Teacher kills rabbit in front of puking class

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where does the OP think our food comes from? This is Idaho....farming country.
So you are saying that all students need to witness animals being killed. Sorry kid, where food comes from has nothing to do with killing animals in schools in front of minors without parental consent...…….
No, they don't need to....but let me ask, don't you know where our food comes from? Why are we raising snowflakes?
Take the kids to a slaughterhouse!
What do you wanna bet Mr. Tears for bunny is pro-abortion?

You certainly have my blessing to abort your kids, that is if you ever meet a member of the other sex

You will stop mentioning my family entirely, punk. Don’t make me tell you twice, boy.
Are you an orphan?

are you a special olympian?

i assume that's in base4

sounds about right
You certainly have my blessing to abort your kids, that is if you ever meet a member of the other sex

You will stop mentioning my family entirely, punk. Don’t make me tell you twice, boy.
Are you an orphan?

are you a special olympian?

i assume that's in base4

sounds about right
he he he

What were you saying teacher poo

If I wanted my kids to learn where meat comes from..I would show them what I MYSELF feel is pertinent to their lesson. Just like the birds and the bees. That is MY department, not some schmuck teacher's opinion of what to teach them. Some things need a line drawn. This is one of them.
where does the OP think our food comes from? This is Idaho....farming country.
So you are saying that all students need to witness animals being killed. Sorry kid, where food comes from has nothing to do with killing animals in schools in front of minors without parental consent...…….

The kids asked, twice, to see how it was done. No one was forced to watch the demonstration, viewing it was optional. The teacher apologized, he's being disciplined, what's your fucking problem?

Now, on a lighter note... My daughter is a teacher, my father was a college English professor, a teacher. You can go fuck yourself... If you'll let you...
Does your daughter kill little animals for fun? in front of children?

Who makes more, a teacher or Bill Gates the DROPOUT...………….

Smile, and don't forget to pay your electric bill

Doesn't matter what my daughter does or doesn't do. In your ignorance, you grouped all teachers into one group, and this isn't the first time you've done this.

So I'll say it again... Go fuck yourself, if you'll let you.

So you actually do not have enough respect for your own daughter to say that she does not kill little animals in front of kids.....………….

Great life you got there.

No, I know exactly what she does, it is not germane to this discussion. What is germane is your ignorance. Your ignorance, your ugliness and your inability to single out one individual and instead lump all into one group. Evil and retarded. You are sad little person. I pity you.

As for my life, it is not great, it is spectacular.

Now, I would tell you to go fuck yourself again, but judging by the fact that you continue to engage it a battle of wits and intelligence unarmed, I'm guessing even you don't want to fuck you.
So you are saying that all students need to witness animals being killed. Sorry kid, where food comes from has nothing to do with killing animals in schools in front of minors without parental consent...…….

The kids asked, twice, to see how it was done. No one was forced to watch the demonstration, viewing it was optional. The teacher apologized, he's being disciplined, what's your fucking problem?

Now, on a lighter note... My daughter is a teacher, my father was a college English professor, a teacher. You can go fuck yourself... If you'll let you...
Does your daughter kill little animals for fun? in front of children?

Who makes more, a teacher or Bill Gates the DROPOUT...………….

Smile, and don't forget to pay your electric bill

Doesn't matter what my daughter does or doesn't do. In your ignorance, you grouped all teachers into one group, and this isn't the first time you've done this.

So I'll say it again... Go fuck yourself, if you'll let you.

So you actually do not have enough respect for your own daughter to say that she does not kill little animals in front of kids.....………….

Great life you got there.

No, I know exactly what she does, it is not germane to this discussion. What is germane is your ignorance. Your ignorance, your ugliness and your inability to single out one individual and instead lump all into one group. Evil and retarded. You are sad little person. I pity you.

As for my life, it is not great, it is spectacular.

Now, I would tell you to go fuck yourself again, but judging by the fact that you continue to engage it a battle of wits and intelligence unarmed, I'm guessing even you don't want to fuck you.

Actually your pervasive and continued use of the f word, is somewhat indicative of a rather low IQ and or emotionally frustrated individual.
where does the OP think our food comes from? This is Idaho....farming country.
So you are saying that all students need to witness animals being killed. Sorry kid, where food comes from has nothing to do with killing animals in schools in front of minors without parental consent...…….
No, they don't need to....but let me ask, don't you know where our food comes from? Why are we raising snowflakes?
Why are you allowing the children that might as you say are snowflakes, be tortured and scarred for life?

Because you are a fuckwit
Why do you want to make students totally unprepared for the real world?

You're right. Most of those students will probably go on to life long careers killing rabbits. They might as well start learning now. I've always said this country doesn't have enough rabbit killers.
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