Teacher Shows Leftist How to Critically Think for Himself


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Leftists are Leftist because they use herd mentality to form their opinions. This teacher walks a student through the critical thinking process on the topic of JK Rowling and the perception of her as a hater.

I wish we had more teachers like this. And hats off to the student for being intellectually honest.

You are free to speak your mind or write and propose whatever you like in a free society.
You are NOT free from the repercussions of those actions, nor are you PROTECTED from the consequences of those actions, which is what this teacher implied.
Every new-ly coined Leftist word ending in "-phobic" is a semantic abomination. The words are mere fabrications, intended to characterize normal human revulsion for a thing into a slander. A phobia is an irrational fear. Believing that something is perverse, counter-normal, silly, otherwise objectionable is not an "irrational fear."

Homo-phobic. Nobody fears homosexuals, rationally or otherwise. But many people believe that it is abnormal, perverse, and counter-biological, as well as - in its physical expressions - immoral.

Trans-phobic. Nobody is afraid of people with this particular mental disorder. It is nothing more than a patronized delusion.
That guy is an awesome teacher. For me, he is demonstrating how many people have lazy brains. They don’t question popular opinion or sentiment. They accept it as true simply because it is popular and often repeated.

Ever heard of anthropogenic global warming? Too many people accept the “science” without studying and questioning the conclusions (or motives) which are widely reported.
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That guy is an awesome teacher. For me, he is demonstrating how many people have lazy brains. They don’t question popular opinion or sentiment. They accept it as true simply because it is popular and often repeated.

Ever heard of anthropogenic global warming? Too many people accept the “science” without studying and questioning the conclusions (or motives) which are widely reported.
I remember when the Left was out of power and they put bumper stickers on their car that read to question authority is patriotic.

Now they throw you in jail for it as those same people call those who question authority insurrectionists.

The Left has even sold their souls to woke corporation, a true status quo party of Leftists now.
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You are free to speak your mind or write and propose whatever you like in a free society.
You are NOT free from the repercussions of those actions, nor are you PROTECTED from the consequences of those actions, which is what this teacher implied.
Speaking of herd mentality…
Maybe you can tell us how calling a dude a dude should get people fired from their jobs.
Every new-ly coined Leftist word ending in "-phobic" is a semantic abomination. The words are mere fabrications, intended to characterize normal human revulsion for a thing into a slander. A phobia is an irrational fear. Believing that something is perverse, counter-normal, silly, otherwise objectionable is not an "irrational fear."

Homo-phobic. Nobody fears homosexuals, rationally or otherwise. But many people believe that it is abnormal, perverse, and counter-biological, as well as - in its physical expressions - immoral.

Trans-phobic. Nobody is afraid of people with this particular mental disorder. It is nothing more than a patronized delusion.
The Leftist herd mentality really does think wanting men to stay out of women’s sports is an irrational fear. When the truth is the Left are simply being anti-science and delusional thinking there’s no difference between the sexes.
I remember when the Left was out of power and they put bumper stickers on their car that read to question authority is patriotic.

Now they throw you in jail for it as those same people call those who question authority insurrectionists.

The Left has even sold their souls to woke corporation, a true status quo party of Leftists now.
Yep, I agree with you. However the Republican right is equally disappointing to me. They are constantly chasing and behind the curve, they have no backbone and their leader is a Juvenile Delinquent whose only motivation is to get revenge and payback. That’s the best they got? Biden is a bigger sitting duck than Jimmy Carter was, yet the Republicans put up the only guy that Biden can beat. I am done with this Republican party. And no, I am not flipping party’s. I’m not a politician. I refuse to associate with either party.
Leftists are Leftist because they use herd mentality to form their opinions. This teacher walks a student through the critical thinking process on the topic of JK Rowling and the perception of her as a hater.

I wish we had more teachers like this. And hats off to the student for being intellectually honest.

That's great!
That's a prime example of how social media is actually social engineering.

That person formed an opinion, knew something as real, and knew it as a fact despite not actually even knowing what really happened. They went online, saw a bunch of people ranting and raving and that person adopted their opinions with no actual knowledge or insight or personal experience. His thoughts, ideas, perceptions and mind was programmed by social media.

People on social media adopt a hive mindset. They see others saying something and they immediately get right in line with them without actually thinking for themselves.
Social media has removed people's ability to think for themselves. They are taught WHAT to think, not HOW to think. So a bunch of racist liberals tell them to think Trump is racist, that's what they believe. Ask them to point to one thing Trump has said or done that was racist, and they answer "Jan 6th" or something and then they attack you personally.
That's a prime example of how social media is actually social engineering.

That person formed an opinion, knew something as real, and knew it as a fact despite not actually even knowing what really happened. They went online, saw a bunch of people ranting and raving and that person adopted their opinions with no actual knowledge or insight or personal experience. His thoughts, ideas, perceptions and mind was programmed by social media.

People on social media adopt a hive mindset. They see others saying something and they immediately get right in line with them without actually thinking for themselves.
The irony being that people have potentially unlimited info in their phones but instead are even more influenced by group think.
You are free to speak your mind or write and propose whatever you like in a free society.
You are NOT free from the repercussions of those actions, nor are you PROTECTED from the consequences of those actions, which is what this teacher implied.

He didn't imply that at all. He merely showed that the person in question didn't appear to be transphobic and the student was merely regurgitating what they had heard without actually researching on their own. The same can be said for the vast majority of Democrats with regards to Trump, science, etc.

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