cameras everywhere. Especially a rich school in a wealthy area with thousands of students. The truth is difficult to hide, what ever it is.
The police let Cruz go. They had a description of him and let him go.

More and more this sounds engineered and scripted for a high body count to advance the gun grab agenda.
Oh shit, this just flipped the narrative upside down. No kids mentioned anything about mask....or armor....no teachers mentioned anything bout mask of armor, until now. With that said, how were police able to identify Cruz from delayed tapes?

Read: plus long version of video of teacher seeing masked cop in full body armor. Read the informative comments too
Teacher grazed by Parkland shooter's bullet: 'Shooter was in full metal garb, helmet, face mask, bulletproof armor, shooting a rifle I never seen before'

Short version of video

This girl walked down the hall with CRUZ, and didn't say anything about him being dress in FULL TACTICAL GEAR, and she heard shots being fired FROM A DIFFERENT DIRECTION.

Watch. She says it wasn't Cruz
Alexa Miednik Former Student Walked With Shooter

According to a previous account, after the shooting, Nicolas Cruz went to a stairwell, placed his gear into a bag and joined the students leaving the building to blend in. Students identified who he was and what he was wearing and based upon what he was wearing after leaving the Starbucks, he was apprehended. If he was covered in full tactical gear, including a mask, I doubt they would have been able to identify him.
She watched as the gunman shot at her with a barrage of bullets?
And it wasn't Cruz.

Alexa Miednik Former Student Walked With Shooter
Who told you it wasnt Cruz?

So she walked out with the shooter after she heard shots? Not getting your paranoia? The confession that Cruz gave jibes with this girls story.
The girl said there were other shots at the other end of the building as she was talking to Cruz walking out. Are you deaf?

Listen to her again.
Alexa Miednik Former Student Walked With Shooter
So? That matches the official story that Cruz ran out of the building with other students.
I will say this much............there are too many unanswered questions about this case, too many 'agencies' didn't do their jobs that could have prevented this to just chalking it up to a troubled kid losing his temper
I see the same thing in the IT field. Stuff happens that no can explain how so many people fucked up in so many areas yet it still it happens. Humans are inherently error prone and get numb to things that in hindsight they shouldnt have if they were being professional.

yes BUT....in this hotbed of political climate over guns & mass shootings especially at schools......human error with all agencies involved, doesn't add up. In any other similar type situation......the cops/sheriff deputies and/or FBI would have been all over it......if nothing else to be recognized for having stopped an event.

apples to oranges
Not really. None of them were thinking this was going to happen and they were operating within there own spaces. It defies belief I agree but if you dont realize the consequence of not doing your part in the process it can contribute to something bigger happening. The reason I say this is because a company I was setting up a system massively failed a security audit. The security company left 12 usb drives on the pavement of a parking lot and guess what? All 12 got plugged into PC's inside the company. The CEO's username and password was acquired by getting information that shouldnt have been handed out by several different people. The USB's infected every PC in the company and they successfully launched a DDOS against the CEO's PC.

I don't buy it.......so we're back to those opinions.

The one thing I want to know and haven't seen or heard anymore about.......is the kid or person stuck in the fence that one officer was calling for bolt cutters to get out. What the heck was that all about?
Havent heard about that one.

I can't find it now, but in some of the initial reports there is a recording where you can hear officers talking back & forth and one officer calling for help & bolt cutters......I think it was for a kid in the fence, but not 100% sure at this point......as I said, overload

It's one of those minor details that's been overlooked for the bigger story angle
She watched as the gunman shot at her with a barrage of bullets?
And it wasn't Cruz.

Alexa Miednik Former Student Walked With Shooter
Who told you it wasnt Cruz?

So she walked out with the shooter after she heard shots? Not getting your paranoia? The confession that Cruz gave jibes with this girls story.
The girl said there were other shots at the other end of the building as she was talking to Cruz walking out. Are you deaf?

Listen to her again.
Alexa Miednik Former Student Walked With Shooter
So? That matches the official story that Cruz ran out of the building with other students.
He was walking out with that female student interviewed in the op who said while with Cruz, she heard other shots indicating a second shooter.
She watched as the gunman shot at her with a barrage of bullets?
And it wasn't Cruz.

Alexa Miednik Former Student Walked With Shooter
Who told you it wasnt Cruz?

So she walked out with the shooter after she heard shots? Not getting your paranoia? The confession that Cruz gave jibes with this girls story.
The girl said there were other shots at the other end of the building as she was talking to Cruz walking out. Are you deaf?

Listen to her again.
Alexa Miednik Former Student Walked With Shooter
So? That matches the official story that Cruz ran out of the building with other students.
He was walking out with that female student interviewed in the op who said while with Cruz, she heard other shots indicating a second shooter.
No, she did d not say she heard shots while she was with Cruz. She said she was with him “after the fact.”

That you have to lie demonstrates how desperate you are to spread a conspiracy where none exists.
I see the same thing in the IT field. Stuff happens that no can explain how so many people fucked up in so many areas yet it still it happens. Humans are inherently error prone and get numb to things that in hindsight they shouldnt have if they were being professional.

yes BUT....in this hotbed of political climate over guns & mass shootings especially at schools......human error with all agencies involved, doesn't add up. In any other similar type situation......the cops/sheriff deputies and/or FBI would have been all over it......if nothing else to be recognized for having stopped an event.

apples to oranges
Not really. None of them were thinking this was going to happen and they were operating within there own spaces. It defies belief I agree but if you dont realize the consequence of not doing your part in the process it can contribute to something bigger happening. The reason I say this is because a company I was setting up a system massively failed a security audit. The security company left 12 usb drives on the pavement of a parking lot and guess what? All 12 got plugged into PC's inside the company. The CEO's username and password was acquired by getting information that shouldnt have been handed out by several different people. The USB's infected every PC in the company and they successfully launched a DDOS against the CEO's PC.

I don't buy it.......so we're back to those opinions.

The one thing I want to know and haven't seen or heard anymore about.......is the kid or person stuck in the fence that one officer was calling for bolt cutters to get out. What the heck was that all about?
Havent heard about that one.

I can't find it now, but in some of the initial reports there is a recording where you can hear officers talking back & forth and one officer calling for help & bolt cutters......I think it was for a kid in the fence, but not 100% sure at this point......as I said, overload

It's one of those minor details that's been overlooked for the bigger story angle

It will be month or so for that to happen; meanwhile the MSM is already having to cover up fake news booboos and editing and deleting emails, so I doubt we ever get the real story even then. Too many failures all around.
God, these assholes that try to create some kind of conspiracy out of everything are just insane as Cruz.
I see the same thing in the IT field. Stuff happens that no can explain how so many people fucked up in so many areas yet it still it happens. Humans are inherently error prone and get numb to things that in hindsight they shouldnt have if they were being professional.

yes BUT....in this hotbed of political climate over guns & mass shootings especially at schools......human error with all agencies involved, doesn't add up. In any other similar type situation......the cops/sheriff deputies and/or FBI would have been all over it......if nothing else to be recognized for having stopped an event.

apples to oranges
Not really. None of them were thinking this was going to happen and they were operating within there own spaces. It defies belief I agree but if you dont realize the consequence of not doing your part in the process it can contribute to something bigger happening. The reason I say this is because a company I was setting up a system massively failed a security audit. The security company left 12 usb drives on the pavement of a parking lot and guess what? All 12 got plugged into PC's inside the company. The CEO's username and password was acquired by getting information that shouldnt have been handed out by several different people. The USB's infected every PC in the company and they successfully launched a DDOS against the CEO's PC.

I don't buy it.......so we're back to those opinions.

The one thing I want to know and haven't seen or heard anymore about.......is the kid or person stuck in the fence that one officer was calling for bolt cutters to get out. What the heck was that all about?
Havent heard about that one.

I can't find it now, but in some of the initial reports there is a recording where you can hear officers talking back & forth and one officer calling for help & bolt cutters......I think it was for a kid in the fence, but not 100% sure at this point......as I said, overload

It's one of those minor details that's been overlooked for the bigger story angle

It will be month or so for that to happen; meanwhile the MSM is already having to cover up fake news booboos and editing and deleting emails, so I doubt we ever get the real story even then. Too many failures all around.
God, these assholes that try to create some kind of conspiracy out of everything are just insane as Cruz.

your big time 'professional journalists' have already been caught out as reporting fake tweets as 'facts' and trying to cover up their boo boos in your little left wing fake news campaigns, dufus, but you go ahead and pretend to be 'credible' ... lol
God, these assholes that try to create some kind of conspiracy out of everything are just insane as Cruz.

your big time 'professional journalists' have already been caught out as reporting fake tweets as 'facts' and trying to cover up their boo boos in your little left wing fake news campaigns, dufus, but you go ahead and pretend to be 'credible' ... lol
Like what...?
How long before surviving witnesses with accounts contrary to the established narrative start dying in freak accidents?

i.e: Botched robbery, traffic accident, car spontaneous combustion, etc..etc..
One MSM 'journalist', from the Miami Herald, now denies she was asking victims 'if the shooter was white', and wanted pics of the dead bodies. She claims they were 'fake tweets'. Of course, the media will now close ranks and help her cover up for what they all wanted know first. They're sleazy vultures, after all. Who else would be so supportive of a Hillary win? no telling how many ' witnesses' are being paid to produce 'politically correct' stories as we speak; they're already being paid to speak at these organized 'rallies' the MSM keeps trying to claim are 'spontaneous n stuff'.

Isn't it odd that not one kid out the entire school has been reported as contradicting the MSM narratives at any of these allegedly 'spontaneous' rallies? Why, yes, it certainly is ...
Last edited:
yes BUT....in this hotbed of political climate over guns & mass shootings especially at schools......human error with all agencies involved, doesn't add up. In any other similar type situation......the cops/sheriff deputies and/or FBI would have been all over it......if nothing else to be recognized for having stopped an event.

apples to oranges
Not really. None of them were thinking this was going to happen and they were operating within there own spaces. It defies belief I agree but if you dont realize the consequence of not doing your part in the process it can contribute to something bigger happening. The reason I say this is because a company I was setting up a system massively failed a security audit. The security company left 12 usb drives on the pavement of a parking lot and guess what? All 12 got plugged into PC's inside the company. The CEO's username and password was acquired by getting information that shouldnt have been handed out by several different people. The USB's infected every PC in the company and they successfully launched a DDOS against the CEO's PC.

I don't buy it.......so we're back to those opinions.

The one thing I want to know and haven't seen or heard anymore about.......is the kid or person stuck in the fence that one officer was calling for bolt cutters to get out. What the heck was that all about?
Havent heard about that one.

I can't find it now, but in some of the initial reports there is a recording where you can hear officers talking back & forth and one officer calling for help & bolt cutters......I think it was for a kid in the fence, but not 100% sure at this point......as I said, overload

It's one of those minor details that's been overlooked for the bigger story angle

It will be month or so for that to happen; meanwhile the MSM is already having to cover up fake news booboos and editing and deleting emails, so I doubt we ever get the real story even then. Too many failures all around.

Did you hear that part of the audio as well? I keep looking for it in all the news over the last week and can't find anything. IF any audio of the officers is available, that part is not included and I know for a fact I had heard it several times in those first few days.

In all the news stories it was played while video from the helicopter showed one SWAT standing under the walkway cover and another was directing the kids as they came out of the building into what looked like the courtyard area & beyond. Video then went to the SWAT vehicle at further point of escape.
Not really. None of them were thinking this was going to happen and they were operating within there own spaces. It defies belief I agree but if you dont realize the consequence of not doing your part in the process it can contribute to something bigger happening. The reason I say this is because a company I was setting up a system massively failed a security audit. The security company left 12 usb drives on the pavement of a parking lot and guess what? All 12 got plugged into PC's inside the company. The CEO's username and password was acquired by getting information that shouldnt have been handed out by several different people. The USB's infected every PC in the company and they successfully launched a DDOS against the CEO's PC.

I don't buy it.......so we're back to those opinions.

The one thing I want to know and haven't seen or heard anymore about.......is the kid or person stuck in the fence that one officer was calling for bolt cutters to get out. What the heck was that all about?
Havent heard about that one.

I can't find it now, but in some of the initial reports there is a recording where you can hear officers talking back & forth and one officer calling for help & bolt cutters......I think it was for a kid in the fence, but not 100% sure at this point......as I said, overload

It's one of those minor details that's been overlooked for the bigger story angle

It will be month or so for that to happen; meanwhile the MSM is already having to cover up fake news booboos and editing and deleting emails, so I doubt we ever get the real story even then. Too many failures all around.

Did you hear that part of the audio as well? I keep looking for it in all the news over the last week and can't find anything. IF any audio of the officers is available, that part is not included and I know for a fact I had heard it several times in those first few days.

In all the news stories it was played while video from the helicopter showed one SWAT standing under the walkway cover and another was directing the kids as they came out of the building into what looked like the courtyard area & beyond. Video then went to the SWAT vehicle at further point of escape.

Somebody was playing it on a radio station somewhere, and yes, I heard it twice in the same hour. Can't recall what time of day it was, just that it was a breaking story at the time, the same day as the shooting, some hours afterward, then they quit repeating it and replaced it with other recordings coming out.
Oh shit, this just flipped the narrative upside down. No kids mentioned anything about mask....or armor....no teachers mentioned anything bout mask of armor, until now. With that said, how were police able to identify Cruz from delayed tapes?

Read: plus long version of video of teacher seeing masked cop in full body armor. Read the informative comments too
Teacher grazed by Parkland shooter's bullet: 'Shooter was in full metal garb, helmet, face mask, bulletproof armor, shooting a rifle I never seen before'

Short version of video

This girl walked down the hall with CRUZ, and didn't say anything about him being dress in FULL TACTICAL GEAR, and she heard shots being fired FROM A DIFFERENT DIRECTION.

Watch. She says it wasn't Cruz
Alexa Miednik Former Student Walked With Shooter

Hmmm..we got intellihub.com and a Youtube vid?

Another contender for the Tinfoil hat of the week award.


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