Teacher Demands Her Students Deny the Existence of God

I concluded every argument, and you failed.

Nope. You ran from every argument. And still can't factually demonstrate how imagination is distinguishable from your conception of god.

The only thing that's changed is your excuse for why you can't.
Yep, I won every argument, you failed in imagination and thought, and you keep trolling, just as if you were Sil or Protectionist.

You can't prove God does not exist. You don't have the logic, the symbol set, the understanding to do anything of the sort.

You have failed miserably and know you are wailing.
I concluded every argument, and you failed.

Nope. You ran from every argument. And still can't factually demonstrate how imagination is distinguishable from your conception of god.

The only thing that's changed is your excuse for why you can't.
Yep, I won every argument, you failed in imagination and thought, and you keep trolling, just as if you were Sil or Protectionist.

Nope. You ran from every argument. And you're still running. You could never factually demonstrate a distinction between your imagination and your conception of god.

And still can't. At this point, you won't even discuss your inability to demonstrate such a distinction.

You can't prove God does not exist.

I never claimed I could prove that god doesn't exist. Nor can I prove the Easter Bunny doesn't exist. Or Megatron. Or any product of imagination.

My argument is that imagination and your conception of god are factually indistinguishable. And you won't touch my actual argument with a 10 foot pole as both know I'm right.

You're stuck.
You can lie all you want, Skylar.

You can't prove God does not exist, you simply are uncapable in language, thought, imagination, and intellect.

That is your problem, not mine.
You can lie all you want, Skylar.

And what lie have I told? Its like your empty 'strawman' and 'false equivilancy' fallacies.....where the moment I ask you what you're talking about, you abandon the accusation?

You can't prove God does not exist, you simply are uncapable in language, thought, imagination, and intellect.

I've never claimed that I could prove god doesn't exist. I said that imagination and your conception of god are factually indistinguishable.

And its enough to send you running every time.

Shrugs....keep running.
Skylar, now you are backtracking, the mark of a loser. And since you can't claim that God does not exist, you lose.

Come on, your my huckleberry. What is the next trolling nonsense?
Skylar, now you are backtracking, the mark of a loser. And since you can't claim that God does not exist, you lose.

Says you, citing you. But you can't even factually distinguish between imagination and your conception of god. Let alone prove god exists.

You might as well be insisting that since I can't disprove the Easter bunny I 'lose'. As there's the same lack of evidence proving the Easter Bunny of doesn't exist as proving your conception of god doesn't exist.

Same goes for any product of your imagination. Which is exactly my point.
Skylar, now you are backtracking, the mark of a loser. And since you can't claim that God does not exist, you lose.

Says you, citing you. But you can't even factually distinguish between imagination and your conception of god. Let alone prove god exists.

You might as well be insisting that since I can't disprove the Easter bunny I 'lose'. As there's the same lack of evidence proving the Easter Bunny of doesn't exist as proving your conception of god doesn't exist.

Same goes for any product of your imagination. Which is exactly my point.
You might as well insist that you have won. That is as silly as you stating the sun rises in the west.

You claim you can't prove God dos not exist. End of argument.
Skylar, now you are backtracking, the mark of a loser. And since you can't claim that God does not exist, you lose.

Says you, citing you. But you can't even factually distinguish between imagination and your conception of god. Let alone prove god exists.

You might as well be insisting that since I can't disprove the Easter bunny I 'lose'. As there's the same lack of evidence proving the Easter Bunny of doesn't exist as proving your conception of god doesn't exist.

Same goes for any product of your imagination. Which is exactly my point.
You might as well insist that you have won. That is as silly as you stating the sun rises in the west.

You claim you can't prove God dos not exist. End of argument.

Nope. As I can't prove that the Easter Bunny doesn't exist either. Or Optimus Prime. Or any product of your imagination.

And that's the rub with your conception of god, the grand hole in your entire argument: any product of imagination and your conception of god are indistinguishable.

Which is my point.
"Nope. As I can't prove that the Easter Bunny doesn't exist either. Or Optimus Prime. Or any product of your imagination.

And that's the rub with your conception of god, the grand hole in your entire argument: any product of imagination and your conception of god are indistinguishable.

Which is my point."

Skylar Silhouette, you keep posting the same nonsense and the same false equivalencies. You fall right down the rabbit hole that C. S. Lewis dug for people like you. Say hello to the Hatter.
Skylar Silohuette, you keep posting the same nonsense and the same false equivalencies. You fall right down the rabbit hole that C. S. Lewis dug for people like you. Say hello to the Hatter.

Then demonstrate its nonsense. Show us, don't tell us. Factually demonstrate the distinction between your conception of god and imagination.

You can't. Your argument works just as well with the Easter Bunny as it does with god. Its called the Negative Proof fallacy:

"X is true because there is no proof that X is false."


And the Negative Proof fallacy demonstrates.....nothing. It proves the truth or existence of nothing. And its the entirety of your argument.
No need to demonstrate anything since you failed to prove your fallacy, which you simply stated instead of proving and since you admit you can't prove that God does not exist.

You failed.
No need to demonstrate anything since you failed to prove your fallacy, which you simply stated instead of proving and since you admit you can't prove that God does not exist.

And what fallacy would that be? You've accused me of 'lies', 'fallacies' and a variety of other sundry nonsense. But when I ask you what you're referring to specifically.....you abandon the claim and run.

And well you should.

Meanwhile, I've never claimed to prove 'god doesn't exist'. I've argued instead that your conception of god is factually indistinguishable from imagination.

And even you can't factually demonstrate such a distinction. Demonstrating my point elegantly.
So Aristotle and his followers, Thomas Aquinas and his school of thought, and the current neoscholastic school of thought are all composed of idiots?

No, dear, you are the one being an idiot. God can be proven but it requires an honest investigation into the evidence and arguments. That honesty and objectivity is what you apparently lack.

It depends how serious they were. If you are 1000% serious about God existing, you need a straitjacket.

Of course they were serious, idiot.

And you need a remedial math course.

That is an academic debate. You can't cherry-pick like that.
So Aristotle and his followers, Thomas Aquinas and his school of thought, and the current neoscholastic school of thought are all composed of idiots?

No, dear, you are the one being an idiot. God can be proven but it requires an honest investigation into the evidence and arguments. That honesty and objectivity is what you apparently lack.

It depends how serious they were. If you are 1000% serious about God existing, you need a straitjacket.

Of course they were serious, idiot.

And you need a remedial math course.

That is an academic debate. You can't cherry-pick like that.
Why not? SkylarSilohuette has been cherry picking all day. The problem is this: not one of the anti-Godists can prove that God does not exist. Their false equivalency fallacies demonstrate their problem. So anti-Godists, good luck to you because you can seem to get a clue.
So Aristotle and his followers, Thomas Aquinas and his school of thought, and the current neoscholastic school of thought are all composed of idiots?

No, dear, you are the one being an idiot. God can be proven but it requires an honest investigation into the evidence and arguments. That honesty and objectivity is what you apparently lack.

It depends how serious they were. If you are 1000% serious about God existing, you need a straitjacket.

Of course they were serious, idiot.

And you need a remedial math course.

That is an academic debate. You can't cherry-pick like that.
Why not? SkylarSilohuette has been cherry picking all day. The problem is this: not one of the anti-Godists can prove that God does not exist. Their false equivalency fallacies demonstrate their problem. So anti-Godists, good luck to you because you can seem to get a clue.

What 'cherry picking' and what 'false equivlancy'? Remember, you can't factually demonstrate the distinction between imagination and your conception of god. So how can there be a 'false equivalency' if you can't factually demonstrate a distinction?

You're stuck. The excuses for why your argument is broken change from post to post. But your failure to demonstrate a distinction is always the same.
SkylarSilhouette, you are a hoot. I just snapped your image
SkylarSilhouette, you are a hoot. I just snapped your image

Nope. You just abandoned another pair of hapless claims of fallacy. Exactly as I told you it would. And remain hopelessly stumped by this gaping hole in your reasoning:

Imagination and your conception of god are factually indistinguishable.

Its why there's as much evidence proving 'god' doesn't exist as there is proving the Easter Bunny doesn't exist. Or anything else you can imagine.
Skylar, your arguments got booted and now all you can do is


Nope. You've run from your every allegation and abandoned your every claim. And all I have to do is point out the same, enormous, trucked sized hole in your reasoning:

Imagination and your conception of god are factually indistinguishable.

.....and your Negative Proof fallacy collapses. As it works just as well with Optimus Prime as it does your conception of god.
Skylar, now you are simply yammering.

I am going to read "On Duties," which I suggest you do as well. It will help calm you.


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