Teacher Demands Her Students Deny the Existence of God

He must have been thinking about a wet dream he had recently.
Like I said, quite a number of great minds have affirmed that they have proven God exists, so you are not asserting a fact of the public domain, dear.

What does that prove?

1. That you are not asserting a fact of the public domain.

2. Belief in God is rational and not superstition, though some do come to belief through superstition.

3. That among those who have studied the subject in depth, in the market place of ideas, the theists have won, and, while it does not empirically prove anything, that should at least count for something.
He must have been thinking about a wet dream he had recently.
Like I said, quite a number of great minds have affirmed that they have proven God exists, so you are not asserting a fact of the public domain, dear.

What does that prove?

1. That you are not asserting a fact of the public domain.

2. Belief in God is rational and not superstition, though some do come to belief through superstition.

3. That among those who have studied the subject in depth, in the market place of ideas, the theists have won, and, while it does not empirically prove anything, that should at least count for something.

Faith is a mystery, not a fact.
Faith is a mystery, not a fact.
Faith is about things unseen and yet trusted, and these things can be trusted for a great many different reasons other than a wild leap.

When astronauts go into space, they have faith and a lot of science backing that faith up. There is no mystery about it.
He must have been thinking about a wet dream he had recently.
Like I said, quite a number of great minds have affirmed that they have proven God exists, so you are not asserting a fact of the public domain, dear.

What does that prove?

1. That you are not asserting a fact of the public domain.

2. Belief in God is rational and not superstition, though some do come to belief through superstition.

If its rational....then where is the evidence to support your thesis?

That someone else *believes* something isn't evidence of anything but their belief. It proves nothing about the veracity of that belief. If such were the case there's be a lot of Starwars fans levitating objects with the Force.

3. That among those who have studied the subject in depth, in the market place of ideas, the theists have won, and, while it does not empirically prove anything, that should at least count for something.

Yeah, but theism is almost always mutually exclusive. It can't be Zeus AND Jesus. So if one is right, that means that all other are wrong. Which means that using your logic, the standard of 'belief' produce results that are almost always fallacious.

And that's the best case scenario.

Its entirely possible that none of them got it right. Or could get it right.

So why would I put much weight with conclusions that by your own logic, are almost certainly false?
Faith is a mystery, not a fact.
Faith is about things unseen and yet trusted, and these things can be trusted for a great many different reasons other than a wild leap.

Belief and trust don't make something actually true. Worse, both are hopelessly subjective. And you're using subjective feelings as objective evidence.

Subjective isn't objective. Nor is belief or trust evidence of the veracity of.....well, anything.

When astronauts go into space, they have faith and a lot of science backing that faith up. There is no mystery about it.

Yeah, but those expectations are based on veritable physical laws that are backed by objective evidence.

You've using your belief and trust AS physical laws. And they're not.
Faith is a mystery, not a fact.
Faith is about things unseen and yet trusted, and these things can be trusted for a great many different reasons other than a wild leap.

When astronauts go into space, they have faith and a lot of science backing that faith up. There is no mystery about it.

They might have personal faith but science gets them into space, keeps them alive while in space, and returns them safely (mostly) to the earth.

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