Teacher Demands Her Students Deny the Existence of God

That's right: you can't prove that God does not exist.

And you can't prove he or she does either....we're stuck in a roundabout.

What I will say is that science has proven over the years many things that couldn't be explained, but now are - how birds fly, fish breath underwater, why a volcano erupts. I have yet to see any proof that shows that there is a god. Thing is, you don't have any proof either, just your faith. Which is fine. You're allowed faith. What you're not allowed to do is 1) tell me your faith is fact without any verifiable proof 2) Try and enact any legislation into the mainstream based on such fairy tales.
That's right: you can't prove that God does not exist.

And you can't prove he or she does either....we're stuck in a roundabout.

What I will say is that science has proven over the years many things that couldn't be explained, but now are - how birds fly, fish breath underwater, why a volcano erupts. I have yet to see any proof that shows that there is a god. Thing is, you don't have any proof either, just your faith. Which is fine. You're allowed faith. What you're not allowed to do is 1) tell me your faith is fact without any verifiable proof 2) Try and enact any legislation into the mainstream based on such fairy tales.
My faith is a fact to me. Whether you agree matters not to me.

You and I have every constitutional right to enact legislation based on our moral and ethical and religious values.
That's right: you can't prove that God does not exist.

And you can't prove he or she does either....we're stuck in a roundabout.

What I will say is that science has proven over the years many things that couldn't be explained, but now are - how birds fly, fish breath underwater, why a volcano erupts. I have yet to see any proof that shows that there is a god. Thing is, you don't have any proof either, just your faith. Which is fine. You're allowed faith. What you're not allowed to do is 1) tell me your faith is fact without any verifiable proof 2) Try and enact any legislation into the mainstream based on such fairy tales.
My faith is a fact to me. Whether you agree matters not to me.

You and I have every constitutional right to enact legislation based on our moral and ethical and religious values.

Not true, The laws must be Constitutional. For example it is a religious value to Honor your Mother and Father, but it is not constitutional to pass a law requiring it of everyone.
Of course a legislature could pass such a law. In fact, I bet you have heard of Fathers and Mothers Days.

Parents Day? Well, guess what.

In the United States, Parents' Day is held on the fourth Sunday of every July. This was established in 1994 when President Bill Clintonsigned a Congressional Resolution into law (36 U.S.C. § 135) for "recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children." The bill was introduced by Republican SenatorTrent Lott. It was supported by members of the Unification Churchwhich also celebrates a holiday called Parents' Day, although on a different date.[2][3] Parents' Day is celebrated throughout the United States.[4]

Parents' Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Of course a legislature could pass such a law. In fact, I bet you have heard of Fathers and Mothers Days.

Parents Day? Well, guess what.

In the United States, Parents' Day is held on the fourth Sunday of every July. This was established in 1994 when President Bill Clintonsigned a Congressional Resolution into law (36 U.S.C. § 135) for "recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children." The bill was introduced by Republican SenatorTrent Lott. It was supported by members of the Unification Churchwhich also celebrates a holiday called Parents' Day, although on a different date.[2][3] Parents' Day is celebrated throughout the United States.[4]

Parents' Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They pass non binding resolutions all the time. Where does it require that anyone honor their parents and is there any punishment for those who don't?
Of course a legislature could pass such a law. In fact, I bet you have heard of Fathers and Mothers Days.

Parents Day? Well, guess what.

In the United States, Parents' Day is held on the fourth Sunday of every July. This was established in 1994 when President Bill Clintonsigned a Congressional Resolution into law (36 U.S.C. § 135) for "recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children." The bill was introduced by Republican SenatorTrent Lott. It was supported by members of the Unification Churchwhich also celebrates a holiday called Parents' Day, although on a different date.[2][3] Parents' Day is celebrated throughout the United States.[4]

Parents' Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They pass non binding resolutions all the time. Where does it require that anyone honor their parents and is there any punishment for those who don't?
:lol: Congress passed a law, the president signed it. Look up 36 U.S.C. § 135.
Of course a legislature could pass such a law. In fact, I bet you have heard of Fathers and Mothers Days.

Parents Day? Well, guess what.

In the United States, Parents' Day is held on the fourth Sunday of every July. This was established in 1994 when President Bill Clintonsigned a Congressional Resolution into law (36 U.S.C. § 135) for "recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children." The bill was introduced by Republican SenatorTrent Lott. It was supported by members of the Unification Churchwhich also celebrates a holiday called Parents' Day, although on a different date.[2][3] Parents' Day is celebrated throughout the United States.[4]

Parents' Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They pass non binding resolutions all the time. Where does it require that anyone honor their parents and is there any punishment for those who don't?
:lol: Congress passed a law, the president signed it. Look up 36 U.S.C. § 135.

Here, let me quote me: "For example it is a religious value to Honor your Mother and Father, but it is not constitutional to pass a law requiring it of everyone." whereas this resolution requires nothing of the sort.
Of course a legislature could pass such a law. In fact, I bet you have heard of Fathers and Mothers Days.

Parents Day? Well, guess what.

In the United States, Parents' Day is held on the fourth Sunday of every July. This was established in 1994 when President Bill Clintonsigned a Congressional Resolution into law (36 U.S.C. § 135) for "recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children." The bill was introduced by Republican SenatorTrent Lott. It was supported by members of the Unification Churchwhich also celebrates a holiday called Parents' Day, although on a different date.[2][3] Parents' Day is celebrated throughout the United States.[4]

Parents' Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They pass non binding resolutions all the time. Where does it require that anyone honor their parents and is there any punishment for those who don't?
:lol: Congress passed a law, the president signed it. Look up 36 U.S.C. § 135.

Parents day? There is an ice cream day as well, but it does not force people to eat ice cream.
Skylar, when you write "but theism is almost always mutually exclusive. It can't be Zeus AND Jesus" you fall in the Abrahamic dilemma, X and not Y, which does not mean that deity does not exist.
Of course a legislature could pass such a law. In fact, I bet you have heard of Fathers and Mothers Days.

Parents Day? Well, guess what.

In the United States, Parents' Day is held on the fourth Sunday of every July. This was established in 1994 when President Bill Clintonsigned a Congressional Resolution into law (36 U.S.C. § 135) for "recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children." The bill was introduced by Republican SenatorTrent Lott. It was supported by members of the Unification Churchwhich also celebrates a holiday called Parents' Day, although on a different date.[2][3] Parents' Day is celebrated throughout the United States.[4]

Parents' Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They pass non binding resolutions all the time. Where does it require that anyone honor their parents and is there any punishment for those who don't?
:lol: Congress passed a law, the president signed it. Look up 36 U.S.C. § 135.

Here, let me quote me: "For example it is a religious value to Honor your Mother and Father, but it is not constitutional to pass a law requiring it of everyone." whereas this resolution requires nothing of the sort.
There is nothing unconstitutional about passing such a law. There is nothing unconstitutional about passing a law that says one should not murder or commit adultery.

Religious value in and of itself cannot be kept out of legislative and policy making any more than can secular and moral ethics.
Of course a legislature could pass such a law. In fact, I bet you have heard of Fathers and Mothers Days.

Parents Day? Well, guess what.

In the United States, Parents' Day is held on the fourth Sunday of every July. This was established in 1994 when President Bill Clintonsigned a Congressional Resolution into law (36 U.S.C. § 135) for "recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children." The bill was introduced by Republican SenatorTrent Lott. It was supported by members of the Unification Churchwhich also celebrates a holiday called Parents' Day, although on a different date.[2][3] Parents' Day is celebrated throughout the United States.[4]

Parents' Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They pass non binding resolutions all the time. Where does it require that anyone honor their parents and is there any punishment for those who don't?
:lol: Congress passed a law, the president signed it. Look up 36 U.S.C. § 135.

Here, let me quote me: "For example it is a religious value to Honor your Mother and Father, but it is not constitutional to pass a law requiring it of everyone." whereas this resolution requires nothing of the sort.
There is nothing unconstitutional about passing such a law. There is nothing unconstitutional about passing a law that says one should not murder or commit adultery.

Religious value in and of itself cannot be kept out of legislative and policy making any more than can secular and moral ethics.

If there were some criminal punishment for not honor mothers and fathers it would be. Murder is a crime of denying someone's right to life, not unconstitutional. Most western nations do not punish adultery as a criminal act. IMO such laws are unconstitutional.
Of course a legislature could pass such a law. In fact, I bet you have heard of Fathers and Mothers Days.

Parents Day? Well, guess what.

In the United States, Parents' Day is held on the fourth Sunday of every July. This was established in 1994 when President Bill Clintonsigned a Congressional Resolution into law (36 U.S.C. § 135) for "recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children." The bill was introduced by Republican SenatorTrent Lott. It was supported by members of the Unification Churchwhich also celebrates a holiday called Parents' Day, although on a different date.[2][3] Parents' Day is celebrated throughout the United States.[4]

Parents' Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They pass non binding resolutions all the time. Where does it require that anyone honor their parents and is there any punishment for those who don't?
:lol: Congress passed a law, the president signed it. Look up 36 U.S.C. § 135.

Here, let me quote me: "For example it is a religious value to Honor your Mother and Father, but it is not constitutional to pass a law requiring it of everyone." whereas this resolution requires nothing of the sort.
There is nothing unconstitutional about passing such a law. There is nothing unconstitutional about passing a law that says one should not murder or commit adultery.

Religious value in and of itself cannot be kept out of legislative and policy making any more than can secular and moral ethics.

If there were some criminal punishment for not honor mothers and fathers it would be. Murder is a crime of denying someone's right to life, not unconstitutional. Most western nations do not punish adultery as a criminal act. IMO such laws are unconstitutional.
Thank you, and, imo, religious values are constitutionally never precluded from legislative and policy and administrative making.
Skylar, when you write "but theism is almost always mutually exclusive. It can't be Zeus AND Jesus" you fall in the Abrahamic dilemma, X and not Y, which does not mean that deity does not exist.

Christians would say zeus never existed, but the bible says no god above him, not there are no other gods at all

If you want zeus to be the same as god by another name, you don't have to wipe out or convert all those who call god zeus.
If god is everywhere and in all people and thinks, why object to tree worship? Isn't god there as well?

What has never made sense is the idea of believing in the "son" but not the father directly.

Jews pray to the father, christens to the son. Isn't the father a more direct and powerful being? Why do they need to pray to the son at all? Jesus is just an avatar of the father that visited the mundane for a few years.

The mythology of Jesus has elements of a dozen or so beliefs. He is not an original. The people around him are historical figures. A man Jesus might have existed but to believe in him as a god and not the father is to me blasphemy. He came to teach of god not replace god or to start and new religion.

Praying to a man suffering on a cross is both obscene and idolatry. If god is a being of love, why pray to a dying figure? Pray to life and love and joy and caring for others. Pray to the sun and harvest and flowers and beauty and all the warm fuzzy feeling in the world that touch our hearts.

Pray to life, no to death.

If christian dogma is to be believed, jesus did not die, so why the dead body on the cross? Jesus was freed of his mortal shell, which should be a good thing, not a sad. Man kind should be free of sin, but christens want to make every act and thought a sin that will send us all to hell for eternaty. What happened to no sin and all being forgiven?
aris2chat fell right into it as well.

We have a fallacy of X not Y. It does not preclude divinity at all.
My faith is a fact to me. Whether you agree matters not to me.

You and I have every constitutional right to enact legislation based on our moral and ethical and religious values.

Look up the words 'faith' and 'fact' - they are diametrically opposites. You cannot have them working in tandem. Your faith is a 'fact' in the sense you believe. But it is not a 'fact' that your faith is a truism.

No you do not have the right to enact legislation based on your religious beliefs. If you do honestly believe in that, then if by some quirk of fate Sharia laws becomes enacted in the US, I can expect not a peep out of you. Keep religion OUT of politics. Keep it in your home and your church.

Thank you
OK, I am going to try to answer all these question as best I can. I dont mean to offend, but if I do let me know for future reference, OK?

Christians would say zeus never existed, but the bible says no god above him, not there are no other gods at all

I disagree.

Isaiah chapter 44
6 “This is what the Lord says—
Israel’s King and Redeemer, the Lord Almighty:
I am the first and I am the last;
apart from me there is no God.
7 Who then is like me? Let him proclaim it.
Let him declare and lay out before me
what has happened since I established my ancient people,
and what is yet to come—
yes, let them foretell what will come.
8 Do not tremble, do not be afraid.
Did I not proclaim this and foretell it long ago?
You are my witnesses. Is there any God besides me?
No, there is no other Rock; I know not one.”

If god is everywhere and in all people and thinks, why object to tree worship? Isn't god there as well?

This is the heresy of panentheism, at least it is in Christianity, I dont know what Judaism teaches on this topic.
Panentheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

What has never made sense is the idea of believing in the "son" but not the father directly.

The Son is the Greek concept of the Logos, generally, and the Son is the conceptualization of the universe and every universe God has ever made. I think of it as a sort of mental interface between the Creator and His Creation, but which is still part of the Being who makes the conceptualization. This makes the Logos in part in the flow of time and space and able to take on the form of man.

Jews pray to the father, christens to the son. Isn't the father a more direct and powerful being? Why do they need to pray to the son at all? Jesus is just an avatar of the father that visited the mundane for a few years.

The Son is more than just an avatar of the Father, but you could think of it that way. There are more accurate ways to think of it, but they are all inaccurate in some way or another. It is a difficult concept.

The Son intercedes for us with the Father as He is part of the Godhead and a facet of the Father Himself.

The mythology of Jesus has elements of a dozen or so beliefs. He is not an original. The people around him are historical figures. A man Jesus might have existed but to believe in him as a god and not the father is to me blasphemy. He came to teach of god not replace god or to start and new religion.

I dont know of a myth where a god took on human form and allowed himself to be killed by those same humans and then raised himself from the dead.

IF you know of one can you provide a link here?

While some separate elements of the Christ have been contained in other myths, He isunique in many respects and in the sum of the method and message He is completely unique.

Praying to a man suffering on a cross is both obscene and idolatry. If god is a being of love, why pray to a dying figure? Pray to life and love and joy and caring for others. Pray to the sun and harvest and flowers and beauty and all the warm fuzzy feeling in the world that touch our hearts.

When we pray before a cross, we use the cross as a symbol of self sacrifice, and the suffering of this life that will soon be over come as He overcame it with His Resurrection. We are not praying to the cross as though it were some kind of idol with its own mind and some sort of power to it. It is only a symbol.

Pray to life, no to death.

Good idea.

If christian dogma is to be believed, jesus did not die, so why the dead body on the cross? Jesus was freed of his mortal shell, which should be a good thing, not a sad. Man kind should be free of sin, but christens want to make every act and thought a sin that will send us all to hell for eternaty. What happened to no sin and all being forgiven?

Jesus did die, but He did not remain dead. He conquored death and overcame it. A very pleasant and profound true story if you let it soak its way in unhindered.
Look up the words 'faith' and 'fact' - they are diametrically opposites. You cannot have them working in tandem. Your faith is a 'fact' in the sense you believe. But it is not a 'fact' that your faith is a truism.

I have faith, that is a fact. I have faith that the sun will rise tomorrow and I consider to have the certainty of fact.

Fact and faith are not at odds, but complement each other.

No you do not have the right to enact legislation based on your religious beliefs. If you do honestly believe in that, then if by some quirk of fate Sharia laws becomes enacted in the US, I can expect not a peep out of you. Keep religion OUT of politics. Keep it in your home and your church.

All laws are based on some form of values system, whether that values system is made up from thin air or some philosophy or is given by divine revelation via religion.

I have faith, that is a fact. I have faith that the sun will rise tomorrow and I consider to have the certainty of fact.
All laws are based on some form of values system, whether that values system is made up from thin air or some philosophy or is given by divine revelation via religion.

You are confusing fact and faith. The sun will rise tomorrow because the Earth turns on its axis as it goes around the sun. That is not faith, that is a scientific, verifiable fact.

I don't have a problem with legislation if it is based on a religious of common moral tenet. I do have a problem if it interferes unnecessarily in the pursuit of happiness for others. ie, there was a time in Ireland when it was illegal to get contraception based on Catholic religious law.

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