Teacher Demands Her Students Deny the Existence of God

Skylar, you are very wise to reply to my entire quote. Breaking up as you do into its parts is fine.

You'd be wise to quit running. Either you can factually demonstrate a distinction between your conception of god and imagination.....or you can't.

And as the pages and pages of desperaste, scrambling rout and excuses demonstrate, you clearly can't.
Your straw man argument is still fallacious. You can't disprove the existence of God, and since you can't, you have no point anyone needs to consider.

And what, pray tell, is the strawman? You've alleged the 'false equivalency' fallacy. But even you couldn't factually demonstrate a distinction between imagination and your conception of god.

Show us. Don't tell us.
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Skylar, I have no obligation to be concerned about your demands.

I believe in God. You believe in nothing. There is the end of it. You cannot prove that God does not exist. Since you cannot, all of your arguing is fallacious because you possess neither imagination nor thought to carry your point. There is no running: you hurl ineffective assaults against my possession. You fail in this thread.

I am satisfied with my position.

So be with yours.
Skylar, I have no obligation to be concerned about your demands.

Laughing......and so the alleged 'strawman' fallacy crumbles to dust like all your other claims.

You're big on accusations. But have got nothing to back them up.

I believe in God. You believe in nothing. There is the end of it. You cannot prove that God does not exist.

Strawman. I've never argued that I can prove god doesn't exist. Nor can I prove that Optimus Prime doesn't exist. Or the Stay Puff Marshmellow Man. Or the Easterbunny.

What I've claimed is that you can't factually distinguish between imagination and your conception of god. And you won't touch my actual argument......because we both know I'm right.

Since you cannot, all of your arguing is fallacious because you possess neither imagination nor thought to carry your point. There is no running: you hurl ineffective assaults against my possession. You fail in this thread.

I am satisfied with my position.

So be with yours.

Again, strawman. The argument you're refuting is one I've never made. While you ignore the one I have made:

That you can't factually demonstrate a distinction between imagination and your conception of god.

Keep running.
Your braying of Straw Man continues to fail.

I believe and you do not. I have no need to do more.

C. S. Lewis's comments demonstrates the fallacy of your position, and that is never going to change.

Getting angry only reveals your weakness in this discussion.
Your braying of Straw Man continues to fail.

And what strawman is that? Remember, everytime I ask you tell us what 'strawman' you're referring to, you run.

Its yet another hapless excuse why you can't factually demonstrate a distinction between your conception of god and imagination.

The excuses change from post to post. Your inability to factually demonstrate the distinction never does.

I believe and you do not. I have no need to do more.

C. S. Lewis's comments demonstrates the fallacy of your position, and that is never going to change.

Getting angry only reveals your weakness in this discussion.

My position is not that god can be proven not to exist. You're refuting an argument I've never made. I've argued that you can't factually demonstrate the distinction between your imagination and your conception of god.

And you run from my actual argument like it were on fire. If your claims had merit......you wouldn't have to run.
Skylar, you think your straw man argument will be the last post.

It won't.

That you cannot prove that God does not exist is not my problem.

You can be as long winded as Jeremiah, and every bit as boring and wrong. That is your right.

I will be here.
Skylar, you think your straw man argument will be the last post.

What strawman?

(psst....that's your cue to run).
It won't.

That you cannot prove that God does not exist is not my problem.

You can be as long winded as Jeremiah, and every bit as boring and wrong. That is your right.

I will be here.

I've never argued that I can prove god doesn't exist. You're refuting a claim I've never made.

I've argued that you can't factually distinguish between imagination and your conception of god.

And you've never been able to. Affirming my point elegantly.
Skylar, just like I used to tell Sil, "no, you don't get just once more."

You have been answered competently, effectively, and to the point.

All you can do now, like Sil, is to troll and spam. Please don't be like Cable Skylar. Be your DirecTV Sklyar I admire so much.
Skylar, just like I used to tell Sil, "no, you don't get just once more."

You have been answered competently, effectively, and to the point.

Nope. You claim a strawman, but flee the moment I ask you what it is. You claim 'false equivalency', but can't factually demonstrate a distinction between imagination and your conception of god.

You're stuck.

All you can do now, like Sil, is to troll and spam. Please don't be like Cable Skylar. Be your DirecTV Sklyar I admire so much.

All I do is state the argument that stumps you cold:

Imagination and your conception of god are factually indistinguishable.

Keep running.
:lol: Being Cable Skylar is so sad for you.

And your argument had predictably degenerated into bizarre attempts at personal insults.

Meanwhile, you still can't factually distinguish between your conception of god and imagination.

Which is exactly my point.
:lol: Being Cable Skylar is so sad for you.

And your argument had predictably degenerated into bizarre attempts at personal insults.

Meanwhile, you still can't factually distinguish between your conception of god and imagination.

Which is exactly my point.
You made fun of my mateiral and flopped. Now you are flopping again. :lol: No, CableSkylar, you don't get a second chance.

Now you are going to channel Silhouette and get weirder and weirder and longer and longer in your posts.
:lol: Being Cable Skylar is so sad for you.

And your argument had predictably degenerated into bizarre attempts at personal insults.

Meanwhile, you still can't factually distinguish between your conception of god and imagination.

Which is exactly my point.
You made fun of my mateiral and flopped. Now you are flopping again. :lol: No, CableSkylar, you don't get a second chance.

Now you are going to channel Silhouette and get weirder and weirder and longer and longer in your posts.

Wow. You've abandoned your every argument at this point. You won't discuss god, won't touch my argument that you can't factually distinguish between imagination and your conception of god, won't discuss the thread topic, nothing.

Just.....awkward attempts at personal insults. Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
I concluded every argument, and you failed.

Now are you going to keep channel the spirit of Silhouette here?
I concluded every argument, and you failed.

Nope. You ran from every argument. And still can't factually demonstrate how imagination is distinguishable from your conception of god.

The only thing that's changed is your excuse for why you can't.
So Aristotle and his followers, Thomas Aquinas and his school of thought, and the current neoscholastic school of thought are all composed of idiots?

No, dear, you are the one being an idiot. God can be proven but it requires an honest investigation into the evidence and arguments. That honesty and objectivity is what you apparently lack.

It depends how serious they were. If you are 1000% serious about God existing, you need a straitjacket.

Of course they were serious, idiot.

And you need a remedial math course.

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